This story revolves around Malik, and I hope it's full of angst, because
it's supposed to be.
The main purpose of this story was to help me with my emotional problems. And that means that this story was wrote only for the purpose of hurting someone else (and maybe giving something to you guys to enjoy. . .if you're sadistic and such ^_^)
Warnings: Yaoi, lemon (later on), OOC character (VERY OOC), angst, no timeline what so ever. I suppose there's some Tea bashing, but she's not the only one, sorry!
Pairings: I'll tell you the established pairings because the others aren't that hard to figure out.
Ryou/Yugi, Bakura/Yami, Seto/Isis, Duke/Tristan, Mokuba/Serenity, Joey/Mai
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Follow Your Heart
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Chapter One
Malik Ishtar sighed to himself as he entered the classroom of his new school. And just like the days before this one, the room that was filled with noisy students, grew completely quiet as the strange boy sat down in one of the desks. The blonde Egyptian rested his arms on the desk and buried his face within his arms. Slowly, the noise level in the classroom heightened again, after everyone realized that he wasn't going to make any trouble.
Malik Ishtar had been condemned to a life of unhappiness all because of the actions of his darker half. Nobody trusted him, not only his other living relative. He couldn't understand it; he didn't even have the Millennium Rod anymore. He'd given it to Seto Kaiba, his way of showing everyone that he wasn't evil. But that hadn't worked and now Malik had to fight the sudden urges he had. It would have been the same for Yugi and Ryou if they were separated from their Millennium Items, especially since they were destined to have them. Malik still held a connection to the golden rod, and it was calling out to him.
But he could never answer. It wasn't so bad at least, Yami Malik, or 'Marik' as Malik called him was still with him. Somehow, though how it was possible Malik couldn't fathom, Marik had stayed with him and for that, Malik was glad.
". . .but that means we have to ask Ishtar if he wants to come." Malik suddenly heard a voice say and he didn't have to look to know it had been the pharaoh speaking. "I doubt Kaiba wants him to be there."
"Yeah, but Isis will be and Kaiba will do anything to please her." Tea replied. "Just ask him and get it over with. It's not like we have to talk to him when he's there."
"I don't want to ask him! You ask him!" Yami growled.
"Me? Joey, why don't you ask him?" Tea asked sweetly.
"Why? Because I don't want him to be there." Joey snorted. "He's crazy."
"I'll ask him!" Yugi's voice suddenly came above the rest.
Malik was suddenly aware of a presence in front of him and he looked up slightly, only until he saw the Eye of Horus staring back at him. Then he looked back down at the edge of his desk, silent, always silent.
"Hey Malik, how was your weekend?" Yugi wondered as he sat down in the desk in front of Malik's, sitting in the chair backwards so he could face the Egyptian.
Thinking of an answer that wouldn't sound mean, for Yugi was one of the few who actually tried to be kind to him, Malik kept his head low when he answered. "Nothing much. I mostly studied." His reply was soft, but Yugi heard it.
"Oh yeah!" Yugi grinned; Malik could hear it in his voice. "We have that geography test tomorrow. I studied a little, but I was mostly listening to Ryou freak out about how he was going to completely bomb it."
Malik snorted at the thought of Ryou Bakura bombing a test. "Ryou's the smartest kid in our geography test. Even I know he's not going to fail. In fact, I bet he gets 99.76%. Rounding that up to 100%."
Yugi laughed lightly, "I know, but you know Ryou." He shrugged. "You planning to do anything this weekend Malik?" He wondered casually as if they spoke everyday and that this was normal. Malik could almost feel the stares of Yugi's 'gang' burning through his back.
"I'm not sure, it's only Monday." Malik replied shortly.
"Why don't you look at me when I'm talking?" Yugi wondered suddenly, causing Malik to look up at him with confusion. Yugi smiled, "That's better! Now I can see your eyes!" He giggled quietly as he gently brushed a few strands of blonde hair away from Malik's face. "Anyway, everyone's going to Seto's on Friday night. We'll probably just play games and watch a few movies. I was hoping you'd want to come." Yugi said and Malik knew that the boy was speaking sincerely. "Ryou would want you to be there too."
Malik blinked, "Where is Ryou anyway?" He wondered, glancing around the classroom.
Yugi sighed, "He got sick yesterday and stayed home today so he could be well rested for tomorrow. He's got three tests. So, are you going to come?" He asked again, seeing that Malik had dodged the question the first time.
Sighing to himself Malik closed his eyes. "Sorry Yugi, but I know the other's don't want me around. Besides, what would I do? You and Ryou would be too busy with each other and nobody else would even acknowledge my presence." He smiled, telling Yugi that it was really all right, though deep down it wasn't.
Yugi pouted, "Please Malik? Don't make me use my puppy eyes! Everyone knows that nobody can say no to me or Ryou when we use the puppy eyes." He teased friendly. Malik liked Yugi; a little more than he should have considering Yugi was kind of with Ryou. But then again, Malik liked Ryou as well.
Malik hesitated then smiled a real smile as he nodded, knowing that Yugi was right. "Alright, I'll come. But I'll just stay for a little while." He said and Yugi seemed satisfied.
"Yippee!" Yugi laughed out loud as he threw his arms around Malik's neck and hugged him. "Ryou and I'll pick you up so you don't get lost. Be ready by seven." With that Yugi was gone and back with his group.
"That was weird." Malik said to himself, then shrugged it off and figured the smaller boy would forget about it.
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So. . .shall I continue?
The main purpose of this story was to help me with my emotional problems. And that means that this story was wrote only for the purpose of hurting someone else (and maybe giving something to you guys to enjoy. . .if you're sadistic and such ^_^)
Warnings: Yaoi, lemon (later on), OOC character (VERY OOC), angst, no timeline what so ever. I suppose there's some Tea bashing, but she's not the only one, sorry!
Pairings: I'll tell you the established pairings because the others aren't that hard to figure out.
Ryou/Yugi, Bakura/Yami, Seto/Isis, Duke/Tristan, Mokuba/Serenity, Joey/Mai
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Follow Your Heart
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Chapter One
Malik Ishtar sighed to himself as he entered the classroom of his new school. And just like the days before this one, the room that was filled with noisy students, grew completely quiet as the strange boy sat down in one of the desks. The blonde Egyptian rested his arms on the desk and buried his face within his arms. Slowly, the noise level in the classroom heightened again, after everyone realized that he wasn't going to make any trouble.
Malik Ishtar had been condemned to a life of unhappiness all because of the actions of his darker half. Nobody trusted him, not only his other living relative. He couldn't understand it; he didn't even have the Millennium Rod anymore. He'd given it to Seto Kaiba, his way of showing everyone that he wasn't evil. But that hadn't worked and now Malik had to fight the sudden urges he had. It would have been the same for Yugi and Ryou if they were separated from their Millennium Items, especially since they were destined to have them. Malik still held a connection to the golden rod, and it was calling out to him.
But he could never answer. It wasn't so bad at least, Yami Malik, or 'Marik' as Malik called him was still with him. Somehow, though how it was possible Malik couldn't fathom, Marik had stayed with him and for that, Malik was glad.
". . .but that means we have to ask Ishtar if he wants to come." Malik suddenly heard a voice say and he didn't have to look to know it had been the pharaoh speaking. "I doubt Kaiba wants him to be there."
"Yeah, but Isis will be and Kaiba will do anything to please her." Tea replied. "Just ask him and get it over with. It's not like we have to talk to him when he's there."
"I don't want to ask him! You ask him!" Yami growled.
"Me? Joey, why don't you ask him?" Tea asked sweetly.
"Why? Because I don't want him to be there." Joey snorted. "He's crazy."
"I'll ask him!" Yugi's voice suddenly came above the rest.
Malik was suddenly aware of a presence in front of him and he looked up slightly, only until he saw the Eye of Horus staring back at him. Then he looked back down at the edge of his desk, silent, always silent.
"Hey Malik, how was your weekend?" Yugi wondered as he sat down in the desk in front of Malik's, sitting in the chair backwards so he could face the Egyptian.
Thinking of an answer that wouldn't sound mean, for Yugi was one of the few who actually tried to be kind to him, Malik kept his head low when he answered. "Nothing much. I mostly studied." His reply was soft, but Yugi heard it.
"Oh yeah!" Yugi grinned; Malik could hear it in his voice. "We have that geography test tomorrow. I studied a little, but I was mostly listening to Ryou freak out about how he was going to completely bomb it."
Malik snorted at the thought of Ryou Bakura bombing a test. "Ryou's the smartest kid in our geography test. Even I know he's not going to fail. In fact, I bet he gets 99.76%. Rounding that up to 100%."
Yugi laughed lightly, "I know, but you know Ryou." He shrugged. "You planning to do anything this weekend Malik?" He wondered casually as if they spoke everyday and that this was normal. Malik could almost feel the stares of Yugi's 'gang' burning through his back.
"I'm not sure, it's only Monday." Malik replied shortly.
"Why don't you look at me when I'm talking?" Yugi wondered suddenly, causing Malik to look up at him with confusion. Yugi smiled, "That's better! Now I can see your eyes!" He giggled quietly as he gently brushed a few strands of blonde hair away from Malik's face. "Anyway, everyone's going to Seto's on Friday night. We'll probably just play games and watch a few movies. I was hoping you'd want to come." Yugi said and Malik knew that the boy was speaking sincerely. "Ryou would want you to be there too."
Malik blinked, "Where is Ryou anyway?" He wondered, glancing around the classroom.
Yugi sighed, "He got sick yesterday and stayed home today so he could be well rested for tomorrow. He's got three tests. So, are you going to come?" He asked again, seeing that Malik had dodged the question the first time.
Sighing to himself Malik closed his eyes. "Sorry Yugi, but I know the other's don't want me around. Besides, what would I do? You and Ryou would be too busy with each other and nobody else would even acknowledge my presence." He smiled, telling Yugi that it was really all right, though deep down it wasn't.
Yugi pouted, "Please Malik? Don't make me use my puppy eyes! Everyone knows that nobody can say no to me or Ryou when we use the puppy eyes." He teased friendly. Malik liked Yugi; a little more than he should have considering Yugi was kind of with Ryou. But then again, Malik liked Ryou as well.
Malik hesitated then smiled a real smile as he nodded, knowing that Yugi was right. "Alright, I'll come. But I'll just stay for a little while." He said and Yugi seemed satisfied.
"Yippee!" Yugi laughed out loud as he threw his arms around Malik's neck and hugged him. "Ryou and I'll pick you up so you don't get lost. Be ready by seven." With that Yugi was gone and back with his group.
"That was weird." Malik said to himself, then shrugged it off and figured the smaller boy would forget about it.
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So. . .shall I continue?