Chapter 41
Brittany sat upright on the mattress so fast, clutching at her chest.
She glanced quickly, panicking Alvin had awoken for sure and kept perfectly still as she strained her ears to listen for movement.
But Alvin simply mumbled random words and regained his breathing.
She sighed and brought her hand to her forehead, which was clammy with cold sweat.
She needed to get into the fresh air, take in a few breaths, maybe get herself a warm drink (or a bottle of hard liquor) and settle back down before the sun rose.
Gently Brittany eased herself off the mattress and groped for her phone before heading towards the tent opening.
Carefully she cringed at every notch of the zipper opening, sounding ten times louder in the dead of night.
When she'd made an opening large enough for her to squeeze through, she cursed under her breath as she started to do the zip back up again only to give up; she figured she'd be coming back anyway.
Stepping out from the tent she headed to the circle of chairs around the dying embers of a small fire they'd made.
It was a fairly pleasant night with the hint of a cool wind approaching.
Brittany tried to ease her mind of the nightmare it so persistently wanted to relive.
She sighed and closed her eyes, rubbing her temple with her fingers, massaging gently, and lost in her own thoughts she didn't hear the footsteps behind her.
She shrieked and covered her mouth as she spun around looking at a fairly freaked out Alex.
They both stared at each other for a second before Brittany frowned and took a deep breath, exhaling heavily, "Alex!"
He held both hands up defensively, "What?"
She shook her head and eased herself out of the chair, whispering loudly, "You scared the sh*t outta me!"
He shrugged and folded his arms over his chest, "Well, I saw someone sitting in the chair and I could see your hair, so I thought I'd call your name to check"
Brittany opened her mouth then closed it again before asking, "What if it wasn't me?"
Alex smirked, "Then that'd be awkward then wouldn't it?"
Brittany smiled before it faded and the two were left standing in the moonlight again.
Finally Alex asked, "You ok?"
Brittany looked at the ground, and scuffed her foot in the dirt.
"Brittany?" Alex asked again, taking a half step towards her.
She couldn't take it anymore.
The pressure of what had happened was too much and her eyes began to tingle with the oncoming of tears.
Alex watched as before him, Brittany appeared to crumple into her hands and her body was heaving as when you cry.
He stepped closer and instinctively wrapped his arms round her, "Whoa, whoa, you ok? Britt? Hey, what's wrong?"
She shook her head against his chest and tried to speak, only unleashing a weird unrecognisable mumble of noises and crackles from her throat.
Alex wasn't too sure how to handle this; he thought for a second and took a step back, lowering his head to try and catch Brittany's eyes, "Look, maybe I should wake Steph up, yeah? Or Alvin?"
"NO!" Brittany begged, gripping his arms and shaking her head, "No, please don't wake Alvin"
Alex took a step back so he was arm's length to Brittany, "Oo-kay…what's going on? Should I…should I wake Steph? Is this a 'girl thing'?"
Brittany couldn't help but giggle a little, "No, well…no…don't wake Steph, she'll get all sh*tty if you wake her up and gosh knows no one needs that"
Alex nodded, "True dat"
Brittany sat back in the chair as Alex pulled another closer, "Soo..." he took a breath in, "What's up?" he asked openly.
Brittany wiped her eyes with the back of her hand and stared into the embers, "Something…something happened to me"
Alex raised an eyebrow, unsure exactly what was going to be said next.
"Something a while ago. That I haven't told…anyone" she turned slightly to look Alex in the eyes.
Alex swallowed hard and clasped his hands; he'd always been taught by his mother that no matter what, when someone has something that seems serious to tell you, don't interrupt, just sit down, shut up and listen good.
So that's what he did.
He sat and listened as Brittany retold the whole ordeal of what happened between her and Kevin.
He nodded and maintained composure, even though every inch of his body wanted to run as fast as he could to find this son-of-a-b*tch and repeatedly punch the life out of him for even attempting such a sick act of inhumane cruelty.
Alex kept his hands clasped the whole time and only when Brittany had doubled over in tears did he look down and even he could see the dents made from where he'd dug his nails into his own hands in the moonlight.
Alex rubbed his hands over and reached out to Brittany, pulling her into a strong hug, "I'm sorry. For what it's worth, I'm so, so sorry this happened to you. No one deserves to be belittled and treated like that, by anyone"
Brittany continued to quietly sob into his shoulder as Alex stroked her hair, "He can't hurt you now though. He won't. I won't let him. None of us will"
At this Brittany lifted her head and wiped her eyes again, "What?"
Alex let her go as she sat up, "Well, I mean, you'll tell everyone right?"
Brittany hesitated then shook her head, "No, no I can't I can't tell them"
Alex raised both eyebrows and forced himself to not lose his temper, and stood up, "Brittany, you have to tell them, %$# , you haven't even told Alvin, or your sisters!"
Brittany sniffled and nodded, "I know, I know. I'd repressed this for so long I'd hoped I'd just…forget"
"But you didn't" Alex quickly came back at her, "You can't escape these things Brittany, they catch up with you"
Brittany sat in silence as Alex finally asked, "Have you at least reported it?"
She glanced sideways, as Alex rolled his eyes, and sat back down, "%$# " he ran his fingers through his hair, "But at the trial, you could've used that as further evidence that he's a complete psycho and given him a longer sentence"
Brittany pulled her feet up onto the chair and hugged her knees, "I hadn't thought of it then"
Alex closed his eyes, rubbing the bridge of his nose, "This guy, seriously he is more %$# ed up than I think I could ever imagine anyone being"
Brittany nodded, "And you'd never guess it, but his parents are like the sweetest people ever"
Alex looked at her shocked, "Really?"
Brittany nodded again, "Yeah…but they're totally passive and were probably dominated by him and simply turned a blind eye to him"
Alex shook his head, "That sucks"
He turned and looked towards the horizon and saw the first signs of the sky's gradient becoming lighter, "It'll be light in a few more hours, maybe you should get some rest?"
Brittany yawned and nodded.
It was only then that she realised how tired she'd become from sharing her ordeal.
How emotionally drained she felt.
She stood and felt a little weak, so allowed Alex to help her back to her tent, unzipped the zip and crawled back in, nestling up against Alvin on the mattress.
Alex on the other hand walked towards the trees lining the rest stop and slammed his fist into a thick tree trunk.
He felt the impact up his arm and into his shoulders and back, but he needed to release the tension he felt had built up after listening to Brittany relive the horror of that night.
With a few deep breaths he headed back to the tent and silently snuck back in, resting his head on the pillow and ignoring the throbbing now coming from his knuckles.
Simon shut his eyes tighter and twitched his head, opening one eye and feeling the sting of sunrays burning.
He quickly closed his eyes and reached his hand up to pull the curtain over to block the rays from invading.
It was then he felt the movement near his body and looked over to see Jeanette rolling towards him, still fast asleep.
A smile crept across his face as he lay there staring at her beauty and the feeling of the previous night.
He was lost in watching her he hadn't anticipated Jeanette to wake up.
She blinked lazily a few times before being completely freaked out and gave a small yelp before managing to somehow scoot herself backwards and fell off the bed with a thud.
Simon quickly pulled himself over to the edge and looked down at Jeanette, tangled in blanket on the floor, "Are you ok?"
Jeanette managed and smile and propped herself up a little, "Yeah, I'm ok, just thrown back a little"
"Quite literally" Simon added as they both laughed.
He reached his hand out and helped her up; eyes widening a little as she stood and the blankets fell to the floor, revealing Jeanette still clad in her lingerie.
She looked down and blushed slightly, edging down to pull the blankets up over her.
Simon smiled, "Still just as beautiful"
Jeanette's cheeks went from pink to a deeper red as she fumbled for her glasses and put them on, "I think I'll head to freshen up"
Simon leant on his elbow, "Sure thing, let me know when you're done"
Jeanette nodded and tiptoed her way out the bedroom, allowing Simon to sneak at glance of her from behind.
Impressed and satisfied he settled his arms behind his head and stared up to the ceiling.
Those in the tents awoke to the smell of bacon cooking.
One by one they sat up and poked their heads out, as Theodore was watching the bacon, Eleanor was mixing a batch of scrambled eggs and Bruno tended the fire.
Alvin pulled the shirt on from the day before and grabbed his shorts, turning to Brittany who'd lay back down and smiled, "Mmm, breakfast smells pretty good, coming?"
Brittany stretched and propped herself onto her elbows, "Um, yeah, in a sec. you head out I'll be out soon"
Alvin shrugged and crawled out of the tent, stepping into his shorts and fastening them as he headed over to the circle of chairs.
Brittany slid back down and draped her arms over her eyes; she was still so damn tired from a really poor night's sleep and she felt a headache coming on.
Forcing herself to sit up, she cradled her head and rummaged for something extra to put on.
It suddenly dawned upon her that last night she'd only been in her singlet top and lacy shorts when she'd been talking to Alex.
She didn't even have a bra on.
"Oh well" she sighed, "It was dark, and he was being a good friend, I doubt my lack of clothing was going to deter him much"
She found a light jacket and put it on, zipping up the front, grabbed her sunglasses and crawling towards the outside.
Slowly, like a baby deer approaching the lake's edge, she snuck into the circle and took her seat next to Alvin, curling herself up on it and resting her head on his shoulder as he shovelled in another mouthful of bacon into his mouth.
He looked over slightly and finished his mouthful before kissing her on the top of her head, "You right?"
She looked up and smiled, "Yeah I just have a headache coming on"
"Naw, poor dear" Steph said, a mouth full of eggs, "Want a Tylenol?"
Brittany shook her head, "Nah it's ok, I have some in my bag"
Steph shrugged and continued eating as Eleanor came and with on hand on her hip, she rested the back of her other hand on her sister's forehead, "Hmm, you're not coming down with anything are you?"
Brittany battered her hand away gently, "No, Ellie, it's just a headache" she stretched her neck and rolled it, "I think from the crappy beds we've been sleeping on"
Bruno nodded, "I am in for a hotel next stop"
Alex smirked and looked between Bruno and Steph, "And this time no seafood for me"
Steph almost choked on her eggs as Bruno felt his face flush, "Ah…yeah, right" he laughed nervously.
The others laughed as Simon and Jeanette came out of the RV and joined the rest of the troop.
Alvin placed his plate on the ground and folded his arms, his face full of cheeky charm, "Well, well, if it isn't the two early risers themselves, coming out" he looked around and pretended to be shocked, "Last out of bed? Whaaatt?" he smirked as the others chuckled.
Simon just smiled and wrapped his arm round Jeanette's shoulders, giving her a squeeze before picking up a plate and studying the remains of breakfast.
Jeanette was handed a plate with eggs and toast from Eleanor and sat down on the chair next to Alex.
Steph looked over at the two and then back at Alvin, "Just some heavy hugging last night"
Simon remained silent as Jeanette's cheeks flushed a little and took a bite of bacon.
Steph nodded, "Ah righty-oh then, the ole' 'not saying a word' thing huh?" she shrugged, "Whatevs"
Alex managed to get a quick glance over to Brittany, whom he hoped was looking at him and not beyond him (it was hard to tell with the sunglasses on) and gave her a bit of a look.
Luckily for him, she had noticed and gave him a frown, crinkling her nose a little.
Alex raised both eyebrows and made a more determined face, nodding his head slightly to gesture he needed to talk.
Brittany gave a curt shake of her head and pressed her lips tighter together.
Alex tried again, his eyes widening in a plea to get Brittany to move so they could talk.
Steph noticed Alex in the corner of her eye.
She held a piece of bacon near her open mouth before lowering it and asking, "The hell is going on between you two?"
She looked back and forth between Brittany and Alex, as the others slowly drifted out of their conversations and looked between the two.
Alex raised his eyes once more at Brittany, who turned her head away, cleared her throat and replied, "Nothing's going on Steph"
Alex rolled his eyes and excused himself, heading to one of the RVs.
Steph just smirked, "'Nothing' sure got Alex huffy" and finished her bacon, as everyone else resumed their previous conversations.
Alvin looked over at the spot where Alex had been sitting and then back at Brittany, who sipped on some orange juice.
He opened his mouth to say something, but closed it again, figuring if Brittany had a headache, that meant her mood could change real quickly and it was already going to be a long day.
Inside the RV, Alex stood at the basin.
He looked down at his hand and noticed its purple blotchiness was going to be hard to cover up, so decided he'd simply stick to a cover story that he must have done it in his sleep somehow.
It was lame, but all he could come up with while his mind raced on other matters.
He looked up into the mirror and leant in looking closer at his face.
He turned the tap on and splashed water on his face, drying it on his towel.
Stepping out of the bathroom, he faced Brittany, who stood with one hand on her hip, "Ok, what?"
Alex nonchalantly responded, "Really? That's your opening line?"
Brittany huffed and took her sunglasses off, placing them on the bench, "Alex, I've had a rough night, I'm sleep deprived, I just managed to reveal what the hell happened to someone and now this?" she rubbed her head again, closing her eyes, "Gosh I really do have a headache coming on now"
Alex shrugged, "Yeah, look I realise all that, but you have to tell them, I'll be there too, but you have to tell them"
Brittany slowly opened her eyes, "Or what?" she threatened.
Alex frowned, "You don't. I will" he bluffed.
Of course he wouldn't really say anything, man it was hard enough listening, he wasn't sure even he'd have the guts to retell the night.
But the way he responded.
With the confidence and persuasion, made Brittany unsure whether to push it further.
She gave a small cranky squeal in defeat and stomped her foot a little, "Fine. But when I'm ready, and don't push me"
Alex nodded, "Ok"
Brittany's body eased and relaxed, "ok"
They both stood staring at each other for a split second before Brittany turned, "I need some Tylenol" and headed into the back room.
Steph stepped into the RV, "Busted!"
Alex simply gave a crooked smile and shook his head slightly, "Um, no" before stepping past her and heading back out to the others.
Brittany emerged from the back room tipping her head back and swallowing a Tylenol, she swallowed and looked at Steph, "Nothing is going on you loony, I needed a Tylenol, Alex was in the bathroom" she stepped past and headed out leaving Steph on her own.
Steph stood with her hands on her hips, "I'm not a loony"
She looked down into the splashback, "Am I?"
Staring at herself she stood up and reeled back, " %#$ maybe I am loony, I'm fricking talking to myself" she laughed out loud and headed back out to help with the pack up.
Driving along, Brittany was quieter than usual, staring mostly out the window or her phone, occasionally resting her head on Alvin's shoulder.
But before long, the frustration of keeping this secret was doing her head in.
She excused herself and said she needed to lay down.
Steph was driving while Bruno sat in the passenger seat; Alex sat in the booth, while Alvin, and before she left to the back room, Brittany were sitting on the lounge behind the driver's seat.
Steph was passing time as they drove along by trying to create words and phrases from the licence plates on the cars they passed, "Ok, QHG….um, what about 'Quietly Humping Gators'?" she sniggered as Alvin added, "Queen Humps Gators?"
They all laugh out loud as Bruno points out another car, "DDS?"
Alvin interrupts, "Doing it Doggy Style!"
Alex shakes his head, "That's be 'D-I-D-S' there's no 'I' on the plate"
Alvin shrugged, "Then it's hyphenated"
Steph rested her elbow on the window and lent on it, glancing over at Alvin shaking her head, "You can't use that rule, that's not how the game works"
Bruno nodded, "Yeah otherwise you could come up with a whole bunch of ridiculously long phrases and say, 'it's ok it's all hyphenated'"
Alvin nodded his head, chuckling, "Alright, alright, what about, 'Done Doggy Style?'"
Steph broke out in laughter, "HA! Really?"
Alvin shook his head, "No not for real…yet?"
Bruno screwed his nose up, "Ah, I don't wanna know the ins and outs of positions and sh*t you've done"
Alvin added, "Oh only-"
"Lalalalala I'm not listening! I don't wanna know!" Bruno shoved his fingers in his ears and shook his head from side to side as Steph gripped the wheel, laughing, "Nooo! Don't wanna knooooowwww!"
Alvin was trying to catch his breath from laughing so much, as Alex stood, "Just gonna check if Britt's ok, see if she needs anything"
Alvin waved him off, "Yeah, yeah, good, ok" as he broke out in laughter again.
Alex smirked and nodded, knocking on the door once before heading into the back room, "Hey? You ok back here?"
Brittany was laying on her back with her arm draped over her face, "I'm fine" she muttered.
Alex closed the door gently behind him and sat on the end of the bed, as Brittany moved her arm and sat up a little, nodding towards the door, "What on earth are they laughing at now?"
Alex smiled and shook his head, "Nothing in particular"
Brittany gave a small smile before sitting more upright.
Alex looked out the back window then at his own hands before looking up at Brittany, "Look, I just wanted to apologise about this morning, I guess the whole story got me feeling pretty upset and pissed off that Kevin would ever do that to anyone, and I just want you to know you can trust us all to tell us"
Brittany looked blankly back at him, "You think I won't tell anyone because of trust?" She made a noise dismissing his comment and shook her head a little, "It's got nothing to do with trust, Alex. I trust all of you, whole heartedly. No, no this is more that fact that I don't know how they'd react to it. Alvin's already thrown by the fact that whatever happened to Steph, he wasn't told, imagine how he'd react finding out something happened to me?!"
Alex processed his thoughts, "Yeah she still hasn't told me yet…not sure whether that's a good thing or not, but ok, I see your point there…but he still deserves to know"
"Why?" Brittany questioned, folding her arms.
Alex was taken aback a little, "Well" he started, "It's not good to hold onto a secret THAT big on your own"
Brittany looked down and picked at thread on the blanket, "Well you know as well now"
Alex shook his head, "And I don't know how long I'll be able to hold it"
He looked up at her, "Brittany this is huge, like 'go to the police' huge"
Brittany looked away as Alex continued, "People all the time give accounts of all sorts of events that happened years ago to the police"
Brittany shut her eyes up and clenched her fists, her eyes getting glassy, "Alex I cannot go through this again" she opened her eyes and frowned at him, "Telling you was hard enough, I can't tell anyone else!"
There was a knock on the door, "You guys right in there?"
Alex called out, "Yeah all good" he stood up and whispered, "You're going to have to sooner or later Brittany" and left out to the others as Alvin headed in.
He watched as Alex left, "What were you two u-" he looked over at Brittany, "Hey? What's wrong?"
Brittany wiped her eye with the back of her hand, "I'm fine" she gave a soft smile as Alvin sat beside her, pulling her close to him, "You're not fine, something's wrong, something's been bothering you. Tell me what it is" he held her out at elbow length and stared, pleadingly in her eyes.
She closed them slowly and shook her head gently, "It's nothing. This just...really bad"
Alvin raised his eyebrows and brought his hands down from her slowly, "Seriously? Britt I'm not that stupid that I'd fall for that crap" he settled himself on the bed, "What. Is. Wrong?"
Brittany took a breath in opened her eyes.
She contemplated telling the truth, but before she could stop herself she blurted out, "I'm late"
Alvin sat there blankly, "Huh?"
Brittany flailed her hands a little and shifted to the edge of the bed, "I'm, um, late…you know….late" she looked back at Alvin, trying to get him to decipher what she was saying.
It took perhaps a fraction of a second longer, but the penny dropped eventually.
Like a ton of bricks.
"Shh, keep it down, I don't want the other's knowing" Brittany whispered, cursing herself for digging her own grave deeper.
Alvin looked away then back at Brittany, "Um, ok…right….and you're sure? There's no way this could be, like…but we used...are you sure, sure?"
"Of course I am" Brittany growled, "I think I know my own body Alvin"
Alvin nodded slowly, still unable to comprehend any of it, "OK, ok, sorry… #%$ we're so dead. Dave's gonna kill me. Miss Miller's gonna kill me" he turned to Brittany, panic in his eyes, "I can't be a…a…sh*t"
Brittany realised there was no way now to surprise Alvin by saying, "ha ha, joke!" and then confess the real reason. He was already too wound up by this news.
She came round and sat next to him, cradling him in her arms and closing her eyes, biting on her bottom lip.
Alvin just sat there before glancing at Brittany's stomach, "Soo…have you taken a test yet?"
Brittany opened her eyes suddenly and let go of Alvin, looking at him, "Why yes I always travel with a pregnancy test in my purse" she answered sarcastically, back handing his arm, "What do you think?"
Alvin shook his head, "Then there's a chance you're not?"
Brittany looked shocked, "Are you saying you wouldn't want to have a baby with me?!" she was starting to get attached to this new lie.
Alvin held his hands up defensively, "No, no, that's not what I'm saying at all, I just…we're too young! We have a concert to perform!" he calmed himself down by taking a breath in, and held Brittany's hands in his own, twisting to face her, "Look, of course I would love to have a family with you, but I didn't think, like, right now, I mean, come on, we're 18 years old, what the hell do we know about raising a kid?!"
Brittany sat there as Alvin turned away and ran his fingers through his hair, "Sorry this probably isn't the reaction you were hoping for hey?"
He looked up at Brittany, who smiled weakly and shrugged, "Uh, well…"
Alvin didn't let her finish, instead he lent over and kissed her, "I love you, and if this is happening, then…ok…we'll figure it out as we go, I am with you and I will be there for you 100%, no matter what, we ride this out together" he gave one of his charming smiles to show how genuine he was being.
Brittany felt a tear build in her eye and hugged him tight, she felt Alvin's arms wrap around her as she thought, "He's going to be crushed when he finds out it's not true" she let the tear roll down her cheek as she thought, "And so explosively betrayed when he hears the real truth"
Alvin gave her another smile, as he wiped the tear from her cheek and stood up, "Ok, so let's just discreetly get you a test and we'll go from there…no one else needs to know right?"
Brittany nodded, "Right"
Alvin nodded again, more to himself, and opened the door, stepping out, only to take a step back in, "What were you and Alex talking about?"
Brittany sat a little straighter, "Uh…" she forced herself to blurt something less shocking yet believable out, "Just how things were going with him and Bruno?" she smiled.
Alvin looked out at the other three, casually chatting, and saw how Alex seemed, anyway, to be getting along fine with Bruno.
He looked back in at Brittany, "Seems to be ok. Did he say otherwise or something?"
Brittany shook her head, "Oh, no, um, he was just saying how he, um, was just going to have to keep an eye on him till Friday and all" she gave a sideways smile as Alvin nodded, "Yeah, it's pretty cool what he's doing for Bruno" he paused a moment, Brittany tensing slightly waiting to see if Alvin would press anything further, but he just sneezed, excused himself and headed out, calling back, "You gonna rest a bit more babe?!"
Brittany sighed and called back, "Yeah, so try and keep it down out there ok?!"
Steph called back, "YES PRINCESS!"
Alone in the back room again, Brittany felt very sick at the thought of what just happened.
She lied.
On numerous occasions.
In a span of only about 10 minutes.
To Alvin.
And now she had him believe there was a chance she may be pregnant.
"What the hell have you done now Brittany?" she scolded herself, "Why?! Of all the things you could have said, why that?!"
She simply told herself that she'd have to stretch this out for long as she possibly could and avoid anything until she could psyche herself up enough to confront Alvin with the truth.
They all made a quick rest break and filled up at a truckstop station, before heading back on the road; Simon used this time to stretch as Eleanor put her hand on his shoulder, looking between Alex, Steph and Alvin, "Are you sure you wouldn't want me to try driving?" she nodded her head at Simon, "Simon looks pretty beat up from driving; I mean, you all look so tired"
Steph nodded, "Yeah well, it is exhausting, but the fact we've been staying in one spot longer has helped" she stretched her arms up and arched her back slightly.
Simon smiled at Eleanor, "I appreciate the concern Eleanor, but we're not actually too far away from Vegas now" he closed his eyes and did some quick calculations, "I mean we could possibly get there by Friday-"
"But Bruno's birthday!" Steph pleaded, as Simon rolled his eyes at her, "*Ahem*, as I was saying, we could possibly get there by Friday, but seeing as how we don't need to be in Vegas until at least the 17th, we've still at least another 10 days or so travelling we can stretch out"
Steph cheered and turned to Bruno, "Yay for your birthday! Whoo!"
Bruno faked enthusiasm before cracking up laughing as Steph commenced a short dance.
With all eyes on Steph, Alvin turned discreetly to Brittany and whispered, "You could head into the truckstop now and get a…you know…that"
Brittany glanced sideways at Alvin, "Uhh…"
Alvin pressed, "Look, all eyes are on Steph, just be quick, I'll cover you, say you're buying a slushie…so come back with a slushie" he gave her a gentle nudge and smiled.
Brittany took a small step back, then sighed and headed towards the truckstop, trying to think what to do next.
Alvin kept an eye out by distracting everyone else with conversation.
Brittany headed into the truckstop.
It smelt of over percolated coffee, fried eggs and bacon, floor cleaner and something she just couldn't pin point.
She looked out the window as she headed into the mini mart section and paced a few aisles before realising she only had one aisle left.
Swearing under her breath, she walked down it, wishing a hurricane could hurry up and whisk the truckstop away that very moment, when she heard, "Britt, whatcha doing?"
She turned and saw Eleanor, holding two jumbo bags of marshmallows, "Umm"
Eleanor walked in closer and studied the aisle, crinkling her nose, "Oh geez, run out of condoms already?"
Brittany looked to her right and saw the condoms were in fact right next to the home pregnancy tests, "Umm, well, you see, actually"
Just then she looked up to see a panting Alvin come to a stop behind Eleanor, "Hey babe, get that slushie yet?"
Eleanor looked between Alvin and Brittany, "Huh?"
Alvin then pretended to look surprised, "Whoa, Britt, um, why are you down this aisle for?" he faked a laugh and rubbed the back of his neck, as Eleanor rolled her eyes, "Ugh, I'm going, I don't need to know what brand you guys like"
Alvin and Brittany watched as Eleanor headed to the counter to pay.
Alvin let out a sigh of relief, "Whoa, well that was close hey?"
Brittany smiled through her teeth, "Yeah, close"
Alvin glanced at the shelves, "Which one do you need?"
Brittany shrugged, "I don't know, I've never bought one before"
Alvin looked up at Eleanor, finishing her purchase, then out the window.
The others were staring to head into the RVs.
He turned back to Brittany, "Just get that one, and hurry up, I'll head back out"
He lent in and kissed her cheek before taking a quick smiling glance at her stomach and quick stepped outside.
Brittany felt like throwing up.
She'd hoped the fact Eleanor had walked in would meant she'd have a liable excuse not to go ahead and buy the stupid kit, but now Alvin had come in, she felt she had to.
She sighed and bent down to randomly pick up a kit when she heard, "BRITTANY HURRY UP!"
Brittany whipped her head toward the window (as did about half the patrons eating in the diner section) and saw Steph cupping her hands around her mouth yelling out, "COME ON WE GOTTA GO ALREADY!"
Brittany sighed relief once more, "Thank you Steph"
She stood up and walked briskly out the door, with nothing in her hands.
"What the hell was taking you so long?" Steph asked, standing on the steps on 'Hot Stuff.
Brittany shrugged, "Just wasting time really, not looking for anything in particular"
Alvin gave her a look, as she shook her head slightly and shrugged.
He rolled his eyes slightly as he stepped up into 'Hot Stuff', when Steph blocked the door, "Nope, not in here"
Steph thumbed toward 'Einstein', "Simon needs a break, you gotta drive"
Alvin folded his arms and stepped back onto the ground, "Why can't Alex?" he huffed
Steph stepped over as Bruno headed in, "Because Bruno needs Alex to help find him a birthday present"
"Gonna get him a phone!" Alex called from the booth.
Bruno lent on the corner of the kitchenette bench and poked his head out from inside, "Yeah, so we're gonna use the next leg to find a one online"
"Probably good to look for a shopping centre too" Steph added, before turning back to Alvin, "So Alex is gonna drive 'Hot Stuff', I'm helping to relay the search, Bruno is participating in said search which only leaves dear little you to drive 'Einstien' over there"
Alvin tried to reason but Steph wasn't budging, and the others were getting impatient, "Come on Alvin, it's only until we reach the next stop over point" Theodore called, "Simon needs a decent break"
Alvin grumbled something under his breath and made his way over to the other RV.
Brittany headed into 'Hot Stuff' before Alvin could question her and took a seat in the booth, nursing her head.
As they pulled out of the truckstop, Steph tapped Brittany on the shoulder, "Mind sitting up front? Keep Alex company while Bruno and I check out phones?"
Brittany nodded and shuffled out of the seat, "Yeah that's fine"
"Great" she beamed, "Can we use your laptop too?"
Brittany nodded, "Yeah it's in the drawer of the back room, password is…" she thought a second before heading to the back room to retrieve it herself, "On second thoughts, I'll boot it up" she grinned at Steph and Bruno upon returning and quickly typed her password in before a plastering of her and Alvin collaged with hearts and shimmer over the desktop.
She shrugged and smiled it off as Bruno and Steph gaped at the lovey-doveyness of the photos, watching as Brittany clicked open the web browser, "Hopefully you'll be able to get wi-fi, otherwise Alvin has the thingy in his backpack near the bed, it should connect automatically"
Steph nodded and typed into the web browser.
Brittany slid into the passenger seat and buckled up the belt, then stared out the window watching the scenery pass by.
Alex glanced over at Brittany, as Steph called out to him, "So what's the ball park figure? How much you willing to spend?"
Snapping back to the road Alex chimed back, "Uh, nothing too expensive, my uncle'll start asking questions, so will mum…under $300?"
Bruno whistled, "Whoa, man, that's really, really generous of you" he turned to the screen of the laptop, "Let's just find the lowest price one first"
Steph waved him off, "Pfft, are you kidding me? You've just been granted an allowance of up to $300 mister, have a field day!"
Alex smirked, "I would like some change left over"
Steph clicked open a few tabs then grumbled, "Ugh, wi-fi's getting weak, Britt where'd you say the internet thingy was?"
"Alvin's backpack, front pocket"
Steph nodded, and stood up, heading towards the back room, then called back, "Bruno just bring the laptop in here, we'll probably get better reception anyway"
Bruno looked up towards Alex, who was eyeing in the rearview mirror, "Ok?"
Alex nodded approvingly, "Yeah, we'll be able to hear you anyway" he smirked.
Bruno gave a laugh back, then carried the laptop with him to the back room where Steph was still rummaging through Alvin's bag, "Got it, ok, let's see what we can find"
While Bruno and Steph lay on the bed, cruising through web pages and searching, Alex glanced at Brittany out the corner of his eye; she sat facing ahead, although he could tell her mind was elsewhere.
After a few minutes of silence, he asked, "So I take it you didn't tell Alvin then?"
Brittany tilted her head in his direction, "What gave it away?"
Alex shrugged and lent on one arm, allowing one hand to slid to the bottom of the steering wheel, "He wasn't freaking out" he gave a half smile as Brittany gave one back, "Mm, you think?"
Alex looked back at the road and seemed to be trying to recall what Brittany may have meant.
He thought about just before at the truckstop, how they'd all been chatting and laughing, and Eleanor had offered to head in to buy marshmallows, when Alvin suddenly excused himself and went in quickly after her.
Alex raised an eyebrow at Brittany, "What did you tell him then?"
Brittany bit her lip and fiddled with the hem of her top, "Um, I kind of avoided the truth itself and…" she trailed off.
After a moment, Alex pressed her, with a slightly apprehensive tone of voice, "What exactly did you tell him then?"
Brittany closed her eyes, took a breath in and opened them, her head bent low, "That I may be pregnant"
Alex jolted the RV onto the other side of the road, and back into their lane; causing Steph to fall off the bed, Bruno almost off the bed and Brittany to grasp hard at the dash, everyone screaming or squealing.
"THE %#$ JUST HAPPENED ALEX?!" Steph called out
"Uhh...sorry back there!" Alex called out, "A…bird" he nodded towards Brittany, who still had a bewildered look on her face, "Yeah a bird just swooped down in front, sorry had to swerve to miss it"
He could here Steph still carrying on as Bruno helped her up and they resumed their search.
Brittany curled herself up on the passenger seat and started playing with the ends of her hair.
Alex coughed, "You cannot be serious? Brittany do you even realise what you've done?"
Brittany sighed dramatically and straightened her legs out again, "I don't know Alex, what was I supposed to do?"
"Alex looked over at her blankly, "Clearly the truth?"
Brittany frowned as Alex continued reasoning, "Look, one way, you tell him the truth, you've only got to face the past and inevitably the way Alvin reacts"
Brittany rolled her eyes, as Alex held a hand up, "Which yes, I realise it's gonna be insane, but the story you've now told him, leads into an uncertainty in the future" he sighed "Do you see where I'm going with this?"
Brittany sniffed and threw her head back, relaxing it on the headrest, "Ok, so I may have made a seriously terrifying truth even worse by making up a story I cannot redeem myself from"
She buried her head in her hands, "If I had a pillow right now I'd scream into it" she looked over at Alex from behind her hands, "What am I gonna do Alex?"
Alex opened his mouth to say something, then closed it again, sighing, "I'm afraid I dunno how to help you out of this one"
Brittany nodded, "I was afraid you'd say something like that"
Alex added, "But maybe it's now time you opened up to a few more people, perhaps once everyone else knows, telling Alvin won't be so bad" he scratched his head and brushed the hair from his brow, "You'll have practiced it more and stuff"
Brittany tucked her legs up again and hugged herself, "But he's expecting me to take a pregnancy test"
Alex shrugged, "So that means you told him you only might be pregnant?"
Brittany nodded, "Yeah"
Alex tapped the steering wheel, "Then you just say it's a false alarm, there, that parts easy"
Brittany frowned and scowled at him, "It's not going to be easy at all!"
Alex back peddled a bit, "Look, what I meant was, letting Alvin know that story was fake will be easier considering you only told him you might be pregnant. It'd be a whole lot harder to get your way out of it if you'd said you definitely were"
Brittany massaged her temples; that headache really was coming back now, "Ugh, you're right I suppose" she groaned.
"Why's Alex right?" Steph asked, as she and Bruno sat back at the booth.
"Um" Brittany started, turning to face them, "Just in regards to Bruno's birthday, the guys and all"
"And?" Steph questioned.
Brittany darted a look to Alex, who glanced back in the mirror, "Uh, I just mentioned that sometimes it's best not to argue with Alvin, but simply go along with his ideas"
Steph mulled this over and nonchalantly nodded, "Yeah, usually, I suppose"
Over in 'Einstein', Simon was sound asleep in the back room, the exhaustion of driving had finally caught up with him.
That and the late nights and early mornings, for an otherwise 9 hour a day sleeper, was also taking its toll.
Jeanette and Eleanor sat in the booth, idly watching the scenery pass by and chatting with one another.
Theodore was up in the passenger seat drinking a juice box as Alvin drove on, what appeared semi-auto pilot.
His mind was totally focussed on the road (he didn't want to jeopardise his own life, let alone anyone else's) but part of it was trying to decipher what the future possibilities could hold for him and Brittany and…
He shook his head and gripped two hands on the wheel, straightening himself up on the seat and clearing his throat.
"You ok, Alvin?" Theodore asked, sipping from the juice box.
Alvin glanced over, "Yeah, yeah, just…" he couldn't say anything that would remotely point in the direction of Brittany possibly being pregnant, "Just, uh, thinking about our routines and stuff"
"Ahh, Simon did say you'd freak out" Eleanor pointed out
Alvin tried to remain cool, "I'm not freaking out, I just had a, a passing thought that's all" he smiled back at them, "We'll be fine, I know it, don't worry"
Eleanor knelt up on the seat (after awkwardly twisting herself around), "When are we going to practice? And where?"
Jeanette opened the map up and then out the window, adjusting her glasses, and looking for a road sign or some kind of landmark to pin point where they were.
She then looked back at the map and did some quick calculation in her head before announcing, "We should only be about 3 hours away from Colorado Springs"
"So we're a day early then?" Eleanor asked
Jeanette looked back out the window, catching sight of a road sign and then back at the map, "If we're travelling this road, then roughly yes, give or take 30 minutes"
Alvin tilted his head side to side, "Well, then that's the first time we may be able to stay a full day and half somewhere along this trip"
Theodore nodded "It'll be nice to just stop for a while"
Eleanor agreed, "Maybe we can stay a few days then? Leave Sunday instead of Saturday morning?"
Alvin raised his hand, "I'm all in for that, after the Friday night I've got planned, we're gonna need another day to recover" he laughed, making Theodore blush and the girls recoil in disgust.
Eleanor shook her head and shifted out from the booth, leaning between Alvin and Theodore and speaking into the CB, "Hey guys?"
Brittany picked up on the other end, "What's up Ellie? Over"
Eleanor flicked her hair back, "So we just worked out, we're kinda a day ahead of ourselves, so what do you think of staying a few extra days in Colorado Springs? Over"
Brittany looked over at Alex who shrugged as Bruno pointed out, "A few days in one spot might be what we all need for the final leg to Vegas"
Brittany nodded and radioed back, "Sounds good to us, over"
Eleanor smiled, "A few days it is, over" she was about to out the radio back, when she quickly picked it up again, "Can you guys search for things to do? We'll get onto where to stay, over"
"Can do, over" Brittany said and hooked the radio back onto the clip, then turned and pointed to the back room, "Ok, you two, start finding fun stuff in Colorado Springs"
Steph saluted, "Aye, aye cap'n" as she and Bruno wandered back into the room booting up Brittany's laptop again, "Britt, password?"
Brittany sighed and unbuckled her seat belt, making her way down the back of the RV again.
Arriving into Colorado Springs (after a very quick pit stop – and finding Simon still asleep, Alvin figured he'd drive 'Einstein' the last hour into Colorado Springs) they pulled into the parking lot of a very nice hotel Eleanor had managed to book last minute.
"Now, I'm not sure where we'll all be, I just managed to grab the last few rooms they were offering" Eleanor mentioned, after being congratulated for even finding somewhere they could all stay in during the 3 hour travel.
Steph lifted the handle of her suitcase, and kicked it back, ready to roll, "So we're not in together?"
Eleanor shook her head, "I figured we all needed our own space" she smiled and gave a quick look at Theodore, who darted his eyes elsewhere, blushing slightly.
Eleanor lead the way with most of them falling in behind her; Jeanette heading into the RV to make sure Simon was awake.
After checking in, they worked out that Bruno, Alvin and Brittany and Eleanor and Theodore were all on the same floor together, while Simon and Jeanette and Steph and Alex were on the floor above them.
They agreed to meet down in the lobby in 15 minutes to discuss the weekend plans.
"I want to go to the zoo" Theodore said, adding his thoughts to the imaginary list.
Alvin groaned, "Seriously?" he tipped a bottle of coke back and wiped his mouth whith the back of his hand, "The zoo?"
Theodore sat a little straighter, "What? I like the zoo"
Alvin leant forward of the chair, "But zoos are for kids"
"Says who, Alvin?" Jeanette retorted, folding her arms, "If Theodore wants to go to the zoo, then he can, and anyone who wants to go with him can too"
Theodore thanked Jeanette, as Alvin rolled his eyes, and said, "Exactly"
"We're just throwing out stuff to do round here" Alex pointed out, "Doesn't mean we all need to do it together, right?"
The others nodded.
"A little time away from the whole group might'n be such a bad idea" Simon said, "We've been cooped up with each other for a few weeks now"
"Getting on your nerves hey Simon?" Steph giggled, nudging him and taking a sip from her milkshake.
He smirked, "That's not what I was getting at, rather, well, I've missed spending time just with Jeanette" he reached over and held her hand.
Brittany asked, "So we're all each to their own?"
The others casually nodded as Steph pointed over to Bruno, "What and Bruno plays third wheel? Do we make a roster of who's on Bruno-sitting duties?"
Bruno slumped back in his chair and raised his eyebrows, "I'm not a little kid Steph, I can manage a few hours here and there on my own" he rested on his elbow, "Or the whole day even"
Alex looked over at him, "And not get busted into trouble?" he swiped Bruno's arm from under his head, making Bruno jolt.
Bruno back handed him on the arm, "No, I promise I'll be a good little boy"
They all laughed as Eleanor brought them back to the task at hand, "Ok, so, what's everyone gonna do tomorrow then? Friday we'll have Bruno's birthday celebrations, right Alvin?"
Alvin nodded and tipped his cap, "We've got the morning booked out at the lazer battlefield range, then the night at 'The Pink Bunny'" He grinned.
Brittany screwed her nose up, "'The Pink Bunny'?"
Alvin shrugged, "Hey, I don't come up with these names"
Eleanor nodded and pointed over at Steph, "And we have a cake to bake" she smiled
Steph did some mini fist pumps in front of her, "I am so excited to bake a cake" she looked over at Bruno, "Like seriously, you should be so proud of me, I like, never cook!"
Bruno gave a forced expression, "Yay"
Steph looked deflated, "Hey!"
Bruno laughed and patted her on the leg, "Thanks, really. Look, so long as it's edible"
"Which it will be"
"Then I'm very grateful"
Steph beamed and sucked up the rest of her milkshake.
Simon pointed to Theodore, "So you're heading to the zoo then I take it?"
Theodore looked over at Eleanor, who shrugged, smiled and nodded, "Yeah"
"So that leaves the rest of us then"
Bruno raised his hand slightly, "I think I'll go to wherever is free"
Steph gave him a friendly shove, "Don't be stupid, we'll cover the costs, right Alex?" she looked over to Alex who folded his hands smiling, "Am I just a walking ATM to you?"
Steph shook her head, "No silly, but you just so happen to have some extra funds" she beamed.
Alex nodded and patted Bruno on the shoulder, "Nah, but it's fine, happy to cover, what'd you have in mind?"
Bruno nodded at the generosity and admitted, "There is this place where you can ride on like 4-wheeler bikes on trails and stuff"
Steph nodded, "That sounds cool, Alex let's do that too!"
Alex held his hands in defeat, "Guess we're trail blazin'"
Simon nodded and looked towards Alvin and Brittany, "And you guys?"
Alvin looked at Brittany who shrugged, then back at Simon, "Dunno yet, figure it out tomorrow I guess"
Brittany smiled, "Lazy day, I miss those"
Alvin nodded, "Mmm, yeah, sleeping in, late breakfast"
Theodore's stomach growled, "Speaking of food, what are we going to do for dinner?"
Jeanette put her hand up, "As much as I have loved Ellie and Theodore's cooking, I could really go for a restaurant meal"
The other's nodded as Steph added, "I could go for pizza"
Brittany closed her eyes, smiling, "Pizza sounds good"
Simon nodded, "OK, I'll find a pizza place to book in for tonight for dinner" he yawned, "A lazy day tomorrow kinda sounds really nice" he looked at Jeanette who gave him a soft smile back.
Steph stood up and stretched, "Well, if no one else minds, but I'm headed up to my room to go and lay down for a bit before dinner"
Alex nodded, "That sounds like a good plan; I am exhausted"
Steph looked at him, "What? But, no! No you're not really supposed to be tired"
He stood up and stepped over to her, kissing her forehead, "Gimme a 20 minute power nap and I'll be good to go"
Steph pouted as Alex laughed and turned her, pushing her away from the group and over to the lifts, "Come on, looks like you could use a nap too"
"But I'm not tired"
Bruno looked back to the clock, "I might head out for a walk, I'll see you guys later for dinner"
Alvin reached back into his pocket and pulled his wallet out, handing Bruno $50, "Just in case" he smiled.
Bruno smiled and accepted the cask, stuffing it in his own wallet, "Thanks"
Alvin shrugged, "No biggie" and watched as Bruno headed out the front doors of the hotel.
"I could really go for some ice cream" Theodore said, clutching at his stomach, as Eleanor helped him to his feet, "Come on then Theo, I think I saw one not too far from here on our way in"
They stood and left hand in hand as Simon and Jeanette announced they were off to find a café to get a hot chocolate, leaving Alvin and Brittany alone in the lobby.
After a moment of making sure everyone had gone, Alvin turned to Brittany, "So whatcha wanna do then?"
Brittany shrugged and inspected her nails, "I dunno. I could go for a manicure to be honest"
Alvin rolled his eyes, "Well that's boring" he snapped his fingers, "Hey here's an idea, I saw as we were heading in a drugstore not too far from the hotel. It's only round that corner there" he extended his arm and pointed in a vague direction, "You could go get yourself one of them home pregnancy tests"
Brittany sighed as Alvin sat forward, leaning closer to her, "What? Don't you want to find out?"
Brittany closed her eyes and lowered her head, before looking back up at Alvin, "Uh, well, yeah, but can we just relax a little? Everyone is off doing their own thing for a change, and I thought we could just enjoy some alone time as well"
"Yeah, but -"
"Alvin, I will, just…look after Bruno's birthday, ok?"
Alvin was about to open his mouth to respond when Brittany held her finger up to his mouth, "Ok? I will, I promise, let's just enjoy the rest of the day today and tomorrow and then have fun with Bruno's birthday without having to worry about whether I'm…" she whispered a sigh, "Pregnant or not, ok?"
Alvin looked in Brittany's eyes and felt defeat, "OK" he leant in and kissed her softly on the lips, then stood up, stretching, "So what you wanna do now then?"
Brittany stood, and flicked her hair, "There's a spa and pool up on the top level?"
Alvin grinned and wrapped his arms around Brittany's waist, kissing her neck and making her giggle, as they headed back to their room to grab their swim gear.