Chapter 1: Prologue
"T-t-tributes!" The legendary voice of Claudius Templesmith gasps out. "due to unforeseen- unforeseen." There's a loud bang behind him. "Unanticipated trials." The microphone crackles before his voice returns, with more panic and fear than before. "All cameras are down. Until further notice all communication is down." He whimpers. "The Dark Days have returned! Hunger Games on hiatus!" He sobs, the bang behind him returns until there's crashing. A door, probably kicked in. He's begging for only a second when the unmistakable pop of a gun echoes in whichever room he was in. Then there is silence.
It's only the third day that the announcement goes off. There had been a fire all afternoon, but suddenly the fireballs that had shot at tributes stopped. An hour or so after the fire burnt out did the announcement shake everybody up. They moved around warily, never linger became the rule. Move, avoid trouble.
Because until they find out what's going on it's best if they stay healthy.
The Careers, consisting of Glimmer and Marvel of District One, Cato and Clove of District Two, Azora of District Four and Peeta of District Twelve, had no idea of what to make of the entire deal. So they continued to hunt. Cato pitched a spear through the boy from District Three. No cannon sounded.
Marvel wasn't convinced, he beheaded the boy from Ten, the one with a bad limp. No cannon. No hovercraft to pick them up. The group collapsed at the Cornucopia, none willing to admit they were worried.
So Clove sharpened her knifes. Glimmer fussed over her hair. Marvel washed up. Cato polished his sword. Azora grabbed a snack from the lake. And Peeta watched the tree line, waiting for Katniss to make her appearance.
Marrisa of District Five moved as quietly as she could through the forest that afternoon. She stumbled a lot, much more used to concrete floors and paved roads. A twig snaps, though this one isn't hers. She knows every sound she makes. Instantly she jumps behind a tree. It's too late. Thresh has found her.
He left the wheat field, she has no idea why, except that she was as good as dead. There was no way she could fight him, minimal chance she could outrun him.
"Make it fast?" Her voice wavers.
He watches her a moment before he shakes his head. Her heart skips a beat. "I won't kill you right now. You know what's going on?"
"I don't."
He begins to stalk towards her. Her body stiffens, anticipating a deadly blow. None come.
He's five feet ahead of her when he gives a small nod with his head. She hesitates only a second before joining his side.
"You know, they're not the only ones who can form alliances." Katniss had called out. And now her and Rue moved along the river bank in comfortable conversation. They spoke of music, of home, they theorized on the announcement. They formed a friendship rather than an alliance.
Rue teaches her the four note whistle, they sing it on occasion, to reassure themselves.
Katniss is able to snare some game, all the while cursing not having a bow, much to Rue's amusement and dismay. "I sure wish you had that bow too Katniss." She'd say.
They eat a rabbit together before moving along in no specified direction. As night falls they bunker up in a cave miles away from the Cornucopia.
The Careers don't hunt anymore. They lay around in the shade trying to stay preoccupied as they wait for Claudius to laugh and say just kidding. Peeta runs his hand over a tree, a small drilled hole where a camera sits. It doesn't go into focus, nor does it move. None of them do.
Nobody sees the Careers and their 'glory'. It makes them think about their first few days in the arena.
Careers don't like to think.
They're men and women of action. Thinking gets them into trouble. Or so its drilled into their minds since the day they were born.
They finally arrived in their arena. Just as they've trained for their entire lives.
And now they're desperate to get out.
They meet on the fourth day of the Hunger Games, a day after the announcement. Marrisa and Katniss are nervous, both ready to bolt at a hint of danger, Katniss prepared to drag Rue through the forest to whatever safety they can find.
But Thresh and Rue smile at one another.
There is no killing, only more alliances to be made.
Maybe even friendships.
Every person left in the arena comes together on the fifth day. Two days after the announcement.
Two groups colliding. Team against team. It's the first time in Hunger Games history. The Capitol might have eaten it up. Career vs. non-career. But nobody has heard from the Capitol as of late. No anthem plays at night. Two bodies rotting in the sun.
Its scratchy at first. But eventually the two groups merge. There are distinct boundaries that may not be passed. But slowly they fuse. Very, very slowly.
First off, Azora is the District four career that died with Glimmer (who obviously isn't dead) she doesn't have a name in the book but in the movie it's either Azora or Zora and I like Azora more.
Marrisa is Foxface. It's never confirmed or official but in early drafts of the movie script she was either Marrisa or Melanie so I just went with Marrisa, her real name is possibly Finch but she seems more Marrisa to me..
We'll get rolling on the Catoness Kato Catniss or whatever their couple name is soon. There will also be a lot more couples to come, check out the poll on my profile to vote for your favorite, the only one I'm guaranteeing is Cato and Katniss . Also this is in it's early stages so I can take any suggestions on where you want this story to go. In fact I'd really like some