Reviews for The XCOM Files
TheRabbidRabbit chapter 168 . 8/4
Although ADVENT has done a lot of controversial things, Scipio will perhaps stand in history as the most contentious matter due to its scope and nature.

Fundamentally, the operation is a pre-emptive strike. The SAS is a de facto Collective puppet state that is their foothold on Earth no matter how much Betos thinks just an alliance. In the long run, it will become a secure logistical base for their campaigns, so taking it out of the equation now while its remain territorially small is a wise move for ADVENT. The intent of course isn't complete destruction, but to render the SAS a resource drain in its attempt to recover that the Collective will face the dilemma of helping their 'ally' or cutting their losses.

Scipio demonstrates ADVENT's ruthless pragmatism; the most blatant being the plunder of resources and expulsion of the inhabitants. Infrastructures were razed save for those with useable resources, which would be exploited until the retreat is called. The expelled citizenry was meant to push the SAS's logistics to the brink and cause other problems like social unrest over the scarcity of necessities; it's difficult to care about anything else with an empty stomach. Others will find it unsavoury and barbaric, but its purely practical. ADVENT will have no problems thanks to the approval of several institutions, but they have to address the soldiery and remind them of the bigger picture; I doubt another mass defection similar to what Betos pulled off thanks to certain Collective actions (ie. The Slaughter of Beijing), but there's a risk of losing faith on ADVENT at beholding the costs involved.

Despite the objectives of Scipio, ADVENT remained committed to maintaining a professional conduct. The situation will inevitably be exploited on the individual level as the number of misconducts showed, which would've gone unaddressed due to the scope of the operation. But this is ADVENT, and disciplinary measures were applied. The scorched earth tactic was aimed to neutralising anything of material value to the SAS and Collective, so sites of ecological, tribal and cultural significance were spared. Otherwise, it would just be wanton destruction with ADVENT being philistines.
nathanfromschool chapter 170 . 7/28
At this point, like, what the reason for this is it isn’t going to be brought up again? All of these chapters are REALLY well written but half of it probably won’t be brought up again/could be explained naturally through the story.
TheRabbidRabbit chapter 165 . 7/26
I have been waiting for this particular file to be written.

No word in human history will ever rouse such feelings of scepticism and fear as 'eugenics'. Its forever ingrained in our memories as something… sinister and discriminatory when the meaning and morality are far broader in the scope we see.

That is what I see ADVENT seeks to do: to 'exorcise' the word of its associated negativities in place of something rational and pure. The Eugenics Division had been established to cure the genetic ailments of humanity and offer the concept a means of redemption, using the word itself instead of euphemistic alternatives to tackle the issue head-on. As expected, the public is quick to judge. Part of me is tempted to scoff at this emotional impulsivity, but for once I can understand their outrage from a historical standpoint due to its infamous association with Nazism; Its concept perverted into a monstrous triumphalism of a so-called master race and justify the elimination of populations.

ADVENT knew of eugenics' potential for misuse and was keen enough to not monopolise control over this institution so to assuage public concern; enabling civilian oversight to jointly monitor with its figurative eyes (Intelligence, Oversight and PATRIOT). The Commission effectively has executive authority over the Division, with the three eyes more or less acting as watchdogs to ensure they operate within acceptable parameters. The transparency was very helpful in placating and educating the public of its purpose, since the lack thereof can give rise to wrong assumptions. Despite their efforts to make them understand, some people will never be placated and always perceive this institution as insidious like that one protester. No matter how many discussions/interviews the likes of Tygan give, certain people will remain firmly on their stance.

The file is excellent, but my only complaint is the absence of one person we all like to see. It's odd that Conspiracy Man is not commenting on this given his constant belligerence to ADVENT. This is the most controversial thing ADVENT has ever done and yet he has no video unlike the Restraints or the Annexation of Canada.
Just a Crazy-Man chapter 170 . 7/21
Bravo on this most excellent. :)
Nogui chapter 170 . 7/21
Holy hell. These bois don't play.
wanderer097 chapter 151 . 7/16
What guidelines of warfare? And how are you going to try a Harbinger?
Has Betos ever actually bothered to analyze the Collective and realize it is a dictatorship not a democracy?
Nogui chapter 168 . 7/12
Damm. This is heavy. Screwing over aliens is one thing. Conquering a country is one thing. This is just Nasty(tm).

Nogui chapter 167 . 7/6
This Lion... I'm wary of him
Volksbrot chapter 167 . 7/5
Good chapter as always. This whole project really straddles the line between fanfiction and professional writing. Can't wait for the other chapters about the Middle East.

Will we be getting a chapter about MECs at some point? I'd absolutely love to read more about them, especially with their newer versions and upgraded cybernetics.

Also, what's the situation with India? I can't recall anything about them, but maybe my brain just needed more storage space and deleted some files.
Adam Safran chapter 167 . 7/5
Fun read! Nice update on the Middle East. Threading the needle there will be hard.
Nogui chapter 166 . 6/22
Senorium is now in the big leagues
Adam Safran chapter 165 . 6/14
Interesting focus! There's an old movie (I think from the early 2000's) called Gattaca about this, though it's more focused on the societal aspects (mainly with those who are un-altered having large scale prejudice against them, and the lengths of society to 'limit' access based upon mods).
Sarnakh the Sunderer chapter 164 . 6/10
I find the last section of this chapter particularly interesting—for one thing I hardly knew the House of Wisdom existed!

It also raises a question in my mind, though it may have been answered elsewhere. The Guards section mentions that religious organizations are not permitted to have military/paramilitary organizations. What did ADVENT do about the Swiss Guard? Did they abolish them, let them alone, etc?
baud001 chapter 161 . 5/24
So templars get Halo energy swords and lightsabers? Nice
Nogui chapter 161 . 5/1
The Templars very much deserved a file, being a revolution in human close quarter tactics. :)

Aegii Hilts remind me of omni-blades, and Dynamo Hilts of lightsabers :P
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