Author has written 30 stories for Lord of the Rings, Sherlock Holmes, Harry Potter, Misc. Books, Pirates of the Caribbean, King Arthur, Talented Mr Ripley, House, M.D., and King Kong. About me Fanfiction was the crack of my teenage years. Then I grew up (more or less), left home and played at being an adult for a bit. I deleted some of the very worst stories on here. What can I say? What you think is good at thirteen, isn't so hot when you're twenty-two. Most of that heterosexual romance nonsense went of course. Viva slash! I decided to log back into my long-abandoned fanfiction account after being infected with an almost irrisistable urge to write Harry Potter fanfiction. Sirius/Remus forever, naturally. They didn't die. Why would anyone think that? One more thing: it never dawned on me at the time, but I certainly hope nobody thought my pen name was about admiration for George Bush *shudder*. |