Author has written 36 stories for Tales of Symphonia, Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy VII, and Death Note. ~-.shikyou daemon.-~ hn. it has been so long since i've been on here that i've forgotten my password and abandoned the majority of my stories due to the fact that i can't recall a damned thing about where i wanted to go with them. ;/ i've been more worried about getting rl in order than creating my fantasy universes, and since muses seem to suffer from massive heart attacks whenever you happen to mention 'hiatus' to them, they sometimes fail to return. that's what happened to the majority of my kingdom hearts muses... however, i still seem to be an ffvii addict. damn you square enix, damn you and your sexy spin off characters. i've been spending a lot of time getting my act together. i have a job, i work at a shitty movie theater and am planning to quit/switch over to a cd store soon. my friends are... well, the usual friends one expects in a small school. i run the school's anime and gaming club, and i've lost enough weight to be considered 'hawt' in internet speak. oh joyous day. my dominating muses at the moment are nero the sable and genesis rhapsodos. the submissive one is reeve tuesti, but that's just because nero seems to like stealing his pussy cat and not giving it back. sometimes i wonder if i should put them in timeout... but then i remember that i've better things to do and let them continue their quarrel. then johnny comes in, hacksaw in hand, and i'm glad i spent that extra four dollars on mental security. but since i've free time now and my brain is partially decomposed due to lack of use, i suppose i'd better start working on some creative shit again. otherwise... well, writing and drawing on the walls gets old after a while. you can contact me on AIM (Shikyou Daemon), MSN (devil_gal_1232@) or livejournal (shiyouxdaemon). i really don't bite, and I absolutely love conversing with other people. anyways, all for now. ta. |