Reviews for P-orcing All the Girls: Greenskin (A Worm SI)
DokB chapter 11 . 8/2
He gives her the goods and she takes his stuff... what is going to do with a sword larger then her anyway?
Guest chapter 9 . 7/4
i have to wonder how he would have done in warhammer
Guest chapter 35 . 6/30
When are we getting an Update? And when is Moss getting a suit of Medeival armor several inches thick and a Huge, Tungsten alloy sword?
Sin Ouroboros chapter 35 . 6/20
I just re-read this story and its still great! Still looking forward to seeing a update!
demzerff1 chapter 28 . 6/17
I am going to assume his instincts went haywire whenever coil thought of torturing Lisa thus leading him to automatically killing the man which obviously led to coil's death by truck.
demzerff1 chapter 25 . 6/17
Haha these girls are amazing.
babiloniaolimpo chapter 28 . 6/17
El camión mágico ataca de nuevo.
demzerff1 chapter 18 . 6/17
Lol I need missy to interact with moss.
Sounds like adorable trouble.
babiloniaolimpo chapter 20 . 6/16
Nadie puede detener a un orco hentai.
babiloniaolimpo chapter 18 . 6/15
Realmente me mato de risa esa última escena.
babiloniaolimpo chapter 17 . 6/15
A esto se le conoce como suerte del protagonista.
babiloniaolimpo chapter 14 . 6/15
En definitiva los orcos son orgullosos guerreros.
Vanster X chapter 35 . 6/6
Loving the story, hope to see it continued.
Nonyaarb chapter 1 . 5/25
Hahahahahahahaha! I love how that first person thing went. The lady snaped and the man defied physics to give her the bird before jumping an imprompto skydive, slaped a superherioine with his dick and Landed on a truck like your drunk friend would do to your couch... in public. If the rest of the story is like this than you got a fan
Djberneman chapter 35 . 5/17
Great chapter. Can’t wait to see what major dark secret Lisa shared with the Dallon sisters.
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