Author has written 26 stories for Doctor Who, Alice in Wonderland, Firefly, Dresden Files, Mary Poppins, Tin Man, Highlander, Batman Begins/Dark Knight, Supernatural, Tron, Sherlock, and Avengers. Well hullo, hullo. I am a seasoned author on . No, not the kind with rosemary. I have been writing on this site for six years now and have a load of stories here. I decided to get a new account so I could write different stories that wouldn't make my regular fans raise that 'what the hell' eyebrow at me. Now I get to write all the odd ball fanfiction I've been waiting to post without my others readers killing me. I have a wide variety of stories right now and hope to have more soon. But be patient with me please. I have work, school and a magic career to take care of along with my writing. I hope to make chapters worth it in the future. Right now, their kind of in need of fine tuning. Stick around, hope you like what you read. CG |