Disclamer: Throughout this story, I use many Characters I do not own. They belong to Disney through The Lion King and The Lion King II: Simba's Pride. All Other Characters are made by me through the use of English Words translated into Swahili.
Vitani's Lost Love
She cried.
That was all she could do. She sat alone in the den repeating the same words over and over between heartbroken sobs.
"Why?! Mother! Kopa!" the cub repeated, constantly needing to move the tuft of hair out of her tear stricken eyes. "Why him? What did he ever do?!"
"Oh Vitani, dear do quiet down, you are giving me such a head ache" the light golden lioness spoke with a stern tone.
"But mother, I LOVED HIM!" the cub shot back.
"Vitani, this is your final warning, SHUT YOUR MOUTH" her mother shouted. "No daughter of mine will ever love a son of Simba! And it doesn't matter if he did nothing, Scar did nothing, but Simba decided to take him from me. I simply returned a favor."
"But mother I-"
Her reply being cut short by an open-clawed blow to the body, enough to made a cut through the skin of the young cub's arm. She yelped in an immense pain holding her arm.
"I HATE YOU" shouted Vitani as she ran out into the rain to another cave in one of the termite mounds that were now called home. This comment brought nothing more than a scoff from her mother who simply turned and walked to her sleeping spot.
Kopa, why did you have to leave me? WHY?! she screamed in her head, repeating the same word over and over Why? Why? Why why why why...
"Hey sis..."
The young cub jumped.
"Sis? I'm sorry about Kopa...if i knew what mother had planned I wouldn't have brought him to her...I'm so sorry..." the other cub said. He was noticeably older than his sister, but he was more scrawny and unkept.
"It's not your fault Nuka, it's hers", she spat the last word.
"Well I'm here if you need someone to talk to" he said with no reply. "Unless you wanted to be alone..."
"No Nuka please don't go..." she managed to get out through her sore throat. "It's just, he was the only friend I had. You know how all the others treat u- treated us" she corrected "and to have such a great friend like that just...killed...by your own mother..."
"I know it must be hard, but i heard that baboon say something like 'De past can hurt, but de weh I see it, you can iyduh run frum it, or learn frum it' " he mocked the baboon's accent, standing on his hind paws, holding a rotting stick as a make-shift staff. This caused his sister to giggle lightly.
"And just what does that mean?" she asked with an eyebrow cocked.
"It means even though things hurt, you can overcome it and learn how to handle situations like it better in the future" he really didn't know, he was trying to make his sister cheer up.
"OK I understand now...thanks Nuka" she said hugging him.
"Hey, what are big brothers for?" he replied, feeling accomplished.
"It still hurts though..." Vitani spoke quietly.
"It will, and for quite some time. But hey, you're a tough girl, you'll learn how to overcome it. It may not be easy, but it's what you have to do" her older brother said, in the softest tone she had ever heard him use.
"I hope I can" she muttered, before drifting into a deep sleep. "I hope i can...".
Please Review. This is my first fanfiction and would like to know how it is for a chapter one. THANKS!