Reviews for Harbinger
Mr. ShiR0 chapter 15 . 5/13
i like this story ...i cant wait for updated i pray your healthy.
That2-one3-girl4 chapter 15 . 4/22
This fic is bloody brilliant.
I love it and I literally can't wait to read more.
Please post more soon
Walabug chapter 10 . 2/17
That was an incredibly well written section.
Karazik chapter 2 . 2/8
Man I wish there was at least one fiction where someone tells the voyeuristic raven to go fornicate itself. Why does everyone depict him as some all knowing all powerful superbeing that does absolutely nothing
Bernd70 chapter 15 . 10/10/2019
I wish you good luck and a speedy recovery.
non of ur business sorry chapter 15 . 10/9/2019
When will u update?
Guest chapter 2 . 3/21/2019
She’s a tad annoying... can she even fight?
Guest chapter 1 . 3/21/2019
I don’t think a baby can be born with only 4 months of gestation.
Knights Of Millennium chapter 15 . 3/15/2019
Hope everything goes well for you. Thanks for giving what you could. Come back whenever lol
Droosh chapter 9 . 3/12/2019
First I'm enjoying your story. Thank you for sharing it with us!

I did feel compelled to share my confusion with you however. Your story is about Sarah, I college graduate and leader of men in the military.

Yet, rather than escaping to seek asylum in Dorn with her Grandfather or to her biological father, whom she knows from her knowledge of GoT that loves and treats his basdard's well, she returns to the twins. NOT her family. She even seems to love and bond with the old evil man that burned her mothers attempts to commute with her family, but rather kidnapped her and raped her repeatedly until she was forced to hang herself as her only recourse in her depression.

How does Sarah, who now likes to be called Emmanuel, seemingly forget and accept Walder Frey's actions, not to mention what she knows he does in the future to betray his sworn King. additionally you didn't set it up if there were any close relatives or friends she had in the twins. Rather, she's always running and getting beaten up and seems to hate it there.

It would be helpful to me as a reader if you explained how she has love for the twins, as I'm losing a connection to to your protagonist who I would frankly like more if she would have poisoned or stabbed this man whom she inexorably calls her father.

Thanks for biding my rant. I actually do enjoy your premise and story except for this one area.
Angelicsailor chapter 15 . 3/11/2019
Exciting! Hope everything get figured out for your health though ! I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers
rednightmares chapter 15 . 3/9/2019
Hope you get better soon! :)
InfinityMask chapter 15 . 3/9/2019
I'm curious why she didn't warn jon about baelish and lyasa?
InfinityMask chapter 14 . 3/9/2019
Poor jon... he stupid to believe lyasa... ckckckck
InfinityMask chapter 12 . 3/9/2019
I have to say I love maester and citadel in this story. They're different than usual pompous and self important old man that hate magic. Here they're more open. Good job you make me like 2 things that usually I dislike (walder frey and citadel)
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