Eggman pawns started to walk forward towards the small crowd of scared people and Tails was trapped among them while protecting them at the same time. Soon they started to walk back only to walked back against a crumbled wall, just went the robots were about to attack, they all braced themselves ready for pain. But that never happened.
Soon a bright blue ball arrived and destroyed all of the robots with its Homing Attack. The ball vanished and it was replaced by a cocky blue hedgehog with emerald eyes and red sneakers. Everyone cheered in relief and happiness "Is everyone okay?"
Tails smiled at his best buddy with confidence "We are, thanks to you. Cutting it kind of close, though, pal" then he winked since he know how Sonic is
Sonic chucked with a cocky smile "Yeah, that's pretty much how I roll." Then he turned around to face his nemeses with a glare on his face "Okay, let's finish this, Eggman!"
Eggman just eyed the blue hedgehog with his own glare as he sat in his flying car "It will be your finish, Sonic. Behold the power of my ultimate masterpiece!"
Sonic growled as he was about to use his Homing Attack on Eggman but as he jumped, something had hit him off course but he quickly got to his feet. His eyes soon found Shadow's "Shadow?" but it didn't end there, a big red member of the Deadly Six arrived "Zavok!?" then a blue robot "Metal!? and finally a water monster "Chaos!?"
But soon another person floated down in front of Sonic. Sonic just wiped his nose with his thumb with a chuckle, he went to boost this guy ut of the way but...he quickly side-stepped out of the way. Sonic stopped as he went into shock "Huh!?"
Even Tails was struck by shock at this as well "Whoa! This guy is faster than Sonic!"
Soon, the mysterious enemy started to fight Sonic. He was that strong that he axe kicked him to the hard surface of a wall. Sonic grunted in pain as he landed onto the floor and the rock pieces landed on top of him. Tails looked over at his fallen friend with concern "No, wait!It's something else. Gotta scan him and figure this out"
But the attacks just kept on coming onto Sonic. Zavok threw a punch but Sonic easily punched him out of the way. Even Metal and Chaos had a go to attack Sonic. He was really confused "What are you doing?! Why is this happening?" but he was once again knocked away by the mysterious figure. He grunted as he made contact to the floor. Cuts and bruises started to form on his tan skin, blood was dripping from his lip and on to his royal blue fur.
"Nice" Eggman grinned as he was enjoying this little show
Sonic closed his eyes in pain as he slowly looked over at Tails with hope "Tails! I need to know what's going on with this guy!"
Tails was holding his scanner as he looked over at his injured buddy "I'm trying, Sonic, but these readings are all messed up! They don't make any sense!"
Then the attacks started once again. Sonic was being punched, kicked and pushed into walls that broke. Sonic was in so much pain that he was trying his best to attack back "Running out of time here, Tails!"
But once that was said. Shadow, Zavok, Metal, Chaos and the mysterious figure performed a painful combo attack onto Sonic. Sonic was once again to the ground. He grunted and groaned in pain as his cuts and bruises got worse, he tried to get up...but he couldn't.
"SONIC!" Tails yelled out for his buddy with tears in his eyes.
Soon, Sonic's vision went black.
Eggman has finally done it. He has taken over the world ever since Sonic has disappeared. Everyone had began to live in fear as their homes were being destroyed by the robots or air ships due to Eggman's new power. He even had a new partner to help with his scheme to take over the world, he went by the the name of Infinite.
Everything has changed since Sonic is missing. All of his friends had formed a resistance to fight back against Eggman's power and to save the world, they even had a new recruitment which Knuckles calls 'Rookie' but his real name was Gadget. He was a bright red wolf with orange eyes, black framed glasses on his face and he was wearing a black belt with his Wispon by his side, green/black boots with matching gloves.
No one would ever forget when Tails had returned from his sudden ambush from Eggman, saying that Sonic had been defeated. The rest of the team went into shock and sorrow for their blue hedgehog friend as if they had lost a piece of themselves. But the one person who was taking this loss more harder than anyone was...Amy Rose.
Amy has always been Sonic's number one fan girl, she chased where ever he went, glomped him with hugs and kisses. She would tend to hide herself away from the others so she could cry for her lost love. She knows that in her heart that her Sonic is alive.
The pink hedgehog sighed as she hugged her knees in despair "Oh Sonic...The world needs you...We need you...I need you..."
Soon, the 'Rookie' had decided to check up on her. He has only known the girl for five minutes and he needs to help her, at least a little "Hey, err Amelia was it?"
Amy blushed at this. Amelia was her full name and no one has called her than in years "It's Amy...No one has called me Amelia in years"
Gadget blushed a little as well, due to being silly. His wolf like tail swished to the left as he approached her "I know how much this hedgehog means to you...He should be lucky"
Amy blinked her jade-green eyes at Gadget with slight interest "He means everything to me" she sighs again as tears pricked her eyes "I can't get over the fact that...He's gone...It has been six months since it happened"
The red wolf's ears pinned down to his head slightly. He really wants to help this group to get their hero back to where he belongs. "Is there any reason why the red guy dropped down his post as leader?"
Amy giggled slightly as she knew he was talking about her echidna friend, Knuckles. "Knuckles thinks he is too stubborn to be the leader. He gave me the post before you turned up. I am doing everything I can-"
"AMY!" a male voice was sounded from the other room "YOU NEED TO HEAR THIS!"
Both Amy and Gadget got up and quickly ran towards the meeting room. There stood Knuckles, Tails, Silver and the Chaotix team, they were all surrounding a small radio that was place on the table "It's the commander from GUN" Tails said "He wants to speak with you"
Amy picked up the small radio and pressed the button "Hello? This is Amy speaking"
"Miss Amy, we have found the location to where the prisoners have been kept"
Everyone gasped at this news. Recently, about 20 hostages went missing from the area around the same time Sonic went missing. "Where?" she asked
"On the Death Egg...Eggman's Base"
Everyone in the room suddenly got angry at this. It was always Eggman. "I'll send our newest recruit to save them"
"ME!?" Gadget bursted out "I-I can't do that!"
Vector, the big green crocodile just chuckled at him as he thumped his chest "Come on Rookie! Time to show us what you are really made of!"
Gadget soon started to get more braver as his new friend's gave him the confidence he needs to help save them. He knows he can do "Alright...I'll do it"
They all gave him a smile. Amy walked up to him and gave him a wrist communicator "Let us know if you find them and we'll send for back up"
The wolf nodded as he adjusted his glasses, he was led over to the teleport section in the corner. Tails punched in a few letters and pressed the green button and then Gadget was gone.
Knuckles looked over at Amy with his purple eyes. He saw that she looked serious and ready to fight "Amy?"
"I'm taking matters into my own hands now!" She said as she clenched her fists tightly. They all looked at her with the same serious look as well "Eggman may have taken Sonic from us, but he will never take away our honour"
Everyone nodded once at her "As far as I know, Cream and her mother are sent to Blaze's time so they could be looked after...Thank's for that Silver"
The silver hedgehog smiled over at his pink friend "It's okay Amy, Cream and Vanilla are like family to you"
"I think it's time to do our rounds" Amy said as she eyed her team "Look out for any survivors. Keep a look out for Egg Pawns as well."
Soon, everyone left to do their rounds. Amy held onto her wrist communicator in case Gadget contacts her, she grabs her hammer and leaves the HQ. She thoughts still wondered to her blue hero, hoping that he was alive and okay. Her jade eyes looked at the setting sun, she grew sad on how much everything had happened. Homes were destroyed, people gone missing or people have been killed...all because of one man.
The pink hedgehog glared as she gripped onto her hammer "Don't you worry Sonic, I will protect this world from Eggman. Even if I die trying...Everything is in my hands now...Eggman is gonna go down!"