Author's Note: Sorry for the delay folks. I had a hard time finding to time to write with the tour going on. But when I sat down to finally write this chapter it just kept going and I had to re edit, go back, adjust this, erase that. It was the chapter that never ended. And for good reason. Heres the romance ladies and gentlemen. I hope you like it.
As always please read and review. I want to hear what you think about this chapter in particular. Enjoy!
He watched from afar, not getting too close incase the illusion disappeared. He wasn't sure what this was supposed to be but he knew what it was to him. Torture.
She was a vision standing there on the beach, bundled up in a grey jacket with faux fur lining that didn't even look like it was doing it's job to keep her warm. There was trails of mascara and tears running down her pale cheeks and he wanted so badly to brush them away. But something held him back, telling him to wait.
The doctor knew what was coming, even from a distance he could hear Rose force out her confession of love. This moment would haunt him forever no matter what. How he'd lost the chance to tell her.
The hologram of himself faded and doctor expected the memory would too. In a way he hoped it would, he didn't want to see her cry when there was nothing he could do.
The name was whispered. He hadn't meant for her to hear. But his wonderful, beautiful crying Rose...she heard him. Blonde hair flying as she turned to stare at him with wide, tear filled eyes.
Oh, he'd have to be a cold one to walk away from that face.
The doctor opened his arms and smiled. It was all she needed. Rose ran as if her life depended on it, crossing the distance between them in seconds.
What the doctor expected was the light, airy weight of a dream thing. Something that would disappear the moment he touched it. Not the very real weight of Rose Tyler's body coming in contact with his own. Which is why when the latter happened, the doctor was nearly thrown off balance with Rose clutching onto him for dear life.
" You're real! How can you be real?!" Rose cried, sounding just as confused as the doctor felt. She buried her face in the crook of his neck and he sighed at the familiar sensation of having her so close. " Isn't this just a dream?" She asked quietly, as if the words would break the spell.
" I don't know..." He said in disbelief before wrapping his arms around her tighter. " And I don't really care."
"Doctor, this can't be real. You told me it was impossible."
The doctor laughed and their was a hint of strain in it as he pulled away to look at her. Her face was still tear streaked but right beneath he saw that smile.
"Rose Tyler, always questioning everything. Never happy with what she's got." The doctor said with a cheeky grin.
That sealed the deal, Rose smiled at him. The one he'd been waiting to see ever since they parted.
The doctor smoothed back the hair from her face. " My beautiful Rose," he said affectionately.
Rose tried to bow her head to hide the blush that was tinting her cheeks but he wouldn't allow it. Cradling her face in his hands so there was nothing for her to do but lean into his touch. It was all so real.
" Rose, listen to me before we run out of time." The doctor said seriously and Rose's expression sobered. It was a terrible revelation for them that this would end soon but they had to acknowledge it. " This won't be the last time we see each other..."
The doctor waited, letting his words trail off as he watched Rose's eyes brighten with the beginning of hope. Seeing this the doctor plowed on, his excitement building with each word.
" I found a way, well she actually popped up on my ship but still I found a way. Isn't that brilliant?!"
" Found a way for what?" Rose asked, all the time wondering who 'she' was. Even though he was here now it unnerved her that there may be another woman onboard the Tardis with him.
" A way to rocket through parallel worlds like a rusty old roller coaster, the ones that scare ya to death at the carnivals when you think their going to go right off the tracks." The doctor's hands had left Rose's face now and were imitating the motion of his metaphor. Instead of realizing that she'd lost physical contact with the doctor, Rose was caught up in the rhythm of his words, the excitement that was now filling her as he dragged out the explanation in his dramatic way. " Except we're traveling through completely different universes, the long way round to one exact point we chart out that if we miss can get us trapped in an entirely different world for all eternity."
" I don't understand doctor. How is this going to make it possible to see each other again?" Rose asked. Even though the old adrenaline was pumping through her veins, she couldn't grasp the meaning of it all.
The doctor smiled and his eyes held that mad glint they often did when he had a master plan in the works.
" Because the coordinates for landing in the end is Pete's World, your world. Right smack in the middle of London, where ever you might be."
Rose felt like her heart had stopped. " But you said..."
" I know what I said," The doctor cut her off and smiled. " Turns out I was wrong."
Rose gave a happy squeal of laughter and threw her arms around the doctor's neck, he didn't even hesitate in returning the embrace. They held on a little longer then usual, reacquainting themselves with an act that used to be an every day for them before.
" How much longer do we have?" He heard Rose whisper from where her cheek rested on his shoulder.
The doctor shook his head. " I'm not sure..." He hesitated now and Rose sensed it. Pulling away to look at him inquisitively.
" Rose, in case this doesn't work." The doctor rushed on and stopped only long enough to take a breath to do his confession justice.
But Rose beat him to the punch and quickly covered his mouth with her hand. Not in a gentle loving way either, it was like she was stopping her kid brother from telling a secret. The doctor's eyebrows shot up in suprise.
" Wa dee u ooo tha furr?"
It turned out to be very hard trying to speak past Rose's hand.
Rose shook her head and fixed the doctor with a hard stare.
" No more confessions until I feel the Tardis under my feet and I know that you won't disappear again. It's fair to ask that at least."
Rose removed her hand from the doctor's mouth to see a grin there. She felt the corners of her mouth tug upwards at the sight of it.
" You trust me that much?" The doctor asked with a mocking raise of his eyebrow. Rose just grinned at him and her eyes said it all.
" Well if you won't let me say anything there's only one thing for it really." The doctor said and playfully waggled his eyebrows at her.
Rose didn't have time to even ask what that was before the doctor leaned down and pressed his lips against hers.
It was a gentle almost hesitant kiss and he waited for her. Gently brushing his lips against hers until he heard a gaspy breath escape Rose, quickly followed with her willing mouth against his. There was a distinct thrill like a pleasant kick to the chest when he felt her eagerly return the kiss.
It was new ground for the both of them and for a few seconds that made the kiss clumsy. All need and blind passion. It wasn't a kiss from a
possessed woman or a way to save their lives. It was just a kiss. Funny how that made it more meaningful for them.
The doctor slid his arms around Rose's waist and brought her closer, turning his head to the side slightly to give her the proper kiss she deserved. He could feel Rose's hands threading through his hair, her fingers brushing against his scalp. He didn't want it to end.
There were tears on his face, he could taste their salt on his lips as they kissed.
'Oh Rose, please don't cry' .
But he could feel it to. The tugging at his body that told him it was over, in a few seconds she wouldn't be there in his arms. Instead of pulling away to say anything they held onto each other tighter, not even relinquishing the kiss to say goodbye. They had decided there was not going to be anymore goodbye's.
Suddenly there was a flash of light that even penetrated their closed eyelids and they were gone. The only thing left was the lonely, cold beach. A place of endings and new beginnings.
The doctor sat up so quickly his head made a loud thud against the control board he'd fallen asleep under. Cursing in a few different languages foreign to the human tongue, the doctor stood and straightened his suit jacket.
Wincing, he reached up to touch the new bump on his head. " Yes," he hissed. " That's going to smart for a while."
The doctor quickly played casual and looked around to make sure Rose hadn't caught him being stupid. But it only took him a second to remember.
Was it really a dream?
Something tickled at the doctor's senses. He sniffed at the air like a curious dog before he realized the smell was coming from him. The doctor flipped up the lapel of his coat and pressed it against his nose. Peppermint, mascara and salt from her tears from where she'd pressed her face against his shoulder.
The doctor took a shaky breathe and licked his lower lip. He could taste salt there as well and Rose's lip gloss. The warmth of her still ringing against his own body. Dreams don't leave behind these residues.
" So, do you not have a room of your own on this ship?"
The doctor was so caught off by Carmen's intruding voice that he must of stared at her very dumbly.
The para dimension traveler was standing in the doorway that separated the control room from the rest of the Tardis. Instead of her jean and t-shirt outfit from yesterday , Carmen was decked out in black sweats, a red camisole and sweater to match. Her short black hair held back from her face by a headband which made her alaskan blue eyes stand out and seem to pierce through you. But she had a mischievous smirk on her face which ruined the otherwise imposing eyes and two coffee mugs in her hands.
The doctor had enough free space in his mind to think she looked very at home for someone who had only so far spent on night on the Tardis.
The doctor had told Carmen last night that it was too late for her to start working on the calculations she needed and sent her off to bed. He'd set her up in Jack's old room, it hadn't been used since the time agents departure but Carmen didn't seem to mind. She'd commented on him needing sleep too but he'd pushed the suggestion away with needing to tinker with the Tardis.
But the doctor had fallen asleep as well and not in the normal fashion, it had been too sudden to be natural. Not that he was complaining about the outcome.
As for Carmen's early morning question.
" You found the kitchen?"
It wasn't very tactful but it would buy him time to collect some rational thinking power. But Rose's lips kept springing back into his mind and he didn't have the will power to push the image away.
Carmen gave him a look that almost made the doctor think she could read minds. But instead of commenting on his far away attitude she just set one of the mugs in his hands.
" It wasn't that hard. I know my way around a space ship." She said and raised her own mug in a toast. " Tea for you, cocoa for me. I thought you'd need it."
The doctor's attention was suddenly focused again by Carmen's words. He looked at her and saw that her blue eyes were in fact lined with red. Bloodshot eyes for a woman who had a full nights sleep?
" Didn't get much sleep last night?" He asked pointedly.
Carmen didn't answer, she just laughed and walked over to the chair she'd claimed yesterday and turned on Feronia who was still hooked up to the Tardis.
" I cheated last night and got some work done after all," Carmen admitted.
" Thank you." The doctor said.
Carmen looked up from the monitor but she didn't say anything.
The doctor gave her a smile that she couldn't help returning. It was so familiar to her.
" I don't know how you did it...but thank you."
Carmen nodded. " I was happy to do it."
Anything the doctor might have said in response was drowned out though. Carmen had quickly turned back to her screen and rapid typing now filled the silence. He was grateful to her for that as much as the stolen time he'd given to Rose and him.
He'd pay her back later in someway. But now they had work to do.
Rose sat at her windowsill as the morning sun streamed in through the window. The journal lay open on her lap yet to be written in.
She reached a hand up and brushed them across her lips as if she could feel the phantom kiss. A smile forming under her fingertips as well as a blush. He'd kissed her. Her doctor. And he was coming for her.
Rose felt her heart swell when the memory of his face when he said that came back to her. That determination had saved their lives so many times that she couldn't doubt it now. She'd push the fear down. Because if she didn't , it would overtake her. She'd be strong for him.
Looking down at the blank page in front of her, Rose picked up her pen and started to write.
Dear Doctor,
I'll be waiting for you.
Afterwards:Okay, how was it? Did y a like the kiss? I hope you liked it , took me forever.
So for all of you who are curious about Carmen and who she is, more of that will be revealed in the next chapter. In fact, a lot of it will be revealed . The doctor is way too curious for his own good for it to stay a mystery for long. And more in depth with Rose later on.