The flyers of the Haven Valley spread the word that land dinosaurs made it to Haven Valley. The story encouraged others to try. Though some died, the others survived. Littlefoot welcomed those who survived with open arms. They acknowledged him as the leader, since he and his herd were the first land dinosaurs to make it into Haven Valley. For those injured, Crystal and Ali made sure they were treated. Ricky and Littlefoot welcomed the newcomers by giving them a tour of Haven Valley. The age of dinosaurs was not over yet.
Littlefoot and Ali had watched their eggs hatched. They hatched in a month after they had reached Haven Valley. They had three children: two males and a female. The female reminded Littlefoot of Ali with her pinkish body, so he called her Alison. As for the males, the bluish one was named Dan. The brown one that looked at lot like Littlefoot was named Littlefoot Jr. Littlefoot had changed his name to Jake so to not get confused, but Ali was the only one who still called him by his real name. She decided to call the smaller Littlefoot Junior. Littlefoot was annoyed by it, but he couldn't do anything about it. He could never win a fight with Ali if she was determined.
Their friends also mated. Kevin and Ducky had a liter of their own. Cera and Dante finally mated and were expecting eggs. Petrie and Cassie were still in the dating phase. Crystal and Luke had two boys. Ricky and Penny had one boy and one girl.
It had been exactly one year since they made it through their perilous journey. No one thought of it special, but Littlefoot did. He reminded his family about it and decided to show his kids the dangerous route he and Ali took. He and Ali led the kids to the highest cliff of the valley.
"Dad," called Alison. "Where are we going?"
"I'm going to show you kids what your mother and I went through to reach here."
"So, this is the day that you came here?" wondered Dan. "How do you remember?"
"When your father and I got here with the others, he noticed that the flowers were in bloom. The flowers are in bloom today, so this is the day we found our home."
"That's right. We're almost at the top now."
The longneck family made it to the top. They looked down below. The kids were amazed by the sight they saw. They had never seen anything like it.
"It looks so pretty," said Alison.
"Looks can be deceiving," said Ali. "It's actually very frightening to journey in what we call the Mysterious Beyond. I did it for some many years, and now, I'm happy that I live in one place."
"Down below are all the hardships your mother and I went through. I lost my friends, my mother, my grandparents, and the adult friends I come to love because of the Mysterious Beyond. It is a dangerous place. We are fortunate that we live in a safe place. That's why I want to always remember the struggles we went through so you kids can live worry free."
His kids looked up at him. Littlefoot Junior nodded.
"I understand Father."
"Me too," said Alison.
"Same goes for me," said Dan.
Littlefoot and Ali lowered their necks to allow the kids to hop on. Alison got on her mother while the boys got on his father. Littlefoot and Ali came together to rest cheek against cheek. They admired the sun as it set down on this day; the day that they survived.