Author has written 5 stories for Harry Potter, Star Trek: 2009, and Supernatural. 1/21/10: So, I am still writing, slowly but surely. However, I have been gaining more momentum lately with my original fiction as well as fanfic, and I'm coming to realize that, no matter how much I would love to really elaborate on every idea I have, it's never going to happen. There just isn't time in the day. Therefore, over time, as I decide which ones will never get around to being written, I'm going to post some challenges on here based upon those ideas. I really hope that people will be inspired by them and take some of them on, because there are many that I would really love to see written! That being said, I hope to have a couple up within the next couple days. Thank you to everyone who takes them, and to everyone who reads and enjoys my writing! Also known as: gloriousnewday98, Sara Fandom: Harry Potter. As I said, I haven't found another fandom I really enjoy except when in a crossover with HP. That includes Twilight, LotR (though I'm not familiar enough with that canon to ever write it), Buffy, and House. My fics: For the record, I haven't officially abandoned any of my fics. In fact, until very recently when my writing world got hijacked by HP/Twilight ideas, I had started to work on 'Murmurs' again, but it was scenes from all over the projected timeline which means nothing else to post at the moment. I don't know if there would even still be interest in it seeing as it's post-OotP, but I'm not ready to give it up just yet. Nevertheless, I think I'll be focusing on 'To the Night' for awhile. Murmurs from the Dying Sun This is a post-OotP fic that is only recently seeing the light of day. If you don't like things that disregard HBP since it's been published, then don't read this. I am continuing it because I think it has merit and I enjoy writing it and I have put too much into it to quit now. It is basically Harry's journey as he mourns the death of Sirius, makes new allies and enemies alike, and searches for a way to ultimately destroy Voldemort. This fic will have two sequels, the next one titled "Then Star Nor Sun Shall Waken" and the last untitled at this time. Clear and Present Danger This is an AU of PoA and the Dangerverse written by whydoyouneedtoknow (whose author page you can find a link to in my 'favorite authors' menu). It begs the questions: What would have happened if Remus Lupin hadn't gone for a walk in Little Whinging on his birthday in 1982? What would have happened if Danger Granger had left Little Whinging, leaving Harry Potter behind at the Dursleys? And what would happen if Sirius Black, upon his escape from Azkaban, thought of a smarter way to catch Wormtail? To the Night (working title) HP/Twlight crossover. It's been ten years since Harry Potter defeated Voldemort and lost everyone he cared for. In that time he's been living in the shadows between the muggle and wizarding world, evading capture and doing whatever he can to bring down the corrupt government that took power after Voldemort's downfall. Finally captured by Malfoy, now an important Ministry official, Harry accepts the inevitably of his death and is mortally wounded while escaping from his imprisonment. But before death takes him, the Cullens, meaning to hunt, find him in the forest to which he Apparated. Carlisle, the only one of his family without a mate, is drawn towards the dying stranger and turns him into another member of the family. But as Harry adjusts to his new existence as a vampire, he is torn between the possibility of a family and the world he has failed to save. Others to come? Perhaps in the future ... |