The Silver Era

The Silver Era

"The Golden Age is Over, the Time of the Silver Era is Coming"

By Queen Red Rum

Disclaimer: I'm sorry C.S Lewis, Aslan forgive me!! This is mainly movie based but sometimes I go with facts from the book (like Prince Caspian)

Summary: In Narnia Edmund and Lucy had been in love, with each other. Now, the two of them are trying to adjust to their love back in England. Then, a few years after their adventure with Prince Caspian, the two of them come back to Narnia as Aslan had told them they would.

Author's Note: The first chapters will be just introduction and character development, then there will be a plot.

Chapter 1: Edmund's Love

"If you could only see the way she loves me
Then maybe you would understand
Why I feel this way about our love
And what I must do
If you could only see how blue her eyes can be when she says
When she says she loves me" By Tonic

Once upon a time there was a splendid Golden Age in a beautiful, far away, magical land called Narnia. The Kings and Queens ruled over this fantasy world by the command of the Great Aslan.

During this era, King Edmund the Just soon found himself falling in love with Queen Lucy the Valiant. Love is a joyous gift from Aslan, but, you see, Lucy was Edmund's little sister.

Edmund felt very confused about his feelings for his younger sister. He sought the Great Aslan himself to talk this very serious matter through.

Aslan, after Edmund tearful confession, roared out a laugh. Aslan told Edmund that he knew of Edmund's love for little Lucy before Edmund did.

Edmund was bewildered to find this out and said that incest is a sin. Aslan informs Edmund that all humans are descendents of Adam and Eve and are thus related. In conclusion, Eve was made out of Adam's rib; Adam and Eve were brother and sister, so Edmund and Lucy were not a sin.

Edmund returned to Cair Paravel and promptly requested Peter for Lucy's hand in marriage. At first Peter assumed that Edmund must have been jesting, but when the reality sunk in, he punched Edmund in the face.

Lucy chose this moment to come bursting into the throne room, for she had just received word that Edmund had returned home from his latest adventure. Lucy saw Edmund on the ground holding his head in his hands while Peter stood over him, yelling incoherently. She was followed shortly by Susan.

"Peter, what have you done? Oh, poor Edmund! Shame on you Peter! Why would you hit Ed?" Susan chided Peter. Lucy had come to Edmund's side, brushing her little hands through his curly, dark hair. Lucy was only 14 but wise enough to not try and reason with Peter when he had such rage blazing in his bright blue eyes.

"Susan, he bloody wants to marry her! Do know what that mean? What that implies? Susan, do you know what married people do together?" Peter's ranting did not make one iota of sense, but Susan managed to decode the fact that Edmund wanted to marry somebody.

Susan was secretly a romantic. She, above the rest of her siblings, enjoyed the many suitors' attentions. Her eyes gleamed and she smiled brightly and asked "Edmund, you're in love?" Edmund, who was now carefully propped up on Lucy's lap, being held gently, his hand placed on his cheek, gave Susan a solemn nod.

"Oh, Ed, that is fantastic! Who is the lucky maiden?"

Edmund dark eyes glanced to the floor, but Peter shouted "There, look at the lucky maiden!" as he gestured towards Edmund.

At first Susan was confused, for a mere moment, until she realized that Edmund was with Lucy.

"What?" Susan gasped

Lucy, who had remained silent, spoke softly "You're in love with me?"

Edmund made to get up, only to be held by Lucy, she repeated her question. "Yes, alright? I'm in love with you, with my baby sister. I'm sorry."

What happened next none of the older Pevensies could have foreseen. Lucy pulled Edmund into an embrace, and kissed him on his bruised cheek.

Peter released a deep breathe, sat on his throne, and merely said, in a tense and forced tone, "Fine, Edmund, you have my blessing."

Susan yelled "WHAT?!"

Edmund gave Peter a slight bow and mouthed "Thank you" and he turned to face Lucy. Lucy was beaming, her bright blue eyes were shining, and she said sweetly, "Oh, Edmund, I love you." Edmund pulled her into a soft, lingering kiss.

Susan turned from the loving exchange and faced Peter. "What could you possibly thinking? You have agreed to let our little brother marry our baby sister. What is wrong with you?!" Peter looked at Susan and said "Oh, Susan, will you please shut up. Look at them, they are in love. We don't need to dwell on this so."

Susan walked away muttering about immorality and such. Edmund and Lucy walked away hand in hand. Peter rubbed his face with his hands and said "Oh bother."

The engagement of Narnia's youngest King to Narnia's youngest Queen was rejoiced through all of Narnia and into distant lands.

The day of the wedding came. Lucy appeared to be an angel fallen right out of Heaven, Edmund looked dashing. Peter was the Best Man and Susan was the Maid of Honor (mostly against her will).

Susan and Peter adjusted to the idea of Edmund and Lucy over time.

Then, came that fateful day, when the white stag led them away.