Author has written 19 stories for Yu Yu Hakusho, Naruto, Yu-Gi-Oh, Kingdom Hearts, and Final Fantasy VIII.
Hello all and welcome to my little page...
First off, the pairing circle of DOOM.
Riku is cheating on Sora with Sephiroth.
Sephiroth is cheating on Riku with Cloud.
Cloud is cheating on Sephiroth with Leon.
Leon is cheating on Cloud with Seifer.
Seifer is cheating on Leon with Irvine.
Irvine is cheating on Seifer with Selphie.
Selphie is cheating on Irvine with Kairi.
Kairi is cheating on Selphie with Namine.
Namine is cheating on Kairi with Repliku.
Repliku is cheating on Namine with Vexen.
Vexen is cheating on Repliku with Marluxia.
Marluxia is cheating on Vexen with Axel (cougheveryonecough)
Axel is cheating on Marluxia with Roxas.
Roxas is cheating on Axel with Xemnas.
Xemnas is cheating on Roxas with Saix.
Saix is cheating on Xemnas with Xaldin.
Xaldin is cheating on Saix with Xigbar.
Xigbar is cheating on Xaldin with Demyx.
Demyx is cheating on Xigbar with Zexion.
Zexion is cheating on Demyx with Hayner.
Hayner is cheating on Zexion with Sora.
Sora is cheating on Hayner with Riku.
n.n Full circle!
ORGY XIII + others.
Got it memorized?
Next, me!
Full Name: Saori Kiorimi
Nickname: Sao
Occupation: Student, fanfic author, hoping to (someday) get a manga published. However, my true goal is to teach English in Japan.
Age: Mew.
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 140 lbs
Gender: Female
Orientation: I have a girlfriend!
I am a mediocre author just trying to imitate the great ones I watch from afar... My plotlines are very straightforward; I can't do plot twists, and I absolutely do NOT do angst.(shudders)
I'm also the strange little lesbian who likes to write yaoi... (sigh) Ah well.
Current Obsessions: Kingdom Hearts and Final Fantasy VIII
Elemental Attraction= discontinued... sorry everyone. But the main character is a Mary-Sue and the plot line is unimaginative, and yeah... I'm generally disinterested, but can't force myself to take it down. It is, after all, my first and most successful story...
Hellfire: Finished!
Starting Today: Set back to one-shot status.
Internal Issues: Finished!
Sky: Third chapter finished, fourth being worked on. (winces) Sorry they're not posted yet... I've been lazy about typing it up.
Pretty Little Head: This is what's distracting me from working on some of the other stuff. (sweatdrop)
General Disclaimer:
Well, I've been forgetting well and totally to put these in some of my stories, so here is my general disclaimer for all of the old ones:
I do not own Yuugiou, Naruto or Yu Yu Hakusho; I merely have the pretentiousness to write about them and add my original characters to them.
Find more of the Sao!
My AFF account: (go here if you want the full version of the Sky chapters)
My Deviantart:
My Site:
(I'm not posting a link to this yet, as it is yet to be worth anything- not all up yet.)