![]() Author has written 18 stories for Power Rangers, Yu-Gi-Oh, Angel, Harry Potter, and Yami no Matsuei. 2/23/08: I STARTED A NEW STORY! ... Sorry for the caplock rape, but this is very exciting news, atleast it is to me. 2/ 5/08: I'm getting tired of being on hiatus. It's hard work not writing, yo. Who would've thunk it? 11/12/07: It's NaNoWriMo time again. So seriously, the fact that I'm not r&ring isn't just because I'm a lazy jackass this time around. It's cause I'm writing a completely useless piece of crap that I like to call my novel. For those of you whose stories I usual read and review, I'll be getting back to that pronto. Timeless: ( V ) My fluffy bunny could kick your fluffy bunny's ass! -sugar high and sleep deprived- The fact that my profile is so long makes me feel pompous. The fact that its 6:22 in the morning and I've yet to feel tired yet makes me feel like an insomniac and the fact that I've used the word "feel" multiple times in this ridiculous paragraph makes me feel like an idiot. Before my extensive lists of favorites begin and you lose all interest in learning anything about me I'd just like to say that there's always room for improvement, so be kind and be honest (if you can manage those two things simultaneously you've got one up on me in life) and tell me what you think about my stories. A good review is enough to put a smile on my face, even if it is chuck full of criticism. Other Sites Kind Enough to Host My Fiction: My Insane Journal- My Christmas present to my muse in '07 was a fiction journal. FictionPress-I like it there. Besides, the color scheme offers a nice change. MediaMiner- This one you'll have to change the rating from "A- T" to "All"... until I put up individual links. And yes, I'm a nutjob and most of the stories I've posted there recently are different from the ones I post here. More Site That are Nice to Me: My Live Journal- Just in case you can't get enough of my inane behavioral quirks during the author's notes... Or in case you have questions or comments and I've been damn near impossible to contact, which happens on a regularly irregular basis (I dare you to figure out what that means). Favorite TV Show: Queer As Folk, The L Word, and Pushing Daisies. Favorite Manga/Anime: Basically, the yaoi kind, but not the overly sweet fluffy yaoi kind, 'cause that makes me sick. Favorite Bands (the music I listen to has a tendency to influence what and how I write): Dir en Grey (are my favorite), D'espairsRay, The GazettE, Chevelle, The White Stripes, Cassius and a large selection of techno, electronica, thumpa thumpa and trip-hop. Yu-Gi-Oh! Couples That I Can Stomach: I used to have a giant wordy list here. But now I've found that I can sum it up pretty easily. Either Marik, Bakura, Malik, Yami, Yugi, Seto and possibly even Jou on my off days, paired with Ryou (basically I like to whore Ryou out). Or any threesomes, foursomes of orgies that can be made out of such a group, as long as Ryou's involved. Favorite Power Ranger Couple: Andros/Zhane and Tommy/Kira (that list is pretty easy to remember). Favorite FullMetal Alchemist Couples: Ed/Envy, Roy/Hughes Favorite Angel Couples: Angel(us)/Spike (long list, nyah?) Favorite Yami no Matsuei Couples: Favorite Character: Touda! (Yami no Matsuei) I love him. He's my all time favorite and not just because he's pretty either. He's loyal and kick ass and not hard at fucking hearing like all Tsuzuki's other shiki seem to be. Overall, I just love his character. Favorite Character to Write: Ryou (Yu-Gi-Oh) I think he's cute as hell and versitile to boot and I just love to write him. Quotes (it took me way too many tries to type that word right): "Too often we lose sight of life's simple pleasures. Remember when someone annoys you it takes 42 muscles in your face to frown, BUT, it only takes 4 to extend your arms and bitch-slap the mother@#!&! upside the head." "A girl has not half the charm of a boy that looks like a girl." - Tanko "Alucard is gayer than french toast!" - ? - Oh how I wish. "If hate were people, I'd be China." - Lokelani "Smut is better with boys." - "Better to laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints.." - Billy Joel's song Oly the Good Die Young... I've made so many mistakes in the siting of this quote -sad face-... But now I know that people actually read my profile since they pick out mistakes -smiles-. "Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to decieve." - ? "A good friend will be there to get you out of jail, but a best friend will be in the cell with you saying; "Fuck, that was fun!" - ? "The trouble with most of us is, we'd rather be ruined with praise than saved with criticism." - ? "The ending was a real bruiser, but in a good way. Like hot kinky sex." - Me - It's a bit crude but who cares? Wait, wait, even better; If they cared about me being crude they wouldn't be here looking at my profile, unless some unhealthy morbid fascination is at work here? ... Come to think of it I really hope not. Shun: "When I grow up, I'm going to be a musician." What's Up: - Everything that's not Never Turn Your Back is on hiatus until further notice. General Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. No money is being made from this work. No copyright infringement is intended... Except in actuality it was entirely intended, but still don't sue. I'm broke -turns out pockets-. General Warning: My stories, unless marked otherwise, are all slash. For those of you that don't know, that basically just means boys are climbing all over each other left and right. A good percent are NC-17. Some of my stories also deal with theme such as, depression, self-mutilation, under-aged drinking, alcoholism, rape, and abuse (sexual and otherwise). Please read the individual warnings on each story before diving in. I don't want any more reviews talking about what a sick fuck I must be to write about this stuff. My policy is very simple; 'Don't like it, don't read it'. But, if you don't have a problem with the content and aren't going to sue me for copyright infringement, read on. |