The say life is an adventure, and that you should take that bull by the horns and ride it until you fall off. For our friend Amy… she is still riding that bull and hanging on for dear life. She is starting a new chapter in her life…. she's going to college. Right now, she is entering the campus while looking around. The college is called Station Square College. It has two floors and on the right there are two building for dorms. The campus is a bright brick-red, with healthy flowers and trees surrounding it. Amy took it all in and parked her car in front of the campus. She gathered her stuff: notebooks, folders, iPhone, sunglasses, and other things you would need on the first day of college. She stepped out of her car, and looked around her once more. She closed her eyes, took a deep breath and continued to walk to get registered. She was wearing a half baby blue shirt with a white tank top underneath. With that, she wore blue ripped jeans and her favorite red Converse. She might have looked call to anyone who passed by…. but there was practically a party in her head.
'AHHHHHHHHH! I'm so exited! I can't believe I'm actually here! All that hard work really paid off. I wonder who my roommate is going to be. I hope that person is nice. I wonder how Cream is doing with me being gone. Ugh. Come on Amy! Pull yourself together! You promised yourself and Cream that you wouldn't cry on the first DAY! Okay…. Take a deep breath'.
She did just that. Breath in. Breath out. It really didn't work though. She was still screaming in her mind.
As she entered the office that allowed her to get her room, she speed walked up to the front desk . There was a pink wolf with straight pink hair in a black jacket and a black skirt that stopped just above her knees. She looked up and saw Amy standing with a warm, friendly smile. She returned the smile and pulled out her hand to shake.
"Hey there. I'm Abby. Your dorm secretary. You must be new here" she assumed.
Amy pulled out her and they both shook hands. They retreated their hands and Amy answered.
"Hi! I'm Amy. Amy Rose, and yeah I'm new here," she said with a small giggle.
"Well then. Welcome to Station Square College. Hope you enjoy being here!" she said with the same warm smile.
Amy gave her all the information needed and waited patiently while Abby input it all in her computer.
"Oh no" she said. Amy snapped out of her daze and looked at her with a worried look.
"What is it?" she asked hesitantly. Abby looked up at her and started to explain.
"Well, since you came just on the date line, there is only one more room."
Amy let out her breath. She thought it was something actually important.
"I don't see the problem?" she asked. Abby hesitated a little in whether she should tell her. She was going to find out anyway so might as well get it over with.
"The last room is with... with a boy" she answered. Amy's eyes widened. WHAT?! A BOY! What the hell was she supposed to do now? Abby, as sensing her discomfort, said "He's really not that bad. I'm sure you guys will get along" she finished with a comforting smile. Amy though about it for a minute. Well... there was nothing else to do. She was stuck. This was all that she could afford so there was no going back. She looked back at Abby, who was smiling warmly. She sighed heavily and began to speak
"Alright... I guess there's nothing I can do for now" she said. Abby grinned and put the rest of Amy's information in the computer. Once she was done, she gave Amy the key and the room number.
Room 206 on the 3rd floor. Great. Now there was no going back.
Once she found the room she stud there. Just... looking at the door. This was not her plan at all. Her plan was to make friends with someone that was NOT a boy. She let out a sad sigh.
' goes nothing. he better not be a perverted roommate. Now THAT would be a nightmare.'