Disclaimer: I don't own how to train your Dragon.

A/N: In case you didn't read the summary, this is a continuation of random123games story Banishment. I have been given permission by the author to continue this story. I will try to update every Tuesday but I may not always be able to do so as I am in college and I may have to work on stuff so without further ado here is the next chapter, Enjoy!

After a few minutes, Lothar comes out and says "We have decided and… we will join you on your island". Hiccup replies "You will be welcome with me and Toothless". Chief Lothar nods and tells the village to start loading supplies onto boats to go to Hiccups Island. Hiccup Tells the Chief "I will fly back to my island to get it ready for when you and the village arrive" Then Hiccup flies back to his island to get ready for the village when they arrive.

Meanwhile, Stoick, Spitelout and the recruits are sailing towards Outcast island to look for Hiccup because Outcast island is the closest island to Berk. When they arrive, they see the chief of Outcast island, Alvin the Treacherous, and some of the Vikings on Outcast island getting off a ship. When they see this they all wonder if he has been on a raid. Stoick asks Alvin "Have you been on a raid Alvin? I hope it wasn't against Berk or we will have to raid you". Alvin replies "Don't you worry Stoick. It wasn't a raid against Berk it was a raid against you it was a raid against an uncharted island that failed" Stoick, surprised by this asks "How did it fail?" Alvin replies "A small boy with auburn hair and green eyes who had a night fury as a pet threatened to feed me to a Monstrous Nightmare. I decided it didn't work the risk and left the island" Stoick, intrigued by this asks "Where is this island?" Alvin replies "It is 5 hours southwest of Outcast Island" Stoick then bids farewell to Alvin and tells the sailor in charge of the ship to head to this island. Meanwhile, Astrid asks the other recruits "Could that have been Hiccup?" Snotlout replies "There is no way Useless could have done that. It must have been someone else" The rest of the recruits agree but Astrid hopes it is Hiccup because she wants to ask him how he made her axe so well. She also feels a little bit guilty that he was banished because of her.

Back on His Island, Hiccup is busy gathering materials to build houses for Chief Lothar and his village when they arrive the following day as his island is a day's worth of sailing while it only takes Hiccup 2 hours because he has Toothless. When he is finished gathering supplies, he goes fishing with Toothless and they then have dinner. After dinner, he asks Toothless "Do you want to fly around the island bud?" When Toothless hears this, he croons happily and Hiccup replies "Ok bud but I need to get your saddle" (he had taken it off Toothless when they went fishing) When Hiccup has finished attaching the saddle to Toothless and climbed on Toothless takes off immediately and they flew a few laps around the island. After they land they both go to sleep because the sun had set by this time.

The Next Day after Hiccup and Toothless wake up they go on a Morning Flight. While flying around the island Hiccup notices the ships from the village approaching his island and lands to help the village unload the ships. When he lands he greets the chief of the village "Welcome Chief Lothar to my island. Would you like me to help you unload the stuff on your ships?" The Chief replies "that would be very helpful thank you." Hiccup nods and proceeds to help the village. When they are finished he walks towards Lothar and says "I will also help you and your village build houses for you to live in". "Really?" the chief asks and Hiccup nods. The chief then replies "It may take a while to make the houses due to our village having a lot of people, is this ok Hiccup?" Hiccup smiles and says "yes it is fine, I built all the buildings on this island in 3 days without any help" Lothar looks at the buildings on the island and is surprised by what he sees. He then exclaims "You built a house, the storage area next to the house, a farm, a forge and a stable for your dragon all in 3 days?!" "yep" Hiccup replies. Lothar then says "yes you can help us build houses for us to live in. With your help, we will be finished much faster." "Thank you, Sir" Hiccup replies. He then starts to help the villagers build houses.

A/N: So, did you like it? I hope so. Remember to favourite and Review and I will have a new chapter hopefully next Tuesday. Have a nice day Joshualankamp09.