DISCLAIMER: I don't own Sonic the Hedgehog or any of its properties. All rights go to SEGA, but the story is mine.

So, this is the second request of three this year. It's a triple lemon story between Scourge and Rosy, as requested by Keyblade Princess 13, and this first chapter is set around the honeymoon cruise that was mentioned in Fast Times 3. Not only do I hope that she enjoys it, I hope that you guys all do too. So, without any further ado, let's get on with it.

Scourge smiled to himself as he laid back in his bed, happy to be with the girl that he was with. But the thing that woke him up the most was the rocking of the bed beneath himself and Rosy. He didn't mind being in the water, and he didn't have any seasickness issues. But damn, was it annoying when the captain pulled over suddenly to avoid another boat.

"I swear..." the green hedgehog grumbled to himself, "this same shit happens each morning..."

"I agree," Rosy spoke. "I mean, I like being woken up by good vibrations, but these ones aren't good. Or vibrations. They're more like miniature earthquakes."

"Maybe the captain's got a bad hangover. It's a shame that there aren't any boat police to pull him over."

"Boat police?" Rosy chuckled. "I think they're just regular police, baby."

"Yeah, yeah. I'm lucky I'm cute, I get it."

"Well, cute isn't the word I'd use..." She moved forward and kissed his lips. "I'd try sexy, handsome, amazing in bed..."

"If you can use facts like that to describe people's appearances, then I must be the luckiest guy in the world," Scourge joked through the kisses.

"And you're also the man of my dreams. A man that I'm glad to call my husband now."

"It still feels weird to get called that, my wife."

Rosy giggled and leaned over, kissing him again. He kissed back, and their lips moulded together as they both moaned. She slid her bare foot up and down his leg, which caused him to softly grab her by her hip, gripping tightly and trying to scoot under her. Getting the hint, Rosy climbed on top of him as their tongues brushed against each other's lips. They moaned further as they both gave in, their tongues engaging in a lustful kiss as Scourge's hand moved down to softly squeeze Rosy's butt.

"Mmm... are you trying to tempt me into morning sex?" the pink hedgehog teased.

"Hey, you were the one who climbed on top of me..."

"Only because you wanted me to..." She winked and reached behind her to undo her bra, pulling away from her husband to finish the job for her.

Scourge playfully growled and kissed the valley between her breasts, grinding up against her more and more, causing Rosy's eyes to roll back as she rested a hand on the back of his head, moaning as she felt him about to move to her right breast.

And then there was a knock at the door, followed by a female voice. "Room service!"

"Fuck me..." Scourge moaned.

"Are you talking to me or the room service lady?" Rosy said with a giggle before kissing Scourge's cheek, smiling and putting her bra back on before going to the bathroom and quickly grabbing a pair of dressing gowns for herself and her husband. She threw Scourge his gown and smiled. "I don't think that they offer that kind of service here."

"I don't see why not. This boat is pretty much just a hotel on water. I wouldn't be surprised if someone was planning a secret sex ring or something," Scourge replied as he put his dressing gown on.

"Let's hope that we don't come across any of those any time soon, because I'm looking forward to spending the rest of this honeymoon with you."

With that, Rosy playfully shook her hips at Scourge before walking to the door, opening it and smiling as the waitress behind the door stood there with a cart in her hands. Rosy reached to a stand beside her where she and Scourge kept their money, giving some over to the waitress before taking the cart from her with a thankful smile.

"Breakfast is served," said Rosy, bringing the cart around the side of the bed.

Scourge took a whiff and smiled. "Ah... croissants in... I'm going to say chocolate."

The pink hedgehog opened the lid of the tray on top of the cart, smiling. "You're right. They're pretty much drowning in the stuff."

"Drowning in chocolate... what a way to go."

She giggled and sat on the bed with Scourge, bringing the tray over with her before grabbing two mugs that had coffee in them, handing one over to him. She took a sip of her own, smiling that Scourge got it right the night before when he ordered for the morning: one sugar, milk, and the perfect amount of foam.

"It turns out that you can be taught," she jokingly commented.

"Well, if I had made that order after I got a couple of drinks in me, then I probably wouldn't be alive right now." He smirked. "And besides, it's always nice to make you smile, even if it's just because of the little things."

Rosy blushed and leaned over to steal a quick peck from Scourge's lips, which he happily let her do. The two hedgehogs sighed and continued eating their breakfast, putting on the TV not long after they had finished. They still had some coffee left to go through, and were drinking it as they laid back.

"So, what's on the agenda for today?" Rosy asked.

"I was thinking maybe a play around in the pool, followed by a massage for you, then when you're all done I'll come by and pick you up and we'll chill at the bar, have a few drinks, maybe get drunk enough to do some karaoke." Scourge chuckled to himself before continuing. "If not, we can just come back to our room and make the boat rock."

"Every part of that sounds amazing, but why is it just me getting a massage?" she asked.

"That's classified information," he answered with a smirk.

"Classified how? Do you have a bet with one of the masseuses?"

The green hedgehog shook his head, smiling playfully at his wife. "It's nothing bad, baby. Don't worry about it. And besides, we still have plenty of time to spend together both before and after."

She nodded, leaning close to kiss his lips. "I love you."

"I love you too."

Later, both hedgehogs managed to find the strength to exit their bed and get changed, taking individual showers since Scourge wanted to keep his hands to himself, which was often hard to do around Rosy. He could only imagine that she felt the same way. But it was all part of his plan for tonight, and he wanted it all to go well.

'Huh...' he thought to himself. 'I never thought that working at G.U.N. for so long would have made me better at planning. I normally just shoot things or blow them up. Or both.'

"So, pool first?" Rosy asked, breaking Scourge from his thought.

"Yep. But we'd best get our bathing suits, eh?"

"As long as I get to see your body, I can't complain."

Scourge chuckled. "I was just about to say the same thing."

They both smiled and went to their closet to find their bathing suits before going into the bathroom to put them on under their normal clothing. They both got changed together, and didn't see much trouble with is since they'd seen each other nude plenty of times before. But they'd be lying if they didn't think once or twice about jumping each other.

When they were finished, Rosy grabbed a bottle of suntan lotion and a pair of towels before rejoining her green hedgehog husband. The two hedgehogs walked out of their room, with Rosy locking it behind them before putting her arm around Scourge's back, who replied by putting his own arm around her shoulder, leaning down to kiss the top of her head before walking with her to the outside of the boat, soon making their way to the pool.

"So, are we actually going to be in the pool or are we just going to be laying by it and getting a tan?" Rosy asked.

"I was thinking about actually being in it, but if you're happy with laying back in your bikini, I'll be more than happy to apply the lotion," Scourge said with a wink.

"And I'll be more than happy to get myself all tanned up while you're splashing about like a big kid," she replied with a chuckle.

"Come on. You know I'm a great swimmer." He smirked. "And besides, I see myself more as a man-child than a big kid."

"Lucky me."

Scourge smiled and pecked Rosy's lips before they both focused on getting to the pool, arriving quickly. The green hedgehog took off his clothes, leaving him in just his purple swimming trunks. Rosy followed suit, taking off her own clothes and leaving herself in a black bikini that had a design of white roses on it.

"Still want to go swimming?" Rosy teased as she moved to one of the nearby chairs, laying back on it and reaching into her clothes to get the lotion she had brought with her.

"I guess that it can wait a couple of minutes..." Scourge replied with a wink.

The green hedgehog was handed the bottle of lotion as Rosy turned around to lay on her stomach, undoing the straps to her bra so that her whole back was exposed. Scourge drizzled some of the lotion onto Rosy's back, rubbing it into her skin, softly using his hands to rub it in deeper.

"I'll try to make this quick," Scourge said. "I've got to save some of that beautiful back for your massage later."

"Did you just call my back beautiful?" Rosy asked with a small chuckle.

"Well, yeah." Scourge squirted some more lotion onto his wife's back, this time focusing on the upper-back and shoulders. "I think all of you is beautiful."

"You keep sweet-talking me like that, then I might not even make it to the massage..."

Scourge smiled to himself as he spread the lotion into Rosy's arms. "Trust me, some things are worth waiting for."

"Fine. But you had better make it up to me with this plan of yours, whatever it is."

"Oh, I will. I guarantee it."

She giggled at that, then moaned more as her husband continued to massage her. When he was finished with her arms, he sprayed some on her lower back, rubbing it around and being careful not to brush against her butt too much. Yes, they were married, but Scourge didn't want to get too excited yet.

"Mmm... that feels good, Scourge..."

The green hedgehog chuckled. "Just a little more to go, then I'll work on your legs for you."

"Aw, that's so sweet, taking care of me like that."

"It's what I'm here for. Nothing else," he joked.

"And yet, I always seem to find other uses for you," she teased.

"Oh, so you're using me?"

"Are you complaining about it?"

Scourge playfully paused for a bit. "Not in the slightest."

Rosy giggled at Scourge's playfulness. She missed their banter like this, because it reminded her of their old days before they became more involved. But even back when they were friends, she knew that there was still a connection, and was glad that Scourge felt it too.

"Hmm... I'm glad that we've managed to stay strong for this long..." the pink hedgehog said.

Scourge had now finished working on his wife's legs, moving to do her bra back up before moving a few inches away from her so she could turn over before he replied. "So am I. I know that I was kind of a dick to you at first, but I really do care about you."

"Aw." She leaned up and kissed his lips, smiling. "I care about you too." She gave him another small peck. "Now go play in the pool like a big man-child."

"Yes, ma'am." He smirked and went over to the pool, going to the diving board and jumping in, careful not to make too big of a splash. Not that he had to worry, considering that there wasn't any other people around except for Rosy.

As he swam back and forth, Rosy couldn't help but watch him. She smiled to herself as she saw his water-drenched body, knowing that later tonight she'd be the one to run her hands over it. She looked forward to that almost as much as she looked forward to his hands roaming over her.

"Having fun getting tanned up?" Scourge teased.

"Huh?" She looked to see him leaning against the pool, his left arm propped up on the side of it, resting his head in his hand.

"I'm asking because I don't think I've heard you move since I got into the water."

She started squirting some of the suntan lotion onto her hand before rubbing it over her belly. "I guess I was distracted by the sight of my impossibly sexy husband being covered up in water."

"Much like how I'm now distracted by the sight of my incredibly gorgeous wife rubbing suntan lotion on her lovely, toned stomach?"

She giggled, which made her breasts jiggle a bit. "Aw... is my Scourgey missing my touch?"

"You do realise I'm only six feet away from reaching you and chucking you into this pool with me, right?"

Rosy giggled and stood up, walking over to Scourge, standing above him. "Looks like I saved you the trouble..."

Attention: This next part is a mild Scourge/Rosy lemon. If you're not 16 or over, skip to the end of it. Otherwise, I hope you enjoy.

The green hedgehog smirked and softly grabbed her by the ankle, yanking her down into the pool, but catching her before she flew too far. He held her close and kissed her lips gently, and she moaned softly and kissed back.

"Do you think that you could give me a little preview of what I'm in for tonight?" Rosy asked as she pressed her nose against his.

Scourge smirked and moved one of his hands down to her panties while putting his other against her chest. He pulled her bra down just enough to expose her hardening nipples as his hand pressed against her centre through the cloth of her panties, rubbing against it softly.

"More..." Rosy moaned, grinding her wetness against his hand. "I need your touch..."

Scourge smiled before moving her panties to the side a bit, exposing her vagina as he reached to rub along her lower lips. She mewled petulantly, wanting to feel more, and he obliged happily, slowly inserting his index finger into her folds as his other hand pinched her left nipple, squeezing it in his thumb and index finger, kneading it softly.

Rosy gasped in pleasure at his roughness, kissing his beck before panting against it as she felt his finger slip deeper inside her wet hole, pumping slowly in and out, making her grind more against his hand as she wrapped her arms around his neck to kiss him deeply.

She then gasped in surprise when Scourge pulled away from the kiss to turn her around before moving his hands to reach under her legs, lifting her so that her lower body was out of the water, exposing her wet walls.

"It's easier this way... no water to hold me back..." Scourge said with a small chuckle as he started to move his hands to their previous positions, this time rubbing his wife's clitoris hard and fast as his other hand switched to her right breast, pinching and grasping it hard, rolling her nipple in his palm.

"Mmm... I love it when you don't hold back..." Rosy gasped, grinding her ass against Scourge's crotch. "It seems so unfair that you're giving me all the pleasure..."

"Don't worry, baby... I can wait." He then reached his other hand down to slide two fingers into her wet snatch. "And besides," he spoke more as he started pumping his fingers in and out hard, "this should tide you over until tonight."

"I'm so fucking close, baby..." Rosy squeaked softly. "Make me cum... I can't wait..."

Scourge doubled his efforts, fingering her pussy harder and rubbing along her clit more, strumming it like Rosy was his favourite instrument. When she started to gasp more as her breathing got hitched, he smirked and added a third finger, slamming harder and starting to feel his wife's juices building up.

He kissed her neck and then smiled when she reached to put an arm around the back of his neck, pulling him into a kiss so that she could stifle her screams as she felt the pressure continued to build up inside her, her ass grinding her green hedgehog husband's clothed cock more.

With a smirk, Scourge went even deeper and harder, pinching her clitoris in his thumb and index finger, rolling it around a bit before rubbing it with his palm as he felt his pink hedgehog wife start to cum for him, her pussy juices spraying out, splashing against his hand with each pump he made inside her, making sure that he caught all of her essence in his hands, which was somewhat difficult to do with how much pleasure he was giving her.

"Oh, yes..." Rosy hissed as she pulled away from the kiss. She reached her hands down to grab Scourge's, pulling them up to her lips, licking his fingers dry. "So good..."

It's over now.

"Is that enough to cool you off?" he asked, his hands now free to wrap themselves around her waist.

"That's more than enough... but I guess that we should move on to the next part of the day..."

"Lucky you. It's the massage up next."

Rosy giggled. "And while I'm relaxing with someone else's hands on me, you'll be working on whatever your secret plan is."

Scourge nodded and smirked. "I'll take that secret to my grave. Or at least to the bed with you. That'd be a much more enjoyable place to keep stuff."

"I would add less dirty, but we both know that's not the case," she replied with a wink.

He winked back and kissed her lips softly before helping her put her bra and panties back on properly before they both stepped out of the pool, using the towels that they had brought along with them to dry themselves off. When they were dry, they put their clothes back on before turning to go to the segment of the boat that had the rooms.

The boat was divided into two parts: the rear of the boat was large and had all the rooms for the passengers as well as most of the more luxurious rooms, including a massage room, a bar, and even a sauna. The front of the boat was home to the captain's deck as well as several emergency rooms, just in case. The boat's colour was a shining bright red, and on its side was its name, the S.S. Leviathan, in black lettering.

Scourge and Rosy walked past one of the corridors which contained the rooms for the passengers, going to the next one over and walking up the corridor until they reached a room that had a glass door with the words "Massage Room" written on a sigh just above the door handle.

"Well, this is me," Rosy said, smiling at Scourge.

He smiled back and kissed her lips. "I'll be back when you're all done."

"How long will you be away?"

"Well, besides sorting out your surprise, I need to get my stuff sorted out for the trip to the bar tonight."

Rosy smiled up at him and pecked a soft kiss at his lips. "Don't strain yourself too much, okay? You need to save that energy for tonight..."

Scourge chuckled and opened the door for his pink hedgehog wife, lightly slapping her ass as she walked in, causing her to giggle as she looked around the room. As the door closed, she walked to the front desk, coming across a female human with baby blue eyes and curly light brown hair who had a piece of paper in front of her with a list of names and times, presumably for all the people that had gone in for their massages.

"Can I help you?" the lady asked.

"I'm Rosy. I think Scourge made an appointment for me here," the pink hedgehog replied as she looked around the room, seeing two doors, each one several feet behind the desk.

"Hmm..." The lady looked through the paper. "Ah, here you are. Rosy, 13:00 pm." She then turned the paper over to Rosy's direction, giving her a pen to tick a box with. "You'll need to go to room two since the other ones are occupied right now. Changing rooms are on the right, and the actual massage rooms are on the left. There'll be robes and towels in the changing room for you."

Rosy ticked the box and smiled. "Thank you."

The pink hedgehog then turned turned to her right, commanding her feet to move in that direction. She opened the door and walked in to see several bright red robes hung up, matching the colour of the boat. She listened and looked around for anyone, and upon hearing no noise, began removing her own clothes, starting with her shoes.

After a minute or two, she had fully undressed and slipped the robe over her now naked body. She tied the belt of the robe around her as she picked up a towel before picking up her clothes, walking out of the changing room and making her way to the main massage room, opening the door and walking inside.

"Hello?" she asked, looking around. "Is anybody here?"

"Be with you in a minute," said a male voice.

After several seconds, the man behind the voice stepped out from behind a curtain, followed shortly by a female patient with short blond hair and green eyes who had just finished putting her robe back on, a relaxed smile on her face as she turned to the masseuse.

"Thank you," she said.

"It was my pleasure," he replied, leaning down to give her a hug. "Take care of yourself."

The woman skipped out happily, side-stepping out of Rosy's way so the hedgehog could pass her, which she did, allowing the relaxed woman to walk out the door, closing it behind her as Rosy got closer to the masseuse.

As she stepped closer, she noticed the masseuse's physique: he was at least 6'5, completely bald, and had a black beard with several smatterings of grey on it. His skin was tanned, and Rosy could see traces of muscle on his arms.

"You must be my next appointment," he said. "Rosy, right?"


"Cool. Just let me go and get some more oil and wash my hands, and I'll be right with you. In the meantime, lay down on the table and just wait."

"O-Okay," Rosy said, somewhat intimidated by the man's appearance.

As the masseuse walked away to go and do what he needed to do, Rosy removed her robe and wrapped the towel around herself before laying flat on her stomach on the table, waiting patiently for the masseuse to return.

"All right, I'm back," said the man. "Sorry for the delay."

"It's fine..." Rosy said.

"So, what massage are you having?" he asked.

"Deep-tissue, please..." she replied, nervously.

"Why the nerves?" the masseuse asked as he poured some oil onto his hands.

"Well, I've never really had another man besides my husband massage me before, and I don't see a wedding ring on your hand..."

The tall man laughed at that. "You don't have to worry about me getting too hands-on. I'm married myself. I just don't wear my ring at work because of the oil being a hazard. I can't count the number of times I almost lost my own wedding ring."

Rosy smiled and giggled at that. "Your wife must be quite an understanding person."

"Well, you did pass by her earlier when you came in," the masseuse said with a chuckle as he started to slowly rub Rosy's shoulders.



"Why are you two on this cruise, if I may ask?"

"Eh, we were both working double shifts at our jobs to get the money for a vacation, and she came up with the idea of a pleasure cruise. She's always been the smart one." The man rubbed deeper as per Rosy's request of massage. "Besides, we both needed the time away."

"Problems back home?" Rosy asked, stifling a small moan from the massage.

"Not between her and myself. It's just that her parents are kind of overprotective, and my own friends kept distracting me from my wife, along with my work. In a way, I guess that this cruise is kind of like a second honeymoon for us."

As the man finished on Rosy's shoulders, the pink hedgehog smiled both in pleasure and genuine happiness for the man and his wife. "Aw, that's so sweet. How long have you two been married?"

"About 5 years now, I think. We have a daughter too, but we wouldn't want to risk bringing her on this cruise with us," the man said with a chuckle, moving to Rosy's back.

"Good plan. I don't think your little one would want to be scarred for life."

The masseuse chuckled more. "What about you and your husband? How long have you been married?"

"Only a couple of months. In fact, this pleasure cruise is pretty much our honeymoon."

"In that case, I have something to tell you, Rosy." The man rubbed deep into the pink hedgehog's back.

"And what would that be?" she asked with a chuckle.

"No matter what people say about marriage, it never loses its lustre. The people that would tell you otherwise just haven't found the right one."

"What do you mean?" Rosy inquired, wanting the man to continue.

"What I mean is, when you find the right one, you make yourself an unconscious promise to stay with that person forever. The people that argue that aren't really people you should take relationship advice from. Just because they're unhappy with who they're with and what they have... well, it doesn't make me unhappy with who I'm with and what I have."

"That's a pretty deep commitment coming from a man who gives massages to women for a living," Rosy teased.

"I've had my fair share of ugly men to balance it out every now and then. Not by choice, though."

The pink hedgehog laughed at that. "Is your wife in the business too?"

The man nodded as his hands moved to Rosy's lower back. "Yeah. That's how we met, actually. I hadn't long gotten my degree in physical therapy and went looking for a job, and the only other person applying for a position at the time was some other guy who was really only in it for the chance to see gorgeous women naked."

"What makes you say that?"

"On his first day on the job, after his patient got herself settled in, he groped her ass one too many times."

"I hope she got better after that."

"She did. Part of the reason she signed up to receive a massage was to better feel how they worked. Almost a month later, she got her own degree and we started to work together. Then one day I asked her out, and the rest is history."

As the man pressed deeper into her lower back, Rosy giggled. "One day, you say? Were you too scared before?"

"I was honestly kind of nervous. I know that that's a strange sentence to hear from a guy who pretty much makes women happy for a living and looking like I do. But when she started working there, I was almost too afraid to ask her out. Heck, I can't believe I had more nervousness with her as a co-worker than I did when she was still a student."

"Well, you did the right thing asking her out. I can tell that you're quite a happy man." Rosy smiled and moaned softly as the masseuse carried on with his work. "And if the smile on your wife's face is anything to go by, she's quite a happy woman."

"We both are happy. I can only hope that you and your husband are as well, considering the short time that you have been married."

"We are. And as long as I take your advice, I have a strong feeling that we always will be."

The masseuse smiled at that, and the rest of the massage was filled with idle conversation and some shared laughter here and there. Soon enough, the man had done all of his work, managing to work out all of Rosy's tension, which made the pink hedgehog smile happily. The masseuse left for a minute as Rosy put her robe back on.

"There you go, all finished," the masseuse said ass he came back in.

"Thank you. For the massage and the conversation, too. It helped a lot."

"Glad you think that. It certainly helps to pass the time. Kind of like with getting a tattoo, only less painful and more relaxing."

"Really?" Rosy teased. "A guy as big as you, and you don't like a little bit of ink on your body?"

"I'm actually afraid of needles. Getting my flu shot as a kid was an absolute freaking nightmare."

The pink hedgehog let out a loud burst of laughter at that statement, and the masseuse himself found it funny, so he joined in. After their shared laughter, Rosy let out a couple more giggles before speaking.

"Thank you for the massage. It was nice talking to you, and I wish you and your wife the best."

"You're welcome. And I wish the same for you and your husband."

Rosy giggled and gave the masseuse a goodbye hug, feeling dwarfed by the man's height, making her giggle a little bit before they both broke free of the hug. Rosy smiled again before turning around to exit the door, a smile plastered on her face as she walked across to the dressing room to put her clothes back on.

As she removed her her robe, she saw a hamper to put it in where someone who worked there would clean both it and her towel. She tossed the used towel and robe into the hamper before putting her own clothes back on. She then turned around and walked out of the room, stopping to wave goodbye to the receptionist lady before finally walking out of the room, being greeted by a surprise hug from behind, courtesy of Scourge.

"Ah!" Rosy giggled at the hug.

"Did you miss me, baby?" Scourge asked with a smile as he kissed her neck.

"I did." She broke free from the hug, turning around to peck a kiss on Scourge's lips. "Thanks for booking that massage for me. It really helped me wind down."

"Eh, I noticed that you were still kind of working your ass off with some G.U.N. stuff. I thought that a little extra care would do you some good."

"Well, you were right to think so." She took his hand and they started walking back to their room. "So..."

"So... what?"

"Do I get to know what your secret plan is?"

The green hedgehog chuckled. "Sorry, but no. It's called a secret for a reason, baby."

"Will I at least like it?"

"I'm hoping you'll love it. But we have a couple of hours to kill until then."

Rosy looked up at Scourge. "Until when?" she asked.

Scourge just tapped his nose in reply causing Rosy to give an exasperated, overly-dramatic huff, making her green hedgehog husband chuckle as they both walked back to their room, making it to their hallway.

"So, you're not worried about me still wearing these clothes, are you?" Rosy asked.

"Hmm... I think they would have cleaned them at the massage place. If not, then don't worry. We'll both be changing clothes for the bar," Scourge answered.

"I thought you said that the bar wasn't until later tonight?"

"I did."

Rosy smirked. "And you said we have a couple of hours until you show me this secret of yours..."

Scourge again tapped his nose, stopping before the door that led to his and Rosy's room. He reached into his pocket and fished out the room key, inserting it into the lock and turning until he heard a click. He then opened the door, allowing Rosy to walk in first before he walked in as well.

"So, how exactly are we going to kill the time?" Rosy asked as she sat down on the bed.

"I was thinking maybe we could just chill and eat junk food and watched some TV," Scourge replied. "Or we could watched a movie."

"Eh, it could kill time. Depends on the movie, though."

"You're right. We don't want anything that's overly long."

"Tucker and Dale Versus Evil is always good for a laugh," Rosy said with a chuckle.

"Hehe, yeah. I love that movie. Shame we didn't bring it with us."

"Maybe it's on the TV to record?"

Scourge shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know. Let's check."

Rosy nodded as her green hedgehog husband walked over to the TV to switch it on at the side, after which Rosy brought up the TV guide and flipped through the channels before finding the movie that she wanted.

"We're a couple of minutes off, but we haven't missed anything important," the pink hedgehog said.

Scourge chuckled. "Pause it. I'm going to make us some drinks and chuck some mini pizzas in the microwave."

Rosy nodded, pausing as her husband went to go and make the drinks and sort the food out. The drinks were first to be done, and Scourge walked out with two warm mugs of tea, handing one to Rosy.

"Two sugars, extra milk, and a little bit of chocolate," the green hedgehog said.

"Wow. I'm impressed," Rosy said with a giggle. "You know the difference between how I like both my tea and my coffee."

"I guess I learned after so many years of making it for you," Scourge said with a smirk. "And plus, all those times I sent our secretary over to you with a drink in hand that I suggested, I also learned not to get it wrong otherwise you get mad at me."

"That and I'd withhold sex from you if you got it wrong."

"I'd rather have you mad at me than no sex."

Rosy laughed at that. "I can't blame you. Sex is pretty awesome."

The green hedgehog chuckled at that before turning around and going back to the kitchen, waiting patiently for the burgers in the microwave to finish cooking. When they were done, he took them out and squeezed some tomato sauce onto the buns, thankful that he didn't have to worry about putting cheese on the patties because he had done that beforehand.

Soon, all was sorted out, and he walked out to the bedroom to give his pink hedgehog wife her burger, which she took with a thank you as he sat down next to her, telling her to press play, which she did, and the two hedgehogs had a good time laughing as they watched the movie, also cringing at the gorier parts of it.

"Ah, I love that movie so much..." Scourge said. "The part where they try to explain to the police officer about the deaths is hilarious."

"I love that scene," Rosy replied through a fit of giggles. "And I love the part near the start where Dale tries to talk to the teenagers, and laughs creepily with that scythe he has."

Scourge laughed. "Ah... it's a classic."

"It sure is..." The pink hedgehog smiled and paused for a second. "So, does this mean that I get my prize now?"

"Ah, yes you do. But first, I need you to stand up and close your eyes."

Rosy raised a curious eyebrow, but shrugged and stood up anyway, closing her eyes and waiting patiently. She giggled a bit as she heard Scourge walking away before he came back, stopping before his pink hedgehog wife.

"Okay, open up," the green hedgehog said.

Rosy did, gasping at what she saw in front of her. "Oh... my... goodness..." She stepped forward. "Am I dreaming?"

She completely zoned out Scourge's sentence as she focused on the sight before her eyes. Her green hedgehog husband was holding up a beautiful black dress with a sequinned neckline which stopped just above her cleavage, and it had a dark blue bow tied around the waist of it.

"Rosy?" Scourge said, snapping his fingers in front of his wife's face to get her attention. "Hello? Earth to Rosy? Is anybody home?"

"Pinch me..." Rosy replied, her eyes still fixated on the dress.

Scourge shrugged. "Whatever works..." he muttered, and lightly pinched his wife's shoulder.

"Ow!" Rosy said, backing away a little bit. "That hurt! Why did you do that?"

"Because I was told to. By you. And also because I was trying to get your attention."

"I'm sorry. It's just... it's such a beautiful dress..."

"And the best part is that's not the only surprise that I have in store for you."

"Oh?" Rosy asked, walking close to her husband, leaning up until her mouth was close to his, her voice now a husky whisper. "And exactly what else is there?"

"Well, for that to happen, I'm going to have to ask you to put on this beautiful dress while I get myself changed into a fancy suit," Scourge said, handing the dress over to his wife.

"How do I know that you won't jump me while I'm getting changed?" Rosy asked with a giggle as she took the dress from her green hedgehog husband.

Scourge winked. "You don't. That's the best part."

The pink hedgehog giggled again before turning around, shaking her ass a bit before heading into the bathroom to put the dress on. After she had finished, she decided to put on some light blush to finish her look, and finally adding a bit of perfume.

She then walked out of the bathroom, giggling as she saw her husband covering his eyes. "What are you covering your eyes for?"

"Because I want us to wait until we're both dressed before I see how perfect you look," Scourge replied, his voice slightly muffled by his hands.

"Do you know your way to the bathroom like that?"

The green hedgehog nodded, turning and walking to where he thought was the bathroom, but instead he wound up walking right into the right side of the door-frame at the entrance of the bathroom, bashing his head and arms off of it and causing Rosy to wince.

"Are you okay, honey?" the pink hedgehog asked.

"I'm good," Scourge replied, lifting a hand and giving a thumbs-up. With his now free eye, he saw where he was and sidestepped a couple of inches to the right, walking inside and shutting the door behind him. "I found the bathroom."

"Is your suit in there with you?"

After a few seconds, the green hedgehog replied. "Yeah, it's in here."

"How's your head?"

"It's fine. I've had worse."

Rosy giggled. "Hopefully that blow will teach you not to do that again. It's like teaching a tone-deaf person how to sing like Freddie Mercury."

"Or like teaching people in general how to sing like Freddie Mercury," Scourge replied.

"Too true." Rosy sighed happily. "Are you almost done?"

"Yeah, I'm just slapping on some aftershave then I'm out. And I want us both to have our eyes closed, okay?"

The pink hedgehog smiled to herself. "What is it with you and closed eyes today?"

Scourge chuckled. "I guess you could say that I'm just full of surprises." He walked to the bathroom door, his hand resting on the handle. "Are you ready?"

Rosy put her hands over her eyes. "Yes."

The green hedgehog opened the door, stepping out of the bathroom and walking forward several steps. When he reached a good enough distance, he stopped suddenly, smiling as he smelled a bit of Rosy's perfume.

"You smell great," Scourge said.

"That sounded a bit creepy, but thanks," Rosy teased. "So, what do we do now?"

"I'll count backwards from three. When I get to zero, we both open our eyes."

"Sounds fair."

"Okay." Scourge took a deep breath. "Three... two... one... zero."

As soon as he reached the final number, both hedgehogs looks at each other. Scourge was rendered speechless at the way Rosy looked in her dress: it hugged around her body perfectly, and the light make-up that she put on only accentuated her beauty. A pair of high-heeled black boots that came up to her ankles completed the look.

Rosy was no different as she saw her husband in his suit; the blazer and slacks were a dark grey colour, and a black tie was wrapped around the collar of his dark red button-up dress shirt, with black dress shoes to complete the look.

"Wow..." they both said, chuckling at their unison.

"You look beautiful, Rosy," Scourge said.

"And you're so handsome, my husband..." the pink hedgehog replied as she walked close to him. She stood up on her tiptoes and kissed him on the lips, which was returned, earning a happy moan from Rosy.

"I love you so much, my wife..." the green hedgehog said when he and his wife managed to pull their lips away from each other.

"I love you too," Rosy said. She then giggled as she stepped away from Scourge. "Are there any more surprises?"

"That is information that I cannot divulge at this moment," the green hedgehog said with a chuckle. "But you will need to close your eyes again."

"Seriously?" Rosy smirked. "Is you asking me to close my eyes a preview of what we're going to be doing in bed tonight? Like, are you trying to get me into it?"

Scourge chuckled at her teasing. "No to both. Mostly because I'm not some prick who confuses BDSM with torture sex."

"It was mostly the author who wrote that in," she pointed out.

"That really doesn't make it any better." Scourge then smiled. "So, close your eyes, my wife. I promise, this'll be the last surprise."

"If it's anything like the previous surprises, then you can expect a smile on my face."

The green hedgehog smiled at his wife's words as she again put her hands over her eyes. Scourge put his hands over her shoulders, guiding her until they walked out of their room. Under her husband's guidance, Rosy was instructed carefully where to walk without bumping into anything.

"You're being very meticulous," the pink hedgehog pointed out.

"Well, I don't want to just bash you into random walls or make you trip over something. For one thing, it would ruin how beautiful you look. For another, you could wind up getting an injury or two. And lastly-"

"Said injuries will lead to me inuring you in return?"

Scourge chuckled. "Exactly. And you can be scary when you're pissed. I remember one time when a team-mate back at G.U.N. got on your bad side. When you were in the shooting range, your accuracy with your pistol was pretty frightening."

"Aw, you always know what to say to make me feel better."

"It's what I'm here for," the green hedgehog husband replied.

Soon, they were at their destination, and Scourge detached himself from Rosy to open a door in front of them before slowly walking past his wife. He arrived at a good enough distance away from Rosy where she could still hear him.

"Where did you go, Scourge?" the pink hedgehog asked, a bit worried.

"Not too far away. Just follow my voice, okay?"

She nodded. "Okay."

"Good. Now, just take a few steps forward..." Rosy did so, and Scourge said, "Stop."

"Can I open my eyes now?"

Scourge chuckled. "Yes."

Rosy opened her eyes, and suddenly a flash of light hit her face as the room around her lit up brightly, bringing the view of the room to her better. She recognised it as the bar of the boat. She looked around from where she stood before a bunch of people jumped out in front of her, scaring her a little bit.

"SURPRISE!" they all yelled.

Rosy giggled at them all, partly due do a mixture of shock and happiness. "What's this all about?"

"It's your birthday, silly!" said one of the people there. Rosy recognised her instantly as the wife of the masseuse from earlier.

"I knew there was something fishy..."

Scourge chuckled and walked over to his wife. "I noticed that you were so busy with unfinished G.U.N. paperwork, so I thought that this would help you to get your mind off of it."

Rosy smiled and kissed Scourge softly, smiling. "Thank you, Scourge. It means a lot to me." She then pauses. "I will ask... why invite all these people?"

"If you want us to leave, then we can leave," said one of the party-goers.

"N-No!" the pink hedgehog said hurriedly. "That's not what I meant! I'm sorry."

Scourge smirked. "I invited them because they know this boat inside and backwards, and we've gotten to be good friends with them in our short time on here. I would have invited some of our friends from G.U.N., but a lot of them are way too busy. That and they're still working out the kinks to getting our sea-based vehicles to work."

"You couldn't just say 'boats' instead?" Rosy teased.

"Eh, I wanted to sound professional for a change. Sue me."

"Well, you are sexy when you take your job seriously." Rosy leaned up to kiss Scourge's neck. "But for now, let's not focus on work. It's my birthday, and I want us all to have fun!"

Her green hedgehog husband smiled, raising his hand and pointed over to the bar. "All drinks are on the house. Or boat, if you want to get technical. Go nuts, people."

Rosy raised an eyebrow. "Why did you make me dress up all nice only to bring me to this bar?"

Scourge smiled. "Well... there is one more secret I didn't tell you. But don't worry. You won't have to close your eyes for this one."

Rosy smiled back and giggled a bit when her husband offered his hand out. She accepted it, and he turned around to walk with her to a small room behind the bar which had a dining table set up, complete with candles, wine glasses, a bottle of wine for said win glasses, a tablecloth, and to top it off, two plates which both had a lemon cheesecake on them, one for each of the hedgehogs.

"Do you hear that?" Scourge asked.

"Hear what?" Rosy replied.

"Exactly. There's nothing but complete and utter silence in here. We can have a meal in peace, and hopefully you'll forgive me for my false promise of karaoke and getting hammered."

The pink hedgehog giggled, walking over to the table with her husband. They both sat on either side of it, and Scourge grabbed the bottle of wine, pouring crystal clear champagne into both his and Rosy's glasses.

"I know that you hate the red stuff," the green hedgehog said, handing his wife her glass.

"Thank you..." Rosy said.

"You're welcome, but it's only some wine."

The pink hedgehog giggled. "No, not for that. Thank you for all of this. Thank you for being my husband. Thank you for loving me the way that you do."

Scourge smiled. "You're welcome." He then took a sip of his wine. "And thank you too for being my wife and just for putting up with me and loving me."

Rosy smiled happily. "You're welcome," she said with a wink.

The two hedgehogs then went on to drink their wine and eat their cheesecake as they both talked about their day, and both sighed in content when the meal was finished, both happy not just due to the piece and quiet, but to enjoying each other's company in general, married or otherwise.

"Ah... that was a good meal..." Scourge said, patting his stomach.

"You mean a good dessert," Rosy chided.

"Well, we have been eating food all day already."

Attention! This next part is a Scourge/Rosy lemon! If you're not 16+, then skip to the end of the chapter. Otherwise, enjoy.

Rosy giggled. "I guess you're right. And it was nice to eat this to finish the day." She then smiled and looked at Scourge intently. "Although... I guess the day isn't over yet..."

"Yeah," Scourge agreed. "We should probably get back to our room."

The pink hedgehog chuckled. "I don't think that I can wait that long..."

Before Scourge knew what was coming, Rosy stood up from her seat and walked over to him. Smirking, the green hedgehog obligingly pushed his chair out, and Rosy raised her right leg to slide it over the left hip of her husband, moving around until she was straddling him.

"Are you sure that you want to do it here?" Scourge asked.

Rosy replied by crashing her lips against her husband's. While he did take a second or two to recover, Scourge pushed back, his own lips pressing hard against his wife's lips as his hands moved under her dress to rub the front of her panties.

The pink hedgehog blushed and moaned as her husband's hand cupped her wetness, and she pushed her tongue into his mouth, their mouth's organs engaging in a fierce battle as Rosy's hand moved to grab Scourge by the back of his neck, pulling him deeper into the kiss.

Scourge used his hand to push Rosy's panties to the side, slipping a finger inside her wet sex as he reached his other hand down to unzip his slacks, his hard cock pressing against his boxers, begging for freedom.

"I'll take care of that..." Rosy said, reaching down and pulling her husband's slacks and boxers down a bit, his cock springing to life. "I'd love to suck it, but... I need you so fucking badly..."

Before Scourge could speak, his pink hedgehog wife moved back to slide her panties down, letting them slide down until they hung around her right knee. Her eyes glazed with lust, Rosy straddled Scourge once again, grinding her wet pussy lips against Scourge's cock.

"I thought you needed me?" Scourge teased.

Rosy smirked and reached down to grab her husband's cock before sitting up, her wetness hovering over him before she pushed herself down on his dick, not stopping until she reached the bottom of his penis.

"Fuck..." Rosy breathed as she started to buck wildly on top of Scourge. "Pound me, baby... please..."

The green hedgehog growled and grabbed his pink hedgehog wife's hips, holding her in place before slamming up into her. She moaned hard, leaning down to kiss and suck his neck as his length filled her up, pounding into her over and over.

She moaned even harder when she felt one of his hands snake under her skirt and start rubbing her clitoris hard, a pair of fingers pressing against the sensitive button and rotating it back and forth.

"Fuck... I'm going to cum, Scourge... make me cum..."

The green hedgehog smiled and rubbed harder before pressing his fingers against Rosy's wet button, rubbing it quicker until she started shivering hard, her wet cunt walls tightening around her green hedgehog husband's cock as her juices leaked it, the rubbing of her clitoris prolonging her orgasm.

"Oh, god!" Rosy screamed as she came. She then managed to put a hand over her mouth, but felt her husband's hand on hers to move it away.

"Don't worry..." Scourge said, lifting up from the chair, his hands still around his wife's waist as he moved to put her on her back on the table. "This room is nice and secluded, so nobody will hear us..."

"In that case..." The pink hedgehog whimpered and wrapped her legs around Scourge's waist. "Fuck me hard..."

"My pleasure..."

The green hedgehog gripped his wife's hips as he started to thrust in and out hard, leaning down to kiss his wife as they made love. Rosy loved the contact that Scourge gave her, and loved how rough he was with her. And he was certainly showing it.

Scourge then pulls away from his wife to grab her by the ankles. He puts her left leg up on his shoulder, letting her right one drape over the table before bending down to kiss her deeply as he drives his dick deeper inside her, their tongues moulding together as Rosy's knee is nearly on level with her head.

Rosy started moaning more and more and bucked up wildly as her green husband pumped into her at this new angle. She soon felt another climax coming, but did nothing to stop it as Scourge's pounding dragged it out for as long as possible, making her scream into his mouth as he cum leaked out onto his cock, thankful that he was still in her so they wouldn't get their clothes dirty from her juices. Well, dirtier.

As he felt her tighten from her orgasm, Scourge felt himself close to the edge. "I'm about to cum, babe..."

"Hmm... get off me..." Rosy said.

Her husband did as he was instructed, and Rosy soon got on her knees, taking Scourge's cock into her hands. Without a second thought, she moved to put her lips over his cock, bobbing back and forth, sucking him deeply.

"Jesus, baby... just like that..."

Rosy smiled and reached a hand under to rub her husband's testicles, stroking them in time with her sucking. Soon, she felt him buck forward, and she moved her head until his cock was completely inside her mouth, and before long, his cum started firing down her throat, his seed painting the back of her mouth white. It took a few gulps, but Rosy managed to swallow all of her husband's seed.

"God, baby... you're so sexy..."

"So are you..."

Lemon is over now.

They both giggled and redressed themselves, making sure that their clothes were all in place before cleaning up the table. As Scourge sorted out the tablecloth, he saw his wife's panties on the floor, chuckling as he bent down to pick them up.

"Rosy, I think that these fell off you."

The pink hedgehog giggled and quickly slipped them on before walking out with her husband, thankful that the bar was empty. The two hedgehogs soon made it back to their stateroom on the boat, quickly losing their clothes and putting on their pyjamas before curling up in bed together.

"I love you," Scourge said sleepily.

"I love you too," Rosy replied with a sated sigh. "There's not a thing that could ruin this..."

Then Scourge's phone started ringing, and the green hedgehog looked at his wife. "You just had to say it, didn't you?" He answered his phone as Rosy shrugged. "What's up? Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Really? Aw, dammit."

"What's wrong?" Rosy asked as her green hedgehog husband hung up his phone.

"One of the robots back at G.U.N. is going haywire. They need us to put in the deactivation code to fix it."

"Why us? Don't most of the scientists there know the code?"

"Most of them were scared out of the room, and the others have been seriously injured."

"Fuck me..."

"I don't think we have time for another round," Scourge teased.

Rosy rolled her eyes, but smiled. "I love you."

"I love you too."

So, here's the first chapter of three for Time Off Work! I hope you liked the lemony goodness, because there's more to come. No pun intended. Anyway, see you all on the next one.