Author Note: Thanks for the Review Anon. However my stories are never that one dimensional. This stories is in the infant stages and I plan to take the story on an emotional rollercoaster.

I do not own the Loud House.


Lynn Junior walked into her middle school with her head held high and her sisters right behind her when she suddenly got this terrible feeling.

The feeling of one of her records about to be broken.

And as in on cue, the school was suddenly filled with hundreds of mouths counting.

"1,209. 1,210. 1, 211"

Lynn rushed to the back of the school building, where she saw a loud crowd forming.

People were still counting.

"Hey, what's going on?" she said.

"Some new kid is about to break Lynn jr record! " said, one kid.

She turned to see a dark-skinned guy who was almost the exact copy of her, but in male sports, doing push ups on the monkey bears.

When it became clear he broke the record, he thrusted his body up and did a few push-ups that way, show off before flipping and landing on the ground.

"Easy as pie. Was that really a record?" he said, while he high-fived his comedian brother.

"Boy" suddenly, her coach said. "I've never seen somebody break that record so easily. How would you like to be the star quarterback for the football team?"

"Wait, what?" said, Lynn. "But I'm the star!"

"And you are." said, the man. "You still be the star of the girls football team. He'll be the star of the boy's team. The official team of the school."

And Lynn seethed, it wasn't her fault that she was pretty much the only girl in school who was seriously into sports, which meant any female team the school had was lacking.

She tried out for the boys team, only for the man to refuse when she wanted to play with the boys that were around 15 or soon to be 15.

It was like playing against half the team.

"Don't worry coach. I'll bring in so many trophies that you'll be blinded by it" said, Lushe, before he said. "Later Linda."

"Its LYNNN!" she said.

"Whatever, don't care, unless you can beat me, that is" he said, before walking inside.

She had no idea that this guy would blow all her undefeated in school records today.

#Scene Change#

Luan walked into her class, having prepared her best jokes when she heard laughter.

She froze and entered the room only to see a dark skinned male version of herself with a female verion of her puppet on his hand and he was surrounded by the females of the class.

"Lane, you're so funny" said, one girl.

"Why thank you, but I can be a lot brighter" his puppet said, and then his bow tie started lighting up like a Christmas tree making them all go.


"Wait a light up bow tie?" said, Luan. "I don't have that. That is surely a crowd pleaser." before she said. "Wait a minute. He stole my early morning show."

Already her day wasn't starting off great it and it was going to get worse.

#Scene Change#

Lucy sat down at her desk, writing more in her dark fiction dairy, when he came in.

A dark-skinned emo boy.

"Can I have your attention, please" said, her teacher. "Today, we have a new student. Please tell us your name"

He sighed and Lucy was stunned to see eyes transformed into hearts in many of her female classmates eyes, blushes appeared on their faces.

She could almost hear the sappy music, see the romantic background replaced behind him and his normal bored speech turning into a wink before showing a pearl white smile.

"My name is Lars Supreme." he began. "I like horror movies. Dark punk music. Doing rituals. And I can't think of anything else"

"...We'll, I think you'll be perfect to sit next to Lucy" said their teacher, pointing at the goth girl.

"Whatever" he said, sitting beside her, while a good amount of girls oogled him.

They could have been twins but only he looked to be guaranteed some romance in the future.

Life was so unfair...thought Lucy.

#Scene Change#

Lana was going through her morning garbage when she heard the sound of disgust right behind her.

She turned to find a boy who could have been twin brother but with darker skin.

"Gross, you're eating out of the thrash" said, Leif Supreme. "Unlike you, I'm actually civilised. I eat premium mulch"

He got out his bag and showed.

"Wait, you got that stuff?" said, Lana, jumping out. "I've been trying to get my hands on one of those. Let me have some" reaching out.

"We'll, you can't have it" he said, putting it of her reach. "I don't share my mulch with a girl who's content with eating anything from the thrash. Enjoy your stomach ache for the rest of the day. I saw a lunch lady throw pizza's slices that were glowing green in there"

And then he walked away and as he did so, Lana suddenly felt the parts of pizza she had eaten, come up and sucker punch her in the gut.

Not even her titan gut could save her from those pizza's slices.

She ran to the toilet while Leif just want back to class in which he snuck out from like her and eat his mulch.

#Scene Change#

Leni began to walk into her shop, only to bump into a guy who had dark skin and fabulous clothes.

"Oh, hi" said, the guy.

"Fabulous clothes" said, Loni.

"No, you have fabulous clothes" said, the guy.

And then the shop owner noticed both of them.

"Leni, I'm glad you made it" said, Ms Carmichael "Say hello, to our latest male model, Loni Supreme. No more guess the size of our ideal costumer, we can use him as a model. Isn't this great?"

Meaning Lincoln was out of a job to test her ideas.

"Are you another worker? What's you name" said, the guy.

"Leni Loud" said, Leni, before she said. "I have some really good idea; I want you to try on"

"I got some idea's of my own as well" said, Loni before producing a really impressive rolled up pictures of his fashion idea.

"Wow, great taste" said, Leni.

#Scene Change#

Lori came into work, only to bump into a literal line of costumers, that she had never seen before this early in the morning, in the corner of her eye she saw her boss with dollar signs in his eyes.

"Thank you for your purchase" said, a male upfront. "Here's your drink"

Lori walked to the front and noticed the line was made of mostly females and who everybody was cuing for was dark skinned guy who looked like her.

He gave every single girl, a calm and charming smile before sending them on their way.

However, before Lori could confront him, her boss did.

"Oh, Lori isn't this great" said, her boss. "The new guy is really doing wonders"

"The new guy?" said, Lori.

"Loki Supreme. I hired him some time ago but he starts today." he said, before laughing and saying. "Since he started working, females have been blowing in, like never before. Isn't this great? He's single and he puts his phone away while he works. I could have never imagined, that I would make as much money in the day time than after school time. But when somebody that attractive is mending such a station you expect such a thing."

Excuse me? What about me? Thought, Lori feeling the several unintentional blows to her self-esteem.

She was attractive.

"Oh, right. Lori" said, her boss, as if noticing her for the first time. "Somebody had an accident in the bathroom" handing her a mob and bucket. "Go clean it up"

And Lori frowned but took the cleaning supplies.


The moment that bell rang, Lincoln whole class surrounded them.

The questions came in like a flood gate had been released and they were right in the middle of it.

"How old are you guys?"

"Where did you come from?"

"Are you two really twins?"

"Why does one of you have white hair? Did you dye it?"

The questions just kept on coming threatening to bury them alive, through the mess, Lincoln vaguely could single out 'You look like Lincoln', 'is this a joke? Your obviously Lincoln', 'Who is the boy next to you, Lincoln?'.

Lincoln pretended like his ears didn't become miraculously sharp whenever the word "Lincoln" was thrown into the mix.

Suddenly his brother must have reached his breaking point and yelled.


The class of 20 fell quiet.

"Like we said, before. We're twins" said, Lucas. "The reason why one of us has white hair is because our dads got white hair. We recently moved here from Spain, because our dad got a better opportunity and the neighbourhood is a lot quieter. Now can you all back off, so that me and my brother can eat our lunch's in peace?"

They all backed away, the boy was taking no nonsense from anybody.

Lincoln vowed to be more like Lucas in being direct.

However, not everybody backed off.

Clyde, bless his heart, said with all the courage he can mustered. "Your Lincoln, right?" to him.

And Lincoln wanted to tell his best friend everything and say yes, he was Lincoln.


"Sorry but, my name is Logan" He said, making the boy's eyes widened. "I've never heard of Lincoln before. Do I really look like him or something?"

And Clyde looked like a puppy, Lincoln almost broke down then and there as the boy said. "...Oh"

But that didn't mean Logan Supreme couldn't be friends with him.

"But you seem like a cool guy and I don't have any friends yet" said, Lincoln. "What's your name?"

"Clyde Mcbride." said, Clyde.

"Cool name, like an action star" said, Lincoln making Clyde smile.

And then he opened his bag to have an apple, cereal bar and a cookie.

Just enough to get him to lunch.

When the bell rang for the end of break they were back in their seats, it was science and since they were new, they got partnered up with each other and just told to fill in the safety application that would take them roughly 20 minutes to complete while everybody else was having fun and doing experiments.

They both got to wear goggles though.

And then the bell rang for lunch.

Both he and his brother were out of there and heading to the place that smelled of food.

In the hall, they looked around and saw the line for hot lunches.

They entered it, new kids stuck out a sore thumb but Lincoln tried not to think about that as he got to the front of the line.

Food was placed on him and he waited for his brother before they saw their siblings and sat down next to them.

By now, Lucy and Lana had noticed him.

"...Lincoln?" said, Lana, seeing him tanned and with a different hair style and clothes, next to people she had never seen before, except for the guy who transferred into her class.

Lincoln tried his best not to turn around and meet his sister's eyes, he was too scared of what his eyes may convey if he locked onto theirs.

After all the last time he met those eyes, those eyes wanted nothing to do with him.

So he focused on the food in front of him, when suddenly he felt his pants being pulled back and something hot and wet was shoved into his underwear.

He cringed and let out a scream, the sound of Ronnie Anne laughter hunted him in his ears.

As he turned to her, his first instinct was to default into somebody who just let it go but he was tired of being the punching bag and taking it.

His brothers got up seeing this but what he did next had them laughing and cheering.

He took his hot, piping meatloaf, opened the back of her shorts and poured it right in.

Hot meat on a backside was not good.

The toughest girl in the school, let out a defining scream as hot meat dripped down from her legs.

The whole hall went silent as Ronnie Anne snatched up the nearest bottle of water she could find and poured it down her shorts.

When she came to, the whole cafeteria was looking at her before erupting into laughter.

"Good one, bro" said, Lucas.

Lincoln was shocked to see nods of approval from none other Chandler McCann and his gang.

Never before would he have thought he would see the most popular kid in school nod in approval in his directions.

Under the laughter and cheers, Lincoln felt good.

Really good.

Even if his sisters were given him a disbelieving look.

But then through the laughter and chatter he heard.


The hall went deathly silent as they all saw Wilbur Huggins, the principle, standing in the doorway.

Lincoln pride deflated immediately.

How much did the man see?

Apparently enough.

"Come to my office now" said, the man.

Lincoln got off his chair.

"And Ronnie Anne follow" said, the man.

Both of them, essentially did the walk of shame to the Principle office.

However, Lincoln noticed immediately that Ronnie Anne was offered clean pants and underwear from the lost and found while he was made to soak in what she did to him.

The moment he stood up for himself, he was made into a criminal.

We'll it was, what his treatment told him.

When Ronnie Ann appeared, they were both allowed into the principal's office, where the man asked them what really happened.

Lincolns spoke up taking a page from Lucas.

"This girl, that I have never seen before, took her lunch and dumped it into my pants" said, Lincoln, finding a voice he never thought he had. "It was unprovoked. What was I supposed to do? Just let her burn my legs while hers stayed burned free?"

Both of them looked shocked.

Shocked that he was standing up for himself.

"Ronnie Ann, is this true?" said, the Principle.

"Ur, well yes" said, Ronnie Anne.

"Detention" said, the principle and Lincoln was about to celebrate when he heard.

"And you, Mister Supreme. Could have handled this a lot better" said, the principle. "I'll need to inform your parents, in case they need to pay for a hospital bill after the check-up"

Lincoln eyes went wide.

What about her parents?

What about if he got burns, did the man expect his parents not to bill hers?

And then Lincoln thought of his old parents' reaction and knew he was on his own with them, but what about his new parents?

"Ronnie Anne, you may go" said, the principle.

Ronnie Anne left.

"Now you are going to sit here and watch me call your parents" said, the principle before dialling the number for his father and putting it on speaker phone.

#Phone conservation#

Lushe Senior picked up the phone in his new office.

"Hello?" he said.

"Hello, is this Logans Supreme's father?" said, the principle.

"Yes, who is this?" said, Lushe.

"Hi, I'm the principle." said, the principle. "We had an incident just now in the dinner hall. Your son spilled hot meatloaf down a girl's shorts"

"He did, what?" said, Lushe sitting straight up and Lincoln was cringing in the background.

But then the man asked something that surprised them both.


Stunned silence.

"Why?" said, the principle.

"I know my son" said, Lushe, stunning both of them. "He would never do such a thing unprovoked. What did the girl do, that you're not telling me about? I agree pouring hot anything down a person pants isn't the way to go but so god help me, if I find a single hair on my son out of place. And the girl hasn't received proper punishment, a bill from the hospital isn't the only thing you as a school need to worry about"

It was a downright threat of legal action and Lincoln was shocked.

The principle panicked as he realised, even though the Supremes were a large family like the Louds but unlike the Louds they actually had the money to get a lawyer involved and take the school to court.

Never had Lincoln seen a man crumble so fast.

"N-No, need to go that far, Mr Supreme" said, the principle. "I've suspended the girl for 2 days and issued a detention for your son. Our school does not encourage bullying of any kind"

"I surely hope not" said, the man on the other end. "But I'm not done. I want the girls full name and the name of her parents. If I have to take my son to the hospital, I will be billing them"

And Lincoln couldn't believe it.

But then he realised, he had poured all his frustrations he had with his original father into Lushe Senior, when creating him.

Lushe Senior was what he wished his father would be.

A father who thought without going straight to punishment.

And scene!

Review/fav and follow!