Hey readers! Ok first thing first. This is a sequel to "My healer." ( It's only six chapters so you don't have to read a lot).So if you haven't read that I suggest that you do otherwise you're going to be confused on who's who later on. I'll explain some things soon but after this chapter. Hope you enjoy!

Disclaimer: I don't own anything except for the people that I created.


Hiei looked over his shoulder. An idiot was obviously following him.

Probably a human, he thought, since he patrolled Makai's border at night. But even then he brought out his sword. He jumped into one of the tall tree's branches and waited there. A few demons appeared and walked slowly around the area.

"Did you see him?"

"Where did he go?"

"I just saw the undersized forbidden child!"

Hiei leaped down from the branch and slit one of the demon's throat. The others watched him die. The fire rogue glared at them.

"What do you want?" Hiei demanded to know what was going on. "Why are you searching for me?"

"You're Hiei the Forbidden Child right?" The blue haired devil asked. Hiei gruntedas heshoved the sword in his stomach. Only three more lived to see him. He repeated his question.

"We were sent here by Lord Cyrus to kill you." One of them grimaced. Hiei smirked. Could they honestly think that they could kill him?

"Cyrus you say?" He repeated the name, but he knew no one of it.

They didn't answer him, but started to attack. The male with red hair walloped Hiei with a mallet, or at least tried to. Hiei dodged him and slid his blade down the middle of his body. He had killed them. He was about to wipe the blood off his sword when he heard another voice.

"Well done, child."

Hiei turned to the voice's owner. A male with green long hair and blue eyes stepped from the shadows. He flipped his hair back so you could see his face. He had a very strong jaw structure and high cheeks. He stood at least six foot. Hiei glared at him.

"I am not a child, fool."

"Ah yes, forbidden one, forgive me." The man smirked.

"Who are you?"

"My name is Cyrus."

"You are the one that sent the idiots after me? Next time, find someone at least decent to fight," Hiei grunted. Cyrus smiled.

"What do you want?" Hiei's eyes narrowed.

"Do you remember anyone with blond hair and lavender eyes, Hiei?" Cyrus asked. "A veela perhaps?"

Hiei growled and wondered how could this man know of his childhood friend. "What about her? Were you the one that killed her?"

Cyrus smirked and bowed to the fire demon. "Of course."

Hiei snarled. He sped towards the man and swung his sword. He missed him by an inch. Cyrus didn't flinch. He lowered himself so he could whisper in the fire breed's ear.

"You know, Hiei, you could see her again. All you have to do is ask," Cyrus smirked and he moved to the left as Hiei tried to hack him into pieces.

"That isn't possible, she's dead. She's been dead," Hiei growled. "Why? Why did you kill her?"

"That's for me to know and for you to find out," Cyrus said and dodged the swinging blade. He still had the smirk playing on his lips. He waited for Hiei to come to him. Cyrus opened his palm as soon as Hiei got closer. A black sword formed out from his hand and he struck Hiei in the chest. He moved the weapon around inside Hiei and the fire child screamed in agony. Cyrus pulled out the sword. Hiei laid at his feet.

"Don't worry Hieiā€¦ you will see her sooner than you think," Cyrus said and Hiei's eyes closed. Permanently.


Soul Number One: The robot

My name is Hecate. According to my inventor, it means Witchcraft Goddess. She named me after the Greek goddess of the new moon. Creative isn't she? I was given birth, if you even call it a birth, on January 1st. My master told me on that day that robots do not have emotions and therefore do not show them.

Although she is right about most things, I actually found something she was wrong about.Androids have feelings, but just one. Hatred. I despise those who live, who have a heart instead of a battery, or who have nerves instead of wires. They don't realize how fortunate they are.

Yes,androids do have some advantages. Like super strength and brilliant intelligence or because we are machines we can operate other technical equipment without difficulty. However, living creatures have the choice to live how they want to, unlike robots that have to do what they were created for. The purpose of my creation was to murder, and I have done so.

Do I like it? Of course not. Do I have a choice? Of course not. Last week I was assigned to kill a child just to satisfy my master's revenge wish. The child was a son of a traitor. I do not know much about this traitor or his child. However, I had the orders to destroy them and I simply obeyed.

I didn't cry or show grief. Robots aren't suppose to do that you know, but even then, we vowed to take revenge on our masters for letting us commit such crimes. Eventually, we kept our vows. We got into wars with our 'parents' as they like to call themselves. I was in battle with my mother once, and I failed to kill her.

Why you ask? Because she knew all of my weak points. After all, she did create me. The last words I heard from her had actually given me hope. Hope that one day I would actually live.

"You are a strange machine, Hecate. For you are the only one that I know that has a soul and a will to live like mammals do. Perhaps one day you will and come to find me. If you do take your vengeance then," She said to me and I had to close my eyes as she cut my main circuit.

Back then I never knew how right she was. I was given life again, but technically it wasn't truly me. A different personality had taken over my cold one, but I was willing to adjust. You shall meet my new soul.


Suntiger: Ok if you're confused let me clarify. Hecate is a robot that dies obviously and later comes back to life. Just keep reading and it will make sense.

Think of it as this: A cat with nine lives. She's got nothing to do with Hiei just yet.

By the way, I wanted to thank Lady Liliana for helping come up with this fiction. She gave me very useful ideas and therefore I hope some of you will read her stories too. And does anyone know about different creatures? I'm tired of reading fics about Vampires, demons, fairies, werewolves, angels, aliens and so on. Anyone know a creature that hasn't been done yet?