Author has written 25 stories for Yu-Gi-Oh, Big Time Rush, Harry Potter, Rugrats/All Grown Up!, StarTrek: Voyager, Pokémon, Criminal Minds, Sherlock Holmes, Sherlock, High School Musical, and Teen Wolf. HI!!! Ive had my account for a while but I just recently started to upload my own stories and actually write things on my profile. I love to write and once I finally what the word *grammer* means I hope to do it professionally. Im a sucker for Slash, I dont know why I just am and I find two guys easier to write with. So yeah Im a Slash-Lover but also like non-slash things too. I dont really know what else to write so here are some of my favorite and least favorite yeah... My Favorite Pairings Are: Harry Potter Draco/Harry (Cuz they're cute and hot at the same time) Sirius/Remus (BFF Love!) James S./Teddy (Gotta have some Next Gen. Slash) Hermione/Ron (Im a sucker for the falling for your best friend) Rose/Scorpius (Just cuz it'd piss off Ron and they're pretty cute together) Albus/Scorpius (I think I'd be happy to have Scorpius with anyone...I love Scorpius...) Pokemon Ash/Misty (Ah, the classics) Ash/Gary (Gotta love that slash) Misty/Gary (Sorta an obvious couple but at the same time not...) Yu-Gi-Oh Seto/Joey (PUPPYSHIPPING YAY!) Yugi/Yami (Only if they have diffrerent bodies bc its kind of creepy if they're still sharing the same body...) Big Time Rush Kendall/James (The two hottest guys) Kendall/Logan (Hot + Smart) Logan/Carlos (Smart + Crazy in a really cute way) Star Trek Voyager JANEWAY/CHAKOTAY (Do not even get me started on my rant about that!) Harry/Tom (I can find Slash anywhere! Muahahaha) Rugrats/All Grown Up Tommy/Kimi (To cute for words) Angelica/Chuckie (Angelica deserves some love too!) iCarly Seddie (FOREVER) My Least Favorite Pairings: Harry Potter Tonks/Remus (Remus belongs to Sirius!!!) Ron/Draco (I just dont see it...) Pokemon Ash/Brock (I see Brock more like Ash's Big Brother) May/anyone (I just REALLY dont like May) Dawn/Ash (I like Dawn more then May but no one competes with Misty) Yu-Gi-Oh Seto/Anybody except Joey (Joey and Seto are amazing period.) Tea/Yugi (I hate to say it but Tea is kind of annoying) Big Time Rush James/Carlos (IDKY but I just dont like that pairing) Kendall/Carlos (I think the only guy I can see Carlos with is Logan...) Kendall/Jo (Jo bugs me) Star Trek Voyager Chakotay/Seven (CHAKOTAY BELONGS WITH JANEWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) iCarly Creddie (I have respect for all ya'll I just dont agree, its to obvious) |