This is the prologue for my newest story. If you're interested in the rest, review and I'll continue.

I was sitting at the table in the corner, out of the way, in the common room reading my favorite book when Sirius came and sat down across from me. I didn't have to look up to know who it was. I could tell it was him. Almost like a sixth sense. Or it helps to have heightened senses of smell.

"Hey Sirius," I said, not even glancing up from the text on the page in front of my nose.

"Whatcha doing Moony?" Sirius asked with a faked interest.

"Well, I was reading, but I guess that's over now, isn't it?" I replied with a sigh, closing my book.

Sirius smirked at me. "I have a better idea."

The way he said that sent a shiver down my spin.

Before we could act on what I thought he was thinking about, James burst into the common room, a nervous Peter in tow. The people in the common room were so used to James' antics, they weren't even fazed.

James headed straight to our table. For some reason I couldn't decide he looked angry. He stood a few feet away from me, and looked from me to Sirius and back.

"Tell me it's not true." He said through his teeth.

I frowned. "What isn't true?"

He glared at me and Sirius again, before finally saying, in a dangerous whisper. "Snivelus is spreading some really nasty rumors about the two of you."

Sirius and I shared a shocked, disbelieving look. I didn't want them to know until we were ready. I started fidgeting in my chair, and Sirius looked terrified.

James narrowed his eyes. It was enough of an answer for him. "So it is true. You guys are shirt-lifters."

I was nervous, but suddenly I was defiant. "Yes, I am."

Sirius looked at me before he nervously said. "Yeah."

The news spread like wildfire, and soon enough, they were alone. The only people who didn't feel disgusted by them were a few of the teachers, Lily, and some of her friends. A few select people didn't disagree with it, but they didn't stand up for them for fear of becoming outcast as well. Lily managed to convince a few of her better friends that Sirius and Remus were good people and deserved better than that. It cost them a lot. They were avoided almost as much as Remus and Sirius were. Could they fix the damage that'd been made?

So as I said before, please review and tell me what you think. Critisms is always welcome.