Chapter 23: Meeting a Legend

Mount Justice

October 18, 2:30 pm EDT

Our training exercise two days ago was a success. None of us experienced the imagined world catastrophe to prove the point that there may be a day where we would lose. Only thing we may be suffering from is wounded pride at best. The LMDs performed perfectly and with the new magiktech that I've been making, they could do things that no regular LMD could do. Might prove useful in the long run.

Now we are in the Cave, in our civilian clothes, listening to Batman about yesterday's performance.

"The training exercise that all of you participated in was a success. It proved that you can function as a team with little difficulties and proven to be stronger than you were in the beginning. For that you should be proud" Batman said to all of us which makes us smile proudly or look at him stoically, like Raven "But despite your capabilities, there were some flaws that each of you displayed that have become a matter of concern"

This news shocks the team while I was curious on said flaws.

"What do you mean flaws? I thought we were awesome" Wally said with confidence

"Yea, I agree with Wally here. We didn't lose because we were imperfect. We lost because of David's LMDS" Robin concurred.

"Iron Man's LMDs were very capable yes but the only reason they won was because they knew your strengths and weaknesses. Meaning that no matter how skilled or how strong you are, if the enemy knows everything about what you can do, you are at a disadvantage." Batman explained to Robin.

"But these were machines, not people like the Light. It's doubtful that any of the bad guys would figure out who we are" Artemis reasoned

"Rule #1 in this line of work: Never underestimate you enemy. The Light is a collective of our smartest and dangerous villains that we have ever come across. Their resources are vast and they have a Endgame that none can say with complete certainty. Only time will give us that answer" Batman explained.

"What about that file that David got from his mole that revealed that the Roy we know is a clone?" M'gann asks

"It's still heavily encrypted but Friday and I were able to get ahold of a fair amount of information." I said

"Like what?" Kaldur asks me

"Well, we were able to discern their reasoning behind their actions" I said as I put up a holographic screen of the Justice League and their acts "The Light believes that the League is preventing mankind's state of evolution. That preserving the status quo, stopping crime from happening, preventing natural disasters and so forth are diminishing people's ability to adapt and become something new. So Vandal Savage, the head of this organization, brought together a group of likeminded people with a goal to accelerate human revolution."

"How quaint" Raven said sarcastically.

"So they think that the League and us are the bad guys?" Connor asks

"Yes. They view us to be mankind's true enemy and that they are the ones bringing about a better future than we could ever do. Which is why they plan on destroying the League" I responded.

"How?" Batman asks as I show images of the Starro tech

"The Light have been creating unprecedented combinations of science and magic in order to defeat the League. First, they started to create clones of certain league members, like Superman and Speedy, so that their clones can impersonate them, infiltrate the Leagues ranks and attack them from within" I explained as I see Superboy brood about this.

"As you know the cloning process is difficult and not entirely successful. Connor, for example, was viewed as imperfect for while he could emulate human communication, his emotions were raw and his powers not on par with the Man of Steel. Which is why they used the genomorphs to not only give him knowledge of the world but to keep his emotions under control. But thanks to us, Connor is not only capable of controlling his emotions but he has also been able to unlock more of his Kryptonian abilities. Connor is living proof that clones are not weapons or copies of another person, they are their own individuals and have the right to choose who they wish to be" I said proudly which made Connor feel better about himself. The team smiled as a result.

"And what about Roy or rather his clone?" Artemis asks

"The Light is using this Starro Tech to turn Red Arrow into a sleeper agent. Since he can't be around genomorphs 24/7, they needed something to place in his system so that he may infiltrate the League without even realizing." I said as I show the team and Batman the schematics of the Starro tech

"What do you mean 'without even realizing'?" Raven asks me

"I mean that may not be conscious about his actions when the Starro tech is activated. For all intents and purposes, he believes he's the good guy and the real Roy Harper. Unfortunately, we are the only ones that know this isn't the case" I explain

"Isn't there a way to save him from that kind of tech? I mean granted he isn't really Roy but he's still a person with his memories. Couldn't we, I don't know, shut it down?" Robin asks to which I display another image that looks similar to the Starro tech

"I've been developing my own variation of this brand of technology. Since Starro tech is a combination of magic and science, I decided to fight fire with fire. While I'm no expert in magic, I was able to successfully replicate the process to counteract the affects of the Starro tech. I've been calling it Starko" I said to which it makes my team groan at the name.

"Dude that's just a lame name" Wally said to me.

"Hey, it's my tech and I get to name it whatever I want so sue me. Besides I think it's an awesome name" I responded.

"If you say so" Robin said to me with uncertainty

"Does it work?" Batman asks.

"I've done a few simulations and they've shown that once the magically induced nano-tech is inside Red Arrow' system, it will be able to counteract the Starro tech and thus disable it. However, I can't say for certain until I am in close contact with him to do so." I explain

"Understood. Is there any indication on where the real Roy Harper may be located?" Batman asks as I show a Cadmus facility

"No, that information is still under heavy encryption along with whatever else the Light may be planning. But my mole inside the organization believes that he may be in a Cadmus facility. Similar to the one we found Connor in. Unfortunately, because Cadmus has many of these facilities in the US and the rest of the world, it would be tough to narrow them down. I'm having Friday use satellite imaging to see which one could've been the facility during the approximate time he was taken. It'll take a while but we'll find him." I explain to which Batman nods his head.

"Transfer a copy of your additional findings to the League. With it, we can speed up the search" Batman ordered me

"Understood" I said to him.

"Good. Because Red Arrow is a unsuspecting sleeper agent, it's highly likely that when the Starro Tech in his system is activate he's relayed information about the team, your capabilities and resources, to the Light. Which brings us back to your flaws in the training exercise. Each of you will be working with your mentors again to train so as to fix what issues you may have." Batman explained to us

"Seriously? For how long?" Wally asks the Dark Knight.

"As long as it takes until your mentor is confident that you have improved." Batman bluntly states.

"What would happen when we are needed for missions and would we still be using the Cave?" Kaldur asks

"If there is a mission that requires your attention then you will be sent otherwise you will be training. And yes, you will be using the Cave since this belongs to each of you now. Training will not diminish your team dynamic" Batman answered.

"When will we start?" I ask him.

"Tomorrow. Today you will steady yourselvs and collect your bearings. We want you at your best when this start. Understood?" Batman ask us to which we nod our heads.

"Uh I don't have a mentor" Raven said

"Zatara has offered to assist you and your abilities. He is also bringing in some help in case he is lacking somewhere" Batman reasoned to which Raven nods her head again with understanding.

"Very well. You're all dismissed" Batman said as all of us begin to leave the area. "Not you David."

My team and I stop walking as I was called to speak with Batman. My team looks at me to know what they should. I gesture to them that it's ok and that they can go without worry. They did just that with some level of reluctance. Soon enough, my team left the area, leaving me and Batman alone.

"Is there something wrong?" I ask the Caped Crusader.

"That is uncertain but I must ask you something" he said to me

"What's the question?" I ask

"Do you believe it possible that the Light may have learned of your identity and true origins of being from another world through Red Arrow?" He asks me.

"For my identity, it's possible. For my origins, well I doubt many would believe it. I didn't think you and the League would believe me when I told you." I said to him.

"Fortunately for you, we became aware of the possibility of other worlds from other universes ever since our run in with our counterparts known as the Crime Syndicate. Which also begs another question, is it possible that someone from your world might come to this one." he asks me.

I had to really think about this one. I figured that I would be the only person that the Presence would send here. Then again, he is God so he could bring someone from my world here really easy. But the question is, would he?

"I'm not sure. I came to this world after my death in my old one. While I doubt that this would happen again for someone else, I can't deny the possibility." I said to him

"I see. Let's hope that if they do come, then they are like you and not something worse." Batman said

"Prepare for the worst, hope for the best. That's what you taught me" I said to him with a smirk. Batman smirks back.

"Indeed but I also taught you and Dick to be better than me. The League already has a paranoid vigilante in its ranks. It doesn't need anymore than that" he says to me.

"Your a good man Bruce. Granted you make a lot of tough choices that are done with a streak of ruthlessness. But the way you have taken care of Dick, trained me and him and deciding to take a leap of faith on this team, proves that you are more than the heartless, pragmatic hero everyone sees. You are more than the mask you wear. You are the symbol of hope that Gotham believes you to be and I am honored to fight by your side" I said to Batman. Batman looks at bit stunned by my words but he doesn't really show it on his face.

"Thank you, David. I appreciate that" Batman said genuinely "But you must also be careful. You have made yourself a target for the Light. They will do anything to take you off the field."

"I know and that was the point" I responded

"Why would you do that?" Batman asked me with a mix of concern and outrage

"Because with the Light becoming more focused on me, then the team and the League will be able to blindside them. At least that's what I hope would happen. I've been slowing down their operations with the help of my mole so that should make it easy for us when they decide to fulfill their endgame involving the League. But we still have to be careful. These people are very adaptive as you well know" I explained to Batman

"Which is why you willingly making yourself a target is a reckless move. You could get yourself killed" Batman said to me with some concern in his voice.

"I have no intention of dying Bruce. Besides, according to my mole, the Light are at conflict on what they want to do with me. So until they make a unanimous decision, I'm safe" I responded

"Even if that is the case, you are putting yourself needlessly at risk. Didn't I tell you that I wanted you to be better than me?" Batman asks which makes me sigh in remorse.

"I know Bruce but...I am the better target. I'm the leader and face of this team. The Light know that I'm working doing everything I can to stop them. But I am not afraid of death. I've already died once, dying a second time is really nothing to me. Even if they do kill me, I've made sure the team will continue to fight with Friday by their side as well as having access to my suits should they need" I explain to Batman.

"You make it sound like you are planning to die" Batman said

"No I don't. I just like to be prepared. Since what we do is pretty dangerous and we are more likely to die because of it, I'm only planning out a contingency in case it does happen. I know you would do the same, Bruce" I said to him

"You're right, I would but..." Batman said as he puts his hand on my shoulder "in comparison to everyone else, I'm expendable David."

"What are you talking about? You're Batman, the worlds greatest detective. You are admired and respected by many in the superhero community and feared by every criminal in the world. You are not expendable" I said with a bit of outrage on how Bruce views himself.

"I never sought out to be a hero. I just wanted to remind criminals that there is someone willing to fight back against them. That people won't stand for what they are doing to their city. Every night, I would go out and look for a fight just so that my legend could grow. Every night I would go against the worst the city had to offer and every time I've cheated certain death. I know that one day I would die doing what I do. Some days, it feels as though I'm living on borrowed time and that soon it will run out. I was ok with that. Still am. Being a part of the League only increases the odds of me meeting my end. And despite that, I'm not afraid. You want to know why?" He asks me.

"Why?" I ask

"Because my life doesn't matter. I don't do this for recognition or glory. I do this because I felt that no one else would. But also because I'm addicted to it and one day it will finish me. I wear the cowl so that one day Batman won't be needed. So that people can have the courage to rise against corruption. But I know that won't happen anytime soon. Even still, no one should be like me. Stuck in the past and facing more demons than any sane person should. I've done my best to ensure that you and Dick don't become consumed by the darkness like I have. And every time I see you, I'm glad that you two have become better than me. So if and when my time comes, I will die knowing that both of you will be guardians that the world will need to step out of the shadows. Your lives matter, way more than mine does." Batman responds to me. This answer shocks me immensely

"How can you say that? You are very important Bruce. You are the leader of the League, the best fighter, tactician and strategist the world has to offer. More importantly, you are a father. A pretty good one if Dick is any indication. You matter as both Bruce Wayne and Batman. I'm just someone from another world living his second chance. A chance that I, sometimes, don't think I deserve...especially with all that blood in my hands" I say with sadness and regret as I begin to hear the echoes of people screaming and the laughter of a maniac.

Batman looks at me with a sympathetic look.

"What happened that day was not your fault" he said to me

"Yes it was. I was overconfident and failed to see what came next" I answered.

"The Joker is always unpredictable. There was no way you could've seen what was coming. Even I can't always tell what he has planned until after it happens. You are not the only person that has lost people because of him" Batman clairified for me.

"230 people died Bruce. Hard not to take that personally when I know I could've stopped it" I said to him.

"Is this why you don't sleep as much and just continue working?" Batman asks me to which I look at him with a annoyed look

"Let me guess, Friday told you?" I ask him.

"Yes I did" I hear a female voice say as a holographic projection of Friday appears next to us "I'm concerned about you. I fear that you could just shut down on us and I don't want that to happen"

"Look I get it but I'm ok. I have my friends and Artemis and M'gann to keep me from becoming a complete workaholic. Which was your advice if I'm not mistaken." I said to her

"Even still, the trauma of that day still plagues you David. I can see it in your eyes. You hide it well from everyone else but I can see that the tragedy that day affects you. I've seen you wake up in sweat some nights with a terrified look on your face. You then go work on your projects and act like it's no big deal. That is unhealthy" Friday explains to me

"She's right David. When Friday told me about your activities, I didn't think much of it. I assumed it was a coping mechanism. It's easy to forget the past when your mind is focused on something else. But from what you told me about your planning to be a target for the Light and not caring about dying again, worries me. You may have the mind of an adult but you are still a kid" Batman adds.

"You have nothing to worry about Bruce. I don't have any plans of dying just yet. I got plans I want to accomplish before my time is up" I reassured him.

"You should at least talk to someone about what happened. PTSD isn't something that can be ignored. Especially in your case" Batman said to me.

"If what happened that day really affected me, then why didn't I go attack Joker when we fought against the Injustice League? I could've easily beaten him to a bloody pulp after I was done with Adam. Why didn't I do that then?" I ask both him and Friday.

"Because you know better, David. You know that even if you did that, it would prove that the Joker would be right. That all it takes is one bad day to turn someone into someone like him. He has baited you to kill him, just like me, to prove that point. The fact that you didn't shows that you have proven him wrong. A fact that I am immensely proud of" Batman praised me which gives me some satisfaction to hear.

"Plus, you tend to think of the bigger picture. You like to see the good in people despite experiencing evil almost on a daily basis. You do your best to give hope when hope is in short supply. You have made a positive impact on the team as a leader and as a fourteen year old, that's impressive. And since you created me to help you, it's my obligation to do whatever I can to do just that even if it happens behind your back" Friday explained to me.

I then walk a few feet away from them to ponder what they are saying. Listening to both of them care about me is heartwarming. I won't lie and say that my time in Gotham was always a pleasant one. The stories behind the corruption and abysmal evil that lays within its foundations have merit. I've done my best to bring some light but the Joker killed nearly 300 people and I failed to stop it.

While the public and superhero community don't blame me for that, I still do. Though I tend not to think about it much, even made sure that M'gann didn't feel the emotional pain I occasionally feel. I didn't realize that Friday would be sonaffected by me. I guess I should be glad that she is more human than the rest of us. I soon sigh and look back at them.

"So what do you guys suggest I do?" I ask

"The best way for you to not be affected by the trauma is to talk to someone" Batman responded

"Like who?" I ask

"Maybe Black Canary? She has a bachelors in psychology" Friday suggests

"Isn't she nineteen and not a certified psychologist?" I ask

"Maybe not but she is currently doing a dual degree program to achieve her masters and doctorate at the same time to become one. Plus she is closer to your age group to understand what your feeling. She could very well help" Batman reasoned to me. I soon sigh as Batman makes a fair point.

"Very well. When will I speak to her?" I ask.

"Tomorrow. Canary will be the one training you. After your first bout of training in the day, you and her will talk in the afternoon." Batman said

"Would this continue after our training is done?" I ask

"Depends on Black Canary" Batman said to which I nodded in understanding.

"Ok. Is there anything else you want to talk about?" I ask.

"Actually, there is one other thing" Batman said as he pulls up some photos related to New York City. Which still amazes me that it exists here.

"What am I looking at?" I ask.

"There have been some sightings of a vigilante in New York for the past couple of months. Our intel suggests this individual is a metahuman with the ability to crawl on walls" Batman responded as I do a double take on what he just said.

"Did you say crawl on walls?" I ask him to which he nods as he shows my footage of someone wearing a familiar red hoodie with blue sweats, and a pair of goggles.

This person was able to take down three armed assailants in an alleyway with ease. Punch one of the guys hard enough to have him fly several feet away from him and make a dent on a trash bin. I even noticed that this person had web shooters on their wrist to trap the other assailants.

There was no mistaking it. This was Spider-Man.

"How recent is this footage?" I ask

"Several weeks ago in downtown Manhattan" Batman answered

"Footage of this has gone viral and people have been already calling him either the Wall-Cralwer or Spiderling because of the webs and the spider logo on his chest" Friday added.

"How come my team and I weren't aware of this new comer?" I asked.

"The league wanted to observe if this "Wall-Crawler" is a credible threat or someone who really wants to help. So we kept this information to ourselves until we believe in bringing him in to the fold." Batman explained.

"Ok. But why tell me now?" I ask

"I'm giving you a notice on a possible recruit for the team after we are done vetting him. When we are finished, you will be the one to talk to him and see if he's interested" Batman replies to me.

"I see. Very well. Please let me know when you do" I request to Batman to which he nods his head.

"Is there anything else?" I ask him.

"No. I will head back to the Watchtower and sift through the information you have given me. You and your team will ready yourselves for your training. Understood?" Batman asks.

"Yes sir" I stated as he goes to the Zeta tubes.



Then Batman is teleported away, leaving me and Friday alone.

"I appreciate the help Friday even though you did it behind my back. You are certainly evolving into a more sentient existence if you care for me that much" I comment to her with a smile

"I'll always care for you David. As long as I'm around, I'll make sure you and everyone else is safe" Friday said proudly.

"I'm glad. I'll head back to my room and get myself ready for tomorrow. Maybe even do some of the projects I'm working on for a bit. I need you to keep on decrypting that file our friend gave us. The more we can find, the better prepared we can be" I said to her.

"Already on it, boss" Friday responded as her hologram disappears and I go to my room.

As I enter my quarters, I go sit in my desk. The desk that is full of notes, equations and some prototype tech that I've been working on. I try to work on some of my projects but I...couldn't bring myself to do anything. All I could do is just sit down and just do nothing. Bringing up the past has really stumped me. I was doing well I'm not thinking about it but I guess I was just running away and not facing it. Never did like psychology but talking to Black Canary may be of some help.

I just sit back in my chair, close my eyes and sigh as I relax after being reminded of what happened some time ago.

Then I hear a knock on my door. I open my eyes, turn around and see M'gann at the door.

"Hey" she greeted me.

"Hey. What's up?" I ask her

"I just wanted to see if your ok. I felt that you were a bit sad" she responded to which I sigh.

"Yea I'm ok. Just thinking about some stuff" I said to her as she comes inside my room and sits down on my bed.

"Does it have to do with what you and Batman talked about when the rest of us left?" She asked. I was tempted not to answer but I don't want to lie to her so I nodded my head.

"Yea it was." I said

"You want to talk about it?" She asked

"I'm not sure where to begin" I responded.

"Start from the beginning" a familiar voice answered which made me and M'gann look to see the source.

We saw, by my door, Artemis and the rest of the team there. Each of them entering my room in the process.

"What are you guys doing here? I thought you were all in your room" I said to them.

"Well not exactly. We were in Robins room trying to hack the feed to see and hear what you and Batman were talking about. Unfortunately, Friday inputted heavy firewalls to prevent that from happening" Wally answered.

"That's because I'm the best" Friday's voice echoed in the Cave.

"What did you guys talk about?" Connor asked me.

"Well mainly about the training. How long it lasts will depend on how each of our mentors view our progress" I answered.

"Seems fair" Raven comments.

"Yea it does. And you know what that means David, it means you and me can beat Batman easily in training" Robin states with a proud and excited smile on his face

"Unfortunately, I will have a different mentor training with me" I stated which shocked everyone in the room.

"Wait what? Why?" Robin asks.

"Who will be the one training you?" Kaldur asks

"Black Canary" I responded.

"Seriously?" Wally exclaimed with shock and then mutters something in a low voice "Lucky bastard"

"Is there a reason why Black Canary would be your mentor and not Batman?" Artemis asks

"It has been brought to my attention that I've been burying the trauma that happened in Gotham and thus needs to be addressed before something bad happens. Black Canary was the prime choice" I tell them.

"Is that why Batman wanted to speak with you alone?" Raven asked

"Yes" I answered

"But I haven't felt any emotional distress from you with our link." M'gann commented.

"I made sure to block out those feelings so that you wouldn't notice. I didn't want you to worry about me and I felt I had it under control. Unfortunately, my behavior seems to have provided the opposite" I explained

"What behavior?" Robin asks

"Not sleeping for one. Granted I never really needed much sleep to begin with but now...I just don't sleep. Makes it easier to forget what the Joker did and not hear the...echoes of the past. Only time I do sleep with some measure of peace is when I'm just exhausted or after some...rigorous exercise." I said and the girls had blushes on their faces to know what I was insinuating.

"Ok yeah we know you're a playboy. Don't need to rub it in" Robin states.

"Love you too little brother" I said to him.

"We're the same age" Robin exclaims.

"But I'm smarter" I said

"Well I'm..." Robin tried to think on his answer but just couldn't "I'll get back to you on that"

"Back to the matter at hand. What else?" Wally asks me.

"Well you guys know about my origins correct?" I ask to which they nod their heads

"Well Batman wanted to know if it was possible that someone like me could come here. In this world. I told him that it was but there's no way of possibly knowing if it's true" I said to them.

"So you're saying we could have people from other worlds come here? That's just lovely" Wally commented.

"Nothing is certain. Batman asked me to keep an eye out just in case" I replied.

"Ok but let's focus on your trauma. How come you didn't talk to us about it?" M'gann asked.

"Because...What happened in Gotham was my responsibility. My mistake, my problem. All of you guys have enough on your plate as it is. This was something I figured I could handle on my own. I guess it didn't work if Friday was able to see it. Then again, I did make her extremely observant so it was only a matter of time" I explained.

"You got that right" Friday commented again through speakers.

"I swear I'm going to make her less of a diva one of these days" I commented

"So Batman thinks you need therapy to help you move on from it?" Wally asks

"Pretty much. Never thought I would need it but I'm not too proud to deny help when offered" I answered.

"How long will you be doing this therapy?" Kaldur asked

"Until Canary says otherwise. But I don't want you guys to worry about me. You guys have to focus on yourselves until we are needed as a team again. I don't know if I'll be the one leading when that happens. If that happens, Kaldur will take command and Robin will be second. Understood?" I ask everyone to which they nod their heads in reluctant agreement.

"Good. Now get yourselves ready for tomorrow. Something tells me that our trainers will be pushing us to the limit." I said to them as one by one my team leaves my room and head to theirs. Only M'gann and Artemis remain.

"You don't have to worry about me girls. I'll be fine" I reassured them

"We believe that you believe that but we want to know what it was like during that moment. We only know of the story. Not your experience behind it" Artemis said to which I give them a worried look.

"You don't want to do that. What happened that day should only be remembered by me." I tell them in hopes they won't do what I think they are going to do.

"We care about you David. You don't have to bare that pain alone. Let us in and show us what happened" M'gann pleaded.

She looks determined to do this. I look at Artemis and see that she was also determined. But I can't let them see what happened that day.

"Please don't. There are things that people should keep to themselves. Let me keep this one. One day, when I feel comfortable about it, I promise I will let both of you get a glimpse of that moment. But for now, please, let me have this one" I essentially beg them.

I can't let them feel that pain, that guilt that I carry for all this time. I won't let that happen. Both look at me and eventually nod their heads. I could even feel that M'gann was understanding of my decision with our link. Artemis was a bit difficult to know what she was feeling but I believe she also understood.

"Ok David. We'll let it be. For now. We will hold you to your promise. Understood?" Artemis asked me with a authoritarian voice. I slightly chuckle at this and nod my head.

"Wouldn't have it any other way" I said with a smile to which Artemis reciprocates.

M'gann then kisses me chastely on the lips with Artemis doing the same before both leaving my room. I am left with a smile on my face. Gladdened to know that my friends and girlfriends care about me that much. It's an amazing feeling to know that your comic book heroes are willing to stand with you even with the knowledge that their team leader is from a parallel world.

"It's nice to know that people care about you this much huh?" Friday asked as she created her holigram form in front of me.

"Yea it is nice. But it's expected really since we have become a family. A unusual family but a family all the same." I responded to her.

"That is true, which is why you shouldn't be reckless about your life. You brought this team together and have been the one making sure it stays that way. If you die, then I'm not sure this team will survive" Friday said.

"I disagree. Kaldur has great leadership skills to ensure that this team keeps doing what it's doing if I'm no longer there. Besides, I mentioned that I have no plans to die just yet. I'm just making sure that if that does happen, I leave something behind to help the team and the league with their jobs. That's all" I reasoned

"Even still, you shouldn't expect to die when you have a great team at your side. You know that they will protect you just like you will protect them. So stop thinking of death and focus on life and how to best secure it. Ok?" Friday asked me

"Yes mom" I said to her with a smile to which Friday shakes her head with a smile of her own.

"And make sure you brush your teeth before you go to bed, young man or there will be no breakfast for you in the morning" Friday said while playing along. Friday and I laugh at our own antics as a result. Eventually, we stop laughing and look at each other.

"You're a good friend Friday. One of the best I could ask for" I said to her.

"I know. You made me remember. Besides I'm more like your daughter than your friend." Friday points out.

"True but my statement still stands" I said which made Friday smile a bit more "Now go focus on your tasks. I have some things to sort out before training tomorrow."

"Got it...Dad" Friday said to me.

"It sounds weird hearing that out loud" I replied.

"A little bit. Anyway, if you need me give me a holler boss" Friday said as she disappears.

I smile when she leaves. Friday has proven to be a incredible AI. Maybe the best of her kind. I should probably consider making her a body like I'm doing with the siblings. Nearly finished with them but they will have to wait until training. Another thing that amazes me is that Spider-Man exists in this world. It's amazing. No pun intended obviously. But still who would have thought.

It's possible that he is native to this world with no relation to my own but I can't help but wonder if this could be someone from my world. Maybe someone I know, living a new life as someone they love from the comics or movies. Things are become more interesting here. Looking forward to meeting him.

After a few moments of excitement from hypothetical situations, I soon became focused on what happens tomorrow. Let's see if Canary is a good psychiatrist without even being one yet. I soon get up from my chair and pack up some stuff that are essential for me to have.

Next Day

All of us were gathered around the main hall of the Cave with each of us having our respective bags with personal items. In front of us were our respective mentors. Black Canary, Manhunter, Batman, Superman, Green Arrow, Flash, Aquaman and Zatara. Batman walks ahead of his fellow leaguers and talks to us.

"Today each of you will be undergoing the first day of training with your mentors. You will go to your respective locations to not only better yourselves but to better the team as a whole. The duration of this training will last as long as your mentor allows. If something urgent happens and the team is needed, training will be suspended until your mission is complete. Remember just because you've trained before, doesn't mean that this will be easy. It only means that you will train harder than you ever did to improve on your mistakes. Is that understood?" Batman asks us.

"Yes sir" we all say in unison.

"Good. Now let's begin" Batman said all of us walk towards our mentors and trainees respectively.

Black Canary and I soon meet up together.

"Good to see you again David" she said to me with a smile

"Same to you" I responded with a smile of my own.

"Batman informed me of the situation. Hopefully, I'm a good enough mentor for you like he was." She said to me.

"I'm sure you will. Which begs the question, where will we be training?" I ask

"I have a spot in Star City. I installed a zeta tube there so we'll get there instantly" Canary explained as she activates the Zeta tube


Black Canary-13

Iron Man B-09

We then get teleported to another location.

Star City

October 19, 12:00 pm

When me and Canary get out of the Zeta portal, I was surprised to see that we were in some kind of gym. I saw different types of weights, punching bags, a decent looking boxing ring, posters and other exercise equipment. What impressed me the most was the size of the room that contained all of this. I could clearly see that one could add more equipment in this gym if they wished.

I then look at Black Canary.

"This gym is the place you were talking about?" I ask

"I'm guessing this wasn't what you were expecting?" She asks

"I had no idea what I was expecting. But if I had to assume where we were going before coming here, then I would have thought we would head to some underground bunker that you have access to" I reasoned to her.

"I had considered that but I figured this place would best suit our needs. Plus this place has been like a second home to me for a long time" Canary said proudly as she looked at the place.

"Really? How so?" I ask

"Well when I learned I was a metahuman at a young age, I figured that I should learn how to fight. So I went to this gym here, which is owned by a friend of the family, and I learned so much from him. He's the one that made me the Black Canary and I will always be grateful to him" Canary explained to me. I could hear the admiration in her voice.

"Wow. That's amazing. If you don't mind me asking, who was this person that trained you?" I ask her

"My uncle Ted. Ted Grant" she responded and I looked at her with amazement.

"Wait a minute. You mean that the legendary boxer and former member of the JSA known as Wildcat?" I ask her.

"Yep. This is his gym. Its empty right now because the official story is that it's undergoing renovation. In reality, this will be our training area. When we finish our bouts of training, we will do our sessions of therapy in the apartment upstairs." Canary explained to me.

"Sounds reasonable but how long will we be using this gym? I doubt it would be wise to keep it closed for too long otherwise money will be lost." I reasoned to her.

"Don't worry about it kid. I've made some wise investments over the years so I'll be able to keep this gym running for a good while. It's yours for as long as you need" a older male voice responded. This voice catches us by surprised

We look around to see who said that and then saw a figure coming towards us from the shadows. This figure was tall and muscular. When this male figure walked through the sunlight, I am given a complete view of the man's appearance. He looked to be in his early fifties with white hair and brown eyes. He was at least 6 feet tall and he looked well groomed as well as remarkably fit. If he didn't have a warm expression on his face, I would've immediately thought that this guy was a thug or something.

"Uncle Ted" Canary yelled out in excitement as she ran towards him and jumped on him for an embrace. Ted Grant was able to catch her mid-air and spinned her around while both begin to laugh.

"Hahaha, it's so good to see you Dinah. You've gotten bigger since the last time I saw you" Ted said to her with a smile on his face.

"You calling me fat?" Canary asked with a bit of a glare and serious expression. Ted didn't seemed to be perturbed by it.

"Your words, not mine kid. I've warned you about eating too much of that Big Belly Burger. I know how much you love those fries" Ted replied to her with a smile. Canary then lightly punched him in the arm.

"And whose fault was it when a certain someone introduced me to that place?" Canary asked with a sly smile.

"Guilty as charged kiddo" Ted said with a chuckle to which Canary chuckled as well.

I just look at them with a smile as I witness this heartwarming family moment. Then, Canary notices my presence.

"Oh sorry, I forgot. Uncle Ted this is-" Canary tried to say but she was interrupted.

"David Stark I know. The second prince of Gotham. It's a pleasure to meet you. Dinah talks about you a lot" Ted said as he offered his hand to me. I soon shake his hand as I see Canary have a slight blush on her face.

"Oh really? I hope it was only good things" I said to him with a smile.

"Oh yeah. She loves to mention how you are one of the few people that can make her go all out in a fight. That's high praise from one of the best combatants of the League" Ted explained.

"Well, I can certainly agree that she rarely holds back when we fight. I've begun to think that she enjoys a good fight" I said to which Ted laughs.

"You have no idea kid" Ted said.

"Seriously" Canary exclaimed with some offense "Anyway, while I'm glad to see you uncle Ted, why are you here? I thought you would be out golfing or something"

"Hey, I may be pushing eighty but it doesn't mean that I enjoy golf as much as the next guy" Ted said to her to which I just do a double-take on what I just heard.

"Wait, backup. Did you just say that your eighty years old? You don't look a day past 50" I said with shock.

"Appreciate that kid. One of the perks of Zatara reversing a curse from King Inferno to change me into a cat some years ago. Now I slowly age, have enhanced senses and have nine lives, according to Zatara anyway. It can be a burden sometimes but I pass the time by helping some of you youngsters train. I ain't the worlds best boxer for nothing, you know" Ted explained to me. My mind was blown by this. I'm not sure if this was true but this information was awesome to know.

"Yea, Uncle Ted even trained Batman for a time. He's that good" Canary added which made me even more impressed by him.

"Wow, that's incredible" I said to him.

"Thanks. Which is why I am going to help Dinah train you." He said which shocks both of us.

"Wait what?" We both asked in unison

"I've heard a lot about you kid. The Iron Knight of Gotham. Trained by the Dark Knight himself. Even have some sophisticated suits of armor. You're making waves and everyone's noticing. So why not learn from one of the former JSA member along with a current JLA member? It would certainly help you out in the long run. Am I right?" Ted reasoned to which Canary and I saw merits in his argument.

"Sounds reasonable to me" Canary said.

"I agree" I added.

"Good" Ted said as he made his way towards the boxing ring "Put on your training gear and meet with me and Dinah here in five minutes"

"Ok" I said as Canary directs me to the locker room to change my clothes.

Five minutes later

I was in my training gear. Athletic muscle shirt, sweatpants and sneakers. In front of me were Ted and Dinah, wearing similar attire.

"I should warn you Mr. Grant that I've injected myself with a upgraded version of Extremis. It essentially enhances my body, making me stronger and faster than the average human. I've even given Aqualad and Superboy a bit of hard time when we spar without my armor on" I said to him.

"Call me Ted kid and thanks for the info but I've faced stronger opponents in my lifetime so I doubt your 'enhancements' would affect how I fight." Ted said confidently

"Don't take offense to this David, but Unlce Ted has taken down foes that might've given the league a hard time. So best be on your guard when fighting him. Especially, if I'm joining in the fight against you." Canary explained to me.

"So I'm facing both you of at the same time? That doesn't seem like a fair fight" I said

"Your enemies won't be fair or honorable when you are out on the field. You need to be ready for anything." Ted said.

"Your right" I said as I get into a fighting position "Ready?"

"One second" Ted said as he snapped his fingers. When he does, some glowing symbols appear around the gym. They looked like...

"Runes?" I ask.

"Yes. I had Zatara craft some strong runes around the place to prevent you from using your magic to play in your favor." Canary said to me.

I then try to do perform my magic to see if that's the case. After a few moments of trying, I couldn't do anything. A pity but not Earth-shattering for me.

"Reminds of what Kent used to do when he was Fate" Ted comments. I soon become saddened by hearing his name again

"You knew him well?" I asked Ted

"Yeah, he was a good man. A better friend. Shame I didn't get to talk him before he died" Ted said sadly inremembrance.

"I'm ashamed that I wasn't able to save him" I replied.

"Dinah told me about what happened. It wasn't your fault. I knew Kent for a long time and I know he would've done everything to protect you and your team. Even if it meant it costed him his life." Ted said to me which brightens my mood a bit. Then Ted clapped his hands to decrease the saddening mood in the atmosphere.

"Alright no more depressing talk. Let's get to training" Ted said as he got into his fighting position. He then looked to Canary. "Ready?"

"Always" She said as she got to her fighting position next to him. Ted then looked to me

"Ready kid? I'll do my best to go easy on you" Ted said to me with a smirk to which I reciprocate.

"Oh now it's on old man. I'm ready" I said as I go into my fighting position.

I looked at my two opponents with seriousness just as they looked at me with the same feeling. We then charged at each other with to begin our first bout of training. This was definitely going to be something to remember and cherish for as long as I live.

Finally got that done. Sorry for the long wait for an update guys. Been busy with other things. Doing my best to write a story that has substance and interest. I hope that this and my other stories continue to entertain you. I also hope you liked the Ted Grant introduction and David's psychological struggle that he hides.

Figured that given that David being a hero in Gotham, he has some war stories. Especially involving the worst villain imaginable. Which is what the Gotham incident is about. And as you saw, Batman holds little value to his life. Which is true in any incarnation, since he has so many enemies that it's only a matter of time before one of them kills him. I mean seriously the guy is just begging to be killed but fortunately, he cheats death every time because he's Batman.

Let me know what you thought of this chapter. Hoped you liked it. This is me signing out.