A/N: Welcome to a Spider-Man and Halo crossover story. In this, Peter Parker is an ODST, following the footsteps of his parents and Uncle Ben. This is an AU of Halo, but only slightly. Join Corporal Parker of the Orbital Drop Shock Troopers and his adventure to the Marvel universe. Perhaps he will encounter his double or not. Let us begin!

DISCLAIMER: Halo and Marvel characters are not own by me. Halo belongs to Microsoft and Marvel belongs to Disney.

Corporal Peter Parker. An up and coming ODST. Training was as hard as they say. Corporal Parker is willing to drop feet first into hell straight into the enemy territory. Their enemy?

The Covenant.

Those ruthless, religious, and brutal bastards. Slaughtering any and all humans that were in their path. It didn't matter if you were young, old, civilian, or military. As long as they found you, you were nothing but a target to them. The Elites or Sangheili slaughter those with their plasma rifles or using their energy sword. The Jiralhanae, Kig-Yar, and sometimes the seemingly harmless Unggoy indulge in the flesh of humans, biting and chewing bits and pieces of their skin. It disgusted the veteran ODST-Parker was in his late thirties at most-as well as many service members of the UNSC.

Corporal Parker had a hardened expression. He had lost many-so many-to the damn Covenant. It infuriated the ODST when he saw a comrade get picked off by the aliens. Throughout his childhood, Parker had to frequently stay with his Aunt May since his parents were constantly being deployed somewhere in the galaxy. His Aunt lived on Reach with Uncle Ben, but he wasn't around much due to his service in the most badass military branch: The Orbital Drop Shock Troopers.

Sometime during 2531, Peter's parents were sent to Harvest to fend off the Covenant. The Covenant was encountered six years prior.

His parents gave sad, reassuring smiles to calm the teenage Peter. He was 17 or so, close to finishing his education. Peter prayed to god that they were going to come home safe and sound, unscathed. Teenage Peter had to stay with his Aunt May on reach. Uncle Ben had also been sent to Harvest as well.

Unfortunately and sadly, Peter and May had received news via a UNSC officer that both Richard Parker and Mary Parker had fallen in battle. Peter had cried himself to sleep that very night. May had cried, hoping that her husband would not suffer the same fate as Richard and Mary had. A week later, both May and Peter attended the funeral service for the two fallen ODSTs. (Both Richard and Mary had joined the ODSTs after five years of service in the UNSC Marines)

Months had passed before both Parkers received news on Uncle Ben. It was said that Uncle Ben (He was aboard the Spirit of Fire) was MIA along with many soldiers and crewmen aboard the Spirit of Fire. Peter had heard that Captain Cutter's family held out hope-as well as many of the family members that were connected to the soldiers and crewman aboard the SOF-that their loved ones were still alive. Peter noted that three Spartan IIs were MIA as well. Later, on that same night they gotten news about Ben, Peter was suddenly fueled with rage and determination. Rage because Peter had lost his parents and maybe his Uncle as well. (Even if Uncle Ben wasn't there, Peter always found that he was pretty kind and cool, growing up to admire him.)

Determination because he wanted to help in the war effort. The next morning, without the consent of May, at the age of 18 Peter had officially enlisted in the ODSTs, wanting to follow the footsteps of his deceased parents and missing Uncle Ben. Later, Peter had confronted May and told her his decision. Of course, being the only living relative left, she protested, saying and believing that the UNSC will win and everything will be alright.

"No, Aunt May! It won't be alright! The UNSC needs every men and women to fight these bastards! I lost my parents, hell we've probably lost Uncle Ben to them! I will join, I will fight! Fight until I die! I WILL MAKE THOSE FUCKING BASTARDS PAY!" He had practically screamed at his Aunt after she protested.

Her reaction was one of shock. She was a gaping fish, never expecting such a reaction and harsh words from her Peter.

Peter apologized, but Aunt May assured him that it was fine. Tears welled up in her eyes, and soon flowed. Peter had hugged her and assured her that he'll come back. After he killed every covie bastard, of course.

Peter had two weeks until he was shipped off to a recruiting depot for ODSTs. Luckily, there was one on Reach. (The planet that he and his Aunt currently resided in.)

Peter worked hard in his academics. At school, may of his peers had stopped bullying him. The war affected everyone. Peter had informed his friends, Gwen, Mary Jane, Harry Osborn, and to some extent Liz Allan, that he had enlisted in the ODSTs.

They had varying reactions to his decision. Liz commented that it explained why he was ripped all of the sudden. Mary Jane and Gwen looked fearful and worried. Harry looked worried but wished him luck.

Liz, being the popular cheerleader she was, had spread the news to almost everybody at the school. Flash and his jocks had stopped bullying him. The bully even went as far as to give him a bro-hug and wished him luck. Sally, well, she gave a quick kiss on Peter's lips, wishing him good luck and smiling the entire time as she embraced him. Peter wasn't prepared or expecting that to happen. Young Peter was oblivious that Liz, Mary Jane, and Gwen had envious looks along with disappointment. Harry chose not to comment, too shocked to say words. Sally had continuously made fun of Peter since freshman year. She was basically Peter's mortal enemy. She called him out and embarrassed him multiple times. Now she kisses him? Peter couldn't comprehend it, but he wasn't complaining.

On his final day at school, the entire school population had already wished him luck and hoped he would return home safely. Teachers stared at Peter either fearful for his life or total awe. Before his last days, Peter had been constantly working out, trying out various and difficult exercises to prepare for the intense boot camp and training that the ODSTs would force on him. It was very difficult and stressful, but in the end Peter had gone from weak, scrawny, and skinny to strong, tough, and ripped. Peter even went and got laser-eye surgery to correct his eyes. He didn't need to pay for it since the ODSTs provide that service to those who want it or need it. Now Peter didn't need glasses and he could see perfectly and clearly.

Mary Jane kissed his cheek and so did Gwen when he arrived to school for his final day before shipping to the ODST recruit depot for boot camp and training. Harry and Peter exchanged a very emotional bro-hug with Harry joking that Peter grew up so fast. The four laughed at that.

On that day at lunch, Peter was invited to sit with Flash, jocks, and the cheerleaders. Flash, like Harry, had commented that he grew up so fast. Peter rolled his eyes, but he gave a hearty laugh. Some cheerleaders had flirted with him with Liz Allan being the most notable.

"Man, Petey, you've grown up so much. Now you can hang out with a big, bad girl like me. Maybe do some...bad things to me?" Liz had purred into his ear, making him blush uncontrollably and shudder. Luckily, no one noticed him or Liz. Something that the soon-to-be ODST was thankful for. Sally also, when no one was looking, flirted with Peter. All that he could think at the time was: How? Why?

He wasn't aware that joining the ODSTs would affect his reputation at school, not that he was complaining. It was...odd to say the least. Peter had gotten to hang out with Flash, Kenny, and Randy during P.E, but he also made sure to make time for his friends that were always there from the beginning.

It was on that final day that some girls, but mostly cheerleaders, had commented that Peter was remarkably handsome. It was also the day he had experienced his first real kiss. The one with Sally was not an exception, for Peter thought it was too quick to be considered a kiss.

When Peter near the restroom area, getting a drink of water from the water fountain located near the two restrooms, he was suddenly attacked by one latina cheerleader.

"L-Liz!? W-What the hell?" Peter had stuttered since he was being forced up against the wall by Liz. She had some strength for a girl like her, Peter thought.

"Petey," She leaned in and purred into his ear. "I've been wanting this to happen since day one." She whispered. Peter couldn't detect any lies, but he was confused at the time.

"Wanting for what to happen?" He questioned in confusion.

"This." Liz grinned before leaning in to capture his lips into her's.

"MMPH!" Peter's muffled yelp of surprise was caused by the unexpected action. He was unsure of what to do. Liz was literally forcing herself on him. It took him ten seconds to return the kiss, causing Liz to give a sound of approval. A moan perhaps?

Peter discovered that he was a very good kisser if the moans of approval and pleasure coming from the cheerleader were any indication. She gripped both collars of his shirt, pulled back, bringing Peter with her, and spun around, smashing her back against the tiled wall with Peter still lip locked with her. She relinquished her grip and her hands to help place the ODST recruit's hands on her hips. It was at this time that they began to initiate their 20-25 minute makeout session in the women's restroom. Corporal Parker couldn't remember how long the session lasted-for all he knew it could have lasted an hour. Though, he remembered that no one had disturbed or saw their fierce and passionate session. The ODST remembered that both he and Liz slammed into the wall multiple times since Liz wanted to change positions several times during the session.

Once their session was over, Liz gave Peter a saucy look with a hint of lust, something that Peter did not miss.

"Hope you come back, soldier boy." She said before walking away, turning her head to give a coy smile to Peter as she retreated to god knows where.

After saying his final goodbyes to his peers and his close friends, Peter then bid farewell to his Aunt May. She cried her eyes out, but she looked proud. Peter was three quarters through his senior year, marking his education as incomplete, but that did not deter Peter's demeanor.

Soon, Peter and several other potential ODST recruits arrived to the recruit depot. Present Peter could not remember the exact location, but it was somewhere near New Alexandria. From that day forward for 16 weeks, Peter and several recruits were put through intense training that tested their physical and mental resolve. It was so intense that about a quarter of the recruits dropped out since they couldn't handle it. Despite his stress and the will to go home and hopefully lie down on his soft mattress, Peter was very determined to see this through. He followed his drill instructors instructions, helped in team activities, and helped those recruits who were about to break. He remembered that his drill instructors were the same ones who made his parents the toughest sons of bitches in the UNSC.

At the end of the 16 intense and brutal weeks, Peter and the recruits who remained had been put against a final test to see if they were worthy of the title Helljumpers.

It was incredibly exhausting, intense, and hellish. Peter remained determined, pushing through any obstacles in his way (Literally and figuratively) and several had quit. In the end, Peter and the few recruits that passed had officially become Orbital Drop Shock Troopers. In that same boot camp, Peter had become quick friends with Taylor Miles, Kojo Agu, Michael Crespo, Nate Stacker, and Edward Buck. Since they were such close friends, officers see fit that they be placed in a six-man ODST team. The officers and drill instructors said that the six worked well together in a team. Their bond grew over time and grew dramatically once they were deployed to combat the insurrectionists that resided on their planet, Reach. Peter remembered the small augmentations that ODSTs were required to get.

For the next 18 years or so, Peter and Alpha-Nine were deployed on missions against the Insurrectionists for the first five years. It was complete bullshit that the Insurrectionists would still continue to fight even if humanity was endangered by an religious alien group. Either way, Alpha-Nine really put the hurt on those Innie bastards.

After their first five years as a team, Alpha-Nine was then deployed on the frontier to conduct operations against the Covenant. That meant having to be close and personal with the Covenant, and Peter would go into great detail of his encounter with every species, but that was too long. Peter got older and more experienced and grew a reputation within the UNSC much like the Spartans, but on a more lower level. During his operations against the Covenant, Peter developed a liking to close quarters and sharp knives. There was something satisfying about making the Covies suffer a slow and painful death with sharp objects.

Alpha-Nine returned to Planet Reach on July 23, 2552.

Then...they came.

On July 24, 2552, the Covenant bastards came. Peter was both glad and enraged at the sight of the first Covenant cruiser. The UNSC suffered devastating losses to the Covenant. Finally, Peter had the chance to kill his first Covie bastard he saw on Reach. The six man team that Peter had bonded with decided on nicknames. Edward Buck was nicknamed Gunny since he has been promoted several times all the way up to Gunnery Sergeant. Kojo Agu was nicknamed Romeo, for he chose it. Michael Crespo chose the nickname Mickey. Taylor Miles decided that his nickname should be Dutch, saying that he drove a truck called the "Flying Dutchman" a while back. Nate Stacker was nicknamed Rookie since he was a somewhat late entry during boot camp. Finally, Peter settled for the nickname Hell-Spider for two reasons. One: He was always fascinated with Spiders, and two: Peter's been known for getting close to his target and essentially 'ensnaring' his target, much like a Spider does to its prey. Basically, Peter approaches his target and strikes swiftly with his special made helljumper blade, designed with a teeth and fire at the tip of it. His ODST helmet was designed by Peter himself: A fire like design near the bottom of his helmet and Shark-like teeth at the bottom of his visor, like Dutch did. The chest plate of his armor had a large red Spider in the middle with red and orange flames surrounding it. His shoulder pads also had flame designs to them as well. Overall, his look was very intimidating even to a Covenant Elite, even a Zealot.

Mickey was the demolitions expert, Dutch was the heavy weapons expert, Romeo was the accurate sharpshooter, Gunny was the team leader, Rookie proved to be an expert at everything and so did Peter to some extent, but Peter was an expert in close quarters and melee weapons. Romeo commented that Peter was basically the Master Chief of their squad; a respected and extremely skilled Spartan II that valiantly fought the Covenant. In fact, Peter and the rest of the team were one of the few ODSTs who respected and looked up to the Spartan. It didn't matter if he killed four ODSTs, they knew it was out of self-defense.

During the Fall of Reach, the UNSC proved to be successful at first. The team (Named Alpha-Nine) first saw contact with the Covenant at an ONI base simply called Swordbase. The team of ODSTs worked together with Spartan B312 and Spartan B320 or Noble Six and Noble Two. The two Spartan IIIs charged headfirst while Alpha-Nine stayed behind them and provided much needed support. Peter even went toe-to-toe with an Ultra Sangheili and came out on top, for he ensnared his prey. He was more experienced with close quarters and knives/melee weapons than the Ultra Elite, though Peter had swiftly and silently snuck up on the Elite and sank his fangs into the neck of the Elite warrior in quick succession. The blades were so sharp that they instantly penetrated the Elite's shield, allowing easy access to its neck. The Elite went down and many grunts under his command scattered, but none remained alive as Noble Six had killed them all within ten seconds.

"Nice job," Noble Six complimented his skills.

"Thanks," Peter replied.

Alpha-Nine was impressed, all but Romeo.

"Pfft, show off." Romeo said.

The team moved up through the base and encountered a Wraith tank that was fairly close but still far. Alpha-Nine witnessed Noble Six use his Target Locator and soon a barrage of missiles came down from above and destroyed/killed everything near the single Wraith. A few Marine came out to help hold the position. Noble Two ordered that Alpha-Nine and the six Marines that came out to stay put and hold this position, saying that Noble Six and her will be back shortly.

During the course of defending the position, Romeo had picked off Elites, Grunts, and Jackals that had come to invade Swordbase. There were no heavy Covenant vehicles once Six and Two returned. The Marines and ODSTs followed the two Spartan IIIs inside ONI Swordbase. They weren't even close to the elevator and yet they still encountered two Hunters. Hell-Spider and Noble Six took them down swiftly. Hell-Spider used his speed, something that was difficult in ODST armor, and went around the first Hunter and quickly, with all his might and strength, imbedded his sharp blade into the exposed spot of the Hunter in the back. The Hunter gave a cry of pain before falling. The brother didn't have time to roar in rage, for Noble Six had unloaded a shotgun shell in its back as well. Again, Noble Six complemented Hell-Spider and so did Noble Two, shocking Alpha-Nine to the core.

"The hell, dude?!" Romeo had exclaimed.

They all made their way into the elevator, went down the lower levels, and picked off any Covenant resistance they found. Along the way, they met up with several Marines fending off Covenant infantry inside the base with Noble Five. Noble Five, Two, and Six lead the charge upstairs with several Marines and Alpha-Nine following close behind. They made short work of the Covenant bastards, Marines cheering with each death of an Elite or Grunt. Alpha-Nine whopped as soon as they killed a high ranking Elite.

Once they made it to the upper levels, the Marines stayed behind while the Spartans and ODSTs moved forward. They came to a destroyed section of the base and the ODSTs stumbled back in surprise, seeing a Covenant Corvette.

"HOLY SHIT!" Hell-Spider exclaimed.

There was no time for chatter because of continuous assaults, Phantoms dropping in Covenant troops. Hell-Spider got close and personal with three cloaked Elites and they were unprepared for his sudden attack. They all were brutally murdered as Peter stabbed and slashed with his extremely sharp knife, calling it his Fangs.

Romeo was somewhat useless due to the close proximity, but his pistol was satisfactory. Dutch managed to use his Laser against a Phantom, blowing it up to smithereens. Buck mowed them down with his MA37 Assault Rifle. Mickey blew shit up with his rocket launcher. Hell-Spider wondered how Mickey was able to carry that shit around and not get tired? His muscles must be aching and sore. Noble Four was above, shelling the bastards with his personal shotgun. Six was using Covenant weapons against them. Two and Five used their respective weapons: M6G Magnum and Noble Five's personally designed handheld M247H Heavy Machine Gun.

Soon, the waves of Covenant troops came to a halt. They retreated back to the Corvette instead. Alpha-Nine cheered while the Spartans looked on. Alpha-Nine's cheers grew louder once they saw two UNSC Longsword-Class Interceptors chase down the retreating Covie Corvette. They grew closer and closer then they retreated, tagging the Corvette. Moments later, a round from above tore through the Corvette, successfully destroying it.

"HELL YEAH! OOH RAH!" Gunny cheered.

"OOH RAH!" The rest of Alpha-Nine cheered, raising their fists in the air victoriously.

Alpha-Nine took part in missions against the Covenant and Hell-Spider proved most effective on all of them. Romeo grew envious, but was rather satisfied that Hell-Spider was killing the bastards in the most brutal way possible. As they went on missions, Alpha-Nine started to notice that Hell-Spider became more and more brutal with his tactics, more and more fierce and ruthless; they could practically feel the anger radiating off of him like radiation.

Once they took a break, taking refuge in a partially destroyed house, they decided to confront Hell-Spider about his sudden change of attitude in combat.

"Hey, Hell-Spider," Buck called over to Peter.

"Yes, Gunny?" Hell-Spider replied, raising his head. He was looking down at a picture of his parents he always kept around in his chestplate.

"What's with the sudden change of attitude? Not that I'm complaining, you've killed more Covies than all of us combined. So, what's brought this on?"

"Yeah," Mickey entered the conversation. "Any reason why you're acting like a brute on the field-except you have a more controlled anger-but nonetheless."

Peter had contemplated on whether or not to respond, telling the truth or telling them a lie. He could trust them; they were there since boot camp for god's sake. They were like his brothers; brothers in arms. With a sigh, Peter began.

"...Some UNSC officer told me a few weeks back that...my home was attacked. My school too. Everyone was dead there based on the report that a Marine squad filed. Covie bastards. They killed my Aunt-my only living relative-now they kill my friends!" Peter felt his anger flare up and began to take deep, calm breaths. "Like my mom and dad wasn't enough. Maybe my Uncle, but he's MIA."

Dutch, Romeo, and Rookie had entered before Peter had begun his explanation. The five stood in total silence, looking at Hell-Spider.

"...Fucking Covenant bastards." Romeo scowled beneath his helmet. "We're losing everyone." He sighed.

"Tell me about it," Rookie agreed with a nod. "I heard that Noble Five of Noble Team is MIA. You know what that means."

Everyone except Rookie gave a knowing nod. Almost in sync, everyone depolarized their helmet visors, allowing each other to see their face.

"Fuck," Romeo took in a breath. "And I thought Spartan's weren't supposed to die."

"It's protocol that a Spartan is MIA. I could see why." Peter said.

"Yeah, to keep people from believing that Spartans can truly die." Buck nodded.

"Uh, I think we should get moving." Mickey suggested, pointing outside at the Covenant forces approaching.

"Let's move!" Buck commanded. All of them, in perfect synch, polarized their visors and proceeded to head out.

The team took part in various missions, but the evac operation in New Alexandria was a shit-hole. The team had to be separated. Buck had to man the minigun of a Falcon and help get the wounded out. Mickey had been assigned to assist a few Marines at a hospital. Dutch and Romeo had been tasked with hit-and-run operations, destroying Covenant jammers that were deployed around the city. Rookie had been given the task of defending a Club located up high. That left Hell-Spider with Noble Six. The Spartan had requested that he wanted Hell-Spider to help assist him in the various objectives he had to complete, that is if Hell-Spider accepted. Peter did accept the assignment with the intent of killing any and all Covenant forces he encounters. They had to pay.

Noble Six and Hell-Spider hopped on a Falcon, flying around the city and following orders that were distributed by Noble Two. They destroyed shade turrets that the Covenant deployed on the rooftops, set Banshees aflame, and went around and eliminated Covenant jammers. One was at Club Errera, which was where Rookie was deployed. They eliminated the Covenant forces there, encountering resistance at the entrance and a pair of hunters, and proceeded to destroy the jammer. Rookie stayed behind with the couple Marines that survived, awaiting EVAC.

Soon, Hell-Spider and Noble Six came across several shade turrets being deployed on the rooftops surrounding the building that Six was supposed to regroup with Noble Team. They took down the shade turrets, but the Falcon suffered critical damage. Hell-Spider proved to be an excellent gunner throughout the mission. Once all the turrets were destroyed, Six maneuvered the Falcon to land on the platform that was extending. Soon, they filed out the Falcon to regroup with the remaining members of Noble Team.

Noble Team was going over their next move. Noble Two, in alarm, informed everyone that Covenant forces are evacuating, confusing all. Then, she informed them of an energy build up. Then, BOOM! A supercarrier began glassing nearby, forcing Noble Team and the ODST to retreat to the elevators. Hell-Spider rode with Two and Six while the others were in the other.

Peter could remember, throughout the op, that he saw Covenant cruisers fly in low over an area of New Alexandria and began glassing the area. It was a sight he would never forget. The Covenant responsible for the deaths of all his friends and his family. It was impossible to let go of that grudge.

Once the trip was over, Noble Team and the ODST rushed outside the elevator. Noble Two's sentence was cut short as she took a needle round to the head. Peter guessed that the glassing had some sort of energy that temporarily disabled Noble Team's energy shields.

Peter remembered Six shooting up at the phantom holding a Jackal sniper and holding Two's lifeless body. Noble One, Four, and Three opened fire as well, but it proved futile as the Phantom retreated. Peter was too shocked at the time to fire back. It was his first time seeing a Spartan die. It was a whole new experience. He got over his shock once he saw Six drag Two's lifeless body into the bunker. Peter couldn't remember what it was.

The rest was a rush. Six lit a flare once the glassing was over. Most of New Alexandria was ash and burnt; destroyed. It looked like a nuke had detonated in the middle of the city.

Hell-Spider still hasn't received word of the rest of his team. He hoped they were alive and well, hopefully kicking Covie ass. He and Six traveled to Swordbase along with Noble Team...or what remained of it.

Hell-Spider proved dangerous and a formidable foe on the battlefield. Elites wished to battle him. Grunts ran away in fear, calling him Hell-Soldier. Peter took pride in the nickname that Covenant soldiers had given him. From what Peter had learned, the Covenant referred the Spartans as Demons and referred the ODSTs as Imps. He had found it somewhat humorous

Hell-Spider battled Covenant soldiers, went inside the damaged Swordbase, went underground to meet Catherine Halsey. They fended off waves of Covenant troops before they retreated inside to Halsey. Halsey explained that she needed to deliver a package. She gave it to Six, saying that he was chosen. Six said a few words before hooking the cage-like object into the back of his armor. They all went outside and Noble One ordered that Noble Three escorted Dr. Halsey to Castle base. Though, Halsey refused at first but Noble One insisted that she needed the escort. Halsey nodded in defeat before mounting a Pelican with Noble Three following shortly after. Noble Six, Four, One, and Hell-Spider entered another Pelican with One piloting the aircraft.

Both Pelicans took off and the ice below them exploded, falling down onto the base below.

What ensued was a rush for Peter. Two Banshees were hot on the Pelican containing the package. The Pelican took a few hits and Noble One had to take off his helmet to see. Hell-Spider glanced to the cockpit and saw blood oozing out of the nose of the once faceless Spartan. They had to jump out of the Pelican since the Banshees weren't letting up anytime soon. Luckily, Peter was equipped with a helljumper jetpack. Noble One counted down from three to zero silently, using his fingers. Once he said, "MARK!" Hell-Spider, Noble Six and Four jumped out the Pelican. As soon as Hell-Spider saw that he was about to hit the ground he immediately activated his jetpack, but that did not mean his landing was soft. Six and Four's landings were rough enough to take down their shields, yet they still got up.

The group of three proceeded forward and fought dozens upon dozens of Covenant troops. Hell-Spider snuck up on two minor Elites and quickly stabbed the first one in the neck and quickly took out the knife out of the dead Elite's neck and stabbed the other minor Elite through the mouth.

"Nice knife," Noble Four commented, bringing out his Kukri. "But, I've got something better."

Noble Four used his Kurki to take down a Zealot the three had countered. Purple Blood flew everywhere when the Kukri imbedded itself in chest of the Zealot.

"Nice," Hell-Spider nodded in approval with a smile, enjoying the work of art had Four had displayed.

"Thanks," Noble Four replied.

Soon, the four encountered a Scarab along the way. Four and Six cursed their luck while Peter gaped at the large vehicle. Peter heard the radio cackle, Noble One's voice reached his ears.

"Noble, you've got...situation." Noble One's voice was strained.

"Mother-we could get past this, sir!" Noble Four said with determination.

"No you can't...not without help."

"Commander, you don't have the firepower!" Noble Four argued.

Suddenly, Noble One's Pelican flew above them and fired it's minigun at the Scarab.

"I've got the mass."

Realization dawned on all three UNSC soldiers.

"Solid copy," Noble Four's voice was filled with understanding. "Hit 'em hard, boss."

Noble One's Pelican turned right around, it's right wing ablaze.

"You're on your own, Noble." The Pelican began firing its cannon at the Scarab. "Carter out."

It was at that moment that Peter had just learned the name of one of the Spartans. Something that no other UNSC soldier should know about. Maybe he was just overthinking it.

The Pelican made impact head first into the Scarab with a mighty explosion that caused the Scarab to be set ablaze with blue fire and topple over and fall down below. Seconds after, an explosion was heard from where the Scarab fell.

"Crevice to the east." Noble Four stated. "Let's go."

From there, they encountered even more Covenant troops but they were mowed down by the three. They soon found themselves at the UNSC shipyard that contained the Pillar of Autumn. After clearing wave after wave of Covie troops, the Covenant Cruiser began approaching. Two Pelicans came out from the ship. One hovered in front of Six and Hell-Spider. The hatch was open and Captain Keyes stepped out while the Marines escorting him filed out and formed a defensive perimeter. Noble Six handed Keys the package that unknowingly contained the AI Cortana.

"Good to see you, Spartan. Catherine assured me I could count on you." Captain Keyes said to the Spartan III as he examined the package.

"Not just me, sir." Noble Six replied gravely.

The Captain placed a reassuring hand on the Spartan's right arm. "They'll be remembered."

Keyes retreated back into the Pelican with the package in both hands. He held it as if it was his duty to do so. He looked up and saw the Covenant Cruiser approaching. Keyes suddenly put two fingers to his ears.

"Cruiser! Adjusting heading for the Autumn! Noble Four, I need fire on that Cruiser or we're not getting out of here! Do you copy?"

"You'll have your window, sir." Noble Four replied with conviction.

Keyes fully retreated back into the Pelican along with the four Marine escorts with him.

"Bridge, this is the Captain. We have the package. Returning to the Autumn. Over."

Peter and Hell-Spider were about to join the Captain in the Pelican, but both instantly pulled out their weapons at the sound of a Phantom. Six brought out his DMR while Hell-Spider retrieved his MA37.

"Copy that." A Marine replied over the radio.

The Phantom approaching fired eight to ten shots-Peter couldn't remember how many exactly-to the Pelican above Keys. It took extensive damage to it's left wing, causing it to drop and fall near Hell-Spider and Six. Luckily, both managed to dive out the way, escaping from death once again. Both Hell-Spider and Six got on their knees and aimed at the Phantom that was now above the Mac Cannon where Four was positioned. The gunner inside the Phantom fired a burst of rounds at the two with Noble four dodging it all but unfortunately Hell-Spider took two plasmas to his arm.

"AGGH!" He screamed in pain, feeling a burning sensation and warm liquid on his arm, causing him to fall backward. Out of the corner of his eye, Peter saw a Zealot be dropped into where Four was manning the cannon. He barely heard the Spartan aboard the Mac Cannon scream. Peter heard the sound he's come to familiarize with the cocking of a shotgun then a blast.

"Who's next?!" Hell-Spider heard Emile shout. Next thing Peter heard was a growl and the sound of an energy sword piercing through armor and flesh, producing a grunt of pain from Noble Four.

"I'm ready! How 'bout you!?" Four yelled before the sound of a knife piercing a shield and flesh reached Peter's ears.

Hell-Spider laid still on the metal floor, hissing in pain as the burning sensation on his arm wouldn't go away.

"Lieutenant, Private, get aboard! We have to get the hell out of here!" A gruff voice said from the Pelican behind Peter.

"Negative, I have the gun." Noble Six said with confidence before looking down on Hell-Spider. "Get Hell-Spider some medical attention, now!"

Peter remembered being dragged into the bay of the Pelican by two Marines. He could see the back of Captain Keyes' gray uniform. He remembered feeling intense pain when they took off the burnt armor to treat his plasma burn on his arm.

"Good luck, sir." Noble Six wished the Captain luck before spinning around to get to the Mac Cannon.

"Good luck to you, Spartan." Keyes had said in a grim tone before turning around with the package still in his hands, glowing blue. He kneeled down in front of Private First Class Parker and sighed.

"Sir?" Peter remembered asking.

"Get some rest, son. You'll need it."

"Yes...sir." Peter nodded, voice weak with exhaustion. The medic inside the Pelican started to work on the plasma burned that Peter had accumulated.

'Good luck, Noble Six.' Was Peter's final thought before passing out. The fatigue was too much. He was only human, after all.


"Hey, Corporal" The gruff voice of a dark skinned Sergeant dressed in a standard UNSC Marine armor called.

"Yes, Sergeant Johnson?" Peter replied.

"Get you and your team ready for your drop. I already told Romeo and Dutch about it, but they seemed a bit preoccupied at the moment. Spread the word, will ya? The frigate's close to your targe on the Ark. Get your ass into third gear and get prepped!"

"Yes, sir. I'll get it done."

A/N: Hey, guys. Whew, that took a long time. Tell me what you think of it. I originally got this idea from my other fanfiction Spider-Man: Semper Fi. I thought it would be interesting, you know. Don't worry, Peter's journey will be continued on Installation 04 but in a short way. I actually read Halo: The Flood so you all will see how Peter fares on the Halo ring along with some other details for those who haven't read the book.

See you next time!