Disclaimer: Don't Own anything cept Max & baby Max! Oh yeah, now I bet ya'll are confused.
Well here's the epilogue. Thanks all of you guys who read Big Time Surprise and Big Time Secrets. Ya'll are great and mega cool & wicked awesome.
Kendall's POV
It had been three months since James and I got back together and things had been great. At first there was a lot of paparazzi and rumors but after the first few weeks things settled down. James and I were comfortably lounging on the couch flipping through channels and Logan was helping Katie with her science project.
"Have you guys read the latest Teen Pop Tiger magazine?" Carlos ran in.
"You can read?" Logan gasped, just playing around.
"Ha ha ha, yes I can read." Carlos stuck his tongue out at Logan who shook his head amused "And you don't need to read to see what's going on here." Carlos held out the magazine.
"Holy gum drops!" Logan, James and I exclaimed in unison, running over.
"Dang it! Now you have me saying that!" Logan whined, James and I high fiving.
"Hello! Back to the magazine!" Carlos shook it, I snatched it and read the cover aloud.
"TV stars Jo Taylor and Max Julliardi's weekend marriage!" I laughed, flipping towards the page where the story was at. "No way!"
"What?" Logan and James were practically wetting themselves with anticipation. I held out the large photo of Max in a tux and Jo in an improvised white gown, her stomach was visibly enlarged.
"OH MY GOD SHE'S KNOCKED UP!" Logan gasped, hearing Logan say knocked up almost made me die laughing but then James commented.
"Max never could keep it in his pants"
Everyone paused and looked to James with raised eyebrows.
"Though I'm sure you'll be much better baby" James looked to me with those big beautiful puppy dog eyes and I laughed, giving him a soft kiss. James and I still had done IT, we both decided we wanted to wait for a special moment.
"Ewwwwwww! Get a room!" Carlos whined, covering his eyes when we kissed. He did the same thing with any other couple in the Palmwoods, Carlos was still such a child but that's why we loved him. I laughed and pulled James out of the room.
"Where are we going?" He asked.
"To Pete's Pies. I'm in the mood for pecan."
"Pee-can?" James laughed at me. "Don't you mean pecan?" he asked, pronouncing it like peh-kahn.
"I say peecan."
"Well its pehkahn."
"Let's go to Pete's Pies and see how they say peecan" I laughed and ran off.
"Its pehkahn!" he yelled, chasing after me.
Things were just as they should be. Even nine months after that things were still perfect. The magazines announced the birth of Jo and Max's son, Kade Maxwell Julliardi he was born healthy at eight pounds seven ounces. He was actually a pretty cute baby but then again all babies are cute. Logan did inform us though that Kade meant Round and Lumpy…anyways James and I didn't learn about the birth until the next day because we were out having our one-year anniversary dinner and we finally found that special moment. And for the record, James did say I was a million times better then Max.
The End
Yeah, I know it's ridiculously short but I still hope you guys liked it.
Merry Christmas or if you don't celebrate Christmas Happy Holidays!
Please Review and tell me how you liked it!