Reviews for A Tale of Two Thieves
YamiRyou666 chapter 2 . 3/12/2017
Sage you are an amazing writer and please please please update! Please! My life almost literally depends on you updating this story.
Bakura's XBF chapter 6 . 2/20/2017
Heh, tipical, Ryou saying Dai-Chan's a lair...
Is there an explanation for Bakura-Sama calling Krad 'Sock'? I needs an answer.
Ps, Bakura why d'you dump me!?
Madeliene Ward chapter 5 . 2/17/2017
Aaawwww! Dai-Chan is toast! And, shouldn't Shari be in the Millennium Key/Ankh? Bakura, please kick Dark's ass!
IceDragon1095 chapter 6 . 4/12/2010
Why exactly does Bakura call Krad "Sock"? Is there a reason behind it or isit just some random name to annoy him? Anyway… great fic, hope you update soon, and now I'm going to have to read DNAngel's canon 'cause you've got me interested with this _
Desolate Nightmare chapter 6 . 6/13/2008
You know what, I believe I'm beginning to really enjoy seeing what's gonna happen next. I hope Dark and Daisuke manage to figure all this out, this plot line is killin me here... (in a good way of course).

Can't wait for an update, here's hoping you're having as much fun writing this fic as I am reading it (and if there's any notes in your profile stating otherwise, well, now you know I'm just plain lazy and didn't read those).

See ya,

goldchild chapter 6 . 4/28/2008
i enjoyed theis story and cant wait for the up date.

will sotoshi and daske fall in love and will dark tell krad his fealings?
AngelIshtar7 chapter 6 . 4/12/2008
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE CONTINUE its been 3 and a half almost years and you need to keep doin what your doin cause its a very cool and awesome STORY also i think that Dark/Daisuke should be a pair that just seem right togetherplease continue and great job!
Naomi-Yuko chapter 6 . 4/12/2008
That was awesome. It's a pity though, considering you haven't updated in close to three years. That really sucks. Still, I love Bakura's humor. And Sock? Where the hell did you get that from? I swear, some of your jokes almost made me die from laughing so hard I could no longer breathe.
ChihayatheBlackAngel chapter 6 . 1/18/2008
As a long time watcher I really hope that someday you'll finish this story. It's amazingly well written and one of the few good crossovers I have ever read.

Please don't give up!
Mandrake Queen chapter 6 . 6/16/2007
keep writing! :)
keria chapter 6 . 6/9/2007
*cries* no0o0o0o i fear that you have given up on this great story :( it's been an eternity since a chapter has been added, please dont give up on this story! good luck with College , but please! if you ever get the chance then plz finish the story cuz it rocks! and krads nick name is amazing!
keria chapter 1 . 6/8/2007
HORRAY FOR RE-READING! lol this is like my second or third time reading this D i just love your stories so much, though lats time i read this it wasnt finished, hmm i wonder if it is finished. if it's not please keep writing because you are amazing at it! if the story is not finished please dont give up on it! the cross over is great! i love both mangas (animes) once again fantastic job!
Midnightdark chapter 6 . 1/25/2007
ACK! *Thud* No! You can't stop there! It's great! SOCK! ME LOVE SOCK! That is brilliant! Had me in fits for ages (God, your chapters always make me hyper)! BAKURA-KUN is so funny, and man, I just love it. You gotta continue, please!
Midnightdark chapter 3 . 1/24/2007
WTF! This is crazy! And it's a dream come true! I love it! It's completely and utterly bonkers! And I loved the WHOA! SHIT KRAD SENSES GOING OFF! RUN DAISUKE! Aw man, had me in fits for ages! Will read rest when I have time! Exclamation marks all over the place! See how excited you've made me!
Cloud-123 chapter 6 . 11/26/2006
very cool story! please update it soon!
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