Author has written 5 stories for Mass Effect, Battlestar Galactica: 2003, Fallout, and Frostpunk. "Give me a flashlight and a pistol. If I find friends i shall bring them back for tea if i find enemies i shall bring them back for study"- Sargent Willkins of First Extra-Solar Exploration fleet. I say we ban guns and give people swords. Less collateral and more entertainment. "In Conclusion A military ship that does not have nuclear capabilities is just a well-armored, well-armed civilian vessel." -Conclusion to two hundred page recommendation by General Firian for new line of ships. "The Pharaoh-class destroyer is the least technologically advanced ship in the galaxy and yet it is the most powerful for its size. To explain this, one must know that it was designed during an alcohol fueled competition between civilian engineers trying to make the most ridiculous vessel. "- Captain Jackson of the "Tut" Pharaoh-class destroyer when asked about his ship. "Its funny how other species look at humanity as if we are suffering from a mental decease. Oh how wrong they are. We are not suffering. We are enjoying every second of it!"- General Otaka after leading a bayonet charge at the reconquest of Tuman V. "When you think about it... We really should have expected the planet exploding." -CLASSIFIED "You might think its funny that we have signs all over the ship that say things like "Do not open airlock without permission" or "Don't throw grenades in the reactor" or my favourite "Do not lick Exotic fuel" but the statistics speak for themselves and they say a 60% drop in crew casualties." -Chief Engineer on On-Board Safety "You are never out of ammo ,for you see, a spaceship is just a really big cruise missile" - Captain Adrian at the battle Serpentius III "Why is your tank on fire?" "Intimidation, sir"- CPL James Striker after his Juggernaut Tank was hit by a plasma cannon. "200 thousand years of human evolution and technological advancements and we are back to throwing rocks at each other"- PFC Eric Smith while being under asteroid bombardment. "A cornered mouse bites harder than a free lion"- Unknown soldier during the last stand on Tomachi Secundus. "It is destiny""Destiny can suck it!" -Sargent Wilhelm before detonating humanities first Nuclear Device in the Gigatons range. "Every citizen a soldier, every planet a fortress." -Supreme Commander Londor's speech before "The War Of Attrition" "There is nothing Great about the situation! Its horrible! Stop putting Great before everything! People are dying out there!!!"-The Great President Aron during the Great Age of Greater Glory "The CQC tactic of Shotgun-Face is viable. The fact i am still alive is proof enough" - PFC Ericson on Battlefield Survival Training. "The day i die i would like to gaze upon the sun rise. To know that we won another day for humanity."- Commander Zi of 26th Garrison Division "Corpa's Dwarves" "I think I died and went to hell. Because i woke up to a bunch of other dudes all crammed in small wooden building. Then this guy with a funny hat kicked the door down and started screaming. He gave us these cool uniforms, armor, equipment and weapons and made us run. We ran through obstacles courses, he made us march in formation, we shot at wooden targets a lot. Then they put us in trucks and we had to shoot at other dudes that were wearing similar equipment but with different coloring... we were helped by these massive metal machines called...uhhh... Tranks?Tanks..yeah tanks...weird things...scary things... we had to dig holes and hide in them. It was pretty horrifying to be honest. So little sister how was your spring break?"- Private Jimmy about where he disappeared after falling down a hill. "Fight like you are trying to steal the Devil's Throne from him!"- Sargent Peterson when outnumbered 12 to 1. "Many will tell you that all deserve a second chance, thats not true. Few deserve it, those who are truly remorseful of their actions, the rest? They are only sorry they got caught. Don't waste your time with those people. Do what you must. You will meet a lot of horrible things, things you don't even want to admit were once human in attempt not to sully yourself. Don't dally. Don't think you can torture it out of them. Don't lower yourself to their level. Just put a bullet in the skull go to the next one. Like an assembly line. They want their chance at glory. They want one last chance at front page news, "Officer brutally kills rapist" or something. Don't treat them like monster or evil beings. Treat it like a chore. Like taking out the trash or vacuuming. Just Mindlessly following a procedure." - Law Enforcer Smith to new recruits. "You want to survive on the battlefield? Find the craziest, bloodthirstiest mad man around and stick behind him. Will you survive the war? Yes. Will your sanity and humanity survive? Hell no. But you will be alive" -Private Hashin Mapad during the Abraxia Campaign. "They will say my name with the same intent as a grave insult. They will hate me. The History books will tell everyone of my crimes. But in the end, the fact that they Will be able to do that is more than enough to continue my work." Doctor Sprang Creator of the Legion of the Dead. "Who are First Recon? They are explorers. At least that's what they are officially. Unofficially? They are humanities first line of defense. Discovered an Ancient temple with malicious aura? First Recon is already half way through cataloging it and securing it. Hostile Alien Empire? First Recon has already acquired blueprints of their technologies and star-maps of their territory. They are the best of the best. To the outside world they are simple explorers with slightly advanced vessels. But the truth is each First Recon is a one man army. Genetically modified, Cybernetically enhanced , some of them even psionically gifted. They know more about the universe than the rest of us combined."- Lieutenant Armad when asked about First Recon. "If you are here you are either insane or stupid, and some of you poor bastards are both so listen up I am saying this only once! The Nukes are only for long to mid range combat! That is all" Sergeant Viktor to new recruits in the battle for Luna. "Welcome to accelerated infantry training, We have one rule here and that it is: DONT DO A JEFFREY" The Lieutenant pointed at man sitting on top of a very tall poll "What did he do, sir?" "He climb that poll and is too afraid to come down." "For fucks sake please some bring a ladder" " I am an engineer, that means I speak the two universal languages, math and violence." Engineer Arkan after being asked what his diplomacy skills are. |