This is the final chapter! It was so fun writing this and Im actually in the process of writing and Ereri oneshot too so there will be more. And I may make a bonus chapter for this... but i want it to be full of smut so prepare yourselves! Thanks for reading!
Mikasa, Armin, Jean, and Marco flew through the forest outside Wall Maria, keeping both eyes out for titans and for any sign of Eren. So far, they haven't seen a thing. No titans or titan corpses. No evidence Eren had been there... or at least, that's what they thought.
"Can anyone tell me why we haven't seen any titans yet?" Jean asked, confused.
"I don't know. Its as if they've all been killed, probably a long time ago since there aren't any bodies." Armin explained.
"Could Eren have killed them?" Marco asked.
"Its possible. Hopefully there weren't too many at one time..."
"Have more faith in him Armin! You know how good at fighting he is! In both titan and human form!" Jean said full of hope.
"Yeah, you're right." Armin smiled. "We're going to find him!"
"That's the spirit!"
"Guys look over there!"
Everyone stopped and looked to where Marco was pointing. From their position on the tree branch they could see a titan corpse just finishing its decomposition.
Armin gasped. "A corpse?!"
"Eren could be close by. Lets go." Mikasa said then took off as fast as she could.
"Right!" Armin went as well, with Jean and Marco close behind.
They went further but didnt notice any more corpses until later. This one was surrounded by five titans and they were looking down on it with malice. There was only one possible explanation to this abnormality.
"Eren!" Mikasa yelled then proceded to start eliminating the surrounding titans.
"No Mikasa! You can't take them all at once!" Armin yelled after her and followed. Jean and Marco did the same.
Each of them went to their own titan and got its attention away from Eren's titan corpse. They easily swung around and sliced the weak spot on they titans' necks... except for Armin who just missed his target.
"No!" he said in frustration.
"Armin watch out!" Marco pushed his friend out of the path of the extra titan, nearly getting himself bitten in half (AN: dat reference tho).
They landed on a higher branch. "T-thank you Marco..."
"Youre welcome, but please be more careful." Marco said them went to help Mikasa and his lover.
Armin could only watch. 'Why... am i so useless?!' He clenched his fists. 'I can't just stand here. Im not!'
He jumped down and made a break for the almost fully decomposed body of Eren's titan.
'He could still be in there... right?'
He landed on the ground and ran to the body and jumped onto the back of Eren's neck. He noticed the skin hadn't been broken which indicated Eren was still inside.
Armin kneeled down and banged his fist on him.
"Eren?! Can you hear me?!" Armin yelled.
Up above, the other three soldiers cut down the last titan and it fell. They all had a sigh of relief then turned their attention to Eren and saw Armin beating on the back of his neck. They landed down beside him and kneeled down.
"Any response?" Jean asked.
Armin shook his head. "None." He looked at Mikasa. "Maybe you can get him to respond...?"
"I'll try but... I don't know if I can." She looked down and touched Eren's neck.
"Don't be ridiculous. If anybody could get him to wake up, its you!" Jean said.
"Alright..." She took a deep breath. "Eren, I know you can hear me so listen closely. I know why you ran off. I heard first hand why. Erwin ran you off because he was jealous. He wanted Captain Levi for himself and he would do anything to get him so he shot you down with stupid insists and played with your mind..."
Eren stirred within his titan form but he didn't wake. He kept hearing someone talking to him. He heard the names 'Erwin'... and 'Levi'. His lover... The one he caused to get hurt... He was an unfit lover, not good enough for the older man. He loved him dearly bit couldn't help but feel that their relationship wasn't meant to be. He was happier than ever... but was Levi happy?
"He sent out three squads to find you Eren! He loves you! He's worried about you! You don't want him to be depressed and in pieces do you?!"
No... of course he didn't...
"He wants you to come back!" The voice paused. "He confronted Erwin and told him that if we find any evidence that you're dead, he would personally kill him with his bare hands Eren. You may not think he's happy with you but he's for sure depressed without you."
Heichou was... depressed? No, that's not possible. Does that mean he... needed him?
Eren's eyes opened. All he could see was the rotting flesh of his titan form. He looked up and listened. Three different voices spoke above him but he couldn't make out the words. Suddenly one of them spoke up.
"Eren... please. He needs you back... we all do. What would we do without you." he recognized the voice to be Armin.
He was right... He's being selfish, wallowing in his own misery and heartbreak. He pulled on the muscles holding him to his titan and broke free...
"Eren... please. He needs you back... we all do. What would we do without you." Armin said.
Again... no reply.
"Dammit! How do we even know he's still alive in there?!" Jean yelled frustrated.
"Don't say that Jean! You were the one telling use to have hope earlier and now you've given up?!" Marco asked disbelievingly.
Jean sighed. "Im not giving up. Im just impatient."
Marco smiled. He turned to the rest of his teammates. "Lets just wait it out. C'mon." He jumped down and walked to a tree and sat at the base.
Jean followed and sat beside him. Armin and Mikasa looked at another then jumped down. As they were walking away they heard a noise coming from the almost fully rotted titan. The noise came from the back of its neck...
"Eren!" Armin and Mikasa exclaimed.
They ran back to the titan and Jean and Marco followed them. It looked as if something was trying to break free from it when suddenly, Eren's body emerged from the fallen titan. He panted and looked around he spotted his friends staring at him.
"Hi guys..." Eren said breathlessly.
They all gave him relieved looks and helped him down. They hugged him and walked him over to a tree and sat him down.
Eren sighed as he plopped down. "Im surprised you guys came" he joked.
"Are you telling me you didn't hear a word we said?!" Armin asked.
"No, no! I did!" he raised his hands in defence and grinned. Then he gave Mikasa a serious look. "Is he okay Mikasa?"
She nodded. "I believe so. But like I said, he seemed really depressed. He really wants you safe Eren..."
Eren averted his eyes. "But I don't... deserve-"
"Don't you finish that sentence Jeager! You deserve him as much as anyone else! You love him right?!" Jean said, pissed off at his saddened friend.
"And he loves you right?!"
"I think so..."
"Then that's all that matters Eren..." said Marco calmly.
Eren looked at all of them. They were all smiling down on him.
"Come on Eren. Lets get you home." Said Armin. He grabbed Erens arm and pulled. He stood.
"Wait, I don't have any gear. Who's gonna carry me?" Eren asked.
Armin, Eren, and Mikasa looked at Jean and Marco.
"Oh no! Im not gonna carry you Jeager!" Jean folded his arms and turned away.
Marco gave his boyfriend a weary look. He turned back to Eren and smiled. "I guess I will. Hang on tight Eren." He picked up Eren bridal style and Jean gave him a jealous look.
"You'd better savor these next few miles Jeager, cuz this is the last time you'll put your stupid hands on what's mine."
Marco blushed and Eren just laughed. They took off back to the walls.
Light shone through the windows of Levi's bedroom. The man was wrapped up in his sheets and was sound asleep. He looked peaceful but the dried tears on his cheeks indicated he'd had a rough night.
"Leeee-viiii! Wake up you lazy asshole!" a voice yelled as it banged on the door to his quarters.
Levi groaned and shifted. "You're the asshole! Go the fuck away!" he yelled and attempted to fall back asleep but the voice persisted.
"Leeee-viiii! Eren's back!"
Said man's eyes shot opened and he threw his covers off and ran to his door. He unlocked the door and opened it and saw...
"E-Eren...?" Levi said in disbelief.
The boy smiled and opened his arms wide, asking for a hug. Levi bit his lip then threw himself into his younger lover's arms, grasping at his shirt. Eren wrapped his arms tightly around his lover but tried not to squeeze too hard, remembering his wound. He closed his eyes and buried his nose in Levi's soft black hair.
"Im so sorry..."
Heichou gripped harder at Eren's brown shirt. "You're lucky i don't kill you, you shitty brat!" He gave a deep breath, trying not to sob. "You had me worried to fucking death!"
"I won't do it again, i swear on my life." Eren said honestly.
"You're damn right you won't. If you do, I'll find you and kill you myself... fucking brat..."
Eren laughed. He pulled away slightly and put his hands on Levi's cheeks. He smiled. "I love you Levi, more than you can imagine. I wouldn't dare make you worry again."
Levi sniffed and put his hands on Eren's. "I love you too Eren..."
Eren leaned down and kissed his lover. They closed their eyes and moved their lips against each other's in a slow, chaste kiss. It soon become heated. Eren ran his tongue along Levi's lip and he opened his mouth, letting Eren's tongue in. Eren ran his tongue throughout Levi's mouth, which he'd long since mapped out. Eren touched his own tongue to Levi's and urged it to move. They fought for dominance and Eren easily won. They had to pull away for breath after a while and a string of saliva broke as the pulled away.
Levi panted and leaned against Eren. He took a deep breath... then he pushed Eren away, gagging.
"W-what's wrong?!"
"Eren... you... you smell horrible!"
Eren blinked then looked down at himself. He was still stained with rotten titan flesh.
"Oh... haha... I guess I need a shower." he laughed nervously.
Levi pulled his shirt up and sniffed it. He cringed. "Ugh... disgusting... So do I." He sighed and punched Eren in the shoulder.
"Ouch! Why?!"
"You're lucky I don't do worse brat." he turned around walked to his bedroom. "Well? You coming or what?"
"You want to take one together? Don't you think that's dangerous?" Eren walked all the way into the quarters and closed the door.
"I trust you Eren." Was all Levi said before he walked in and into his bathroom.
Eren paused then smiled brightly. He followed his Heichou into the bathroom and tried not to watch as Levi took his clothes off and throw them into the hamper. Eren did the same and looked just as Levi took his bandages off and threw them away. Eren eyed it and cringed as he did. It was red all over. Especially around the stitches. It looked as if it was trying to heal but still had a ways to go.
"Brat stop staring at me and get in."Levi said tiredly. He'd already adjusted the water and got in, the curtain still open so Eren could enter.
"Oh! Sorry!" He chuckled. Eren walked in and closed the curtain behind him and moved so he and Levi were back to back. He put his head under the spray and wet his brown hair.
"So what of the other squads? Did they make it back okay?" Levi asked beginning to rub soap over himself.
"Yeah. No casualties. Though from what I gather the other two gave up after a while. I don't blame them though. They probably ran out of gas."
"Mhm. I told them if they were close to running out to turn around and come back..."
"Im really glad Armin, Mikasa, Jean, and Marco found me when they did! I could've been a goner!" Eren laughed and he scrubbed his head with shampoo.
Levi flinched.
"They told me five titans had me surrounded! I got overwhelmed by three, so I guess two more must've showed up to finish me!" Eren rinsed the soap out of his hair and grabbed a bar of his own soap and stared to rub it all over himself.
Levi started shaking. "Don't say those things Eren..." he said quietly.
Eren looked over his shoulder and saw Levi's shoulders shaking.
"Heichou, are you cold? Here..." he switched their positions so Levi was standing near the running water.
"Im okay Eren... I just..." he turned around and wrapped his arms around the taller boys abdomen and pressed his stomach to his back. "When you say things like that... It makes me think of what could've occurred... and if you would've died-" He didn't finish. Eren had turned around and kissed him before he could. His eyes widened but he relaxed and kissed Eren back.
Eren broke the kiss and put his forehead on Levi's.
"Im not going anywhere, not anytime soon." he looked determinedly into his lover's grey eyes. "Do you doubt me?"
"No..." Levi said.
"Good." Eren smiled. "Now finish washing."
Levi nodded and turned back around and rinsed off. They switched again and Eren rinsed as well. He tuned the water off and stepped out of the shower dripping wet.
"Eren you're getting water everywhere." Levi said, slightly grumpy.
"Its just water Heichou!" Eren smiled as he retrieved a pair of towels.
"Yeah and you're JUST gonna be mopping it up!" he snatched one from Eren and dried off a bit before wrapping it around his waist and stepping out. He looked thoughtful for a second before he said,"Or here's a better idea. Clean my entire bathroom. I can't do it since Im injured so, now it's your responsibility." he walked into his bedroom and Eren gaped.
"What?! But I don't want to!" Eren threw his hands up.
"Too bad brat. As soon as you dry off and put your pajamas on, get the mop, some rags, and some liquid cleaner from my office closet and clean." Levi put his towel on his dresser and pulled out two pairs of linen pajamas. He went back to the bathroom and grabbed some bandages before putting them on. Then he put on his pajamas and handed Eren his.
Eren gave him a pouty look and grabbed the night clothes from Levi. He put them on then gave his lover one more pleading glance.
"Go shitty brat. You have an hour." Levi laid down in his messed bed and put his hands behind his head.
Eren looked at Levi and noticed his shirt was riding up and since his pants were riding low, he could see the 'V' on his lower stomach and gulped. Eren started to feel aroused.
"Why do you keep staring at me brat?! Get to work!" Levi said, beginning to feel pissed off.
Eren sighed. He gathered the cleaning supplies and got to work.
Eren wiped the sweat from his forehead and stood up from his kneeling position on the floor. Finally... He was finished... He was careful to tip toe through the slightly wet floor of the bathroom. He gathered his cleaning supplies and put them away in Levi's cleaning closet in his office. He shut it and brushed his hands together then went into Levi's bedroom. He peered inside and saw a person wrapped up in the sheets, fast asleep. Eren smiled and walked to the bed. He lifted the sheets then carefully got in, careful not to wake Levi.
Eren looked at the sleeping face of his lover, a face he'll never get enough of. He had the urge to kiss him but Eren was smarter than that. He knew if he did, Levi would wake up and cuss him out for doing so, and then kick him out of his room and force him to sleep on the couch. So Eren just decided to watch him. He was beautiful. And he looked so peaceful.
"I love you so much..." Eren whispered.
Levi stirred in his sleep. He inhaled deeply and said,"Love you too... Eren."
Eren grinned and rolled on his back. He closed his eyes and and fell asleep with Levi's words on his mind.
And again... it was an honor to hear... Just One More Time.