Robb Stark
Robb Stark was briefing his bannerman on his attack strategy against the Lannisters when his mother entered the room. She was escorted by two fat men, a tall powerful knight and a man that looked suspicously like a cleanshaven Rodrik Cassel.
"Mother" he greeted her cooly, while placing a kiss on her hand.
"My Lady" The bannermen bowed courteously.
"My Lords" She replied in her icy tone, turning to introduce her escorts "The two brothers here are Ser Wylis and Ser Wendel Manderly, You already know Ser Rodrik. This is my uncle Ser Brynden Tully, the Knight of the Gate."
"Ser Brynden, tales of your courageos exploits are told around the North" Robb said with a smile. He then turned to his mother, "Will the Knights of the Vale be joining us, mother?"
"Ser Brynden will be the only Knight from the Vale joining us. Lysa Arryn wants to keep the power of the Vale near her sickly son, fearing for his life."
"Did you bring the Imp, my lady" Robett Glover asked.
"I'm afraid not, good ser. My fool of a sister managed to botch everything she touches."
A shame, Robb thought. He would have been useful to get Father, Sansa and Arya back.
"Now if my lords will excuse me, I would like to speak to my son alone"
All the lords bowed down and left the hall one by one.
"You marched south." Catelyn said furiously when they were alone. Robb was astonished at the tone of her voice.
"Yes, mother. My father and sisters are held captive at King's Landing. What would you have me do?" Robb asked incredously.
"Stay at Winterfell. Any one of these bannermen could lead the army. These men aren't going to follow a boy into battle"
"Boy or not, I am a Stark of Winterfell. The blood of the First Men flows through my veins. We do not let other men do our killing." Robb was fuming at his mother. She wouldn't dare insult him especially after all the effort he put into getting his bannermen to respect him.
"Your brought the bastard as well?"
"His name is Jon" Robb said venomously.
"Your own brothers need you. Bran and Ri-"
"My brothers need their mother. I have half a mind to send you to Winterfell."
"You wouldn't dare-"
"Even if I wanted to I couldn't. This arrived for you at Winterfell." He handed her a scroll.
"Royal Seal," She murmured while opening it. Her eyes widened as she read it.
"Seven Hells."She exclaimed, "This is in Sansa's hand."
"Aye, It maybe Sansa's hand but it is the Queen's words."
"Come to King's Landing and swear fealty to Joffrey Baratheon, First Of His Name or Father dies. Who does this Joffrey think he is?" Catelyn asked shocked.
"A mummer's farce. Cersei Lannister truly rules in King's Landing now that King Robert is dead." Robb declared.
"What else?" Catelyn asked looking at the expression on Robb's face.
"There is more dire news. The Kingslayer is in the Riverlands. He defeated Ser Edmure at The Golden Tooth."
"My brother?" his mother asked weakly.
"Taken Captive. Stone Hedge was torched as well. Riverrun is currently being besieged by Ser Jaime. Lord Tytos Blackwood holds out in there with a weak garrison."
"What do we do?" His mother's age was beginning to show. She had worry lines all over her face.
"We Fight" Robb declared solemnly.
Robb reconvened the war council as soon as his mother and the newcomers were comfortable.
"We have reports that Lord Tywin is bringing another host into the riverlands around the south. It is confirmed to be larger than the Kingslayer's." Helman Tallhart announced to murmurs and mutterings in the council.
"One army or two, what of it? We will water the Riverlands with their blood." Jon Umber declared hotly. Many cheers went up.
"We must engage Lord Tywin's host on broken ground to put his knights at a disadvantage." Ser Rodrik suggested.
"NO" The Greatjon bellowed. "We must break the siege of Riverrun. Do that and the riverlords will join us."
"To do either, we must cross the river and the only crossing is at the Twins" Jon Snow pointed out, earning a hateful glare from Lady Catelyn.
"Held by Walder Frey. Your father's bannermen." Theon Greyjoy added, looking at Lady Catelyn.
"The Late Lord Frey, my father calls him" Catelyn said with contempt, "Some men take their oaths more seriously than others."
"Lord Frey has called his banners." Galbart Glover added, " Four thousand men sit within the Twins."
The bastard, Robb thought.
"Lord Walder's second son is married to a Lannister." Jon Snow said.
"What of it?" Catelyn asked venomusly at Jon, "Lord Walder's brood is married to almost every family in Westoros."
"But if we march south, we leave the North vulnerable to the Greyjoys." Jon pointed out.
"You are advising us to abandon Lord Stark, Sansa and Arya just to keep some land?" LadY Catelyn asked incredously.
"Lord Jon Umber," Robb commanded, ignoring his half-brother and mother's squabble "You will depart at once. Take an advance party of two thousand men and start beseiging the Twins. Make sure that no raven or rider leaves the Twins. Ser Wendel, you will remain in the North with another thousand men. If the Greyjoys attack, bleed them for every ounce of snow they take."
"It shall be done, my lord" Ser Wendel said.
"Everyone other than Lord Jon and Ser Wendel will depart at first light on the morrow." And with that Robb concluded the War council.
Soon only Robb and his mother remained in his chambers.
"What do you plan on doing?" She asked him.
"I'm going to split the army in two. The infantry will engage Tywin while the cavalry breaks the Siege of Riverrun."
"Robett Glover will command the infantry."
"Why Glover and not Roose Bolton? Lord Bolton is known for his cunning."
"Which is exactly why I am not giving him command. Did you notice that he did nothing in the war council except stare at me? I'd like to keep a close eye on Lord Bolton.
"What about the cavalry?"
"I will command it myself" He said solemnly.
"The Kingslayer is one of the best swordsman in the Seven kingdoms." His mother said concerned.
"For now." Robb said with a smile.
A/N: Many of you guys have been requesting me to write a plot based story so I have decided to start this new series. Shoutout to Scoob96 for giving me the idea for this series. Also If you guys have any other ideas you want me to add into the plot of the series, please feel free to drop a PM about it. Please fav and follow this fanfic if you enjoy it as much as I am.