Soft velvet lips meet plump lips with a scruffy beard as the Princes of Asgard kiss openly and passionately in front of everyone. They are at the training grounds. Thor is working his muscles as Loki looks on from the bleachers. Normally he would participate with Thor but now that he is pregnant he cannot risk any accidental blows to his abdomen. Loki's bump is very small and he has taken to wearing very tight clothing to show it off. Loki has always been skinny. The protrusion could simply be the result of a rather large meal Loki ate. Thor absently rubs the little mound as they kiss. The warriors that are watching stare at Loki's stomach in disbelief. He can't be! Slender fingers entangle in blonde locks and Loki moans into the kiss. There are ladies of the court watching as well and Loki relishes the jealousy he can feel radiating from them all.

"I love you." Thor says sweetly. Though it is obvious that they will marry, the official betrothal announcement has not been made yet. The fact that Loki is flaunting his tiny pregnant belly is scandalous. Loki loves being wicked. The people are still getting used to the idea of The Mighty Thor engaging in ergi sexual activities with his once brother, now Jotunn ergi sorcerer pregnant man consort. The men can't get over it. They've suspected Loki of being ergi for years but Thor? No one would have ever thought such thoughts about him. He is their ideal manly warrior god prince…..who clearly enjoys fucking Loki in the ass. Thor's hands roam Loki's lithe body giving Loki's ass a firm squeeze.

The sound of Sif clearing her throat brings their attentions back to the situation at hand. "Thor your break has lasted long enough and it is high time I humiliated you in front of your new love interest." Sif says sounding slightly irritated. She'd held hope that she might have a chance to marry Thor.

"You think so? Well then, teach me a lesson if you can!" Thor says jovially as he turns to resume his practice.

"I'll see you later." Loki says.


Thor pushes Loki's naked form to the bed and pries his thighs apart with his big muscled hands. Thor stares down at Loki's crotch, growling and drooling like a lion about to devour prey.

"Is that a real cunt?" Thor asks as he licks his lips. Loki rolls his eyes. Oh Norns! Really! Loki is not in the mood to have sex right now. He's tired. The child and the magic required to house it is very draining. Loki just wants to sleep.

"Yes Thor it's a real cunt. The baby has to come out somewhere." Loki says as he rolls his eyes. Loki was climbing out of the tub and that was when Thor spied the new addition between his legs.

"Does it do other things a real cunt can do?" Thor asks as his fingers start tracing, teasing, and touching. Loki bucks his hips when Thor presses his thumb against his clit. "It looks like it does." Thor smirks hungrily. Loki has never seen Thor look at him with such a predatory gaze.

"Really Thor! I'm not in the mood. Leave me alone now. I'm tired and just wan…ah….ah….stop that!" Loki slaps Thor's hand away. Thor doesn't listen. He swoops down and buries his face into Loki's wetness.

"Oh! OH!" Loki yells. Loki feels the slurping and smacking between his thighs along with the fragmented words Thor is muttering.

"….mmmm…so good….tastes…so amazing…mmmmm… wet….." Thor grunts. Loki's cheeks flush with embarrassment. Thor is having pussy for lunch. Loki's tiredness is swept away as his heart pumps with endorphins and adrenaline. He feels his new body part throbbing and the pulsing sensations are getting closer together. Loki's hole twitches. "That's it! Squirt for me!" Thor says latching on to Loki's engorged little clit.

"…..mmmmph…..nnnnghf…AHHHHHH!" Loki whimpers as juices his body has never before produced shoot Thor in the face. Thor drinks it down eagerly and then crawls up Loki's body.

"More." He growls. Thor's proud cock is pulsing with blood when he presses it to Loki's sweet nether lips. This is going to be an interesting new sensation, Loki muses.

"Oh….shit!" Loki shouts in surprise. He shouldn't have been but Loki has never been penetrated quite like this before. Thor is already bucking his hips violently, slamming his meat into Loki slippery walls like a beast of the wild. Loki has to wrap his arms around Thor's neck just to hang on for the ride. Thunder and lightning are howling outside now. Thor is a man possessed. Loki is sweating profusely as his poor hard cock bobs about freely between their stomachs. The tip of Loki's cock gets caught on Thor's bellybutton. It is the last straw. Loki's cock spews out speed, splattering all over them both. Thor keeps pounding him like a raging bull until his own seed fills Loki deeply.

"AHHHHHH!" Thor snarls. He falls down on top of Loki an exhausted panting mess. Thor falls asleep quickly and Loki is stuck under him, sweaty, sticky, and dirty. It will be hours before he will be able to get up and bathe….again.


The day of the wedding comes and Asgard is filled with foreign dignitaries, many of whom Loki recognizes. There is even a Jotunn envoy present. Once Laufey received word of Loki's survival and upbringing the Jotunn king reached out to Odin. Laufey is dying. His heir Helblindi died in an avalanche last year and after so many centuries without the Casket of Ancient Winters their world is in shambles. Civil War will break out among the Jotunn people if Laufey does not make some sort of an arrangement before he passes on. Most assume he will select the leader of his opposition, Bylestir since he has an army of his own ready to take power should anyone else be selected. Odin does not care about Jotunnheim's problems. Laufey threw away the realm's greatest treasure years ago as far as he is concerned. Let them suffer the consequences of their actions. Loki does not need to be spirited away to a strange land full of people who would scorn him for his size all while trying to save their world and restore their land. Plus with his grandchild currently in residence inside Loki's body, Odin will not part with his second son. No, Jotunnheim's ambassador can watch the ceremony and enjoy the reception and then go home and tell his king how royally he fucked up.

The ceremony is beautiful if unorthodox since the bride is really another groom. Today Loki is actually trying to hide his baby bump with loose green embroidered robes. He's not fooling anybody. Thor looks magnificent as always. Lord Alamand looks at Loki with longing. If only he'd been more bold and persistent that first time he saw him in Vanaheim. Oh, the heartache of the one that got away.

The reception is rowdy, but then, this is Asgard. Thor and Loki are not wasting time either. They are snogging like teenagers at the high table and ignoring their guests. Normally Loki wouldn't act in such a way at a formal function, but this is his wedding and if he wants to spend it with his tongue down Thor's throat then he is going to. This puts Frigga and Odin in a bit of a predicament since every time someone tries to toast the lucky couple, they are promptly ignored.

"Oh for Norns sake you two! You have to come up for oxygen some time!" Odin bellows at his children. Thor and Loki break the kiss looking very sheepish. They get through some formalities and pleasantries before resuming their intimate affections. The reception is barely more than an hour gone when Thor picks up Loki and starts carrying him out of the room. Loki wraps his legs around Thor's waist. They're still kissing. It is nowhere near time for the couple to retire, but it doesn't look like they care. Their guests cheer for them as the rainclouds gather and wind blows.

"Asgard is going to flood tonight." Volstagg says.


Thor develops a new pastime of rubbing Loki's cunt at every available opportunity whether he is naked or not. Thor smirks whenever he can coax dampness through the fabric of Loki's trousers. Thor won't let Loki leave their chambers in the morning unless Loki squirts for him. Loki finds it rather inconvenient, especially now when he is so swollen with child and cannot fight Thor off.

"Really Thor! Not today! The baby will be here any day now. I don't have time for this." Loki snarls at him.

"Humor me. Once the baby is born you won't let me touch you for months. Maybe never again." Thor says with a laugh in his voice. Thor has positioned the mirror near the bed. Thor likes watching Loki watch him masturbate him. Thor pulls Loki into his lap and spreads his legs wide so they can watch the show. They make eye contact in the mirror as Thor whispers dirty things in Loki's ear while fingering him furiously. Thor loves watching it moisten and turn red with arousal. Loki bites his bottom lips as he tries to stifle his panting moans. Loki pretends he is immune to Thor's ministrations, but his poker face fails, as it always does after about the first five minutes. Thor loves watching Loki fall apart in his hands. When Loki comes the stream drenches Thor's hand with slick. Thor then reaches up and wraps his hand around Loki's cock. Two pumps and it spurts all over Loki's chest.

"I don't suppose I could persuade you to keep it after the baby is born." Thor begs Loki.

"I'll consider it." Loki says.


Loki is never giving himself a vagina again. He huffs and puffs through another contraction. What the hell was he thinking? Loki promises himself that the next time he sees King Frey he is going to punch him in the face for ever putting this idea inside his head. Fuck Thor! Fuck the Norns! Fuck Laufey! Fuck Odin! Fuck….fuck….. "AHHHHHHHHHH!"

"It is a boy." Lady Eir announces. Frigga, Thor, and Odin swarm the baby as the healers swarm Loki.

"You did so well my son." Frigga says. "Now if you could just produce a dozen more just like him I'll die a happy grandmother."

Loki gives his mother a look that could chill lava. "You are not funny." Frigga giggles as she dabs his sweaty forehead. They place the child on Loki's chest and for the first time he meets his son.

"You are a big strapping boy just like your father." Loki says. The baby looks up into Loki's eyes then. They are green.

"You look just like him. You see that big strapping blonde man right there. That's your father. He's never touching me again."