Mornings were Eren's favorite.
Eren woke up to the light drizzle going on outside and the quiet mumbling from the kitchen. He rolled over and looked at the clock. 7:34am. Slowly sitting up, Eren rubbed his eyes and swung his feet around to the end of the bed.
"Dad! Daddy said breakfast is ready" a tiny voice said from behind the door. Eren got up and opened the door to reveal one of his beautiful babies.
"Good morning sunshine" He said to the little girl with big grey eyes shaped just like Eren's. He scooped the toddler up into his arms and made his way to the kitchen where his husband and son were. He set his daughter in her high chair and watched as Levi and his son talked about which sport he should enroll in for mini league.
"All I'm saying is soccer sounds way better than football." Levi said pouring some syrup on the boys pancakes.
"But dad... you just want me to play it safe." There son said looking up at him with almond shaped silver eyes identical to Levi's.
Levi ruffled the boys brown hair that matched Eren's. "You know, your dad was a star basketball player in high school. I bet you can grow up to be as tall as him" Levi said lightly poking at his son's nose.
Eren smiled and blushed lightly. He loved when Levi bragged about him.
"Oh actually no you cant play that either, he broke his leg that one time." Levi said cutting up the little girls food on the opposite side of him.
"Dad can I play a sport?" she asked swinging her legs in her high chair.
"We'll see" Eren answered looking at Levi who winked at him. They both knew she couldn't play any sports, she was just as clumsy and Eren, but there was no reason to crush her dreams.
Eren grabbed everyone's plates once breakfast was done and began washing the dishes, Listening as the tv told the forecast for today, followed by sighs and pouts coming from the living room.
Eren finished the dishes and walked to the living room. His son was being a clean freak and putting his and his younger sisters toys while his daughter was playing on their iPad.
Levi was drinking a cup of tea on the couch and watching the morning news. He looked at Eren and patted the empty space next to him, Which Eren gladly took. He wrapped an arm around Levi and stared at him.
"What?" Levi asked looking up at Eren who was smiling at him like an idiot.
"Thanks for giving me my perfect life" Eren said nuzzling into Levi's neck.
Levi turned away and blushed, "If your talking about the kids they're yours too" He said embarrassed that Eren would just blurt that out for no reason.
Eren sighed and looked down at the children in front of him who were both now playing on the Ipad. The boy with Erens fluffy brown hair and the girl with Levi's straight black locks. Eren smiled. Every time he looked at his kids he saw the man that gave him them. They all shared the same greyish blue eye color, the same nose, and even the same smile.
Eren leaned his head on Levi's, "They look just like you. They're beautiful, Perfect" He whispered.
"Yeah? Well He's definitely got your energetic attitude. And she, well she falls every three seconds. Thanks for making my daughter an accident prone mess." Levi said laughing towards the end.
Eren just smiled and hugged Levi tighter kissing the his temple, "We should have another"
Levi looked at him and then back at his kids, "I think we're fine" He said quickly "I don't want to change anything" he said.
Eren laughed. "Yeah it is perfect" he said watching as his daughter looked at her big brother, as he taught her how to play a new game they downloaded the night before.
Mornings were always Eren's favorite.
I would just like to apologize for this. Its not my best work. This is a product of me being up at 4 am wanting fluffy stuff that didn't exist on fanfiction. Hope you still liked it. If you didn't don't tell me! I don't want flames. Review if you want more and I can change this to be more than a one shot.