![]() Author has written 67 stories for Yu-Gi-Oh, Beyblade, Weiss Kreuz, Kingdom Hearts, Lord of the Rings, Four Brothers, 21 Jump Street, and Naruto. 6/27/2014 Wow long time no update...really really long time. I know the links to AFF no longer work, sorry about that. I haven't been there in a while and by the looks of it they probably deleted the account. IMPORTANT NOTE: I have been asked this more times then I would like, but I've decided to simply put a note out in the open so I don't have to email people the exact same message every time this comes up. I work hard on my stories. Yes, it doesn't show sometimes, but I try my best. I put time, thoughts, feelings into them that I'm sure every author can understand. I am attached to them. I do not want any of my stories in another story for humour proposes. In the last year I've had at least three people want to use Chibi For A Day or Manipulate Me in a 'YuGiOh Finds on '. Please respect my wishes as an author. Thank you. A Note For Those Who Care: I'm working on other things right now. I've finally finished Chibi For A Day and I'd like to rewrite it. I'm also moving all my fics to livejournal as I find it easier than angelfire or geocities. =) About Me: (at the moment) Age: 24 Personality: Depressed. The glass isn't half empty, it's completely empty! Roxas got thirsty. Fandoms: Kingdom Hearts (1 & 2), Yu Gi Oh, FFVII (AC & DoC), FFVIII Pairings: Kingdom Hearts Axel/Cloud Riku/Roxas, Roxas/Sora, Axel/Sora, Axel/Roxas, Cloud/Sora, Cloud/Leon FFVII Cid/Vincent, Cloud/Vincent, Reno/Cloud, Zack/Cloud, Zack/Aeris, Zack/Aeris/Cloud (Wow, het!) FFVIII Irvine/Squall, Seifer/Irvine, Seifer/Zell, Squall/Zell, Irvine/Zell, Irvine/Selphie, Squall/Selphie, Seifer/Irvine/Squall Yu Gi Oh Marik/Ryou, Malik/Ryou, Seto/Bakura, Marik/Bakura/Malik/Ryou Fullmetal Alchemist Alphonse/Edward, Roy/Edward Naruto Shino/Kiba, Shikamaru/Kiba ...Any Male/Kiba XD, Kiba/Hinata (Look Ma! A straight pairing!) Bleach Renji/Ichigo, Renji/Toshiro Characters: Kiba - Itachi - Alphonse - Edward - Vincent - Reno - Renji - Axel Obsession: Kiba Hello! Instead, I'm going to post my NC-17 fics on http:///main.php?list=107and then post a link here, or in the story or whatever. Candy Coated series Yours Completely Happy Birthday Malak Manipulate Me (Before Fading Light) First Time Fireworks (December 1st, 2003) Follow Your Heart (Chapter 7, no really, it's chapter seven for now...) |