Rose was late. And she HATED being late!
Rose slipped her feet into her high heeled, black sandals and grabbed her purse. With one final look in the mirror to make sure everything was in order, she ran out the door.
"I look good" Rose thought to herself. She had bought the perfect, black dress. It was a sleeveless black velvet sheath that hugged her body like a second skin and fell right below her knees. The neckline was low enough to show a bit of cleavage but high enough to still add a little mystery. Her hair was done up in a French twist and she had pearl drops in her ears.
Rose walked into the five star restraunt 10 minutes late and scanned it for her handsome, blond date.
"May I help you?" asked the hostess.
"Yes. I'm a little late and was looking for Mr. Malfoy." Rose replied still scanning the area.
"Oh, yes. He's here, Ms. Weasley.Let me direct you." With a snap of the hostess's fingers, a waiter showed up.
"Show Ms. Weasley her table"
A surprised Rose followed the waiter into the elevator and all the way to the rooftop. As she stepped out of the elevator, she saw Scorpius. He was giving her a lopsided smile and holding a red rose. There, on the roof, was a lone table with two champagne glasses.
Rose ran to hug him and crushed her lips on his. He readily responded and his lips parted to make way for her tongue. His hands roamed her back while hers gripped the hair at the nape of his neck.
Rose tilted her head back and looked around. The view was breathtaking.
"You are such a wonderful boyfriend. I wonder what next year will be like."
"Next year? We'll probably be working our butts off. You as a Healer and me, an apprentice auror."
"Don't remind me." Rose pouted thinking of the hardwork ahead.
"Please! You love studying."
"I do. But I hate that we'll be so busy next year that we won't be able to enjoy ourselves"
"We have a lifetime, my love. An entire lifetime" Scorpius said and he leaned towards her to capture her mouth once again.
Rose walked home two minutes before her curfew ended wearing jeans and a light blue shirt.
"Right on time." Rose's dad said as he rose from his chair near the fireplace. "I hope you had a nice time with Lily."
"Yeah. We did. Went to this wonderful café right across the ministry." Rose lied.
"Well, I'm tired. Just wanted to make sure you got back fine. Goodnight hon."
"Goodnight, dad" Rose gave her dad a peck on the cheek and went to the kitchen. Hugo and Albus were sitting on the counter eating ice cream.
"So? How was it? Your romantic dinner with the Slytherin king." Hugo asked.
"So romantic!" Rose squealed as she cast the muffilo spell. " He took me to this wonderful res…"
"We know. He's been planning this for months." Albus interrupted Rose.
Albus and Scorpius were good friends. The older Weasleys and Potters were unhappy with their friendship but grew to tolerate it. If they knew that Rose had been dating Scorpius for more than 3 years, they would have killed her. Literally.
"Hope lily had a good time. Just had time for a quick bye before she went home.", said Rose.
"Yeah. She just sent me an owl. Mission accomplished", Albus said.
Lily was dating Albus and Scorpius's friend, Drake. They were hush-hush about their relationship mainly because Lily was in her last year at Hogwarts and her parents would never let her date a 19 year old. Well, that wasn't the whole truth. The truth was Drake never wanted lily's parents to know. No one, including Lily, was exactly sure why.
Drake was always the quiet, almost moody, kind of guy. He was the beater on the Slytherin quiddich team. Lily was attracted to his mysterious demure. He was handsome enough with black hair that hung to his shoulders and piercing black eyes. He was tall and muscular. The total opposite of Lily in appearance. She was 5'3" but very slim. She had this very dainty, innocent look about her. The big, bright green eyes of her dad and her mother's fair coloring completed her beauty. She was the only blond in the Potter household.
"What did Drake and Lily do?" Hugo asked.
"Lily said they went to Muggle London and had a cheeseburger. They took a stroll in the park and he dropped her off at the café." Rose said.
"Typical Drake." Albus said.
"They are so different. I don't know what Lily sees in him." Hugo stated.
"What are you talking about? They are made for each other. She's the Ying to his Yang. They're so different yet they compliment each other." Rose said
"Drake's so …Drake. He's quiet and she talks on and on and.." Hugo said moving his head round and round.
"Exactly. They are so unlike each other that they are perfect"
"Well, they better tell dad and mom soon. I think they suspect something." Albus said.
"Why? Did they ask you something?" Hugo questioned.
"They asked James if she was dating anyone. But since he doesn't know about Drake, I think she's safe"
"For now." Rose said taking a spoon from the drawer and helping herself to Hugo's ice cream.
"What about you? When are you going to tell mom and dad?" Hugo asked Rose
"I will. I have to but dad is so stubborn. I mean they barely acknowledge Scorp when he comes for Christmas. They all love Drake but hardly even glance at Scop. He's not his dad. I mean, he is just like how his dad is now not like his dad used to be.. But they will never see past that especially dad."
"Ahem." Three heads snapped to where the sound came from. Hermione Weasley stood at the entrance of the kitchen ina red robe with a serious expression on her face.
Rose mumbled the counter spell for muffilo. "Hi mom. Want some ice cream?"
"Albus, I think you should be going home. Hugo, to your room. Now." Hermione said. Her voice held no room for argument. "Rose, sit down. And next time you cast a spell, make sure you cast it right."
Rose's face lost all color. Her mother heard what they were talking about. She was so dead. The boys disappeared in seconds.
"Now, Rose. Start talking."