![]() Author has written 1 story for Harry Potter, and Dresden Files. To Those Reading my Story Harry Potter and the Winter Court: This story is a fanfiction and an AU story. There will be differences between my story and canon. Unless it somehow interferes with the actual content in my story, please don't bring up every little discrepancy. I am writing this story without access to either book set, and some things are not easy to find with a google search. Changes to canon: Hogwarts: Classes In Harry’s year all of the students have every class together. With only about 40 students in the year there isn't any reason to break it up.Ancient Runes is a dead languages class. Without imbued magic the symbols are just that, symbols with no power. When wands became more widespread, wandless magic fell by the wayside because it is so much harder to learn. And to properly create usable runes they have to push magic into the rune as they are carving it, not something that can be done while holding a wand. Old enchanted objects like pensives and the wards at Hogwarts are the work of runic enchantments. ‘Modern’ enchantments are just charms that have been cast on an object.Arithmancy is a magical math class. Starts with elementary level math first year then works its way up through algebra, geometry, statistics, and pre-calc. The formulae to deconstruct a spell and create new ones were lost with the fall of the Roman Empire. Almost all wanded spells were created by the ancient Romans (hence the faux Latin incantations).Astronomy deals with what else the positions of the heavenly bodies in the sky. The background information in this class is used in Creatures, DADA, Divination, Herbology, and Potions, which is why it is a required class up until OWLs.Care of Magical Creatures is simply a Zoology class on steroids. Anatomy, habitat, behavior and when applicable how to care for various magical creatures. It is held indoors in the winter months. (Seriously can anyone say blizzard?)Charms are spells that modify the properties of an object but do not inherently change it. For example changing color, location, size, movement or lack there off, feelings and the list goes on. Because charms are such a large body of spells many non-charm spells are included under charms because there is nowhere else to go with them (Patronus charm and shield charms are just a couple).Defense Against the Dark Arts is a mockery in the books. If the teachers were competent this is how I imagine a seven year curriculum would be structured. First and Second years learn situational awareness (how to recognize dangerous people, places, situations, creatures, etc.) and some basic spells that could distract an antagonist long enough to escape/find help. Third and fourth year learn how to survive in a situation that they can’t immediately escape from. That means basic combat/counter spell, emergency first aid, and general survival spells. Fifth and sixth year are straight up combat magic. Spells to use on an opponent to put them down and spells to avoid being thrown at them, as well as counter spells. That is when the Unforgivables should be brought in front of the class and possibly demonstrated. Seventh year is about review putting all together in actual combat/real life. That would mean battle simulations, duels, pop quizzes, etc.Divination will spend more time talking about the different types of divination throughout the world and history than actually trying any of those methods. (Telling the future from the entrails of a goat, talking about the Oracle at Delphi, predicting the weather based on animal movements, etc.)Herbology is the same as the Magical Creatures class except about plants. Including the indoors portion.History of Magic is actually taught instead of being a sink hole of goblin rebellions. First and second year learn about the history of magical Britain. Third and Fourth year learn about the history of magical Europe. Fifth year would be about modern magical history. And sixth and seventh years are taught the history of the magical world.Muggle Studies would be up to date to within a decade. This wouldn't have been so before Dumbledore was the headmaster which was after Arthur Weasley attended Hogwarts which is why he can’t say ‘electricity.’ Bigotry continues to be passed on though because the students who need to take it don’t and the fence sitters get split. (Sorry but there are too many muggle sympathetic professors for this to not be true. If Dumbledore had his way {I am trying to portray him as the good guy that everyone believes he is, but he can’t do everything because the system is against him.} then the class would be mandatory for those raised in the magical world.)Potions should be a mix of a chemistry class (how to prepare the ingredients and how do they react under certain conditions) and a cooking class (choosing and preparing the ingredients and actually making the potion). They would really spend time talking about all of the steps and why they are important in a potion and then attempt to make said potion. Instructions are on the board you have an hour get to work is not a class it is a disaster waiting to happen.Transfiguration is a branch of magic dealing with spells that change a physical thing into another physical thing. Vanishing spells turn an object into air and conjuring spells change the air into an object. (That is why only conjured water can be consumed; there is enough of it in the air for it to simply change states.) I will describe more in the story but I made it far more complicated than it is in the books.Main Character Changes Harry Potter He never becomes friends with Ron. He was introduced to Hermione first, and I think we all know how Harry reacts when his friends are insulted.He does have an academic side. If anyone can remember at the start of the first book he reads all of his textbooks because he’s excited to learn (he did get the name Hedwig from his History of Magic book) but as soon as he met Ron it all sort of went away… Yeah… Hermione is a much better influence anyway.HE DIDN'T LIVE IN A CUPBOARD! Yes he wasn't loved, and yes he was neglected a bit but he was always fed, clothed, and housed properly. Dudley still bullied him, but he didn't spend his entire childhood taking care of the Dursleys so could actually spend some time learning.Hermione Granger Is a teenaged girl with a passion for fantasy and reading! If that doesn't spell out trashy romance novels I don’t know what does. Sure they aren't as racy as Bob’s collection but I'm trying to give her another dimension that wasn’t really seen in the books. Besides everyone has a guilty pleasure. For some it’s chocolate, others chick flicks, for Hermione its romance novels.If I think of more things to add or if more things are brought up I will add them to this list. |