"How's my hair?" Cayde asked as he could feel his systems shutting down, the Hunter, in front of him, a kid by the name Ray had dropped his rifle and was on his knees. "Speechless. Typical." Cayde began coughing as he felt more systems die. He saw Ray's ghost Oakley in front of him trying to get a scan.

"Oh no." The poor ghost sounded on the verge of panicking. "There's nothing I can.. I'm sorry." Cayde knew it wasn't Oakley's fault. He knew his time was coming soon.

"Listen, kid. This… this ain't on you." Ray grabbed his hand and vanished his helmet, a scar ran across the hunter's left eye as tears formed for his friend. Cayde could feel his systems shut down faster and faster. "This… is what I get for… for playing nice. You tell Zavala and Ikora… the Vanguard… is the best bet... I ever… Lost." Cayde felt the rest of his systems shut down and he felt himself begin to drift and then, stop?

Ray never noticed as they appeared from the portal, how could he as they were outside time and space itself. The three individuals that walked up to the fallen Exo.

"What a waste." The first one said as he crossed his arms only to be slapped by the Ghost next to him causing him to rub his bearded cheek.

"Was that necessary Osiris?" Sagira asked the old Warlock.

"It may have been, it may not have been." This response came from the female Exo standing next to them. "We both know that he has to go."

"But who said we were going to allow it Elsie." Osiris responded as he pulled several cubes out of one of his many pouches and Elsie Bray began assembling a small piece of tech, Sagira flew through the hole and collected the fragments that made up Sundance, Cayde's ghost. Sagira flew back over, fallen Ghost with her.

"I have Sundance, what is the plan exactly?" Sagira asked before Elsie fired off the contraption she had built, reconstructing Sundance but leaving the little Ghost offline. Osiris finished tinkering with his cubes and clapped them together. Causing a duplicate of Cayde to appear along with a duplicate of Sundance's fragments. Osiris picked up the fragments before handing them to Sagira. "This is wrong on so many levels." Sagira told her guardian as she transmatted each piece of the duplicate Sundance exactly where the original was.

"I know old friend but this is how it has to be." Osiris placed the repaired Sundance on the torso of the original Cayde as he looked to Elsie. If there was a crime that could be committed against the Traveler in any way, then this would be up there next to a human joining the darkness of their own free will. Elsie pulled out a vial she had retrieved from Io, a vial of pure light. And poured it on Sundance's core. The three waited, and two grinned as they saw Sundance reactivate.

"Do you have the other items?" Elsie asked as Osiris and Sagira nodded. Osiris crouched down and pulled out a letter before folding it and putting it in Cayde's pocket. Sagira transmatted the hand Cannon she was told to retrieve. Trust appeared in Osiris's hand as he slid it into Cayde's holster before he stood up. The three looked at the exo as he lay peacefully, unaware of what was happening around him. Osiris pulled out his cubes again and Elsie pulled out another piece of technology, the two of them working together they looked at each other before Osiris hit the cubes together and a portal opened, Elsie's tech also activated as the portal changed from an icy blue to a soothing purple.

"Are you sure this is a good plan." Elsie and Osiris looked back at Sagira as she glanced between the two. "He can never come back from this."

"I know." Osiris responded. "But he can't die yet." Osiris and Elsie moved the body of Cayde 6 to the portal while Sagira moved the duplicate back over where the original was.

"Good luck hunter." Elsie said as she pushed Cayde through followed by Sundance. "You'll need it." Osiris pulled out his cubes again and rearranged them to open up another portal, which the three left through. Time loosened as Ray looked over the body of Cayde, wholly unaware that the real Cayde was far from the threat of the Darkness. And entering a new battlefield.