Before I saw the show a second time on May 4th, I decided to send this fic to its two stars, Faith Brown and Jeremy Finch. I know for a fact that the former did, in fact, read it =) and liked it.
What follows is the foreword and dedication I put at the beginning, because I think it goes with the fic quite well. And I've put it before the fic because, well, that's where it goes ;)
You don't have to read this part. I just like it.
I dedicate this…
~ to Faith Brown, for providing me with a Norma Desmond I could understand on far too many levels, and for making my first experience of the musical of "Sunset Boulevard" such a fantastic one…
~to Jeremy Finch, whose portrayal of Joe Gillis will be first and foremost the one I remember, and who will forever be my definitive Joe…
~ to them both, for being completely wonderful on stage together and being partly responsible for this…
~ to Andrew Lloyd Webber, whose music is so constantly inspirational…
~ to the late Billy Wilder, without whom this wouldn't have been possible…
~ and to Norma and Joe, who deserve a happy ending…
Andrew Lloyd Webber is quoted as saying, upon first seeing the movie "Sunset Boulevard", that "it inspired a tune." The 'tunes' he created for his musical of the same name have inspired these words in my mind. Until such time as my words may inspire an image and complete the cycle, I present this, the result of those words…