Author has written 42 stories for Harry Potter, Star Wars, Sherlock Holmes, and Newsies. Hi, My name is Kaydi( and yes that is my real name)I'm 17 years old and I've been a big fan of Harry Potter for years. Newsies is more of a recent thing, but come on, twenty hot guys singing and dancing can't be all bad, now can it?I write mostly stuff about Sirius Black, and I just finished My Name is Sirius Black, which took me almost four years to fully write, edit and reupload. Sorry about the wait, but it is finished and I want to get it all up as I plan to start something brand new, something about events talked about in OotP, in case people haven't read it, which they really need to do, even if the ending depressed me for days and I really shouldn't have read it at work because now my boss thinks I'm crazy because I was crying while working the cast register. But oh well, so is life. Oh and did I mention I am the founder of the Peter Jumped Off a Cliff and the Whole World Cried Yay Day? Well, I am, and it's a goooooood day. I like that day, we need more of those days. You can email me at ffstories@ or mpp4ever@ or kaydi_black@. I should respond to all, but I'm kinda random about that. You can't wait for opportunity to knock . Sometimes you have to rip the door off it's hinges and tackle it in the street Are subliminal messages effective? Never Knock on Death's door. Ring the doorbell and run. Death hates that. A dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world. United we stand, NOT Blindly we follow. Never give up. Never give in. Always live it up. Always a friend "...And really bad eggs. Drink up me hearties, yo ho." |