Twisted Holiday

part XIII

She saved me for you

Kairi watched as Sora fell towards the ground. She ran out to catch him, but he disappeared. Riku watched, horrified. He closed his eyes. This was not happening. Ansem manifested his form and tried to give chase, but Riku held him back.

"Go! Get out of here!" he yelled to the frightened red-head girl.

"But Riku! What about Sora? Where did he go?"

"I don't know, but if you don't get out of here you won't be able to save him! Now get lost!"

Kairi gazed at Riku sadly then fled the room. She ran after Sora's companions feeling guilty that she had been asleep this whole time, and that she had been the cause of conflict between the two. She wanted to cry so badly, but she held the tears in. She had to be strong for Sora and for Riku. She wanted to know what had happened in the time she'd been in her dreamless sleep, but she was afraid. Afraid to ask, and afraid to find out. She ran, following Sora's companions. They stopped suddenly in a large room with a fountain. Kairi looked around. Where was she? The two animals were now standing protectively in front of her. A small dark figure was darting about the room seemingly confused. She watched it for a moment....and yet, she wondered.....She stepped past the two animals and closer to the small shadow. Small golden eyes gazed up at her.

"Sora..?" the small shadow stopped moving and tilted its head. "Is that you? If it is.....please come back to me....." She dropped to her knees to reach out toward the shadow, but it moved back from her hand as if unsure. Raising to her feet she stepped toward it again. She could hear the two animals warning her to stay back, but she disregarded them. "I know you're there...please....we need you." The small heartless scrutinized her for a moment before jumping into her opened arms. In a flash of light the heartless changed forms, back into that of the key keeper.

"Kairi? Is it you?" Sora blinked rapidly. "what happened? Where's Riku?" He asked worry evident in his voice.

Kairi sniffed, "He stayed behind so that I could go after you and not worry about Ansem." Her eyes filled with tears.

"I have to defeat Ansem. I have to get Riku back." He hugged Kairi close, "I'm glad that you are alright." He stepped back, "Now, we have an adventure to go on."

Sora sat in the small house with Leon, Yuffie, Aeris, and Kairi. Leon was watching him through narrowed eyes. He gazed up at the gunblade warrior. Sora while happy Kairi was alive, still wanted, needed Riku. He suddenly jumped up.

"I have to go back. The key to defeating Ansem has to be there." The keeper closed his eyes. "Riku is so important to me." He knew that the three of them knew about his a Riku's tumultuous relationship, but he was worried about how to tell Kairi. "I need to do this alone. I've known it from the beginning."

"But Sora, take me with you. I want to help you, especially since I've been the cause of your problems up till now." Kairi pulled on his sleeve. "I want to help you."

The key hold merely shook his head. "Kairi, you're safe here with them. I want you to stay that way. I need to confront Riku alone. It needs to be me that frees him."

"You've grown up Sora." Kairi stepped back to gaze at him. "Where did my happy little Sora go?" A soft smile of admiration glowed on her face, and then she reached down and unraveled her anklet. "Take this with you, to protect you. You're making an oath to come back safe."

Sora smiled gratefully and wrapped the small charm of shells around the hilt of the keyblade. "I promise."
Sora was always dreaming of Riku. Since their first time there in Halloween Town, he couldn't get it out of his head. The way they felt so close together, the way they loved each other's bodies with infinite glorification; all of it was burned into his mind. Sora didn't think he could live without Riku. He knew it was not possible. Riku was like his other half. Each completed the other.


Soft pants filled his ears as his body was overcome with the pleasure of touches on his skin. They burned, but so well; oddly enough, it was such and intense pain that he was obsessed with how it felt. He loved it. A gasp escaped his parted lips as he arched upwards toward the searing touch. He gazed into the shadowy depths of amber eyes.

The keeper's eyes widened in shock, "No! let go! Give Riku back!" He thrashed as shadows wrapped around his limbs binding his lithe body down. He closed his eyes tightly as arms wrapped around his shoulders yanking upwards.

Soft angry music filled his ears and he opened his eyes cautiously to find a pair of steely cobalt ones looking back at him. Sora frowned softly feeling slightly disoriented by the light flooding his eyes. The gunblade warrior gazed at him for a moment and then pushed away.

"You passed out." Simple and just like the stoic man would say, Sora briefly thought.

"I did? When?" Sora gazed up at the stormy man.

He sighed and tossed his head. "Right after you stepped out of the house. Aeris healed your wounds." He turned and looked at the window. "Be careful."

Sora watched him for a moment. He could see that Leon had many things on his mind. The warrior was somewhat of an enigma that had taken a lot of effort to figure out, but to Sora's surprise he had been able to piece the puzzle together. This had to do with past lovers or something, judging from the longing looks he saw in the man's eyes when he chastised him and Riku, and the bits of stories that Aeris had told him.

"Leon...I am going to defeat Ansem and fix this mess." Sora fingered the fabric of his gloves and then turned to leave the soldier in silence.
Sora found himself walking alone the tombstones in Halloween town, where it all began. He ran his hands along the crumbling edges of the graves watching as ghosts hovered around them. His eyes fell to a spot on the ground where the dirt was moved. A small flush crept across his cheeks. That was from the time they had gotten caught. A small chuckle fell from the keeper's lips as he knelt down and brushed his fingertips over the soft dirt.

He missed the silky feel of the island sand. The tourmaline-eyed boy briefly wondered if he would ever get to feel the pure white sand scraping against his back as he shared his love with Riku. Kairi's anklet jingled as he moved and for a brief moment his senses were filled with the sounds of rolling waves, the smell of ripe paopu fruits, and the caress of sea breezes.

"Maybe I'm a little selfish, but I want to defeat Ansem so that I can share destiny islands with Riku again." He grinned and stepped swiftly back over to the Gummi ship.
Sora's eyes glinted excitedly as Hallow Bastion came into view. He stayed stationary gazing at the grand waterfalls from the ship's front window. He balled his hands into fists and clenched his teeth. Now it was time to even the score. He'd pay Ansem back for all the things he did to Riku. He'd pay Ansem back and then he'd take Riku and they'd all return to Destiny Islands.

His journey through the rocks and falls to the castle was quick as adrenaline surged through his body. His feet beat a loud echoing rhythm through the corridors. Sora could feel the pounding of his heart as he came closer and closer to where he would fight Ansem. He stopped as he entered the library. A deep breath of air and then the keeper was ready to move on.


The keeper turned around a bookshelf and spotted the young magic user dressed in pink. She smiled warmly at him and then walked toward him with Leon following not too far behind.

"What are you guys doing here?" He gazed in shock at the two Traverse Town dwellers.

"This was our home before the heartless invaded." Aeris gazed at the young fighter. "Sora I have one last thing to give you before your final battle." She leaned down and place her delicate hands gently against his fore head. "Bestow magic." The keeper opened his eyes as a tingling ran through his veins. "I've given you the final cure spell. Use it to protect yourself and those you love." the green eyed woman smiled again and pulled Sora into a soft hug, "our hearts are with you key master."

Tourmaline eyes met stormy depths for a fleeting instant before gazing away in respect. "We believe in you Sora." The gunblade warrior tossed a metal chain to him. "Use it to upgrade the key."
This was it the final resting place, the final door. Sora bit down on his uncertainties and stepped through the final gateway. Nothingness surrounded him. It was an indefinite void as far as the eye could see. So cold and lonely, he guessed that this was the depth of the heartless. The darkness stretched on for what seemed like an eternal corridor. Everything melted into nothingness as he walked footsteps echoing loudly around him. The keeper shot a fire spell off so that he could see somewhat around him. It flew several feet before snuffing out and leaving him alone in the dark again.

" this what it's been like for you?" the keyblade master fell to his knees, "I'm so sorry I left you alone... I should have known better. I should have been a better best friend." he bowed his head silently lamenting all the time he wasted, when he should have just been looking for Riku.

Soft arms wrapped around his body in the darkness. He leaned back into the touch subconciously. A puff of warm breath against his ear roused him from his thoughts. A shiver ran down his spine as he turned to gaze into Riku's exotic jade eyes. His eyes widened as he gazed at the smirk hidden in those depths. Sora reached out to touch Riku wondering why he could see him and nothing else. A solid form. Riku was real, not a shadow or an illusion.

"Riku!" He threw his arms around the boy while turning and pushing all of his body weight into him. "'re okay..." He nuzzled the other boy's neck, "I've been so worried about you...I'm always thinking about you." He sighed into Riku's flesh.

Riku leaned forward as Sora's lips touched his. They were so soft even with as many times as he had ravaged them with his own mouth. Riku's thoughts briefly went back to the time that they were both children on Destiny Islands.
"Riku! Wait up!" He looked back to see Sora running as fast as he could after him. "You're not being fair! You got a head start!"

He laughed while disappearing into their secret spot. Soon after Sora came running in looking more disheveled than normal. He plopped down in the dirt while pouting at Riku. The jade-eyed boy smiled and walked over to Sora and ruffled his hair then he himself took a spot on the ground. A wide grin crossed the young boy's face.

"What are we going to do today Riku?" He bounced happily while questioning the other boy.

"We're going to go on an adventure, unless you're scared."

"I'm not scared of anything...."
"Riku, I'm not afraid anymore, I've seen what I need to do and I'm not scared of anything...... anymore....."

Sora was whispering calming words to him as he felt himself being pushed gently down until his back was against the solid ground. He closed his eyes as the feeling of Sora washed over him. His soft almost unsure touches and his shuddering breaths. Riku wanted all of it. A gloved hand came up to pull Sora's lips back to his own, which the younger boy willingly allowed, but that was as far as Riku's dominance was allowed. Sora gazed at Riku with a desperate and sad look. His eyes seemed to tell Riku, "If I cannot save you here, how can I assure you that I can Save you in the end?"

He smiled up at Sora trusting him. His eyes lit up in flames of desire as he gazed at the soft curve of Sora's jaw. He growled suddenly not wanting to let Sora control him, wanting to roll his rival over and take what he wanted. Sora gazed at him and in sensing the change quickly grabbed Riku's hands in his own and bit down onto his mouth. Riku gasped. His eyes snapped open wide as he caught the warning look in sora's eyes. The blue eyed boy was refusing to let him come out victorious. He was almost trying to mock the darker side of him.

"I'm not going to let you submit to your darkness." He grinned at his captive. "I'm going to make sure you stay focused on me. I'll be your strength." He emphasized his words with a subtle thrust of his hips.

Riku let out a soft moan and tightened his fingers around Sora's. The blue eyed boy smiled and leaned over to tease at his rival's earlobe. His warm breath made Riku's nerves quiver and spark making his lust more evident. Sora's mouth was creating wonderful sensations as it worked its way down his neck only to pause the touches to unzip his shirt. Riku was shocked to say the least. His Sora had not even released his hands to do the task, he'd done it with his teeth. Sora smiled up at him with seemingly innocent eyes, but Riku knew better. This Sora, whom he'd only come to learn about on this adventure was more earthly, more... seductive. A gasp escaped his throat as Sora's teeth grazed a nipple. Riku could hardly stand the wonderful torture he was receiving, so he refused to think further. One hand was released as the key master tugged at the dark boy's pants. His hand went down as well to aid Sora in his conquest. A sweet kiss was his reward. He wanted this, but something was nagging at his mind, more so than that of Ansem's control.

"Sora.... Why are you doing this?" He shifted slightly, "There are much more impor-"

"You are the most important thing to me right now." He inteejected. "I have to save you now, or the mind damage maybe permanent, and I could never live knowing that I was not able to save you."

That was all that needed to be said. Riku understood it all, and he was going to cherish this time with Sora. Even after being deceived and hurt over and over again...... well that was why Sora was the true Keeper of the Keyblade. He gazed into battle weary eyes, still deep innocent blue, but they were tired and sad. His eyes closed feeling Sora's warmth envelope his naked body. Soft lips caressing every inch of flesh with the utmost care, the silky touch of sable spikes against his body, and the ethereal aura that seemed to radiate from the young master were all things Riku was going to remember He didn't flinch this time when he felt Sora asking with his fingertips if he could pierce Riku's core. All thoughts of the dark lord and his terrible treatment was gone from his mind as the key master touched him, kissed him......

He thrust his hips upward as he felt Sora's entrance to his being. No pain, no fear, just warmth. Sora was gentle with his strokes, long and deep pushes to give his lover the most pleasure possible. Riku arched from the darkness silver locks cascading over his shoulders. His cheeks stained with pink from the exquisite sensations overtaking his nervous system. The most wonderful part though was when Sora released his other hand to tunnel his fists around Riku's neglected memeber. The teenager curled closer to his young lover and embraced him. Sora's eyes were half closed in concentration and lust, but the affection and peaceful look on Riku's face did not escape him as he sped his thrusts, making them quick and fully penetrating. The pale haired boy's eyes glazed over as he rode the waves of his pleasure to completion releasing his load about his lover's hand, but the feeling didn't stop there. A few more thrusts, a little bit more and Sora was there filling Riku with his essence.

He gazed down at his love noticing the traces of dark leave his eyes. He smiled wearily. Soft jade entranced him, just like the first time and then his eyes fell shut inspite of himself. Exhausted from his trials, he fell forward wrapping his arms tightly around his best friend's torso.

The moonlit haired boy watched his rival for a moment noting how every movement made by the boy seemed to tell of his love. He closed his eyes sadly and bowed his head in shame. Sora was so pure. He had been forced to age beyond his time, and so in gratitude of his favorite companion's sacrafice...... he decided............
A/N: Wow that took so freaking long! I am so incredibly sorry, but being on a network that likes to get worms, well to say the least, compy's parasites seemed to find this chapter especially yummy as they kept eating and deleting it. I'm sorry if the love scene is kinda wierd....hell I'm sorry if the chapter is kinda wierd, I've been writing it over and over again so ideas might have clashed. Yes obviously this did not happen in the game, I am taking creative liberties. Well the end is near. Sorry if there is any spelling errors, I am a grammar and spelling Nazi, but even I miss things. Many apologies. The world is unkind to us fanfic authors Much love and gratitude to all reviewers. You guys rock my world. Many apologies for making you wait forever.

With sincere and humble thanks,

- Minerva Lucky I loves you.