Author has written 40 stories for Tsubasa Chronicle, Bleach, and Fullmetal Alchemist. Name: Spirix A Owler, Rix for short Slash Pairings I Like: IchigoRenji, ByakuyaRenji, KisukeIchigo, EdRoy, EdHei, Edvy, RoyMaes, KuroFai, All slash Harry Potter pairings depending on my mood (Except for Ron... yuck) Het Pairings I Like: Harry & (Fleur, Luna and sometimes Tonks) Manga: Tsubasa Chronicles, Fullmetal Alchemist, Bleach, X/1999, Jazz... and about 100 more. Books: Harry Potter, everything by Tamora Pierce and too many else to list. Bio: I am a demon mouse... not by my own choosing. ;). I also have a soft spot for crossovers of many many kinds. Other places to find me: Click here for Gnomie's (silkendreammaid's) half of Four Suits Click here for my sketch of Pride from the recent Free Fall Chapters NOTE: I write pairings in the order they sound best in, not in the seme/uke way. Most of my pairing switch up anyways. Announcements: 15 Dec 2008 Well I have been getting a lot of reviews commenting on my chapter tardiness. Let me reassure you, I am not dead and I have not forgotten about any of you. Truth is I've enrolled int he royal military of my country and it is a very demanding endeavor. I barely have time to sleep and eat now so I tend to not waste those precious few hours on anything other than catching up my much needed rest. I wholly love all my stories and am very brokenhearted about the state I left some in. This Christmas I will be working hard to have updates across the board. I would apologize but I have nothing to apologize for. Being a military officer is what I've always wanted and this account will be here when I get over the initial difficulties, like getting in shape and learning to be more organized. So wish me the best of luck and stop sounding so worried in your reviews. It's cute but you have nothing to worry about. I love ffnet too much to let it go. Merry Christmas October 10th 2013 Hello all, Needless to say it has been a while. I left the military with a busted knee and now am back in university. I am uncertain whether I still have it in my to write, it has been a heartbreakingly difficult few years to get my life back in order. I just wanted to let anyone still reading and waiting know that I am still around. Wish me luck in getting back into writing. Rix |