Disclaimer: Do not own.
Yeah Yeah I know I should be working on Wrong is so Right but I'm sorta blocked right now…so in hopes of pushing through that block here's a one shot. I recently went through it and fixed a few gramatical errors and stuff so thats what that was all about...
I never expected my first Voyager one-shot would be Harry/Tom but in a weird way I'm best writing slash…yeah I know I'm weird. 0.o
Rated T for swearing and implied sex
Well enjoy the story.
Harry's POV
Oh fuck I kept my eyes shut, not daring to open them. Part of me was terrified that last night had been just a dream but the other part of my begged that it was but I knew that it had happened. The strong arm around my waist proved it. I felt warm breath tickle the back of my neck and dared not move, hoping that if I stayed still long enough he'd just leave.
"I know you're awake." he whispered in my ear.
Damn it Tom never could make things easy for me. I rolled unto my back and saw him propped up on one elbow facing me, the other arm still secured around me snuggly. "How could you tell." I demanded, even to my own ears I sounded like a petulant child.
"I couldn't but you sorta just proved you were awake now didn't you." he chuckled.
I groaned and hit him with a pillow. "This isn't some kind of joke Tom! I just-we just-last night we-ya know!"
"Had sex?" he asked bluntly and I winced nodding. He sighed and moved some hair out of my face. "Hey now, I know that that wasn't a joke."
"What was it then…?" I asked after a moment.
"Well if it makes you feel better we could blame it on Neelix's latest Leola root concoction." he offered and I knew he was serious. He could see my internal conflict and was offering me a way out. I could take it, I should take it, he's opened the door for me and all I have to do is walk through.
"Actually I sort of like his latest dinner" I smiled, slamming that mental door closed and welding it shut with my phaser.
Tom smiled back at me, he was one of those people whose smile lit up his whole face. "Well then if last night wasn't a Leola induced haze then I guess it was real." he leaned towards me.
"I guess so" I leaned upwards on my elbows.
"What we said was real" he planted a kiss on my shoulder, his eyes never leaving mine.
"Every word." my hand traced his spine gently
"What we did was real" he kissed my neck.
"Maybe we should do it again just to make sure."
"I agree" he said and kissed me. I wrapped my arms around him and sunk back into the mattress. It would be hard to explain to the captain or the rest of the crew but at that point I didn't care, all I cared about was the man in my arms, my best friend and now my lover and my love. Nothing had ever felt so right.
Thank god it wasnt a dream…
Review please! I might make another snippet of Tom's point of view on all this but only if I get enough reviews on this one.