Guilty of Love
A/N: Hey there! This is my first Zootopia fic! Hope you enjoy!
One morning in Zootopia, Officer Nick Wilde, and Officer Judy Hopps were riding through the city on their daily patrol. The two had been on the force for a little over a year, and both of them were now fully comfortable with their jobs in the ZPD. Nick and Judy made a great team; cracking case after case, earning themselves well-earned respect throughout the ZPD, and Zootopia.
Nick had to admit, he never thought he'd have this much fun as a police officer. Every time he helped someone in need, it made him feel so pleasant inside. It embarrassed him to think that just a year ago, he was a con-artist making a living out of tricking people. Now that he was on the other side of the law, he saw just how bad that lifestyle was, and how much better his life was now. Of course, none of it would have been possible if it weren't for Judy. That persistent little bunny who at first he had to admit, he didn't care for, had such an impact on his life.
Many were surprised to see her teamed up with him, a fox of all animals, but he tried his best not to let it get to him. But Judy had affected Nick's life in more ways than changing his lifestyle. Judy had brought out the best in him, and opened his eyes to the true potential that he had. For years, Nick was constantly reminded of the fact that just because he was a fox, he simply couldn't be trusted. And for a while, he really gave people a reason to believe that. After Judy came barreling into his life, his whole world was turned upside down. Judy was pretty impressive for a bunny; there was no doubt about that. She had a sense of determination in her that everyone should have. Every morning, she woke up excited, cheerful, and ready to serve and protect the city of Zootopia.
Nick once heard someone say that if you love what you do, you'll never have to work a day in your life. Well, Judy sure fit that description. Not only did she love what she did, she did it with so much passion, and that was admirable in itself. Judy was a great friend, and a great partner as well. Everyone could benefit from having someone like that in their lives. There was so much to admire about her: her passion, her intelligence, her beauty… Yes, he had to admit, Judy was very pretty. Even when he first met her he noticed that, not that it mattered of course; looks weren't everything. Needless to say, Nick was lucky to have her by his side.
As they drove down the road, Nick looked out the window at the many pedestrians and cars on the streets. Judy noticed him staring off into the distance, and quickly said something about it.
"Good to see that you're keeping an eye out for anyone in distress," she said.
"What? Oh…yes. You know me, I'm a pretty perceptive animal," Nick said, now really looking for anyone that might need help.
Judy chuckled. Nick never ceased to amuse her. "One thing I really like about being a police officer is that you never know what to expect. Every day is different, no two are alike. One day you might be chasing down a thief, the next you might be pulling someone over for reckless driving…
"And some days you might be writing parking tickets, right, Carrots?"
Judy playfully hit him on the arm. "Haha. Very funny. But yes, that is one of the many duties of a police officer, dull as it may be."
"I think it's the mystery of not knowing what's going to happen every day of it all that makes it so unique," Nick added. "I feel sorry for all those animals with those boring dead-end jobs. Some of them look absolutely miserable."
"I agree. That's why I always believe that it's important to find a job that you enjoy doing," Judy said.
"Same here, Carrots," Nick said, smiling.
Suddenly, a goat ran out in front of their patrol car, and started waving her arms frantically. Fortunately, Judy saw her, and had just enough time to slam on brakes. The woman looked frantic; something was clearly wrong. Nick and Judy got out of the car, and ran over to the woman's side.
"Ma'am, what's wrong?" Judy asked, concerned.
"Officers! I've been robbed! I was walking back from the store with a brand new clock when this raccoon knocked me over, and took it from me!"
"What's your name, ma'am?" Nick asked.
"Amy Glockma," the woman said, crying.
"When did this happen, Amy?" Judy asked, trying to comfort the poor woman.
"Just a few minutes ago. He ran that way," Amy said, pointing in the direction the thief went.
"Don't worry, ma'am. We'll get your clock back. Nick, let's go," Judy said, determinedly.
"On it," Nick said.
The two hopped back into their patrol car, and sped down the street. As she drove, Judy kept one hand on the wheel, and the other to use her handheld radio transceiver.
"Dispatch, this is Officer Hopps. We have a suspect in progress down Baxter Street. Suspect is a raccoon carrying a stolen clock. Officers Hopps and Wilde in pursuit."
Judy sped up, keeping her eyes peeled for the thief. He couldn't have gone too far. Suddenly, she spotted him pushing past pedestrians on the sidewalk. "There!" she called. Judy slammed on breaks, and her and Nick got out of the car, and pursued the suspect on foot.
"Stop! In the name of the law!," Judy yelled.
"I really don't think that's going to work, Carrots," Nick said.
"You always have to give them a chance to surrender peacefully," Judy explained. "Hurry up! Before he gets away!"
The raccoon looked behind him, and saw Nick and Judy closing in on him. He knew that he had to do something fast before they reached him. Up ahead at a crosswalk, he saw a red light. Wasting not a second more, he sped up, and barely made it across before the light turned to green. When it did, a flood of cars pulled forward; preventing Judy and Nick from crossing.
"No! He's getting away!" Judy shouted in disbelief.
"No, he's not. Come on, I know a shortcut," Nick said. The young fox led Judy down through a back alley, which led to Huckleberry Street; a street right next to Baxter. The two quickly crossed to the other side, and rounded a building, putting back on Baxter Street. Before they knew it, they saw the raccoon running right towards them. When he saw them, he panicked, and tripped trying to turn around. Before he could get back up, Judy and Nick were by his side with their tranquilizer guns pointing at him.
"Freeze!" Judy commanded.
The thief tried to get back up, but the two ZPD cops were quick to prevent his escape. "Unless you want a dart inside of you, I strongly suggest you stand down, and put your hands behind your head," Nick said.
Knowing that the jig was up, the raccoon dropped the clock, and did as he was told. Nick kept his gun pointed at him as Judy put the handcuffs on him. "Let's go, scum ball," she said, after reading him his rights. Nick placed his gun back into his holster, and picked up the clock. He examined it closely, making sure that there wasn't any damage to it; fortunately there wasn't. They returned the clock to Amy, who was overjoyed, and then the two made their way back to headquarters.
When they arrived, Judy took the raccoon to booking, while Nick started on some paperwork that he had to finished. An hour or so later, Judy came into his office. "Nice work out there today!" she said. "I don't think we would have caught him if you hadn't have known that shortcut."
Nick shrugged. "When you live in Zootopia for so long, you learn a few things."
"I'll say. I'm so glad to have you as my partner," Judy said, giving Nick a pat on the back.
"Well, you look pretty busy, and I have some work to do myself. I'll see you later!" Judy said, just before she left.
"Take it easy, Carrots," Nick replied.
Later that evening when Nick got back to his apartment, he phoned his mother. She had left a message earlier that day, while he was out on patrol, but he didn't have time to answer it then. The moment he heard his mother's voice on the other end, he smiled.
"Why, hello, Nick! How was your day?"
"Pretty good. Judy and I arrested a raccoon who stole a clock from some lady," Nick said.
"That's great, sweetie! How is Judy by the way?"
Nick had introduced Judy to his mother and father a year ago. She had become quite fond of the young rabbit.
"She's doing good. As always she was really enthusiastic at work."
"That's good. She's such a sweet bunny. You should ask her out sometime."
Nick blushed. "Mom, she's just my partner, and my friend."
"Well so? I think she would be a lovely girl to date."
"Like I said, she's just my partner, and my friend. Besides, she'd never go for someone like me anyway."
"And why is that?"
"I'm a different species!"
"Sweetie, it doesn't matter what kind of species you are. Your personality, and what you do is what you defines you, not your species."
Nick sighed. "I guess you're right. Still, I don't think she'd go out with me."
"You'll never know unless you ask, sweetie."
"Ok. Well, mom I got to go. It's been a long day, and I'm pretty tired."
"Alright, sweetie. You take care now. I love you."
"I love you too, mom."
Nick hung up the phone, and started to take off his uniform. As he did so, he thought back to what his mother had said. Judy was a nice girl, and one heck of a partner as well. But there was no way she'd go out with a fox like him, even if he was her partner. Nick turned off the lights, and closed his eyes. He quickly found out that he couldn't fall asleep. All he could think about was Judy, and how much his life had changed since he met her. She was amazing, no doubt about it. There were so many things about her that he admired, and to think they didn't get off to a good start.
Well, that was all water under the bridge. They were partners now, and for that he was grateful. Closing his eyes, he began to dream about what it would be like to go with Judy on a date. He saw himself taking her to the movies, going out to dinner, and taking a walk through Zootopia central park. In the dream, he and Judy sat on the grass, and gazed at the stars together. Nick looked into her violet eyes, which seemed to sparkle against the starry skylight. She smiled at him, causing a warm feeling within him. Slowly, he moved his head forward, and kissed Judy on the lips. When they parted, Judy smiled warmly at him. "I love you, Nick," she said.
"I love you too, Judy."
Nick awoke from the dream; his forehead was dripping with sweat. Sitting up, he thought once again about Judy, and how he felt about her. Could he like Judy more as a friend? Unable to fall back asleep, Nick got up, turned on the lamp, and sat at his desk. There next to him was a picture of him, and Judy, taken their first day on the job together as partners. She looked so happy that day. Nick smiled, remembering how proud she was seeing him all dressed in his uniform. "Ready to make the world a better place?" she asked.
"You know it," he said, giving her a high five.
Judy was amazing, no doubt about it. Maybe he should ask her out.
AN: Well, this is my first Zootopia fic. I'm planning on this being a miniseries with three chapters total. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated! If you liked it or want me to continue, please leave a review, and let me know! Thank you for reading!