Welcome to the new and improved version of New Beginning's!
First I want to thank everyone who is sticking with this story! You are all awesome! And I would like to welcome all new readers!
I highly encourage everyone to check out my tumbr(Same user name). I post regular updates there, pictures about the fics, and snippits of writing that don't make it here.
Disclaimer! I own nothing! all things Starwars are owned by LucasArts. Everything Mass Effect is owned by Bioware.
The hallways of the ship were empty; the only noise on the entire ship was the faint beeping of a console as its user typed away commands with an armored hand. They were completely covered by a black robe and black and red armor. A black and red mask hid their face, and a hood further obscured any hope of gleaning details beyond the robes and armor.
Revan's brows were furrowed in concentration as she worked on the console. The work itself was not difficult but she still focused all her attention on it; she never did anything half-assed. A small indicator on her HUD informed her that the ship had been completely evacuated. Once she finished up here she would also evacuate and the test could begin.
For weeks she had pored over the Star Forges' energies into creating a new and more powerful hyperdrive engine, and now it was finally completed. However, it was still untested technology. So she had it installed on an Interdictor class cruiser which had been specially made by the Star Forge. The ship had no weapons, no security systems, just the bare minimum for life support, gravity and enough systems to remotely start the hyperdrive engine. By building a ship like this the Star Forge had finished it in a matter of hours.
Revan was eager to test this new engine. If it worked it would be fifteen times faster than anything ever seen before. She could jump an entire fleet right into orbit above Coruscant. The Republic would be caught completely by surprise; they could seize the planet within a matter of hours and finally end this war. Then Revan could begin her true task. She would build the republic into a force capable of defending itself from the true enemy.
A slight frown tugged on her lips, her hand slowing for half a second before resuming its normal speed. She felt the familiar worry, constantly at the back of her mind, begin to creep forward. There was still so much left to do, so much work would need to be done after she took over the Republic. Would they be ready in time?
The Republic was already close to falling. She was more worried about how things would go after she took over. The Jedi and their corrupt puppets ruling the senate had painted her as a murderer, as a butcher—how much would the people resist?
It would be much easier once she had eradicated the Jedi Order. They were one of the biggest things that were wrong with the Republic. It was the Jedi who made her out to be evil, who called her a traitor. She would replace their idiotic, archaic order with her own, a new order that would serve the Republic. They would strengthen the Galaxy, uniting all under one rule.
The doubt began to fade away again and a smile spread across Revan's lips, she could see it now. No more senseless wars. The true threat of the Sith would finally be eradicated and the galaxy could finally have order. She had imagined it so many times, and like always it bolstered her resolve, it made her feel like she could actually see this through.
With three final taps Revan smiled behind her mask, everything was set. "Captain Aulron, come in," she said through helmet com.
"Receiving you my lord," came the soldier's gruff reply. He was a good man. He had fought with Revan for years.
"Everything's set. I'm heading to the shuttle."
"Acknowledge, all ships are clear." Just as the man finished speaking Revan heard alarms begin blaring in the background.
"We have incoming ships!" shouted a soldier.
"Report captain," said Revan, her voice perfectly calm. This location was very out of the way, and there should be not shuttle traffic, which left only one option.
"Republic cruisers inbound my lord! Fifteen capital ships." The captain sounded alarmed, but not out of control.
How had the Republic found this location? Clearly it was no accident, they either knew Revan was here and they intended to capture or kill he, or they knew about the prototype and wanted it for themselves. Both led to the same conclusion— they had a traitor. It was the only possible solution.
Revan turned to face the large view screen ahead of her. The republic ship had begun encircling them, firing on her two escort ships; this battle would be over in mere moments. Revan's tactical mind immediately sprang into action, forming the only plan possible.
"Captain initiate retreat. We will Rendezvous at Taris."
"Punching in coordinates now my lord, we will hold until you are safely aboard." Despite the man's calm voice Revan could both see and hear the dire situation they were in.
The republic ships pored green laser fire onto the two Sith ships. She could see the shields begin to fail and explosions strike along the hull. To their credit the two Sith ships returned incredibly accurate fire and she saw multiple Republic turbo laser batteries explode. But it was too much, the ships would not last. Revan could hear the damage reports coming in over the com.
"No time captain, initiate jump now."
"But my lord-"
"Go now." Revan's voice did not raise, but it gained the iron edge that ensured there would be no argument. The captain was a good man. She would see their lives thrown away for no good reason.
"I wanted to test this new engine, looks like I will get my chance," Revan added, grinning behind her mask as she felt her pulse begin to quicken slightly. This would certainly be an interesting experience. "Jump now captain!"
"We shall await your arrival my lord."
Revan smiled slightly. "I shall be along shortly." There was a few seconds of silence, then the two Sith ships launched into hyperspace.
Revan quickly keyed in the coordinates to Taris, It would take one minute to calculate the jump. Looking back at the view screen she watched as the republic ships closed around her own anddozens of smaller shuttles began streaking towards her.
A small frown appeared on Revan's lips now. She knew this was untested technology and any one of a thousand different things could go wrong. With a few rapid blinks Revan had opened her communications. "Execute order forty-five" She said solemnly. If the worst happened…well her work was still unfinished but at least the Republic would stand a better chance.
The console beeped and Revan looked down— jump was ready. She looked back up, the boarding craft were almost on her.
"Well," she said with a grin, "let's see what this thing can do." No matter what happened, her vision would be fulfilled.
It just wasn't armor! That was the only thing Jane Shepard could think as she glanced at her…companion. Shit she didn't know what Miranda was. Right now, she was a woman in an incredibly tight cat suit that had brought her back to life. So she did owe the woman at least a little bit of gratitude, even if she was as cold as ice.
"Miranda, while I'm meeting with Anderson I want you to go and buy some actual armor." Shepard glanced over at the woman. Sure, the view was nice, but she would rather the woman wore something practical, at least while on a mission.
"I don't-"
She quickly cut the accented woman off."Look I know you're a capable fighter, not doubting that. But we're gonna to get into some heavy shit. I'll feel a lot better knowing that the first bullet that gets through your barriers isn't going to kill you." She watched the woman's face remain completely calm.
"Of course Shepard."
"Jacob you go with her. No offense but I don't want my first meeting with the council to be with two Cerberus agents in tow." She felt no need to lie to them, hell it was part of who she was. Shepard had always been blunt and to the point, she spoke her mind and didn't give a damn what people thought.
"None taken Shepard," replied the dark skinned man with a faint smile; he seemed like a good sort.
From what she had gathered he wasn't too fond of Cerberus. Yes he did serve them but it was only because he felt he could better protect the Alliance that way. Hell that was the only reason she was working for them.
She had made it clear from the first moment she stepped onto the new Normandy, this was her operation, and she was not under Cerberus command. In fact, she had quickly set about removing all Cerberus logos from the ship, inside and out, both for her own personal reasons and for logical ones. What kind of moron ran around in a ship covered in giant ass logos of a terrorist organization?
The shuttle came to a halt and Shepard quickly jumped out. "When you have armor, pick up whatever other supplies we need and meet back at the ship." Her two companions nodded and the shuttle took off again. Shepard walked across the Presidium. The place showed absolutely no sign of Saren's attack two years ago.
Shit she still couldn't get over that, she had been gone for two whole years! No one knew she was alive, well except from rumors that had apparently made it to the council's ears. Rumors planted by the Illusive Man know doubt.
Since she had found out about how long her absence had been she couldn't stop thinking about her friends. No matter what the Illusive Man said, she was going to try and contact them; she couldn't just take his word that they wouldn't help.
Seeing Tali had helped to lift her spirits. The young Quarian was a ball of cheer and energy, although she had matured a lot. She wished Tali would have joined her back on the colony but she understood her reasoning; apparently there was some bad blood between the Quarians and Cerberus.
Her mind wandered to Liara next— she couldn't believe that the Asari was working for the Shadow Broker. Moreover she refused to accept Liara couldn't be trusted. They had been close during the hunt for Saren and Shepard trusted the Asari with her life. She had sent her a message at her old address, hoping it was still active.
Shepard's eyes looked over to the giant Krogan statue standing in the water and her mind instantly turned to Wrex. She grinned, his voice instantly filling her mind with his patented greeting. "Shepard," she almost laughed to herself. God she really missed the Krogan, a sentiment she was sure few humans would ever agree to.
He was the only one who Shepard would not ask for help from, but not because she didn't want it, nothing could be further from the truth. The Krogan's presence at her side was something she missed greatly, as were his gruff comments. With Wrex at her side the Collectors wouldn't stand a chance. Next to Garrus he had probably seen the most action with her on their hunt for Saren.
Garrus…his face instantly filled her mind, every single detail was perfectly clear, his voice filled her ears. He was without a doubt the best friend she had ever had. The two of them could practically talk about anything. They could help each other with anything, he had come to her for help on more than once occasion and she was more than happy to do whatever he needed.
Whether he simply wanted to vent his frustrations at the council and C-Sec or if he wanted help hunting down an evil bastard of a doctor. He was the one she was most anxious to contact, and the most scarred to contact. Would he be happy to see her? Would he be pissed?
Her mind swirled with too many possibilities. She had yet to contact him because she didn't know what to say. Maybe after Omega…yes after Omega, when she could think on it more.
Shepard now stood before the office door of the human council member. While she was happy to see Anderson again, this also meant she would have to talk to the council again. Suppressing a groan Shepard walked through the doors.
Anderson immediately stopped talking as she entered and turned to face her. "Ah, commander we were just talking about you."
Shepard couldn't help but smile as she walked across the room and quickly gripped the man's hand, pulling him into a hug. She didn't give a shit that the council was watching, she didn't give a shit about protocol. This man had been her mentor for many years. There was no one she trusted or respected more.
"It's good to see you Anderson," she said warmly. To her delight he returned her embrace. Hugs from Anderson were rare, and she cherished each one.
After a moment they stepped back and she finally turned to look at the holographic displays of the council. "Councillors," she said firmly, all the warmth and joy in voice gone. Despite having saved them she was sure they were still going to be the typical arrogant bastards that they always were, especially the Turian prick.
"Commander, it is good to see you well," said the Asari
"Like wise Councillor," she nodded. God she just wanted to get this over with so she could talk with Anderson. She knew she couldn't stay long, which is why she wanted to get this shit out of the way.
"We were just discussing the circumstances of your return,." said the Salarian councillor.
"Let me clear it up for you," she said flatly, taking a step forward to ensure she had their full attention. "Cerberus found my body- I won't bother asking why the body of a spectre wasn't bothered to be recovered by the council or even the Alliance."
She was still a bit pissed about that, but she supposed it all worked out for the best. Bastard councillors probably didn't even look for her, not after the shit-storm she had raised about the Reapers.
"Anyway they found my body and brought me back to life for the purpose of looking into the disappearance of human colonies. We now know that they are being abducted by the Collectors, who I suspect are working for the Reapers."
"Ah yes Reapers," said the Turian councillor in an exhausted tone, making quotes with two of his three fingers. Here we go, prick. Shepard didn't even listen as the councillor spoke, she merely waited for his mouth to stop moving.
"Look I know you all want to live in the dark and pretend like everything is all roses but sooner or later that is going to bite you in the ass, again. Saren and the Geth ring a bell?" She really didn't think there were more incompetent people in the entire galaxy than these three fuckwits.
"The Reapers are clearly a myth Commander, one used by Saren to control the Geth. We believe that you believe they are real," replied the Salarain councillor, her voice that same, annoying calm it always was.
"For fucks sake!" Shepard growled, her patience at an end. "I sacrificed human lives to save this sorry ass council!" Shepard reined in her temper for a moment, barely. "Okay forget about the Reapers for a second. Entire human colonies are being abducted! And you are going to do nothing?"
"You put us in a difficult position commander; you are working for Cerberus, an enemy of the council. This is a capital offence." Shepard was about to dare that Asari to act on her threat but Anderson cut in.
"That's far enough! Shepard is a damn hero! I am on this council too and I will not let this continue." Shepard tried to hold back her smile, she could always count on Anderson, he would never let her down.
"Perhaps we can come to some sort of compromise," the Asari offered. "Commander, we will restore your status as a Spectre, although given your ties we will not announce this publicly. When your…partnership with Cerberus ends we will gladly welcome you back fully and openly." Shepard almost wanted to tell the council to shove it, she didn't need them, but with a nod from Anderson she bit back her anger.
"I would be honored Councillor." She was pretty sure she sounded genuine…almost…maybe…
"Very well commander, we hope to a swift resolution this problem." And with that the meeting was over. Shepard let out a loud sigh and Anderson just chuckled.
"Good to be back isn't it?" She looked over at the man, a grin was on his face.
"Being dead was less work," she replied with a chuckle. She followed Anderson over to the balcony, leaning on the railing she looked across the Presidium.
"It's good to have you back Shepard."
"You just want someone else to yell at the council with you," she teased. Looking over at Anderson her grin faded, god he looked so tired. There were deep circles around his eyes, lines that hadn't been there before. "How have you been Anderson?" she asked, letting her concern show.
"I…well let's just say I've seen better days." She could hear the weariness in his voice. "I don't think I'm cut out for council work," he added with a sad smile. If it had been anyone else it would have seemed like a natural continuation of the conversation, but Shepard knew he was changing the subject. "Most of the days it just feels like I am banging my head against the wall."
"I know that feeling," she said, trying to lighten his spirits. Seeing him like this tore her apart.
They spent the next fifteen minutes just chatting about what had been going on in the galaxy and by the end Anderson seemed to be a little better, his voice sounded less tired.
"I guess I should leave you to your work," she said finally. She really didn't want to leave but knew that she had to.
"Yeah." Anderson smiled sadly again, before it quickly fell away.
Shepard pushed herself off the balcony and turned to face the older man. "I'll keep in touch."
"You better. And Shepard?" His eyes looked serious but she could see they were filled with concern. "Be careful okay?"
"I will Anderson," she replied, trying to ease his worry. She shook his hand again and grinned "What are the odds of me dying twice?" Anderson chuckled and Shepard considered her mission a success. Turning she left the room and headed back to the Normandy. It was time to get this mission underway.