Disclaimer: Still Don't Own *runs in a corner & sobs*
Guess who's back! Muahahahahahahahaha! Sorry this took so long peoples but I wanted it to be longer then Big Time Surprise and YES this is the sequel because all of you guys are oh so nice. Woot Woot. So on with the story!
Kendall's POV
Its been two months since James and I first got together and things are GREAT. At first, there were a lot of shocked people. Gustavo was my favorite reaction though. When James and I walked into the studio holding hands Gustavo looked at us, at our hands then us again and was totally speechless. The shock made him loose his voice for two whole days! Now that was funny. My mom though, not so amusing. She was supportive of corse but made James switch rooms with Logan. Like that is seriously going to stop me and James from 'having fun' but mom had to be mom so whatever.
"Kendall? Where are the dino chicken nuggets?" James called from the kitchen.
"Behind the fish shaped fish sticks" I yelled back.
"That's sort of wrong…fish shaped fish sticks…" James said slowly.
"You're crazy you know that?"
"That's why you love me."
"No I'm only with you for your ass" I teased.
"Oh okay? Then I guess you don't want this then" James peeked out of the kitchen and waved around a wrapped package. I hopped up and ran over.
"What is it?" I loved gifts.
"Nope, you only love me for my ass so no gifts." he stuck his tongue out at me.
"Just give him the gift before he whines to death!" Logan laughed from the couch, he knew that James and I could go on for hours like that even before we began dating. Logan and Carlos adjusted easily enough to James and I, they still get a big grossed out when we started making out but they used to do that with me and Jo too…Speaking of Jo no one has seen her since James and I left her in the rain. I am kind of worried, I mean I did care about her even if she was well…horrible. The cops were looking in for a bit, the four of us and everyone else at the Palmwoods were questioned but me especially because I was her boyfriend. I told the cops everything that happened and while at first they were suspicious of me James had my back of corse and cleared my name. The cops left, declaring Jo a runaway and we haven't heard from them since.
"Fine fine here" James laughed and handed me the box. I tore it open like a wild animal, making James and Logan duck so they weren't hit by a confetti wrapping paper. I opened the box and grinned.
"This is amazing!" I laughed and hugged James tightly.
"You really like it?" he asked worriedly "I wasn't sure about the size…"
"You know I have a big one."
"I know its really thick but mines bigger."
"No its not!" I said indignantly
"Is so, mines bigger and longer then yours"
"Lets find out then" both James and I reached into our pants.
"Whoa! Don't do this while I'm in the room!" Logan leapt up.
"What?" James looked to him confused and held up his phone. "Isn't my phone bigger then Kendall's?"
"No its not!" I held my phone next to him.
Logan sunk back unto to couch in relief "They're the exact same phone you two. Carlos and I have one too"
"Oh…" James said slowly.
"What did you get him anyways?" Logan asked.
I smiled put something on my phone then showed Logan, it was a Big Time Rush cell phone cover. "Isn't that cool?"
"Yeah that is" Logan smirked and looked to James "Where'd you get it?" Logan asked.
"Internet." James shrugged and I kissed him happily.
"You guys will not believe who I found!" Carlos ran in the room excitedly.
"Who?" I asked, breaking the kiss and looking to Carlos
"Close your eyes" he said and we all did as told and there was some shuffling and hushed talking. "Okay open." and we opened our eyes.
"Max!" Logan and I said happily but then I turned quizzically to James as he just let out a girlish scream.
"Its great to see you guys!" Max said smiling. Max was a friend from Minnesota, he was on the hockey team with us, we weren't best buds with him or anything but we were friends and it was really cool to see him again. He was the one who helped us paint our entire principal's office pink on freshman year prank day…ah that was so worth the months detention.
"What are you doing in L.A.?" I asked smiling.
"I've acting job." he said proudly.
"Yeah, ever since you guys hit it big everyone back home has big Hollywood dreams. I didn't at first" he chuckled "Actually when the first Hollywood reps came to our school I pelted them with mashed potatoes."
"Same ol Max" I smirked. "but what changed, how did you end up getting a gig?"
"Well I was in Mrs. Chris's English class and we were acting out Twelfth Night, that Shakespeare play and I was playing the Duke because well it was the only way I could rack up enough points to pass the class and a rep saw me, offered me a job and I took it. Was checking in when Carlos ran into me in the lobby…literally" he rubbed his arm painfully.
"Yeah…Sorry about that…" Carlos said innocently.
Max laughed "But enough about me, what about you guys! What's changed?"
"Well Carlos and I are dating actresses" Logan smiled.
"Awesome" Max smiled.
"I bet you'll find one too, this place is swarming with chicks." Logan said.
"Yeah I saw these three girls in the lobby, they all had the name Jennifer…"
"Don't even try with them. We've been barking up that tree since we got here." Carlos sighed.
"Really?" Max asked surprised "They gave me their numbers"
We just stared at Max open mouthed and speechless.
"What?" he asked
"We've been trying to get their numbers since we got here! Isn't that right-James?" the last part was a question, I looked around. James wasn't there anymore. "Weird. I wonder where he went off to…" I murmured.
"Things are probably just awkward" Max shrugged.
"Why would things be awkward?" Logan asked confused.
"Don't you guys know? I figured he would have told you by now…I mean back in Minnesota it was a big deal but here in L.A. I figure there are a lot of gay men." Max said.
"We know he's gay" I smiled proudly "He's my boyfriend now."
"Ah, now I understand" Max said as if he's just found a delicious bean and meat stuffed burrito…dripping mild sauce…still piping hot-oh god I'm sounding like James and Carlos. Help me!
"What do you understand?" Logan asked
"Well…if he hasn't told you I don't think I should…" Max said slowly.
"Nah, come on I'm sure its fine." I said nonchalantly but deep down I wasn't so sure. I was getting this sinking feeling that James was hiding something from me. Me! His best friend since forever and now boyfriend! And I was right.
"Well James and I used to be…well together…we kept it a secret because ya know, small town, big scandal…"
"You dated James!" Carlos's eyes widened to the size of saucers.
Max nodded "Yeah…we were each others first-"
"Okaaaaaaaaay don't need to go into details!" I said quickly.
"I'm sorry man, I hope this doesn't make things weird" Max looked to me.
"Weird? Why would it be weird? I mean just cuz you used to date the guy I'm not dating. Nah what's weird about that? Right guys? Nothing weird?" I could feel my eye twitch ever so slightly. Carlos and Logan shared a look.
"Why don't I go show you the pool…" Logan said and him and Carlos led Max away. Once the door closed and I was no longer able to hear their footsteps I snapped.
Happiness cannot always last. *sniffle sniffle* I know there wasn't much wow in this chap but gotta start off somewhere. Tell me how you like it. & reviews are loved & magically make me type and upload chapters faster. God I'm becoming a review hog…oh well! :D