Author has written 11 stories for Star Wars, Greek Mythology, Big Wolf on Campus, Lord of the Rings, Sentinel, Royal Pains, and White Collar. Hi. My name is Shlee Verde. But most of the time I will refer to myself as just Verde :) I am from Anaheim, CA. I am currently a grad student at Chapman University - trying to get my Masters of Fine Arts in Screenwriting. I will post here when I can (I want to keep up my short story skills, or lack there of, you wouldn't believe how hard it is to switch between screenplay format and novelistic writing) but I will probably be busy busy busy most of the time. I love fan fic. It was actually my high school best friend Laura ( ID: Red 921) that got me into fan fic. Her stuff is really good, so go check it out. My passion is Star Wars so a lot of stories will be about that, but I also like LotR, Harry Potter, Batman, and some other completely random things, so stories might pop up in unexpected places (like in some soap opera catergories gasp) I also love the Stargate series, the Magnificent Seven TV series, Numb3rs, House, Royal Pains, and the National Treasure movies - so who knows what I might come up with in those fandoms. My newest favoritest TV show EVER is Supernatural. I LOVE it!! It is perfection - horror, suspense, classic rock, and cute boys - what more can a girl ask for!! I love the brotherly relationship between Sam and Dean. I hope to write in the category some day, but I dont know if I can do the characters or the fandom justice, so we'll see. I don't really like slash. I read it about as often as I read het, which isn't very. I usually only read any sort of pairing (het or slash) if it's a canon relationship (think Jack/Ianto from Torchwood). If its a well-written story, I MIGHT check it out. I have also been known to read implied stuff occasionally. But I will NEVER write any of it. NEVER. EVER. I'm not homophobic - far from it actually. I just like family/friendship stories better. Just my personal preference, people, please don't take offense. WIP Stories: 1. Trails of Friendship - Don't worry: I have not abandoned this fic. I will finish it (someday) and it will probably have a sequel too...eventually. 2. Stronger Together - Now this fic is dead, unless anyone has any ideas...I might totally change it to follow the Legacy of the Force/Fate of the Jedi novels, but since the characters have changed so much I have no idea how thats going to work. Plot Bunnies Almost at the Fic Stage: 1. Royal Pains - The promised sequel to "You Can't Go Home Again" and a fic that has a completely different take from those two on what happens after the season finale. 2. Being Human - A George/Mitchell friendship fic, post series 1 finale 3. Empire Records - a little fic with Joe and Lucas as the main characters 4. Numb3rs - a brother fluff fic for Don and Charlie, epilogue for Breaking Point. Because we need the guys to hug at least once. 5. One Life to Live - a story focusing on the Buchanans, particularly Bo and Matthew, and their friendship with Rex Balsom. 6. General Hospital - A Serena Baldwin fic. Because the writers need to bring her back! These are the ones closest to being put on paper, so hopefully they will be coming to a computer near you very soon. Til then, all the best, and happy reading and writing. |