My last reviwer responces for KNK... 'sigh' Lucky I got it up. It is currently 8:39 on sunday, and I leave at noon.

starangel4899 (DV;CRAZY AUTHORS! CRAZY AUTHORS! QFF; --;;; How are we related again? DV; Thanks for the review!!! I hope to see you again in the sequel!)

kitsunekagome23 (DV; I get the same way with the stories i read. Please keep an eye open for the sequel!!! I can only hope I get as many reviews for that as I do this,)

inudemoness247 (DV; Here's the update!!! QFF; On the bright side, according to the MANY e-mails I get from DV, there is nothing to do down there, so she should be able to write a lot.)

fallen-666-angel (DV; My brother and I have had lengthy arguements with my dad over whether not 'yall' and 'aint' are words. OH! And no, that's to a slight 'accident' you ended up hurting Queenie instead of me. QFF; Ow...)

star's dreams (DV; Thank you!!!! And thank you for reviewing ALL 20 chapters!!! I'm gonna get the sequel up ASAP, and I hope you'll read that too!!! QFF; Yeah, I can't wait to respond to those, too!!! DV; Who says YOU'RE even gonna be in it? QFF; But- But- YOU GOTTA PUT ME IN!!!)

black tigeress (DV; thankyouthankyouthankyouTHANKYOU!!! QFF; You're still cake-high, are you? DV; It's that obvious?)

inu-angel247 (DV; YAY!!! I know how many people want to kill me for having to leave for my dads QFF; Hope you enjoy this super long ending!!!)

foxylilraven (DV; Finally, someone who shares my pain!!! QFF; Lucky for me, I'm staying in the Great Lakes State! DV; Thnak you for the review. Keep your eyes peeled for the sequel!!!)

Luscious (Here's my update!!! Ad sorry about your surgery. That must've sucked... QFF; she juuuust made it!!! DV; Thank you! I really love to write, it's just so much fun!!!)

KeeraSango (DV; Thank you!!! There are very few pairings I don't like, so maybe I'll try to get another crossover with those pairing in. QFF; I asked her about that once, And her answer still confuses me. DV; That's because you're dence. I do that fox and vixen thing to try and keep Hiei in caracter, which was pretty hard, by the way, anyways, most of the times fox refurred to Ganko considering Kurama was one of the few people he called by his name and after Yakuso decided to stick around in the futal era, vixen became Yari. Normally, I attached other part to those so you could tell, but I was always frustrated with how confusing it sounded. Anyways, thanks for the review!!!)

kireishi-chan (DV; Here ya go!!! QFF; That's DV for ya... DV; Ehehehe...)

SlplessWitch951 (DV; Thanks for the review. And My dad lives in the mountains, so the nearest library is a while away, and I mean A WHILE. QFF; Yeah... And happy Easter, too!!!)

blazingsunstar (QFF; You really like that word, don't you? 'DV smacks her over the head with her staff,' DV; Ignore her. Thanks for the review! Keep an eye open for the sequel. I get back July 13th, so that's probably when I'll start typing it.)

chrono9999 (DV; Thanks! Yeah, it gets annoying to read too many of those. Also, I get ticked when They litreally bump inot each other on the street and just start blabbing thier life stories. That is SO over used!!!)

black tigeress (DV; Well... Ehehe... QFF; Thanks for the review. And the death threat! Those are always fun to read! Especially since DV's a walking target for them. DV; Am not! ...Okay, I am, but it's not my fault!)

ConstantElation (Hope you have time to read!!! QFF; And like we've been telling everyone, stay tuned for the sequel!)

Lady-iNsOmNiAc (DV; I know, I've got a few on my favorites list. Sadly, few people share our patentce... QFF; Thanks for reviewing!)

ConstantElation (DV; Yeah, I've been thinking of doing only one POV or normal POV for the sequel, whatever seems to fit. QFF; 'pouts' this is our last responce... DV; Maybe i'll put the ones for this chapter on the sequel. QFF; YAY!!!


DV- Well, this is it...

QFF- The final chapter of Kagome No Kitsune 'Look at each other and burst into tears,'

Inu-Good riddance!

Kagome- SIT!!! 'BAM!!!' Don't worry, DreamVixen, there's still your other stories!

QFF- Yeah, but none of them include me!!! 'sniffs,'

Keiko- Cheer up, Queenie. I'm sure DreamVixen will include you in one of her other stories.

Botan- Yep!!!

DV- Anyway, I worked really hard on this so I hope you people are happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

QFF- Oh!!!!!!! That reminds me!!!!!!!! You were writing so much, you forgot to mention something about this Wednesday

DV- 'hastily,' its really not that important, Queenie

QFF- Yes it is!

DV- No. 'trying to cover QFF's mouth.' I've taken exam's all this week!

QFF- 'sighs in exasperation. Before she and all the characters pull out party favors.' HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY, DREAMVIXEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

DV- 'Blushing' Come on, I didn't want you guys making a big deal out of it...

QFF- 'Rolls eyes' It's your sweet sixteen, DV! You're SUPPOSED to make a big deal out of it!!! You know, coming of age and all that crap.

Yusuke- Birthday girl doesn't own anything so buzz off while we eat cake!

New Key;



-Beast talk-


----------------------------------------When All Has Ended------------------ ------------------------

I heard myself gasp as the boys and Yari entered the room, but was in one of those out-of-body moments. I still couldn't believe all this was happening. Way too much, way too fast.

I mean, here I was, a miko youkai back in the old home that I didn't know existed a week ago, with a father bent on using My little brother and Myself to stay in control of the throne.

Since Father wasn't a pureblood Royal Kitsune, and he couldn't convince his ex-mate to return to him if Hell froze over and sprouted flowers and flying piggies, he needed us, as his only ties left to the throne, to remain king.

If we'd stayed away from him from more than a decade, He would've been dethroned, and the closest ties left would've resumed rule. In all actuality, he only needed one of us, but he probably took into mind that we weren't coming willingly, and took both of us, 'just in case.'

Now that he had us back, I knew what he would do. He wouldn't trust me or Souta to take the throne, not now, so he'd find a Young lord he was close to, and force me to become his mate, a frowned on practice, but still used nowadays, especially to keep bloodlines pure. He'd then Proclaim my 'mate' his heir, and I'd be stuck in a life worse than the one my mother was forced to live.

"Yusuke!" Keiko cried out in relief.

"Spirit Detectives," Father said smoothly. Yusuke, Hiei and Kurama glared at him. "I hope you realize your presence in this room are good enough terms for war with your Reikai master,"

"First off, Koenma isn't my master. Second, I don't give a fuck about your screwed up politics! Just give us the girls and I might leave you with your arms still attached."

'He wouldn't really start a war with Enma,' Botan thought, worriedly, 'would he?' Great time for Sango's powers to kick in...

=He would. If he can find away to draw my miko energy out of me, he should be able to use it against Enma and his son.= Botan paled. If it was strong enough, miko energy could render even the power of the gods useless.

'Well, that's not good...'


=Got that right= Sango joined in. My father laughed coldly.

"I don't care if you take the miko, the koorime and Death, but my daughter stays, along with the friend who swore her loyalties to her."

"No," Hiei said shortly, "We're taking all of them, or we'll do the kitsune community a service by removing an unfit leader." My father growled, before smirking.

"Very well. If that is your decision..." suddenly, dark energy surrounded me and the girls. "Reikoku! Hojo! I expect you to take care of this." We were all teleported to the throne room. I staggered slightly in surprise. I'd forgotten how powerful my father was...

"Turn on the television. Focus on camera 24AG," He ordered as he sat.

"Yes, sire," A nearby servant said, bowing and taking off to complete his task. A TV the size of our shrine cam down from the ceiling, and turned on to reveal the scene in my bedroom.

"If my mind wasn't on other things right now, I'd yell at him for putting a camera in my room," I muttered.

"Don't make yourselves to comfortable. Even with Ganko's betrayal, this fight shouldn't last long," I glared at him, before focusing on the screen again.

=Do you think they can do it?= Sango asked anxiously, =Can they really beat two kitsune generals and a king?=

=I don't know,= I answered honestly.

Reikoku relaxed against the door way as Hojo came forward to attack. Yari did so as well, glaring at him. Hojo laughed.

"You mean I have to kill you again?"

"You got lucky the first time, ass," Yari snapped, "This time, you don't have a hundred kitsunes backing you up. I'm gonna get you back for killing me." I made a mental note to ask her about that later.

"Ha! You actually think you're capable of beating a general? Very well then, I'll humor you. Perhaps if I kill you again, it will secure my place as the next on the throne." On the screen, Kurama's fists clenched, and his eyes flashed with anger. Ganko stiffened at what his brother was hinting and I felt a wave of angry disgust run through me. Was he really my mate-to-be if Yari and the boys lost? Father snorted, erasing that thought.

"Fool. He should know I already have someone much more suited for taking my place lined up and on his way here." I felt my insides run cold. Shit...

"What fantasy are you living in?" Yari asked irritably, "First off, I doubt even a fool like Kurai would take someone as weak hearted as you as an heir, and second Kagome would purify you if you came within a meter of her!!!" Father growled at the insult, and Hojo narrowed his eyes at Yari.

"What do you know, traitor?"

"I'm not the traitor, asshole," Yari said, drawing her katana, "My loyalties were sworn to the Royal Bloodline, that doesn't include Kurai. You two are the only traitors in this room, for betraying Queen Yume, Prince Souta and Princess Kagome," I made another mental note to kill Yari for calling me princess.

"Why you-!" Before he could finish, Yari lunged at Hojo, slicing at him with her katana.

Hojo dodged, drew his own katana and blocked her next blow. Yari swept her foot out underneath him and brought him down.

"Atta girl, Yari!!! Give him the old one two!!!" Botan shouted to the screen. The rest of us stared at her for a second before shrugging.

"Get him!!!"

"Go for his right arm!!!"

"Go Yari!!!"

Yari moved to take Hojo's head off, but he kicked her in the stomach, knocking the breath out of her.

"That was a cheap shot!!!" Botan protested.

"No, Keep your eyes on him, damn it!!! He's gonna-!" Sango's sentence was cut short as Hojo tried to stab Yari through her heart, but a last minute dive on her part saved her, except for a small wound on her left arm. Yari brought her katana back up to block another of his blows.

"Go for his legs again!!!"

"That won't work, if he has half a brain he'll be expecting-!" Yari swept his legs out from under him yet again. We sweat dropped in union. "Good gods, and this is a kitsune?!"

"There's one in every race, Sango," I said dryly. This time, instead of attacking Hojo while he was down, Yari jumped back a bit, and waited for him to get on his feet again.

"What's she doing?" Yukina asked. The rest of us stopped shouting to watch.

"...I think she's waiting for something..." Sango muttered.

"Oye! What the Hell are you doing?!?! Finish him off!!!" InuYasha yelled to Yari. She shot him a dry look.

"Shut it, puppy, I know what I'm doing." InuYasha moved to protest, but Miroku restrained him.

"Let's wait and for her to try whatever she's planning before we take action. It's more than likely for the best."

"Feh," InuYasha said, but he did relax slightly. "You're just trying to score points with her."

Miroku hit him with the end of his staff, but said nothing.

Hojo had gotten back up on his feet at some time during the argument between the inu hanyou and the monk, and gave a laugh void of all humor as he glared at Yari.

"You should've finished me off when-!"

"Good Gods, would you shut up already?!?!" Yari said irritably, "You sound like one of those cheesy villains in the ningen action movies." (AN; Hehe... Had to put that in. That line annoys the hell out of me!)

Hojo glared at her again, before allowing his youki to build around him. I gasped when I realized what he was doing, and, more importantly why Yari had let him get back on his feet.

"She wouldn't..." I said, my eyes going wide.

"Are you kidding?! This is YARI in souped up revenge mode, of course she would!!!" 'souped up revenge mode?' Where the hell had Sango heard that? "You're little brother said something like it once,"

"Figures. But Yari hardly ever uses her magic And what good will it do if it kills everyone!!!" Now Keiko, Botan and Yukina went from annoyed and confused to alarmed.

"Wait, back up! 'kill everyone?' What's she trying to do?!?!" Sango and I cringed as one. "Sango? Kagome?" Before we could answer, Hojo shifted into the shadows of my room.


"Ditto," Yari took a deep breath, and allowed her aura to filter around her, it was not very strong at first, but then it started growing, Reikoku's eyes widened, and he immediately stepped into the shadow behind him, popping out next to the throne my father sat in.

"I always knew that girl was careless, but this is more than I'd expect even of her." Reikoku let out a dry laughed. "Ah, well. She's ridding us of that fool of a brother of mine, and doing my job for me. Who am I to complain?"

"Wait, what's happening? What's she doing?" Keiko asked, desperation leaking into her voice. I sighed.

"It's called Mugen Norowarete Iru (Endless Damned,),"

"Well, that's a cheery name," Botan muttered.

"Most shadow kitsune spells have names like that." Sango said dryly.

"What's it do?" Yukina asked.

"It was created to counter youkai with expertise in a certain kind of element's magic. Water, Fire, Air, even other shadow kitsunes. When the spell was used against them while they were attacking in their element, for example, a water nymph in a river, the spell triggers an amputation process." Black faces. "In other words, it rapidly increases your opponents energy."

"But won't that be a bad thing for the person using the spell?" Yukina asked.

"Yeah, I mean, increasing you opponent's strength isn't exactly a smart thing to do."

"You don't understand," Sango said, paling as Yari's energy reached the proper level for the spell. "The increase comes far too fast for your enemy to use it against you, and everybody has a certain limit their body can handle before their hearts implode from exerting too much power. Not to mention the soul is tormented by eternally physically reliving their own deaths." All three girls looked grossed out beyond reason now.

"Dis-GUS-ting!" Botan exclaimed. Reikoku laughed.

"They haven't even told you the good part yet," he said, grinning coldly. "The result on the spell's user and those around him or her are much more interesting,"

"What's he talking about?" Yukina asked. Ganko must've finally caught on to what was happening.

"YARI ARE YOU CRAZY?!?!?!?!?!?!"

"No. Just desperate. We're wasting time."

"If you pull a spell like that, we won't have any time left!!!!!!!"

"If the user isn't really, REALLY good at sorcery, the youki builds up to the point where everyone in the immediate area is caught in the implosion, though the one who cast the spells and anyone on the sideline have much slower and more painful deaths with the same result in the afterlife. That's why only the brave, strong, confident or stupid attempt this move."

"And Yari falls under 'the stupid,'" Sango said, frowning. "There's no way that someone who barely has comprehension of the basic kitsune spells can pull this off and live to tell the tale."

"Exactly." Reikoku said, "It's quite pleasing, watching a fool and their friends suffer because of their own stupidity."

"This girl truly needs to lean to think as much as that brother of yours, Reikoku," Father said, "Not even I have enough power that I'd attempt that spell," Keiko looked towards the screen, worriedly.

"Yusuke..." she whispered. I felt a flash of guilt. What was Yari thinking?!?!?!

"Don't worry, Ganko, We can do this," I blinked. We? Since when did Yari have spilt personalities?

Then, Yari smiled at Miroku, and understanding flashed through me as Hojo came up from behind her, his katana aiming for her back.

"Mugen Norowarete Iru!!!!!!!!!!" She yelled, her energy spun around her like a tornado, before slamming into Hojo, who barely had time for his eyes to widen before it hit him, one foot still in the shadows.

Hojo screamed out at the top of his lungs, eyes going wider and wider before the dark energy all shadow kitsunes possess burst from his body. I barely had time to see Miroku dart forward, reaching into his robe for something, before the camera was completely blocked out with the energy.

"Did it work?!" Sango asked, leaning forward.

"What?" Yukina asked.

"I'm not sure..." I whispered.

"What happened?" Keiko asked, "Are they still alive?" Sango an I stayed silent, watching the TV intently.

"Of course not," Father said, chuckling slightly. "Yari had no where near the amount of energy needed to-!" he stopped short, at the same time Sango and I started to laugh.

In the middle of the room stood Miroku, Yari resting unconscious in one arm and his free hand holding out a ward, crackling blue with his energy. A holy shield stretched around the group, warding off the dying energies of Hojo.

"WHAT IN THE SEVEN HELLS WAS THAT?!?!?!?!" InuYasha and Yusuke exclaimed at the same time.

"It worked!!!" I exclaimed. Sango laughed.

"What worked?" Botan asked, obviously confused.

"Miroku used a ward to deflect Hojo's energy from everyone." Ganko, who finally snapped out of his pale faced daze, burst out laughing.

"We owe ya for that one, monk." He said happily, I could see the near death-and-afterlife-torment experience had shaken him slightly. Not that I blamed him.

"Reikoku," My father said shortly.

"Yes, sire," Reikoku disappeared back into the shadows. He reappeared at the door before anyone could start for it. "Really, you're like a bunch of annoying cockroaches." He said. "Even when you try to kill yourself, you still find a way to live."

"Say what?!"

"That move could've killed us?!?!" I sighed and lowered my head. InuYasha was just too embarrassing sometimes, and Yusuke was no better...

"No matter. My little brother might've been a weak fool, but I do not share that trait." He glared at Ganko, who met him with his own glare. "All of you will die at my hands!!!"

"Feh!" InuYasha reached for Tetsusaiga, only to be stopped by Ganko.

"I'll handle this." He said, stepping forward. "You guys make a break for it whenever you can."


"Just leave this to me and find the girls." Yusuke made a move to protest again, but was stopped (surprisingly,) by InuYasha.

"Let him go," He slightly blushed at the gaping. "What?! I know how annoying it is when older brothers think they're better than you." I smiled.

"That's InuYasha for you," Sango said, shaking her head in exasperation.

"So, you're the first to die, little brother?" Reikoku said as Ganko glared at him.

"No." He said, taking his katana, sheath and all, out of his belt. Reikoku rose an eyebrow.

"What are you doing?"

"Leaving your shadow for good." He answered, tossing the katana to Kurama. "I'll beat you without a weapon. Only the shadow kitsune powers I was born with. I'll show everyone that I can hold my own against you and then some."

"Well, that's brave," Keiko said, blinking.

"Not to mention stupid," Sango muttered. "Even InuYasha knows better than to go against his brother without his weapon."

"Yes, but InuYasha's brother is a taiyoukai, and the Tetsusaiga isn't exactly an average katana." I protested.

"Reikoku is my leading General for a reason. He will have no trouble beating a mismatched group of fighters."

"Humph! Well, that 'mismatched group of fighters' have been through things your General couldn't dream of living through!!!" Botan said stubbornly. My father said nothing. Just sat, calmly watching the fight about to take place.

"If you want to die faster, suit yourself," Reikoku said drawing his katana, "Who knows, I might even give you a break because your family,"

"I won't get my hopes up," Ganko said, never taking his eyes off the kitsune general. "I have a feeling the only 'break' you want to give me is my bones." Reikoku shrugged, not seeming as concerned with the battle that was about to take place as Ganko was.

Before anyone could draw another breath, Reikoku attacked Ganko, who was thankfully on guard.

Ganko jumped out of the way of the sword, hitting Reikoku with a hard right punch. Reikoku had already brought his sword around, though, and Ganko had a nice slice going across his chest even as he hit his brother.

"Ooh... that was an unfair shot!!!" Botan protested, glaring at the screen.

There are no rules in a kitsune battle," My father said, smirking, "With any kitsune, especially shadows, it's an anything goes sort of thing,"

"Although kitsunes do normally draw the line at things that will harm their companions or ruin their pride," I said. My father growled.

"I will see to it that your mate straighten outs that attitude of yours," he said. My insides ran cold again. I glared at Father.

"I will be rescued before that becomes an issue," I said, my voice rising. My room wasn't too far away, so maybe the other's would be able to hear me and find us.

"That's only if they can beat Reikoku." I would've retorted, but turned sharply back to the screen when I heard a yell. InuYasha was standing in front of the door, his fire rat haori smoking slightly and the other's were around him, staring at the door with wide eyes.

"I took the liberty of putting a spell on the door." Reikoku said smugly. "We wouldn't want to leaving before this fight ended, now would we?" Ganko scowled at him.

"How do we remove the spell?!" Reikoku chuckled.

"Do you honestly believe I'd just tell you that?" He asked, tauntingly, "Really, and I thought Hojo was the family idiot,"

"This is bad," Miroku muttered, "Holy powers won't break through it," Reikoku snorted.

"Of course not." He said, "That spell is made to block anything, including humans with holy magic,"

"Meaning your friends are stuck," Father said, chuckling slightly.

"So you blocked the door, big deal," Yusuke snapped, pointing a finger at a wall, "I'll just make my own," and before Reikoku could stop him, he charged up his ki, "SPIRIT GUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

The energy tore through the wall, leaving a gaping hole that the others climbed through, Miroku still carrying Yari. The look on Reikoku's face when he realized what had just happened was absolutely priceless.

"You gonna catch up with us after kicking this guy's ass?" InuYasha asked before he left.

"Of course," Ganko answered, "Be sure to help kick Kurai around a bit for me before I get there," InuYasha grinned at him before taking off after everyone else. Father growled, and stood off his throne.

"Guards?! GUARDS?!?!" several guards raced in, "Take the neko, human, koorime and rei guide to the dungeons. Bring my Daughter and son to the spelled room." I glared at him. Creep kept moving us around so they couldn't find us!!! "Make sure to cover your scents and auras."

"Yes, sire," One of the guards said. They came over to us and started steering us where we needed to go, Sango kicking and screaming the whole way.

"Your other friend, the orange haired human, he's on his way to the rebellion's base to gather the rest of us together." The guard whispered to me when we separated with the others. I blinked. Kuwabara?

"What about my mother? And Jii-chan?"

"They're both fine. Lord Sujin is hiding them until Kurai is removed from the throne," I smiled, remembering the fun loving lord that treated me like his own kit when I had been here. He'd even helped me with a few of my pranks against Ganko, much to my mother's exasperation.

"Souta's okay too?" I persisted. The guard nodded.

"Kurai's not taking any chances. Thank the gods Ganko was such a good leader, or we'd be stuck now." I tripped.

"Ganko?! Ganko, Ganko?!?!" the guard chuckled.

"He's very good at organizing and hiding things, believe it or not." He whispered in amusement, "Who would've thought that little fight between the two of you would have more use than just entertainment?" I rolled my eyes.

"Tell that to my mother," I said with a smile. The guard stiffened and became serious as we passed two other guards. They nodded sharply to him, and he gave a short nod back before stopping in front of what else but my least favorite tapestry. He pushed on a rock prodding from the wall and spoke some rather complicated words. The wall split right down the middle, revealing a door.

"This way," He said, all kindness gone from his voice considering those guards were still watching us. He opened the door, which led to what would probably have been Kanna's room if she'd lived to this era.

White tiles echoed under our steps and the three white walls I could see were completely bare. A large pile of white pillows sat in one corner and two white sleeping mats were rolled up against another wall. A small white table sat in the middle of the room with a white vase that held white lilies.

"Stay here," The guard ordered as he removed the black energy bindings before leaving. The door closed behind him and disappeared after the wall had closed again. Another blank white wall...

I sighed and plopped down on the pillows, wondering what I'd be able to do to get out of here. Or at least keep from going insane.

Suddenly, it hit me. Sango! Our bond was strong, and rapidly growing in strength, maybe, even if this room and the dungeon had spells on it, we'd be able to communicate...

=Sango? Sango can you hear me?=

=KAGOME?!?!?!?!?!= I winced at the level of Sango's voice. =Where are you? Are you alright? Did your guard tell you about Kuwabara?=

=Yes, he told me and I'm fine. In a room as white as Kanna, not to mention worried out of my mind about the boys, but other than that, fine. They're bringing Souta soon. What about you girls? Is everyone alright?=

=Fine. The other prisoners are leering at us, and it's creeping Keiko, Yukina and Botan out a bit, but we're okay?=

=So they're not checking you out, too?=

=Let's just say they've already learned what would happen if they do.= I smiled. Leave it to Sango to strike terror into the hearts of the scariest men to attack my father's reign...

=Can you contact Hiei? I haven't had much practice with calling other telepaths besides you.=

=I've been trying since we've got here. They've got spells all over the place to keep us from using telepathy. The only person I can contact is you.=

=That's just perfect...= I grumbled, sending out my miko powers to feel what kind of spells the 'spelled room' had. I was surprised when a sharp warning shock greeted me. This place had even been wired against mikos...

=So, any bright ideas in that kitsune mind of yours?= Sango only half joked.

=Nothing yet,= I answered =What about that Neko brain of yours?=

=Nadda,= I stiffened as I heard the wall move again, and the door reappeared. It opened to reveal two guards and my little brother.

"Kagome!!!" Souta yelled, breaking away from the guards to bury his face in my stomach.

"You okay, Souta?" I asked softly. He nodded.

"Stay here," One of the guards said as he and the other left. As soon as the door closed, Souta looked up at me.

"Are InuYasha and the others really here?" He asked. I smiled.

"Yep! Yari kicked Hojo's butt." Souta grinned.

"Good. He was getting annoying with all those gifts and stuff," I laughed.

"Where are the other girls? Are they okay?"

Before I could answer, some kind of spell activated in the room. I stiffened and Pulled Souta into a protective embrace.

"Kagome? What's going on? What's that humming feeling?" I stared at Souta in alarm. There was no way-!

"So, you think to attack me in my own home?" Father's voice echoed in the white room, but there were no speakers, or anything else that should allow us to hear him for that matter.

"Where are the girls?" Souta's face brightened.

"THAT'S YUSUKE!!!!" He said, grinning. I nodded, listening carefully as Father let out a low chuckle and there was a rustle of movement.

"My daughter and her friends are fine,"

"Where are they?" Hiei asked sharply.

=Sango, are you hearing this?=

=Hearing what?= I sighed. That answered that.

=The boys! They found my Father!=

=No kidding?! Lemme listen through your ears!!!= I gave a mental nod, and Sango sent a little of her ki into my body through our link.

"You honestly believe I would go through all that trouble to get them back, only to tell you where I heard them? Perhaps Koenma over estimates your intelligence," There was an unidentified growl from one of the boys.

"No matter," Hiei said shortly, "We will find them after eliminating you."

"And how will you do that? Only I and my guards know of their location, and none of them would dare to betray me," Sango and I snorted in union.

"Strange," Kurama's smooth voice cut in, "considering so far one of your generals, a solider in your army and one of you healers have betrayed you so far, proving that you have more people who wish for your downfall than you thought." I could almost hear my father glaring at him.

"Anyone else conspiring against me will be brought to their knees at the power I will now gain from the loving support of my children," Father said smoothly. I stiffened.

=What's that supposed to mean?= I asked.

=Dunno,= Sango muttered, mentally frowning. =Damn it, I hate being so useless...=

There was a clinging sound of steel hitting steel, then another and another. Suddenly I felt something sucking the energy out of me. Screaming in shock and pain, I clutched my stomach as it started to churn on me, barely hearing Souta's worried cry and Sango screaming my name in my mind.

I panted when it stopped, my stomach still a little queasy. Damn it, what was that?!?!

"Hey, that was Kagome's energy!!!"

"Like I said, the loving support of my family."

Suddenly it made sense. Why Father'd leave us in a barren, hidden room, why he was letting us hear the fight, but not anyone else...

"He's sucking her energy out of her," There was something in Kurama's tone that I'd never heard before. Souta looked at me in alarm.

"Is he serious, Nee-chan?" He asked anxiously. I flinched before nodded. I still didn't trust myself to open my mouth without throwing up.


=The room's spinning and that ramen I had at lunch is coming back to haunt me...= I groaned. Souta fussed around over me, worry still shining in his eyes.

"If we attack, he'll call up more of Kagome's energy. Sucking away too much can seriously harm her," Miroku told the others.

"But if we just sit here he'll kill us and Kagome and the girls will be stuck in whatever live he chooses for them forever." Yusuke pointed out.

"The spirit detective has a point," Hiei said.

"No way in fucking hell!" InuYasha snapped.

"Look, we don't want Kagome hurt either, okay? But she's a strong girl and I think she'll be able to bare some pain to free herself and the other girls!!!!!!!" Yusuke sounded impatient now. Part of me knew this was just Yusuke talking, knew he was saying anything at the moment that he thought, and it had no motivational motives in it, but another, stronger part of me clicked on his words.

I'd defeated Naraku, protected the Shikon no tama, tamed a wild hanyou into a best friend, almost like a brother, learned to fight as both a miko and a kitsune and become a stronger person in the last two years alone. I wasn't going to let someone like my father bring me down now! Especially not when everything and everyone I cared about was at stake.

Struggling slightly, I got to my feet and took one of the lilies from the vase. Concentrating, I sent some of my ki into in, keeping in mind exactly how much my father had just drained and how much I had left. Soon, The flower worked as a living beacon for anyone connected with plants. I smiled when I heard Kurama make a small sound, knowing it had worked.

"Kurama? What's up?" He'd be able to find us now. And it was a silent message to him that I'd be able to handle whatever my father dished out.

"Yusuke's right," Kurama said, calmly.

=Atta girl, Kagome!!!=

=Sango, you've spent too much time around Botan,=


Then it started again, but I was ready for it this time. I fought back, pulling my ki back into my body, refusing to be knocked off my feet again by some stupid leeching technique.

"What?!" My father said in surprise.

"ROSE WHIP!!!!!!!!!!!!!" There were sounds of an intense scuffle, including one small explosion then a harsh chuckle.

"She may be fighting now, but do you honestly believe she'll have the strength to fight forever? Relying on the strength of one female, no matter what the race, is careless, and will only make your defeat more embarrassing,"

"You underestimate Kagome's will," Kurama said, "She can outlast both of us and the some. I have no doubts about her strength." I smiled. Did Kurama truly think I was that strong?

"We shall see." Father said, his voice going cold again. I felt him sucking the energy out of me again, And fought him off with all my strength. I could feel myself starting to slip, when I felt a hand cover mine, and looked up to find Souta giving me a determined look.

"You don't have to be strong alone, nee-chan," He said, closing his hand around mine.

=He's right,= Sango said, transferring some of her own energy to me. =We're here to fight with you, Kagome.= I smiled.

"Thank you," I whispered, increasing my fight. Souta's grip on my hand tightened as the spell became more insistent, trying to find any cracks in my defense to suck up my energy.

Father growled, and the spell's power increased, baring down on me, and practically smothering me. Gritting my teeth, I stood through it, keeping my ki in my body. Now Souta was practically breaking my hand.

With one long, painful scream, I threw the spell off of me and collapsed on the floor.

"Damn it!!!!!!" Father yelled.

"You see? Kagome was stronger than you gave her credit for," Kurama said.

"Yeah, and now you don't have her powers to fall back on!" Yusuke added, with an almost verbal smirk, "It's just you and us!" Suddenly, my father did the last thing I'd expect him to do in this kind of situation.

He started to laugh.

"You're all fools," He chuckled, "Do you honestly believe you can defeat me and not get killed yourself?" I felt my stomach drop to my shoes. "I will not allow my life to end in such a distasteful way!!!" I gasped as I felt his ki rising from the room we were in. "If I am to die today, then I'll bring all of you to hell with me!!!"

His ki attacked a defensive spell in the walls, triggering it to cause them to release magic made 'bombs' in the room. These 'bombs' locked onto the nearest ki and attacked them, triggering their own energy to react and give them an untimely death. I'd only seen it used once before in the war, when some wolves broke into the castle, and I'd hoped that it would never be used again after seeing the mangled corpses.

The spell that allowed us to hear shut off, too much energy getting in the way, I guess.

"What happened? Nee-chan?!?!" I stared in front of me too stunned to respond. Hoping to hear something, ANYTHING to suggest my friends were still alive.

=Kami...= Sango said, shock in her voice, =They couldn't have... Hiei...= I felt tears running down my cheeks, blurring my vision, and made no move you stop them. InuYasha. Miroku. Yari.


It wasn't fair! How could they tell me to be strong and then just leave me like that?!?!?!

"...Kurama..." My whisper was hoarse. Souta stiffened, finally understanding what must have happened.

"No, they couldn't be- they were too strong, nee-chan, they lived, I know they did!!!" I said nothing. They WERE too strong. That was what the problem was. There was no way they could have made it out of there unscathed. The bombs... they would've torn them apart.

I looked up as I heard the wall moving again, knowing the guards were probably coming back for us now that Father was dead. The door reappeared, and opened to reveal a very familiar person. I stood a little dazed before running and throwing my arms around him.

"You jerk! Don't scare me like that!!!!!!!!!" I yelled, sobbing into his shirt. Kurama's arms circled around me.

"It's alright, Kagome," He whispered, "I'm fine."

::WE'RE fine!:: Youko said, sniffing at being forgotten in the tender moment. I laughed at the antics of the ex-thief before sniffing.

"Promise me you won't do anything like that again. I won't forgive you so easily next time!" Kurama smiled at me before bringing me closer for a gentle kiss.

InuYasha, I had found out later, had been the one to save them, by using the Wind Scar to ward off the bombs. My Father had been the only one to die. His body was burned before anyone else could see it, and his ashes locked in a secure location, so as not to be used by anyone.

Botan, Keiko and Sango had all made it out of the dungeon just fine, Although apparently, Sango and Hiei had greeted each other a rather 'ahem' interesting way. I'm seriously afraid that both are going to die blushing.

Mother had been whisked back to the castle, along with Jii-chan, as soon as word of Father's death was spread. We greeted each other in a tearful reunion before Mother settled back into her duties as Queen of the Shadow Kitsunes. Which leads us to today...


Kagome smiled at the crowd of shadow kitsunes below them. It seemed that everyone in the kingdom had shown up today. And everyone was so happy. Even the weather was perfect. She turned back to the small group in front of them, As Her mother Stepped forward, a medallion in her hands.

"Yusuke Urameshi," She said, slipping it around his neck. One the other side of her, Souta stepped up with a medallion in his own hands.

"Hiei the Jiganshi," He said, giving it to the demon, who Kagome was actually surprised to see, accepted. Shippo jumped off of Kagome's shoulder and over to the other human.

"Kazuma Kuwabara," He said, slipping his medallion around him. Kuwabara grinned with pride. Kagome stepped forward with the last medallion.

"Youko Kurama, the spirit kitsune," She said, her lips brushing Kurama's cheek as she slipped the medallion around his neck. Yusuke and Kuwabara grinned at Kurama and Yume bit back her own smile as she watched her daughter slip back into place.

"Because of these four, and a few others, the Throne of the Shadow Kitsune has been returned to those born to it. These medallions represent their selfless services to the Shadow Kitsune Kingdom, who will forever be in their debt." Here, she turned back to the four spirit detectives, giving them a small bow. "I thank you on behalf of my people," the crowd below cheered.

"I could get used to this," Yusuke muttered, grinning.

"Also, I'd like to take this opportunity to introduce the castle's new head staff." Queen Yume said. "Our leading General, Ganko, and his second in command, Yari," Loud cheering as Yari and Ganko stepped forward, Ganko's right arm in a sling and his face badly bruise, but nothing that wouldn't heal. "Our newest expertise on holy magic, and a teacher for My son Souta, whom a reliable source has informed me is a houshi youkai, Miroku," More loud cheering as Miroku moved to stand next to Yari.

"Also, there's our newest captain of the Guards, InuYasha," Kagome took over, smiling as the hanyou took his place with his friends. "And mine and Souta's new personal Guardians, Sango and Kohaku," The tajiyas stepped up, Sango gently embracing her younger brother as he lightly flushed.

"May these men and women help us move forward, and bring honor back to the shadow kitsunes!" Queen Yume finished off. The crowd roared it's approval.

"Bravo," A female inu in a fine fighting kimono said as they stepped away from the balcony. "You did great! No one would even think that was your first time addressing the populace on over a decade. Kagome rolled her eyes.

"Thanks for reminding us, Rin," The demoness gave her fellow princess an innocent grin.

"That's enough, Rin," Yakuso chided lightly. Rin rolled her eyes.

"If you say so, Mama," The lady of the western land shook her head.

"I do,"

"We should probably get going now," Botan said hesitantly.

"Yeah. Toddler's probably throwing a fit." Yusuke said, not sounding too concerned.

"Feel free to come back at any time," Kagome said, grinning.

"Our People will always welcome you with open arms." Her mother added. Botan made a portal, and all the spirit detectives and their companions hesitantly made their way through. Sango sighed as she watched it close.

"I'm gonna miss them," She said, wistfully.

"Anyone in particular?" Yari teased, causing the neko to blush. Kagome smiled as she listened to her friend vigorously deny what Yari was hinting at.

"Aren't you upset, Lady Kagome?" Miroku asked from where he stood next to Yari. Kagome smiled at him.

"Not really." She answered, "After everything that's happened, I know in my heart I'll see them again someday," Her smile widened. "I can be patent until then!"


DV- Well, that's about it until I get around to the sequel. This is the longest chapter I have ever, and I mean EVER written. 20 pages on word!!!

QFF- Hey, DV?

DV- Present!

QFF- I've got a birthday present for you.

DV- No kidding? What?

QFF- meet Chiisai, a fire fairy and your new muse!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

DV- 'Squeals in delight' QUEENIE YOU ARE THE ABSOLUTE BEST IN THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

QFF- I know.

Chiisai- I can't believe you won me away in a poker match with a drunken bard for this!!!

QFF- I was considering forcing you to watch my baby brother...

Chiisai- Never mind.

Kagome- Well, I guess that's it...

DV- No it's not!

Inu- It's not?

DV- Nope! I happen to have a preview of the sequel!

QFF- You were on the computer 247 this last week. When did you have time to come up with that?

DV- After my Biology Final.

QFF- Ahh...

Chiisai- Well, on the bright side, at least I'm not HER muse.

QFF- ...HEY!!!!!!!!!!

DV- Anyways, here it is!!!

-------------------------------------------Fight For Thy Heart-------------- --------------------------

"Well?" Impatience was heavy in the man's voice. The ugly pink youkai began to quiver in fear.

"Queen Yume-!" This was met with a sharp growl "I-I-I mean Yume! Yes, ah, anyways, she's decided not to break with tradition. All believe the princess will not have any problems, considering how she surpasses both her parents."

"Who will accompany her?" 'thunk!'

"Her Neko Guardian, Gen- err, Ganko, the Hanyou and the monk,"

"Is that all?" 'thunk!'

"Well, Prince Souta, the young tajiya, Yari and the Ladies of the Western Lands are supposed to accompany them, but not participate." Here, he paused, "And, ah, there are rumors, sire, that the spirit detectives will be there as well, on Prince Koenma's orders!"


"Are the other rumors true? About the Spirit Kitsune?"

"Ah, well, as far as I can tell... yes," he cringed. The man let out a single laugh and stood.

"Gather the boys," he ordered.

"Yes, sire!" the demon took of, leaving the man alone.

Silently, he removed a picture from his cloak pocket. It showed a beautiful young demoness, dressed in a fine kimono and smiling at the young kit sleeping in her lap, her violet eyes sparkling and her raven black hair tipped in violet falling loosely on her shoulders.

"Soon," he said, putting the picture back.


Chiisai- That's all your giving them?! I know you wrote more than that!!!

DV- I know, They just have to wait and read it. Oh! And I need suggestions on who to pair Ganko up with in Fighting for Thy Heart. I'll accept anything, even people suggesting pairing him up with themselves, which I'm pretty sure I'd get anyways.

QFF- Well, I guess we'll see you in the sequel!

Kagome- Goodbye everyone! And thank you for staying with this story!!!

DV, Chiisai and QFF- JA NE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!