Author has written 4 stories for Yu-Gi-Oh. Hey! Thanks for stopping by...please pick up and read a fic on your way out! NOTE: I now have an e-mail address specifically for this penname, so feel free to say hi...sacrifice plot bunnies to my muse...guess about what will happen next...etc. Random e-mails are great. About Me: You're not reading this, are you? If you are, I'm flattered. ;P Now, onto what you really want to know. THE STATUS OF MY FICS: Dead & Dying (Main Fic) Chapter 18--completed,betaed, posted Chapter 19--completed, betaed, posted Chapter 20--brainstorming Smut--Those of you wanting smut from Dead & Dying...visit and look me up under the same pen name. "Completely His" got...erm...way out of hand, so I posted it there. It's BxR. Literary Sin --COMPLETED-- Nothing Suggestive About It Chapter 2--ON HIATUS until further notice Sweet Surrender Chapter 2--ON HIATUS until further notice I want to thank all fanfic authors out there, because every fic I read makes me a better writer and inspires me in some way, and I want to thank all the readers out there, because without them, well, we'd have nothing. |