
Disclaimer: I don't own Cloud or Leon. . That should be fairly obvious.

Warnings: Probably OoC.


"He-ey, Squall!" The blonde waved a rather large carving knife in his direction.

"It's Leon, Cloud. Leon." he sighed.

"Oh. Right." Cloud breathed, stumbling into the counter.

"Cloud. Are you high?"

"No-o!" he protested shrilly. Light lashes fluttered slightly and he fell sideways, catching himself at the last moment and straightening abruptly.

Leon stared, brushing bangs out of his eyes to make sure they weren't playing tricks on him.

Cloud motioned in vague loops with the knife.

"I dunno wha's wrong- 's prob'ly 'cause I got, about, heh, two hours of sleep or summat last night!" He lapsed into a short round of helpless giggles. "And, and, I dunno. 'M just reallyreally ti-ired."

The blonde spun and plunked the knife into the sink, making suds fly. Blue eyes widened at the sink, raising both hands helplessly then dropping them into the sink. He stared for a moment, head nodding down until he nearly fell into the sink, then jerked back up.

"...Maybe you should go to bed." Leon suggested.

Cloud jerked into perfectly straight posture. "I can't do that!" he protested. "'S only 8!"

Leon glared sidelong at his boyfriend. Cloud... was insane. There were no other words for it. And now... now he was just a little bit insaner. Insan-er? Was that a word? No, it would have to be 'more insane,' wouldn't it? Ah, fuck it. Who cared.

The blonde rased the knife from the water, dripping. He held it under the faucet, jerking the handle to one side. Water gushed, steaming, from the faucet. Cloud let out a half-shriek, half-yell, dropping the knife with a clatter and jerking his hand out of the water lightning fast.

And then he laughed, hysterically at first, then doubling over and stumbling back, lapsing into silent laughter, his entire body shaking, but not making a sound. After an eon or so, when Leon was beginning to think that Cloud should have died from lack of air, the blonde straightened slightly, taking a sharp, desperate breath before returning to his silent laughter.

"O-kay." Leon muttered. "Beddy-bye time for Cloud."


n.n Please don't kill me. You have to admit it's priceless to hear Leon say that.

Other than that, fic inspired by my own stupidity and emotional meltdown when washing dishes when overtired.

Also other than that, do not try this at home. Especially the waving the knife around part.