Author has written 53 stories for Phantom of the Opera, Farscape, StarTrek: Voyager, Pokémon, Misc. Plays/Musicals, Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, Ugly Betty, Pirates of the Caribbean, Frasier, Sunset Boulevard, and Game of Thrones. Profile updated as of 17th February 2018... About the Author 38-year-old British female with not enough time on her hands these days to write as much as she would like. That's the long and short of it. As you can see from my Stories list, at one point I was quite prolific in several fandoms. Then I left University and real life kicked in. I've been in something of a writing rut since about February 2005, and it's literally taken me this long to even contemplate writing again. Due to real life and various stresses I've unfortunately dried up somewhat again, and my writing is very sporadic. So, for anyone who remembers me from their fandom and wonders where I'd gone - fear not. Some of those unfinished chapter fics may one day get finished. I've been saying that for years, of course, but I might still be able to fool someone. ;) About the Stories The fic listed here is not everything I've ever written, just the stuff I felt like putting here. There is a lot (I mean, a lot) for Sunset Boulevard that I simply haven't posted due to a lack of interest, for want of a better word, and some bits and bobs from other fandoms that just weren't ready for public consumption. That being said, I do hope to one day get everything up on my website; this has been an ongoing process since 2004 and I really haven't got very far. As with everything else, bear with me. If it's a work-in-progress and the update-date is over four years old, there's a good chance I'm not likely to finish it any time soon. Having said that, I may well surprise you. As for the others, here's the current status: Buffy - Broken Record - this one has been planned and plotted since I started writing it, and I hope to eventually finish (make that start) the next chapter and post it. I've worked too hard on visualising the final few chapters to let it die. If you have started reading this, or are going to read it, I have to stress that you must read the 'Counterpoint' fics for "Touched" and "Chosen" respectively, as it follows on from those two stories. They are also arguably some of the best writing I've ever done, and the level to which I hope to aspire again. Phantom - Sweet Intoxication - this is so, so close to being finished that I'm obligated to get it done. There are probably only a couple of chapters left, and it's just going to be a waiting game... as I have now published my latest story, "Whisper" (which is complete), I hope to get "Sweet Intoxication" finished soon. I WILL FINISH IT, I PROMISE. I have now written a sequel to "Whisper" which will eventually lead into a much bigger crossover-type story (I'm quite excited about it, but haven't started researching yet - it includes one other fandom and incorporates features of another). "Whisper" needs a few tweaks and then I'll be posting the sequel. I'm also working on a few other concepts here and there, which may or may not see the light of day... Ugly Betty - Strange Glue is the most recent ongoing story. You may have noticed that I haven't updated it in a while, for which I can only profusely apologise. Normal service will be resumed shortly - I now have the first two seasons on DVD so am overdue a re-watch, and hopefully when I do that it'll inspire me to finish it. Jonathan Creek - I will (hopefully) soon be posting my accumulated Creekstuffs here and bringing the story count in the category up a few notches! I have works from two separate headcanons to eventually get up here so the world can share in my madness; most of them are finished but it's a case of finding the courage to share them. This is such a sorely underrated fandom and it is my constant hope that other writers emerge from the woodwork. Pirates of the Caribbean - I have a story which is ready to publish, but just needs a few edits here and there - and for me to pluck up enough courage to post it. After that, I'm also working on a crossover (of sorts) which I hope to publish at a later date. Frasier - I have a fairly lengthy story in the pipeline, an AU of sorts for season 8. So far it's in the very early stages, so don't hold your breath. :P Sunset Boulevard - now that I've posted "Precious Illusions" (the re-write of "Tango Up On Sunset"), I will hopefully be making a start on similarly rehashing the unfinished sequel, and may also post a few "missing scenes" which didn't quite make the cut the first time around. X-Files - I have an "Arcadia"-based story that I need to share (eventually) and also something I made a start on during Season 10 but never quite finished. Hopefully Season 11 will reinspire me. This is probably one of my oldest fandoms but also the one I have never actually published any fic for (I wrote some script-style stories when I was 16 - the less said about those, the better...) About the Fandoms The Stories list reveals that I have had many a fandom over the years. Here is an almost definitive list of my fandoms, old and new, and my 'ships of choice in those fandoms. I have written fic for probably all of them, even if it isn't on the site. The first pairing in each list is my 'usual' ship; all others are in order of preference. This list exists to find like-minded readers, in case you've read something in one fandom and also like another. The X-Files - Mulder/Scully (OTP 4 LIFE); Doggett/Reyes. Farscape - John/Aeryn; Sikozu/Scorpius; Jool/Crais. Phantom of the Opera - Erik/Christine. Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Buffy/Spike; Buffy/Giles; Willow/Xander; Xander/Andrew. Pokemon - Jessie/James; Ash/Misty. (I'm totally old skool.) The Nanny - Fran/Maxwell. Star Trek: Voyager - Janeway/Chakotay; Seven/Doctor. Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - Dax/Bashir; Odo/Kira. Sunset Boulevard - Joe/Norma; Betty/Artie; Norma/Max; Joe/Betty; Joe/Artie friendship. (The ships are too closely linked to focus on one at a time. Norma/Joe is my die-hard OTP.) Jonathan Creek - Jonathan/Maddy. Frasier - Dahpne/Niles; Roz/Frasier. Friends - Joey/Phoebe. Pirates of the Caribbean - Jack/Elizabeth. Ugly Betty - Daniel/Betty. Glee - Will/Sue (my crack!pairing - no fics written though. Yet.) Game of Thrones - Jaime/Brienne (2019 is the year that this ship ate my brain; you're welcome.) It's not a definitive list, by any means. My ships are various and terrifying. If I've ever seen it, I've more than likely got a ship for it, no matter how random / terrifying / downright odd it may be. (Example: Finding Nemo - Marlin/Dory. If it has potential, I'm there.) Ask and ye shall receive. :) That's about enough, I think. I hope you enjoy my various writings - please let me know if you do. :) Over and out. |
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